Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) Greatest Common Divisor (gcd). The Greatest Common Divisor (gcd ) is also known as the highest common factor (hcf ). Example: A fraction is in its lowest form ba , when gcd (a, b) = 1, i.e. the greatest common divisor is 1. Example: gcd (16, 24) = 8 as 8 is the greatest common divisor (highest common factor) of 16 and 24. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem gcd definition gcd(a,b) The positive integer, g , is the gcd (greatest common divisor) of integers a and b i.e. g = gcd (a, b) iff 1) g |a and g |b i.e. g is a common divisor of a and b 2) If h|a and h|b then h ≤ g i.e. g is the greatest common divisor. Relatively Prime If gcd (a, b) = 1 then a and b are relatively prime. i.e. a and b have no non-trivial (i.e. 6=1 or 6= −1) common factors. e.g. 4 and 9 are relatively prime. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Finding gcd(a,b) For a ≥ 0 ∧ b > 0, we have from Euclid’s Remainder Theorem (some unique q and r ): a =b∗q+r ∧ 0≤r <b Let g = gcd (a, b), then g |a and g |b and so g |a − b ∗ q tf: since r = a − b ∗ q then g |r . Show g = gcd (b, r ) Pf: 1) g |b and also g |r 2) Let h|b and h|r , Show h ≤ g . Pf: Assume h > g , then since h|b and h|r h|(b ∗ q + r ) but a = b ∗ q + r tf. h|a but then h|a and h|b and so h is a divisor of a and b greater than g , contradicting that g is the greatest divisor of a and b. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD Properties Properties of gcd 1. 2. 3. 4. gcd (a, b) = gcd (b, a mod b). gcd (a, b) = gcd (b, a) gcd (k ∗ b, b) = b gcd (a, 0) = a as a|a and a|0. Example: Find gcd (72, 15). gcd (72, 15) = gcd (15, 72 mod 15) = gcd (15, 12) = gcd (12, 3) = 3, as 3|12. GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem a*x+b*y=1 Question: Given a 5 litre jar and a 13 litre jar can we get exactly 1 litre in one of them by filling and refilling the jars from a bigger container. Can we find integers x and y such that 5 ∗ x + 13 ∗ y = 1 Solution: Let x = −5 and y = 2 to get 5 ∗ (−5) + 13 ∗ 2 = 1 Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Question: Can we find integers x and y such that 6 ∗ x + 14 ∗ y = 1 Solution: No Solution! Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem a*x+b*y=gcd(a,b) In general, we can find integers x and y such that: a ∗ x + b ∗ y = gcd (a, b) In particular, if gcd (a, b) = 1 , i.e. a and b are relatively prime, then we can find we can find integers x and y such that: a∗x +b∗y =1 An equation such as a ∗ x + b ∗ y = g is a linear Diophantine Equation. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Proof a*x+b*y=gcd(a,b) Theorem Given a, b, with b ≥ 0, show there exists x and y such that a ∗ x + b ∗ y = gcd (a, b) Proof (by induction on b) Base case: b = 0. Then a ∗ 1 + b ∗ 0 = gcd (a, b) as gcd (a, 0) = a. Induction step: (Assume true for k < b, show true for b) Since a mod b < b then there is x 0 and y 0 such b ∗ x 0 + (a mod b) ∗ y 0 = gcd (b, a mod b) but gcd (b, a mod b) = gcd (a, b) Also, a mod b = a − b ∗ (a div b) tf. