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Preserving our
Christian Heritage
in all we Publish..
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Mott Media publishes "classic" curriculum that features yesterday's values for today's child. Our materials
promote high literacy and achievement, individualized teaching, independent thinking, solid foundational
skills, and strong moral values.
Mott Media began out of an interest in teaching, a concern for the erosion of values in education, and a
desire to preserve our Christian heritage. The McGuffey Readers and other successful "textbooks" from
our nation's history, along with the companion workbooks, bring these timeless treasures to today's
students. The Sowers Series presents biographies of historical figures who exemplify Christian values.
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Lori Coeman help parents educate their children according to Biblical guidelines and God's design.
If you’re looking for classic books that have not been “dumbed down” or stripped of Christian values,
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Index on back cover
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
How To Writing Clearly - The Meaning Approach
Looking for a refreshing and easy route to good writing? You'll find it here--the meaning
approach. This common sense approach speaks clearly to writers from young teens to adults.
Read and use the insights as you see fit in your own writing. There are no boring drills and
assignments. This book contrasts with much of today's teaching on how to write, which is
ineffective and deadening to students. Here we explain the historical roots of that old system
so you can confidently move to the meaning system. A bonus chapter gives a history of how
English language came to us.
83 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-026-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-026-0
World History Made Simple - Matching History with the Bible
Sweep through all the world's history with this eye-opening trip. Read this connected and
meaningful story that shows God winning over sin. Learn why the Bible is the most
dependable tool for dating history. Teens can study this book as a survey course in world
history or plug it anywhere into their social studies. They will gain a knowledge of history past
and future, and also gain a biblical worldview to help with thinking about governments and
current issues. Adults can skip the student assignments and read through this unique
approach to history. Because it follows the Bible, it solves a number of mysteries that other
history books cannot solve.
128 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-073-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-073-4
Heart & Mind: What the Bible Says About Learning
Ruth Beechick’s book Heart & Mind offers fresh insight on what the Bible says about learning. Teaching and learning
are more effective when people are viewed with heart – with the image of God within them. All other
learning theories view man as simply a body. The body learns by seeing, hearing, and sensing in
other ways, but it is the heart that acts upon these stimuli. This book contains the most complete
research available about heart in the Bible. The Bible says the heart knows, considers, speaks,
remembers, deceives, meditates, and other functions that modernists like to attribute to the
brain. This book also reports physiological research that shows the Bible was right all along in
the way it spoke about heart. A chart in the appendix summarizes almost 1000 Bible references
to heart by meaning.
By restoring our understanding of the role of heart, Dr. Beechick is reminding educators and
parents – and especially homeschoolers – that we are not only “educating,” but truly training
up the child in the way that he or she should go – in the image of God.
183 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-173-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-173-1
"I meet teaching parents all around the country and find them to be intelligent, enthusiastic, creative
people doing a marvelous job of teaching their children. But, sad to say, most of them do not know what
a great job they are doing. Everyone thinks it goes smoothly in everyone else's house and theirs is the
only place that has problems. I'll let you in on a secret about teaching: there is no place in the world
where it rolls along smoothly without problems. Only in articles and books can that happen." Ruth
Beechick, You Can Teach Your Child Successfully
more Ruth Beechick books on the next page
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
The Three R's
• A Home Start in Reading • A Strong Start in Language • An Easy Start in Arithmetic
Three resources in one – READING, WRITING, and ARITHMETIC! Learn how to take
the mystery out of teaching the early grades with this practical, down-to-earth
guidebook from Ruth Beechick. The book is divided into three sections that are tabbed
for easy reference. The READING section tells how and when to begin phonics, and how
to develop comprehension skills. The LANGUAGE section shows how to develop written
language skills naturally, in the same way children learn oral language. The ARITHMETIC
section explains how to teach understanding of math concepts, and not just memorization
of facts.
New Format Now all in one book!
Bonus: A removable 2-sided wall chart for phonics and arithmetic.
128 pages, Paperback
For grades Kindergarten through 3rd
ISBN-10: 0-88062-074-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-074-1
You CAN Teach Your Child Successfully
This classic gives nitty-gritty help for each subject in each grade. Become an informed,
confident teacher, free from rigid textbooks. Learn how to individualize spelling; how to use
"real books" in history, reading, and other studies; how to make arithmetic meaningful; how
to avoid the grammar treadmill; how to develop advanced reading skills; and much more.
Satisfied readers say "I wish I had had this three years ago when I began homeschooling . . .
the most practical manual I've ever read on the subject . . . The simplicity of it all! I don't think
any homeschooler should be without it."
388 pages, Paperback, For grades 4th through 8th
ISBN-10: 0-940319-04-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-940319-04-2
388 pages, Hardcover, For grades 4th through 8th
ISBN-10: 0-940319-05-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-940319-05-9
Language and Thinking for Young Children
Jam-packed with wonderful language activities, this book provides parents and teachers
with a year’s course of oral language study for children who do not yet read or who are just
beginning to read. Learn how to turn everyday experiences into valuable learning
experiences. Dr. Beechick lights the spark of creativity in the parent as well as the student.
71 pages, Paperback, For grades 7th through 12th
ISBN-10: 0-88062-152-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-880621-52-6
ADAM AND HIS KIN: The Lost History of Their Lives and Times
A rare blending of the Bible account with information from sciences, archeology, ancient
traditions and other sources. Reads as easily as a story, yet teaches actual history. Narrates
from creation to Abram, encompassing the whole period usually called "prehistoric". Charts,
maps and illustrations help to give a clear picture of times and places. Gives insights into the
world before the great flood and into the rebuilding of civilization afterward. Shows the
sources of all pagan beliefs. Used as supplementary reading with the course on Genesis. A
story the whole family will enjoy.
