denominator equivalent fraction equivalent ratio fraction improper fraction inequality sign mixed number numerator percent proper fraction ratio unit rate The number below the bar in a fraction symbol that represents the number of parts in the whole or set. Fractions that represent the same part of a whole or the same part of a set. Two or more ratios that represent the same comparison. (e.g., 1 : 3 = 2 : 6) Numbers used to name part of a whole or part of a set. A fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator; therefore, fraction is greater than one whole. The symbols > or < that are used to make comparisons. (e.g., 8 > 5 is read as “Eight is greater than five.” and 5 < 8 is read as “Five is less than eight.”) A number made up of a whole number and a fraction. The number above the bar in a fraction symbol. A part-to-whole ratio that compares a number or an amount to 100. e.g. 25% = 25 : 100 = 25 100 A fraction in which the denominator is greater than the numerator. A comparison of two numbers or quantities measured in the same units. (e.g., If you mix juice using 1 can of concentrate and 3 cans of water, the ratio of concentrate to water is 1 : 3, or 1 to 3.) A comparison of two quantities where the second one is described as 1 unit. For example, a unit rate might be 30 km in 1 h or 4 tomatoes for $1.