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem gcd (a, b) = gcd (b, a mod b) = b ∗ x 0 + (a mod b) ∗ y 0 = b ∗ x 0 + (a − b ∗ (a div b)) ∗ y 0 = b ∗ x 0 + a ∗ y 0 − b ∗ (a div b) ∗ y ’ = a ∗ y 0 + b ∗ (x 0 − (a div b) ∗ y 0 ) = a ∗ x + b ∗ y where x = y 0 and y = (x 0 − (adivb) ∗ y 0 ) Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Alternate definition gcd Since there are integers x, y such that gcd (a, b) = a ∗ x + b ∗ y then if h|a and h|b then h|(a ∗ x + b ∗ y ) tf. h|gcd (a, b). Alternative definition of gcd(a,b) Definition g = gcd (a, b) iff 1) g |a and g |b i.e. g is a common divisor of a and b 2) If h|a and h|b then h|g i.e. any common divisor divides g . Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Construct Solution to a*x+b*y=gcd(a,b) To construct a solution of a ∗ x + b ∗ y = gcd (a, b), find gcd (a, b) via Euclid’s Algorithm; then ’reverse’ the calculation to find x and y. Example Find integers x, y such that 1147 ∗ x + 851 ∗ y = gcd (1147, 851) Using Euclid’s Remainder Theorem: 1147 = 851 ∗ 1 + 296 tf. gcd (1147, 851) = gcd (851, 296) 851 = 296 ∗ 2 + 259 Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Cont’d 296 = 259 ∗ 1 + 37 tf. gcd (1147, 851) = gcd (259, 37) { 259 = 7 ∗ 37 } tf. gcd (1147, 851) = 37 Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Find x,y Then ’reversing’ the calculation (Euclid’s Algorithm): 37 = 296 ∗ 1 − 259 ∗ 1 = 296 ∗ 1 − (851 − 296 ∗ 2) = 851 ∗ (−1) + 296 ∗ 3 = 851 ∗ (−1) + (1147 − 851 ∗ 1) ∗ 3 = 1147 ∗ 3 + 851 ∗ (−1) + 851 ∗ (−3) = 1147 ∗ 3 + 851 ∗ (−4) Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem tf. 37 = 1147 ∗ 3 + 851 ∗ (−4) Solution: 37 = 1147 ∗ x + 851 ∗ y where x = 3 and y = −4 Check by calculation: 1147 ∗ 3 − 851 ∗ 4 = 3441 − 3404 = 37 Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Exercise Exercise: Find x, y such that 1785 ∗ x + 374 ∗ y = gcd (1785, 374) Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Euclid’s Lemma Theorem Euclid’s Lemma If gcd (a, b) = 1 i.e. a and b are relatively prime and also a|(b ∗ c) then a|c Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Proof Euclid’s Lemma Proof. Since gcd (a, b) = 1 there exists x and y such that a ∗ x + b ∗ y = 1 tf. c ∗ a ∗ x + c ∗ b ∗ y = c. From assumption that a|(b ∗ c) we have a|c ∗ b ∗ y . Also a|c ∗ a ∗ x , tf. a|c. Corollary 1 If p is a prime and p|an then p|a . Corollary 2 If a ∗ b ≡n a ∗ c and a and n are relatively prime, then b ≡n c . Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Binomial Coefficient Binomial Coefficient or ’Choose r from n’ n r = = n ∗ (n − 1) ∗ · · · ∗ (n − r + 1) r! n! (n − r )!r ! By convention: 0! =1 n n tf. = 1 and =1 0 n Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) Properties n r GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem n Properties r Binomial Thm: n n n n n n−1 (x + 1) = x + x + ··· + x n−r + 0 1 r n n 1 ··· + x + x0 n−1 n p If p is prime and 0 < r < p then p| . r Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Lemma gcd(r !, p) = 1, for prime p Assume p is prime and 0 < r < p Show gcd (r !, p) = 1. Since p is prime, only divisors/factors of p are 1 and p. Assume gcd (r !, p) 6= 1 then gcd (r !, p) = p. tf. p|r ! i.e. p|r ∗ (r − 1)! Since 1 < r < p and p is prime, gcd (r , p) = 1, tf. From Euclid’s Lemma: (If gcd (a, b) = 1 and a|(b ∗ c) then a|c .) p|(r − 1)! , Similary, p|(r − 2)! as gcd (r − 1, p) = 1 Continuing, we eventually get p|1 , a contradiction. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) p| p r GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem when p is prime Show if p is prime and 0 < r < p then p| Proof: If r = 1 then p r = p tf. p| p r p r Case 1<r <p p +1) = p∗(p−1)∗···∗(p−r r ! r +1) Since p∗(p−1)∗···∗(p−r ∈Z r! p∗(p−1)∗···∗(p−r +1) i.e. = k , for some k ∈ Z, r! then r ! | p ∗ (p − 1) ∗ · · · ∗ (p − r + 1) . Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem r ! | p ∗ (p − 1) ∗ · · · ∗ (p − r + 1) and gcd (r !, p) = 1 {Euclid’s Lemma: (If gcd (a, b) = 1 and a|(b ∗ c) then a|c .)} +1) r ! | (p − 1) ∗ · · · ∗ (p − r + 1) i.e. (p−1)∗···∗(p−r = j, some j ∈ Z r ! p p +1) i.e. =p∗j hence: = p ∗ (p−1)∗···∗(p−r r! r r p and so p| . r Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Fermat’s Little Thm: The version of Fermat’s Little Theorem we prove is: Fermat’s Little Theorem For a > 0 and a prime p ap ≡p a Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem ap ≡p a Proof is by induction on a Base Case: a = 1 Clear that 1p ≡p 1 Induction Step: Assume true for a, show true for a + 1. By binomial Thm: p (a + 1) = p p p p p−1 p−r a + a + ··· + a + ··· + a+1 . 1 r p−1 Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Proof cont’d p p p Since ,... ,... are divisible by p, 1 r p−1 p i.e. p| for k ∈ {1..p − 1} . k tf. (a + 1)p ≡p ap + 0 + . . . 0 · · · + 0 + 1 i.e. (a + 1)p ≡p ap + 1 Since by induction ap ≡p a tf (a + 1)p ≡p a + 1 . Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Corollary: Fermat’s Little Thm. Corollary: Fermat’s Little Theorem For integer a > 0 and a prime, p, if p 6 |a, i.e. a is not a multiple of p, then ap−1 ≡p 1 Assume a > 0 and p is prime Show ap ≡p a iff p 6 |a ⇒ (ap−1 ≡p 1) Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Corollary: Fermat’s Little Thm. (Cont’d) LHS ⇒ RHS Given ap ≡p a , show p 6 |a ⇒ (ap−1 ≡p 1) Assume p 6 |a We have ap ≡p a tf. p|ap − a tf. p|(ap−1 − 1) ∗ a but by assumption, p 6 |a tf. p|(ap−1 − 1) i.e. (ap−1 ≡p 1) Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Corollary: Fermat’s Little Thm. (Cont’d) RHS ⇒ LHS p 6 |a ⇒ (ap−1 ≡p 1) , show ap ≡p a, for all a > 0 Case p|a tf. p|(a ∗ (ap−1 − 1)) i.e. p|(ap − a) i.e. ap ≡p a Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Corollary: Fermat’s Little Thm. (Cont’d) Case p 6 |a tf. from assumption, p|(ap−1 − 1) tf. p|(ap−1 − 1) ∗ a i.e. p|(ap − a) i.e. ap ≡p a Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Application Fermat’s Little Thm. Example: Let p = 11 and a = 3 then 310 ≡11 1 i.e. 310 mod 11 = 1. Check via the following table: k 3k mod 11 0 1 1 3 2 9 3 5 4 34 ≡11 5 ∗ 3 ≡11 4 5 1 6 3 7 9 8 5 9 4 Double Check: 310 = 59049 = 11 ∗ 5368 + 1. Also 311 ≡11 3 . Since 310 ≡11 1 then multiplying both sides by 3 we get: 311 ≡11 3. Double check: 311 = 177147 = 11 ∗ 16104 + 3. 10 1 Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Pidgeon-Hole Principle Pidgeon-Hole Principle If m items are put into n boxes and m > n, then some boxes have more than one item. Since m > n, after filling up the n boxes we have still items left which means some box has more than 1 item. e.g. In a crowd of 367 people, at least two people have the same birthday. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem When gcd(a,n)=1, ak ≡n 1 for some k ≤ n Theorem If a is relatively prime to n then there exists k > 0 such that k ≤ n and ak ≡n 1 . Proof Assume a is relatively prime to n. Consider the remainders of a, a2 , . . . , an+1 when divided by n. There are n + 1 elements in {a, a2 , . . . , an+1 } and there can be only n remainders (from 0 to n − 1). By the Pidgeon-Hole Principle, there exists i, j ∈ {1..n + 1) and i 6= j (assume i < j) such that ai and aj have the same remainder, i.e. ai ≡n aj . Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Cont’d Since i < j , j − i > 0 and j − i ≤ n (since j is at most n + 1 and i is at least 1). Since a is relatively prime to n (by Corollary 2 above: If a ∗ b ≡n a ∗ c and a and n are relatively prime, then b ≡n c .), ai−1 ≡n aj−1 . Continuing to cancel a0 s on both sides we get (since i < j), 1 ≡n aj−i i.e. ak ≡n 1 where k = j − i. Example Let a = 3 and n = 10 then 3 and 10 are relatively prime. Find a k such that 3k ≡10 1 . In this case, 34 = 81 and so 34 ≡10 1. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Finding inverse using ak ≡n 1 Finding inverse Let a ∈ Zn . If a and n are relatively prime, there exists a k such that 0 < k ≤ n and ak ≡n 1. Since ak = a ∗ ak−1 then a ∗n ak−1 ≡n 1 and so ak−1 is the inverse of a. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Least Common Multiple, lcm In the current context, read x|y as ’y is a multiple of x’ Definition l = lcm(a, b) iff (l > 0) 1. a|l and b|l i.e. l is a common multiple of of a and b 2. If a|m and b|m then l ≤ m. i.e. l is the least common multiple Alternative Definition: Definition l = lcm(a, b) iff (l > 0) 1. a|l and b|l i.e. l is a common multiple of of a and b 2. If a|m and b|m then l |m. i.e. any common multiple of a and b is a multiple of l . Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Calculating lcm(a,b) Definition lcm(x, y ) = x ∗y gcd (x, y ) Example Find lcm(54,12). gcd (54, 12) = gcd (12, 6) = 6 tf. 54 ∗ 12 12 lcm(54, 12) = = 54 ∗ = 54 ∗ 2 = 108 6 6 Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Factorisation Theorem A positive integer, n, can be factorised uniquely into powers of primes. n= ∞ Y piαi i=1 where pi is the i th prime and p1 < p2 < . . . primes = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, . . . 12250 = 21 ∗ 30 ∗ 53 ∗ 72 ∗ 110 . . . ∞ Y 1 0 3 2 = 2 ∗3 ∗5 ∗7 ∗ pi0 i=5 Exercise: Find the prime factors of 10101. Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Finding gcd and lcm Let a = Q∞ αi i=1 pi and b = Q∞ βi i=1 pi gcd (a, b) = ∞ Y then min(αi ,βi ) pi i=1 and lcm(a, b) = ∞ Y i=1 max(αi ,βi ) pi Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem Cont’d Example Find gcd(54,12) and lcm(54,12) 54 = 21 ∗ 33 and 12 = 22 ∗ 31 gcd (54, 12) = 2min(1,2) ∗ 3min(3.1) = 2∗3 = 6 Also lcm(54, 12) = 2max(1,2) ∗ 3max(3.1) = 22 ∗ 33 = 4 ∗ 27 = 108 Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) GCD/HCF Diophantine Equation a*x+b*y=1 Binomial Coefficient Fermat’s Little Theorem Lowest/Least Common Multiple Factorisation Theorem gcd and lcm using Factorisation Thm. Calculating gcd and lcm using the Factorisation Theorem is not efficient. Consider gcd (1147, 851). 851 = 23 ∗ 37 = 231 ∗ 310 ∗ 371 1147 = 31 ∗ 37 = 230 ∗ 311 ∗ 371 gcd (1147, 851) = 23min(0,1) ∗ 31min(1,0) ∗ 37min(1,1) = 37 lcm(1147, 851) = 23max(0,1) ∗ 31max(1,0) ∗ 37max(1,1) = 26381