176 pages, Paperback, For grades 4th through 8th
ISBN-10: 0-940319-07-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-940319-07-3
"Doctor Beechick is a prolific writer, driven by a need to help and
teach, and a knack for writing in plain English."
GENESIS: Finding Our Roots
Have we been brainwashed about our roots? Read evidence that the writings in Genesis
are more ancient than historians admit. Adam, Noah, and other eyewitnesses actually
wrote these records for us. This unique course, based on Genesis 1-11, integrates the
linguistic evidence and other fields of knowledge with the Bible. It clears up the fuzziness
of history before Egypt. Through literature and art it reveals startling insights about
giants, dragons, cherubim and other beings that the early people knew but we have lost
in myth. Gives true answers to age-old questions of God, man, and the world -- in order
to develop the right worldview, which leads to right thinking. Includes maps, charts,
timeline and full-color reproductions of ancient art. Six units with flexible uses for teens,
almost teens, and the rest of the family.
112 pages, Hardcover, For grades 7th through 12th
ISBN-10: 0-940319-11-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-940319-11-0
The Cabin and the Ice Palace
Fiction with a subtle message of creation and of heaven, as well as stimulating new thinking
skills. The children in this story have great fun in a winter paradise of the sub-arctic world. But
Tyrone discovers a terrible truth that the paradise is not what it seems. He must figure out
what to do and what to tell others about his knowledge of approaching disaster.
148 pages, Paperback, For grades 5th through 12th
ISBN-10: 0-940319-10-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-940319-10-3
Dr. Beechick's Homeschool Answer Book
Have you ever wished you could pick up the phone and ask Dr. Beechick your
homeschooling question? This question-and-answer format is almost like that phone
call. Editor Debbie Strayer selected the questions most asked of Dr. Beechick at
conventions and in her magazine column. She organized and indexed thoroughly so you
can find Beechick's comments on all these important topics. One chapter contains
questions on high school, which comprises Beechick's first major message to
homeschooling families of high schoolers. Find famous common sense help on every page
of this practical book.
218 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-940319-12-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-940319-12-7
The Language Wars: and Other Writings for Homeschoolers
A collection of 25 favorite homeschooling articles by Ruth Beechick. Sample topics covered
are: thinking, creativity, math, memory, ancient history, achievement testing, cures for
dyslexia, and early childhood. This supplements information given in the homeschooling
books above, rather than being repetitive.
252 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-940319-09-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-940319-09-7
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
Lee Roddy
Novels - for young readers
Twelve-year-old Josh Ladd longs to see his best friend who moved to Hawaii. On the way home from his
California school a stranger approaches Josh to ask suspicious questions. This small incident turns into
major danger when Josh and his family fly to Hawaii and the mysterious stranger follows them. The
friends are thrust into all kinds of high adventure and danger throughout the 15 book series.
about Lee Roddy
Best-selling author Lee Roddy has written 50 published novels and 15
nonfiction books with sales in the millions of copies. His credits include
Grizzly Adams, which became a prime-time television series; The Lincoln
Conspiracy, which made the New York Times best-seller list; Jesus, now a
film in more than 500 languages; and four series of character-development
novels for young adults and readers ages 8-12.
Lee Roddy is available for personal appearances as schedule permits.
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
Re-issue of 15 classic Lee Roddy Novels
The Ladd Family Adventure Series
1 Secret of the Shark Pit Josh Ladd is excited about his father's secret assignment in Hawaii. The family trip takes an unexpected twist when their
family's hotel room is burglarized and an Hawaiian treasure map is stolen. In a well-meaning effort to help recover it, Josh disobeys his father and ends up trapped with
two friends in a pit filled with sharks and no way out.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-250-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-250-9
2 The Legend of Fire Josh Ladd's father is kidnapped after Josh inadvertently video tapes a fugitive crime boss. In frantic efforts to find and rescue their
father, Josh and his sister race an erupting Hawaiian volcano while a massive lava flow threatens the building where Mr. Ladd is bound and helpless.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-251-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-251-6
3 Mystery of the Island Jungle Josh Ladd and best-friend Tank Catlett, both 12, are exploring a remote Hawaiian rain forest when they stumble
upon the wreckage of a Japanese World War II plane. A screaming stranger suddenly bursts from the jungle and chases the boys with a sword. A frightening series of
events keeps both boys in terrible jeopardy as they try to learn the story behind their strange discovery.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-252-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-252-3
4 The Dangerous Canoe Race Josh Ladd becomes an unwilling paddler when King Kong, the local bully, challenges neighbor boys to a Hawaiian
outrigger canoe race. Josh and the other boys play by the rules, but not Kong. The unexpected results involve being caught in a monstrous storm at sea, a sinking canoe,
a dramatic rescue and a lesson about the difference between winning and how you play the game.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-253-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-253-0
5 Secret of the Sunken Sub
Josh video tapes what he thinks is a diving whale off the Hawaiian island of Maui, but is actually the accidental sinking
of a highly secret Soviet robot submarine. The Soviets are desperate to find the sub before the U.S. Navy does. Josh’s confidence is betrayed by a new friend, causing
the spies to do anything to make Josh reveal where he saw the sub sink.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-254-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-254-7
6 Mystery of the Wild Surfer After an unknown teenage Hawaiian surfer saves Josh Ladd from drowning, he is surprised when two rough-looking
men chase him off so that he cannot even talk to his rescuer. When Josh persists in trying to be friends, he and his entire family are threatened. Josh’s situation becomes
more desperate when a tidal wave is expected and Josh is chased into a cane field which is set on fire.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-255-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-255-4
7 Peril at Pirate's Point Josh Ladd, his friend Tank Catlett, and his father are taken prisoners after their plane crashes offshore of a remote section of
Hawaii. The captors are emotionally unstable war veterans who run a smuggling operation and cannot let their prisoners go free. Mr. Catlett needs medical attention, so
Josh and Tank make a desperate attempt to escape while pursued by a captor who forces them toward an erupting volcano.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-256-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-256-1
8 Terror at Forbidden Falls A radical political group in Hawaii plans to drive all non-natives from the islands by threatening to set off a bomb possibly a nuclear one. They also plan to sacrifice a girl who Josh knows. He and friends join police in following clues to a sacred waterfall in a valiant effort to rescue the
girl against a deadline.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-257-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-257-8
9 Eye of the Hurricane A hurricane unexpectedly changes direction, overtaking Josh Ladd, friend Tank, and others in a remote Hawaiian swamp with
no shelter. As they struggle to survive, Josh's sister and brother take refuge miles away in a house, but are trapped and injured when the building partially collapses. Can
both parties survive the storm's fury?
ISBN-10: 0-88062-258-X ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-258-5
10 Night of the Vanishing Lights Local Hawaiians are fearful of the legendary night walkers when Josh Ladd, Tank Catlett, and a friend see
strange lights winding through the darkness toward the boys. In spite of warnings, Josh's curiosity makes him seek the truth, which leads to unexpected adventure and
grave danger for all of the boys.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-259-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-259-2
11 Case of the Dangerous Cruise Josh Ladd, his family, and friend Tank Catlett are on a fun cruise to Mexico when the boys learn that King
Kong is a passenger, and he hates them both. Besides the known jeopardy from this bully, there's unknown danger when a stranger hides something in Josh's luggage
and another passenger will do anything to find it.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-260-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-260-8
12 Panic in the Wild Waters
Alicia, a friend of Josh Ladd's sister, repeatedly takes dangerous risks in Hawaiian waters, yet is inconsiderate and
ungrateful when Josh and Tank Catlett save her life. Her recklessness continues until the boys decide not to risk their lives to save her anymore. Their resolve is tested
when waves sweep Alicia into a partially-submerged cave where almost no one survives.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-261-X ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-261-5
13 Hunted in the Alaskan Wilderness In Alaska, Josh Ladd and Tank Catlett meet Alex, a boy who is in the federal witness protection
program with his uncle. When Alex vanishes, Josh and Tank suspect a gangster called Louie. The boys find Alex in the wilderness being pursued by Louie, who then traps
all the boys between himself and a giant grizzly bear.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-262-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-262-2
14 Stranded on Terror Island After a disagreement with his friend Tank Catlett, Josh Ladd flies with wildlife officers transporting a tranquilized bear
to a remote area, but bad weather forces the plane down in a lake just as the bear wakes up. Josh and the men make it safely to an island where the angry bear
jeopardizes everyone's survival.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-263-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-263-9
15 Tracked by the Wolf Pack Josh Ladd's and Tank Catlett's snowmobile wrecks in the remote Alaskan wilderness, leaving the boys afoot in deep
snow where a pack of hungry hybrid wolf-dogs follows them. Desperately searching for shelter, they meet a native girl who's been bitten by a rabid fox and needs medical
attention. How can all survive their perilous situation?
ISBN-10: 0-88062-264-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-264-6
Learning Styles
by Lori Coeman
Learning styles information is a tool to help families create a positive learning environment. This simply means: (1) they
acknowledge that God created each child in a wonderfully unique way; (2) they understand that He gave each child a way of
learning that will help them fulfill His will for their life; (3) they recognize the different ways children learn and respond to training; (4)
they can adjust their training accordingly, and as God directs; and (5) they do not allow these differences to become an excuse for
lack of effort. By identifying ALL the various elements of a child’s learning profile, families can maximize their homeschooling
efforts. These resources can help homeschoolers design their own training program according to their educational philosophy and
the teaching approach they prefer. They let parents tailor their homeschooling accordingly in a practical, Biblical way.
Every child is unique matching your teaching style to
your child's learning style is the key
to a rewarding successful learning experience.
How to Teach So They Can Learn
A Practical Guide to Learning Styles
This practical, easy-to-understand primer on learning styles helps parents understand how their children
learn and recognize all the elements of a learning profile. The biblical basis for each element is presented
so parents can develop each child’s unique, God-given design. Get a complete picture of how each child
learns and practical tips on how to maximize learning for different types of learners. Includes a biblical
model for teaching, a simple explanation of how the brain works in learning, pointers on how to choose a
curriculum that matches the child’s learning profile, and guidelines for homeschool planning.
147 Pages Comb-bound, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-169-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-169-4
Discovery Zone
This companion to How to Teach So They Can Learn offers parents a way to systematically measure each
element of a child’s learning profile. The survey can be completed by the parent or by students 10 years and
older. Here's a practical way of assessing all aspects of learning style and getting a complete picture of how
each child learns.
17 Page Packet - 3-Hole Punched, Unbound
ISBN-10: 0-88062-170-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-170-0
Homeschooling Navigation Compass
Now available by request! A user-friendly, multiple-choice questionnaire to guide parents through the
planning process. Based on the questions presented in Navigating Through Homeschooling Waters, it points
families in the right direction when they don’t know where to begin. It helps them think through the important
questions that need to be answered in order to choose curriculum and get the most out of the homeschooling
experience. The completed pages can be used as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) required in many
12 Page Booklet, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-172-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-172-4
Navigating Through Homeschooling Waters
This “prequel” to How to Teach So They Can Learn gives parents the information needed to chart their
homeschooling course. It covers the key terms and issues parents will face in planning, particularly in more
regulated states. Learn how to develop a family purpose statement, determine a philosophy of education, set
goals and learning objectives, and decide which teaching method and homeschooling approach is best for
the family.
The most common teaching approaches and curriculum formats are compared in an easy-to-use chart.
22 Page Booklet, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-171-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-171-7
The Learning Style Kit
All four publications listed above.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-174-5
About Lori Coeman
Lori Coeman is founder of Destiny's Calling, an organization committed to helping families and
organizations fulfill God's purposes and calling. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in
communications/journalism. She has a master's degree from Wheaton College, with a dual emphasis
in communication and management research. She completed a two-year missionary internship in
Nairobi, Kenya, teaching undergraduate students from across the world at Daystar Communications,
and conducting research projects throughout the continent for churches and parachurch organizations.
She served as a graduate teaching assistant at Wheaton and as student director for the
Communications Research Department. She worked with several Christian marketing, management,
and communications consulting firms, and did free-lance writing and curriculum development before
focusing her efforts on homeschooling her teenage twins since the first grade.
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
The Sowers Series
of Famous
for ages 9 to 14
Over the years, the Sower Series
books have established their
appeal with a wide range of
readers. Even parents write in to
say how much they enjoyed the
books while reading them to their
young children.
The Sowers Series Biographies offer
children a chance to experience the
Christ-inspired pathways followed by
some heroic men and women. Their
impact on our lives and a great deal of
factual information is skillfully presented
to the child within the framework of an
interest-holding story.
Mott Media® LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
The Sowers Series Biographies
ABIGAIL ADAMS by Evelyn Witter.
TERESA OF CALCUTTA by D. Jeanene Watson.
The personal faith of America's second First Lady kept her strong in a young war-torn country.
147 pages, Paperback,
ISBN-10: 0-91513-494-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-494-6
Letters from missionaries inspired her to minister to the "poorest of the poor."
172 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-012-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-012-3
DAVID LIVINGSTONE by John Hudson Tiner.
STONEWALL JACKSON by Charles Ludwig.
One of the greatest explorers who ever lived, Livingstone's exciting exploits in Africa tell a
story of unsurpassed courage and determination.
200 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-164-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-164-9
Loved in the South, admired in the North, Stonewall Jackson was a great general, a noble
Christian and a pure man.
177 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-157-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-157-1
JOHNNY APPLESEED by David Collins.
DANIEL WEBSTER by Robert Allen.
In his knapsack he carried his Bible and as many apple seeds as could fit as he headed for
the West.
160 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-134-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-134-2
Learn about the farm boy who became lawyer, congressman, senator, and Secretary of State.
159 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-156-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-156-4
FRANCIS SCOTT KEY by David Collins.
SAMUEL F. B. MORSE by John Hudson Tiner.
Artist turned inventor, he developed the telegraph and Morse Code.
170 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-137-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-137-3
This courageous Christian penned "The Star Spangled Banner."
113 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-491-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-491-5
NOAH WEBSTER by David Collins.
A great Christian and American. He left an indelible mark upon America and upon the world
with his fight for the common man.
163 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-160-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-160-1
ISAAC NEWTON by John Hudson Tiner.
He served his fellow man and country with unselfish devotion. His dictionary speaks for itself.
146 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-158-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-158-8
JASON LEE by Charles Ludwig.
Jason loved the Northwest when he read about it, and then loved it more when he helped
open the Northwest Trail and the state of Oregon.
168 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-161-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-161-8
A devout Christian and great mathematician, Newton is remembered as the discoverer of the
law of gravity.
144 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-495-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-495-3
SUSANNA WESLEY by Charles Ludwig.
ROBERT BOYLE by John Hudson Tiner.
192 pages, Paperback
He became the best known and most respected scientist of his day. He lived a devout
Christian life, using his science to glorify God.
181 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-155-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-155-7
Devoted to her family, Susanna passed her dreams on to her famous sons, John and Charles.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-110-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-110-6
ROBERT E. LEE by Lee Roddy.
A man of impeccable character, Lee became one of the most respected men in America even in defeat.
169 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-440-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-440-3
Known as "the lady with the lamp," she worked at nursing the wounded and comforting the ill.
160 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-126-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-126-7
THE WRIGHT BROTHERS by Charles Ludwig.
They provided mankind with wings, despite disappointments and incredible hardships.
192 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-141-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-141-0
Overcoming prejudice, he became an outstanding scientist for God and country.
131 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-490-X ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-490-8
ABRAHAM LINCOLN by David Collins.
LOUIS PASTEUR by John Hudson Tiner.
This biography describes Lincoln's search for an understanding God.
150 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-493-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-493-9
Learn about his early life as the son of a tanner. Experience his years of struggle as an unknown
scientist and enjoy his triumph as one of the world's most celebrated heroes.
176 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-159-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-159-5
GEORGE WASHINGTON by Norma Cournow Camp.
America's first president patterned his life around the Bible lessons he studied daily.
169 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-425-X ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-425-0
Risking shipwreck and failure, he sought to spread the gospel by discovering new lands.
146 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-426-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-426-7
SAMUEL FRANCIS SMITH by Marguerite Fitch.
A New England pastor, he wrote the lyrics to "America: My Country 'Tis of Thee"
154 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-049-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-049-9
A child prodigy and musical genius, he was inspired by God to write "The Messiah.".
ISBN-10: 0-88062-048-X ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-048-2
186 pages, Paperback
BILLY SUNDAY by Robert Allen.
A professional baseball player, Sunday's enthusiasm for sports carried through to his religion.
160 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-125-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-125-0
JOHANNES KEPLER by John Hudson Tiner.
This giant of astronomy considered his studies to be a way of looking into God's creation.
202 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-411-X ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-411-3
MAHALIA JACKSON by Evelyn Witter.
She considered her talent a gift from God and used it to inspire audiences all over the world.
128 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-045-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-045-1
Includes all of the Sower Series Biographies.
Buy the set and save!
27 Volume Set
Order Number 22212
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The Original Complete 1836
McGuffey Reading Series
How would McGuffey teach reading if he were here today? His first concern would be that the content should
promote moral growth and excellence of mind in habits, attitudes, and literary tastes. And Bible selections would be
at the top of his reading list.
McGuffey also believed in phonics for beginning reading. Methods and timing should be adapted to the individuality
of each child. Parents should not send their dearest treasure off to school too early in life, but should proceed at the
child's own pace. This preserves the vigor of his mental action.
McGuffey believed in memorizing as a way to develop habits of attention that promote understanding and mastery
of ALL learning, even those studies which are not
McGuffey believed that an obvious result of a cultivated
mind is a wide vocabulary. And the best way to cultivate a
wide vocabulary is to learn words in their context, as in
studying the important ideas and noble thoughts presented
in the Readers.
These principles produce the education that shaped
American character, particularly in the West, for over one
hundred years. It's the kind of education the majority of
Americans want and need today.
Mott Media has Republished the 1830's Version of the
McGuffey Readers with the Original Christian Content!
About the Author:
William Holmes McGuffey (1800-1873) was a "born"
educator. Beginning by teaching his younger brothers and
sisters, William McGuffey accepted his first teaching
position at 13 in a one-room school with 48 students. After
graduating from Washington College and being
ordained as a Presbyterian minister, he taught
moral philosophy at Miami University in Oxford,
Ohio for almost ten years. It was during this period
that McGuffey wrote and compiled the Readers that
made him famous. Later McGuffey rose to the rank of
university president, serving Cincinnati College and
Ohio University. He spent the final third of his life
teaching moral philosophy at the University of Virginia.
As Right & Relevant as Ever
Learning to read the McGuffey way offers:
Phonics Foundations, Moral Growth & Rich Vocabulary
60 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-018-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-018-5
Begins with the alphabet. Moves to simple one-syllable words such as cat and fox, then on to more difficult onesyllable words such as horse and spring. Illustrated with the charming original drawings.
133 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-001-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-001-7
Begins with the alphabet. Early lessons have simple three- and four-word sentences of one line each. Progresses to
longer sentences and full paragraphs. Original illustrations throughout. Both this primer and the one above can be
used in first and second grades.
153 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-002-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-002-4
Most words are phonetically regular. A few have silent letters. The words get as hard as "would" and "stalked" and
"engaged." Includes stories of children who want to please God and who love to learn. Use in the second and third
242 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-003-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-003-1
Begins with one- and two-syllable words and progresses to more difficult words - covering about third grade through
fifth grade reading levels. Contains stories on the Bible, American history, manners, animals, courage, honesty, God,
and the love of reading.
256 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-004-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-004-8
Develops thinking skills and the richer vocabulary of grades six through eight. Contains famous authors such as
Addison, Irving, and Byron. Readings address questions such as how we know the Bible is from God; character
building topics such as work versus idleness; and topics of science and nature. This book is an education in itself and
not merely a Reader. After mastering this, the student is reading better than most high school students.
422 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-005-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-005-5
Develops advanced vocabulary and thinking skills. Introduces some of the greatest English authors - Webster,
Jefferson, Shakespeare, Johnson, Schiller and others. Students will read of Napoleon and Wilberforce, of Jesus and
the Apostle Paul. They will ponder death, good and evil, the Bible, eternity, duty, and God. Elocution helps included.
May be used at high school level, although some schools use it with good readers in junior high.
PROGRESSIVE SPELLER 142 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-000-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-000-0
by Alexander H. McGuffey (brother of William McGuffey). Called "Progressive" because it begins with basic phonics
and progresses to advanced vocabulary worthy of a graduate student. As such, it is the only spelling book you will ever
by Ruth Beechick
110 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-038-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-038-3
Please Note: This Parent-Teacher Guide has been written Expressly for Mott Media's republication of the 1830's
McGuffey Readers. For the first time ever - a comprehensive guide for using the McGuffey Readers. Includes general
helps for teaching reading and specific ideas for each lesson. Not too little, not too much, but just right.
About the Author: Ruth Beechick's first pupil was her three-year-old sister, whom she taught to read when Ruth was
only a young teenager herself. She went on to teach hundreds of people how to read, as well as to teach reading
teachers. She also has broad experience in developing curriculum materials.
McGuffey Reader Sets may be ordered with or without the Parent-Teacher Guide.
7-Volume Set, (does not include Parent-Teacher Guide)
ISBN-10: 0-88062-014-5
8-Volume Set, (includes Parent-Teacher Guide)
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-014-7
ISBN-10: 0-88062-029-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-029-1
by John II. Westerhoff III, 224 pages, Paperback ISBN-10: 0-88062-006-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-006-2
Learn about William McGuffey and the impact his readers had on the
piety, morality and education in 19th century America.
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution
Mott Media has Republished the Version of Ray's Arithmetic from the late 1870's and early 1880's!
Arithmetic teachers say:
"Rediscovering Ray's is the best thing that's happened to arithmetic in a hundred years."
"These books produce superior math students."
"Their use of story problems develops thinking right from the start."
"They are psychologically right in starting with concrete and mental arithmetic before introducing symbols."
"Using Ray's this year has definitely improved the achievement test scores in our schools.”
Ray's Arithmetics teach arithmetic in an orderly fashion, starting from rules and principles, building knowledge piece by piece,
leading pupils from simple to complex. From the very first pages, Ray's Arithmetics incorporate what has become the scourge of
today's math students - story problems. Students must READ simple sentences which pose real life problems, decide whether to
add, subtract, multiply or divide, and finally arrive at the answer - sometimes mentally - sometimes in writing.
Ray's Arithmetics students learn arithmetic, increase their reading comprehension skills, and learn to think rather than plod through
page after page of addition or subtraction problems with a one-line direction at the top of each page. A student raised on Ray's will
not even know he/she should be fearful of "story problems" because from day one every problem is posed in a sentence format.
The math books that taught American Inventors
Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell,
and many more
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
Most early work is to be done with real objects such as fruit, counting blocks, or marbles. Later it is to be done in the
head with mental images of the objects. When children are ready to think symbolically, they gradually drop their use
of objects and images and learn to compute quickly with digits. Thus the child is carefully led through three growth
states in arithmetic: 1) the manipulative stage, 2) the mental image stage, 3) the abstract stage.
Over 120 million copies were sold in American education's golden age. Many millions of children used these
Arithmetic books in the generations that produced the great inventors of the industrial revolution. Now it's your turn.
96 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-13: 0-88062-051-X ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-051-2
This book introduces the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, along with counting and other
basic skills. It can be used to guide your teaching for about two years - through grades 1 and 2. It goes farther than the average
second grade course, but with Ray's mental system many second graders are able to do this work.
144 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-052-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-052-9
Extends work in the four operations to higher numbers and begins fractions, measurements, ratio and percentage. Can be used
with many children through grades 3 and 4.
336 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-053-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-053-6
Reviews basic arithmetic skills and carries them to high levels. Also covers topics of measurement, factoring, decimals,
percentage, ratio, proportion, powers, roots, and geometry. For grades 5 and 6. Good mastery of this book takes a child higher
than a usual grade 6 level.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-054-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-054-3
Contains answers for problems in these elementary level books: Primary, Intellectual, and Practical Arithmetic.
224 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-057-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-057-4
A book of problems on topics in Intellectual, Practical, and Higher Arithmetic. Teachers may draw upon these for preparing tests.
416 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-055-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-055-0
Includes philosophical understandings; principles and properties of numbers; and advanced study of common and decimal
fractions, measurements, ratio, proportion, percentage, powers and roots, series, business math, and geometry. Has
challenging work for advanced students and basic work for slower students. Can be used for grades 7 and 8, as well as for high
224 pages, Hardcover
Contains answers for problems in Higher Arithmetic.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-056-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-056-7
by Ruth Beechick
186 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-072-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-072-7
Guides scheduling and planning of lessons for the Ray’s texts. Shows where to adapt to the needs of slower or advanced
students, making selective use of basic portions that are important for all students and higher-level portions that challenge the
best students. Provides a test for each unit. Describes games and activities which add variety to teaching and learning.
Please Note: This Parent-Teacher Guide has been written EXPRESSLY for Mott Media's republication of Ray's Arithmetic books.
ISBN-10: 0-88062-050-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-050-5
Includes the following hardbound books:
Primary Arithmetic, Intellectual Arithmetic, Practical Arithmetic, Key to Ray's New Arithmetic, Test Examples in Arithmetic,
Higher Arithmetic, Key to Ray's New Higher Arithmetic, Parent-Teacher Guide for Ray's New Arithmetic
To the two English Grammar volumes written by the 19th century educator Thomas W. Harvey, we have
added keys which contain the answers to both volumes. These compact volumes cannot be matched for
the thoroughness with which they treat every aspect of English grammar.
Elementary Grammar and Composition
This textbook can be used in grades 4 to 6. A language study done in three parts with composition woven
throughout, this text begins with words, moves to simple sentences and later to complex sentences, easing
the child into grammar along the way. The eight parts of speech are studied as well as punctuation.
121 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-041-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-041-3
Elementary Grammar and Composition - Teacher’s Answer Key
Contains answers to the exercises from Harvey's Elementary Grammar and Composition shown above
30 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-153-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-153-3
Revised English Grammar
This grammar is recommended for use in the 7th and 8th grades, as well as in high school. It is a
comprehensive grammar in the classic sense, including four parts. Orthography: the study of letters,
syllables, sounds and spelling that make up English words. Etymology: the study of
words classified into parts of speech. Each part of speech is further studied according
to classes, number, tense, mode, and other attributes which affect it as variously used
in sentences. Syntax: the study of sentences, their elements, relations of parts, and
so forth. It also includes the study of punctuation. Prosody: the study of accent,
quality, and tone of language, as well as rhythms and measures as used in poetry. A
more complete treatment of this topic than can be found in virtually all modern
grammar books. When your students have studied such a comprehensive grammar,
they can continue to use it for reference, checking on rules and definitions for a
218 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-042-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-042-0
Revised English Grammar - Teacher's Answer Key
Contains answers to the exercises from Harvey's English Grammar as shown above.
48 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-154-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-154-0
In the mid-1800's, the Spencerian form of penmanship became a standard. An elegant handwriting was
much prized. Today, in our computer age, a fine, beautiful, and legible handwriting brings a warm personal
touch to our correspondence. These books, 5 copybooks and a theory book (available separately or as a
set), may be used to introduce cursive writing to second or third graders or to improve the handwriting of
older students or adults.
Theory of Spencerian Penmanship
By Platt R. Spencer. This book explains how all the letters can be made gracefully and rapidly using
various combinations of a few basic pen strokes. It explains Spencer's philosophy of teaching principles
which engage the mind as well as the hand. It also details his methods for teaching classes of children.
One of these is having the children write rhythmically, in concert, as the teacher counts. The power of this
method is being rediscovered today.
Theory book, 64 Pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-082-X ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-082-6
Theory book plus five copybooks
ISBN-10: 0-88062-096-X ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-096-3
The five copybooks listed below make a complete course in elementary school handwriting. They can be
used in any of the grades. Book 1 Introduces all the short letters. Only four strokes, or principles, as
Spencer called them, are needed to produce these letters. Book 2: Adds some of the tall letters - t and d and the numerals 1-9. Book 3: Completes the lower case alphabet and introduces most of the capitals.
Book 4: Completes the capital alphabet and provides practice on all the letters as they appear in words.
Book 5: Presents sentences and sayings for writing
practice. Examples: Kind words can never die.
Promise little and do much.
Copy Books 1 through 5
24 pages paperback
Book 1 – ISBN-10: 0-88062-083-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-083-3
Book 2 – ISBN-10: 0-88062-084-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-084-0
Book 3 – ISBN-10: 0-88062-085-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-085-7
Book 4 – ISBN-10: 0-88062-086-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-086-4
Book 5 – ISBN-10: 0-88062-087-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-087-1
Set of 5 copybooks
ISBN-10: 0-88062-095-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-095-6
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
Written Expressly for Mott Media's republication of
Ray's Arithmetic, McGuffey's Readers & Harvey’s Grammar
We are proud to offer a complete line of workbooks for grades 1-4 written by Dr. Rudy Moore expressly for
use with the textbooks described in this web site. Available for Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, four
booklets per grade per subject, they provide clear daily lessons, regular reviews, quizzes, and a pull out
section containing a comprehensive test of mastery for that workbook as well as answers for all
assignments, quizzes and tests.
Except for a few of the grade 1 workbooks which teach "beginning basics," each workbook is keyed to
particular Classic Curriculum textbooks; Ray’s Arithmetic, McGuffey’s Readers, or Harvey’s Grammar. As
a child proceeds through the workbooks he/she is referred to the appropriate readings, lessons or
exercises in the various texts. While some parents and teachers prefer to personally shepherd the
progress of their students through the textbooks, many prefer the guidance offered by our workbooks.
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
Writing Series Workbooks
Series 1
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-216-4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-217-2
ISBN-10: 0-88062-218-0
ISBN-10: 0-88062-219-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-216-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-217-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-218-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-219-6
Series 2
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-220-2
ISBN-10: 0-88062-221-0
ISBN-10: 0-88062-222-9
ISBN-10: 0-88062-223-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-220-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-221-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-222-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-223-3
Series 3
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-224-5
ISBN-10: 0-88062-225-3
ISBN-10: 0-88062-226-1
ISBN-10: 0-88062-227-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-224-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-225-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-226-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-227-1
Series 4
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-228-8
ISBN-10: 0-88062-229-6
ISBN-10: 0-88062-230-X
ISBN-10: 0-88062-231-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-228-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-229-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-230-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-231-8
Arithmetic Workbook Series
Series 1
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-232-6
ISBN-10: 0-88062-233-4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-234-2
ISBN-10: 0-88062-235-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-232-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-233-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-234-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-235-6
Series 2
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-236-9
ISBN-10: 0-88062-237-7
ISBN-10: 0-88062-238-5
ISBN-10: 0-88062-239-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-236-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-237-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-238-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-239-4
Series 3
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-240-7
ISBN-10: 0-88062-241-5
ISBN-10: 0-88062-242-3
ISBN-10: 0-88062-243-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-240-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-241-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-242-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-243-1
Series 4
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-244-X
ISBN-10: 0-88062-245-8
ISBN-10: 0-88062-246-6
ISBN-10: 0-88062-247-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-244-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-245-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-246-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-247-9
Reading Workbook Series
Series 1
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-200-8
ISBN-10: 0-88062-201-6
ISBN-10: 0-88062-202-4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-203-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-200-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-201-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-202-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-203-5
Series 2
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-204-0
ISBN-10: 0-88062-205-9
ISBN-10: 0-88062-206-7
ISBN-10: 0-88062-207-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-204-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-205-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-206-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-207-3
Series 3
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-208-3
ISBN-10: 0-88062-209-1
ISBN-10: 0-88062-210-5
ISBN-10: 0-88062-211-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-208-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-209-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-210-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-211-0
Series 4
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-212-1
ISBN-10: 0-88062-213-X
ISBN-10: 0-88062-214-8
ISBN-10: 0-88062-215-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-212-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-213-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-214-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-215-8
Phonics, Spelling & More
The ABC's and all Their Tricks
by Margaret Bishop
352 pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-88062-149-4
ISBN-10: 0-88062-140-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-149-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-140-3
The phonics book for teachers. Comprehensive information is given here for
every spelling of every sound. For each spelling you will find rules which govern
it, exceptions to the rules, sample words to use for teaching the sound or
spelling, etymological information, and more. Each sound is keyed to the
Phonics Made Plain cards and chart. The Appendix also contains an excellent
article concerning reading problems of the older student or adult.
Phonics In Song
by Leon V. Metcalf
76 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-146-X ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-146-5
Delightful, catchy melodies teach each letter of the alphabet and the most
important digraphs--ch, sh, th, and wh.
To be used with the Sing Along Cassette Tape listed below.
Phonics in Song
Cassette Tape
ISBN-10: 0-88062-166-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-166-3
Phonics Made Plain
by Michael S. Brunner
ISBN-10: 0-88062-148-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-148-9
This set consists of flash-cards and a wall chart for classroom use. On one
side of each card is a phonogram to display to your class and on the reverse
side is teaching information for you. The correlated wall chart does indeed
make phonics plain, as you see everything organized into ten manageable
groups. You CAN teach them. Your children CAN learn. Instructions are
included. Additional examples and explanations can be found in the excellent
reference work, ABC's and All Their Tricks (keyed to Phonics Made Plain).
Mrs. Silver's Phonics Workbook 1
by Claudine Silver
180 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-131-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-131-1
When used before and along with the McGuffey Primers, this workbook is for
beginners who need to learn about consonant and short vowel sounds.
Excellent vocabulary study. (For maximum benefit, use with the Teacher's
Mrs. Silver's Phonics Workbook 1 - Teacher's Edition
80 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-133-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-133-5
Be sure to order this with the workbook, as it contains complete instructions
for using the workbook and a multitude of additional activities to enrich the
A Measuring Scale For Ability In Spelling
by Leonard P. Ayres
64 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-039-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-039-0
An old classic, now republished. One thousand frequently used words are
arranged according to grade levels so that you can test any pupil and
determine his or her level of spelling. You may also use the lists for weekly
spelling. Pupils who can spell the thousand most common words are ready for
most of the writing they need to do.
LLC • Christian Publishing & Distribution • 1-800-421-6645 •
Kindergarten Manual
22 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-168-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-168-7
Here's a Kindergarten Manual that will help you get the most out of the
Classic Curriculum kindergarten materials (Mrs. Slivers Phonics Workbook 1
and Teacher’s Edition, Ruth Beechick’s Language & Thinking for Young Children,
and The Classic Curriculum Arithmetic Workbook Series 1 Book 1) by providing
daily lesson plans for the whole year. Kindergarten materials sold separately
Home School Forms Package
ISBN-10: 0-88062-167-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-167-0
It is imperative to keep accurate records of your home school experience.
This record keeping will serve not only as a reminder of accomplishments
throughout the year, but also to verify lessons completed. Our forms are
simple in format and easy to use. They allow for flexibility so you can be as
detailed as you wish. The contents include: 10 Book Report Forms, 10 Written
Work Evaluation Forms, 10 Oral Report Forms, 18 Assignment Forms (printed 2
sides to permit 36 weeks of assignment records), 2 Cumulative Grade Record
Cards, and 13 Excellent Slips to reward your student for work well done.
The Reconstruction of the Republic
by Harold O. Brown
Pages 234, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-91513-486-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-91513-486-1
Originally written for the nation's bicentennial, this updated version focuses
on the political traditions of this nation and how it has strayed from the
original intentions of the founding fathers. The goal is to help readers
understand the problems, threats, challenges, and opportunities before us.
It examines the role of government, government and Christianity, ethics,
and the responsibilities of citizens.
Four Trojan Horses of Humanism
by Harry Conn
Pages: 143, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-009-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-88620-09-3
Humanism is the most dangerous religion ever foisted upon mankind. It
subtly attacks the very heart, mind and soul of people of all ages. Christians
need to protect their children--our Christian leaders of tomorrow--from the
corrupting influences of this deadly philosophy. A “must read” for equipping
parents and students alike.
Under God - History & Government
by William C. Hendricks
245 pages, Paperback
ISBN-10: 0-88062-144-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-144-1
Under God Teacher's Resource Booklet, 81/2 x11, 3 hole punch
ISBN-10: 0-88062-145-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-88062-145-8
The goal of Under God is to develop effective citizens within the framework of
the Christian faith and Christian principles. To help students attain this goal,
Under God includes sound ideas about the foundations of constitutional
government and the historical background of United States government.
Under God is well suited for an 8th or 9th grade civics/government course;
however, the text is also suitable for high school students and the activities
suggested can be pursued in a more in-depth manner. It is absolutely essential
that we teach our children the Christian roots of our country.
To assist the teacher or homeschool parent to maximize the effectiveness of this textbook we also offer the
Teacher's Resource Booklet. It includes pertinent teaching suggestions, answer keys for the questions
which appear in the textbook, and unit tests (with answers) to help evaluate the student's understanding of
the material. We trust these materials will help Christian students realize their potential for effective
citizenship under God.
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Mott Media®, L.L.C. was established in 1973.
Mott Media distributes Christian Educational Books
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Mott Media is privately owned and operated.
Education in the Shadow
of the Cross
This inspired concept of
Christian school, Church and
Nation — One and Inseparable
is reproduced in full color from
an original oil painting — yours
to frame and treasure! Hung on
the wall of your classroom or
home, this print will proclaim
your God-centered philosophy
of education.
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with Mott Media Books
There Are No Surprises
17" x 22" Canvas
17" x 22" Heavy bond #070431
8 ½" x 11" Heavy bond #070432
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About Mott Media
Ruth Beechick Books
The Ladd Family Adventure Series, by Lee Roddy
Learning Styles, by Lori Coeman
The Sower Series Biographies
McGuffy Readers
Ray’s Arithmetic
Harvey’s Grammar
Spencerian Penmanship
Classic Curriculum Workbooks
Phonics, Spelling & More
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