Introduction History A case study Conclusion The original text of my slides is in black. I have added some comments, corrections and clarifications based on the (very interesting) discussion which followed my talk. This extra material is in red. 1 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Cardinal arithmetic and set-theoretic methodology James Cummings CMU 17 October 2010 2 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some notable results in cardinal arithmetic (broadly construed) from the last 25 years or so: 3 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some notable results in cardinal arithmetic (broadly construed) from the last 25 years or so: (Shelah) If A is a progressive interval of regular cardinals then |pcf (A)| 6 |A|+3 . 3 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some notable results in cardinal arithmetic (broadly construed) from the last 25 years or so: (Shelah) If A is a progressive interval of regular cardinals then |pcf (A)| 6 |A|+3 . (Gitik) The consistency strength of the failure of the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis is exactly o(κ) = κ++ . 3 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some notable results in cardinal arithmetic (broadly construed) from the last 25 years or so: (Shelah) If A is a progressive interval of regular cardinals then |pcf (A)| 6 |A|+3 . (Gitik) The consistency strength of the failure of the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis is exactly o(κ) = κ++ . (Harrington-Kechris-Louveau) A Borel equivalence relation on a Polish space is either smooth or continuously embeds E0 . 3 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some notable results in cardinal arithmetic (broadly construed) from the last 25 years or so: (Shelah) If A is a progressive interval of regular cardinals then |pcf (A)| 6 |A|+3 . (Gitik) The consistency strength of the failure of the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis is exactly o(κ) = κ++ . (Harrington-Kechris-Louveau) A Borel equivalence relation on a Polish space is either smooth or continuously embeds E0 . (Viale) The Proper Forcing Axiom implies the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis. 3 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some notable results in cardinal arithmetic (broadly construed) from the last 25 years or so: (Shelah) If A is a progressive interval of regular cardinals then |pcf (A)| 6 |A|+3 . (Gitik) The consistency strength of the failure of the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis is exactly o(κ) = κ++ . (Harrington-Kechris-Louveau) A Borel equivalence relation on a Polish space is either smooth or continuously embeds E0 . (Viale) The Proper Forcing Axiom implies the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis. (Woodin) If the Ω-conjecture holds and the theory of H(ω2 ) is finitely axiomatised over ZFC in Ω-logic then CH fails. 3 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Things we might notice about these results: 4 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Things we might notice about these results: 1 Logic plays a prominent role. Gitik’s result is a theorem about theories, Viale’s result involves a new axiom, Woodin’s result involves a new logic. 4 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Things we might notice about these results: 1 Logic plays a prominent role. Gitik’s result is a theorem about theories, Viale’s result involves a new axiom, Woodin’s result involves a new logic. 2 Many of them involve concepts (cardinals of high Mitchell order, proper forcing posets, cofinalities of ultraproducts) which are historically quite recent and not obviously related to cardinal arithmetic. 4 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Things we might notice about these results: 1 Logic plays a prominent role. Gitik’s result is a theorem about theories, Viale’s result involves a new axiom, Woodin’s result involves a new logic. 2 Many of them involve concepts (cardinals of high Mitchell order, proper forcing posets, cofinalities of ultraproducts) which are historically quite recent and not obviously related to cardinal arithmetic. 3 Shelah’s result is the most “classical”, in the sense that it is a combinatorial theorem proved in ZFC. However neither the hypotheses nor the conclusion explicitly mention cardinal arithmetic. 4 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Things we might notice about these results: 1 Logic plays a prominent role. Gitik’s result is a theorem about theories, Viale’s result involves a new axiom, Woodin’s result involves a new logic. 2 Many of them involve concepts (cardinals of high Mitchell order, proper forcing posets, cofinalities of ultraproducts) which are historically quite recent and not obviously related to cardinal arithmetic. 3 Shelah’s result is the most “classical”, in the sense that it is a combinatorial theorem proved in ZFC. However neither the hypotheses nor the conclusion explicitly mention cardinal arithmetic. 4 The Harrington-Kechris-Louveau theorem is about “effective cardinal arithmetic”, and involves subtle distinctions between sets of size 2ℵ0 . 4 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Roughly a century has passed since Hausdorff (1908) enunciated the Generalised Continuum Hypothesis and introduced weakly inaccessible cardinals. Rather arbitrarily I’ll take 1908 as the start of the modern era in cardinal arithmetic. 5 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Roughly a century has passed since Hausdorff (1908) enunciated the Generalised Continuum Hypothesis and introduced weakly inaccessible cardinals. Rather arbitrarily I’ll take 1908 as the start of the modern era in cardinal arithmetic. During the modern era there have been radical transformations in our conception of the objects and methods in this area. This poses (or at least it should pose) a challenge for the philosophy of set theory. 5 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion A piece of received wisdom: Since cardinal addition and multiplication is trivial, the only interesting thing in cardinal arithmetic is exponentiation. 6 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion A piece of received wisdom: Since cardinal addition and multiplication is trivial, the only interesting thing in cardinal arithmetic is exponentiation. “We think the real problems are on pcf, whereas cardinal arithmetic problems are “artificial” remnants of them which the “noise” of 2λ (λ regular) does not drown. So the real problem is 0 “can |pcf (a)| > |a|?” while the “artificial remnant” is “can ℵℵ ω ℵ be > ℵω1 + 2 0 ?” Saharon Shelah, from the Introduction to “Cardinal arithmetic” 6 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some natural questions: 7 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some natural questions: 1 How did we get here? 7 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some natural questions: 1 How did we get here? 2 What has become of “cardinal arithmetic” as a subject? Has it just disintegrated? 7 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Some natural questions: 1 How did we get here? 2 What has become of “cardinal arithmetic” as a subject? Has it just disintegrated? 3 Using cardinal arithmetic as a case study, can we draw any conclusions about the philosophy of set theory? 7 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion In the rest of this talk I will: 8 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion In the rest of this talk I will: Discuss the history of cardinal arithmetic. 8 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion In the rest of this talk I will: Discuss the history of cardinal arithmetic. Look in some detail at a modern result. 8 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion In the rest of this talk I will: Discuss the history of cardinal arithmetic. Look in some detail at a modern result. Suggest some challenges for philosophers of set theory. 8 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion “What is discussed is the tendency in many historians . . . to praise revolutions provided they have been successful, to emphasize certain principles of progress in the past and to produce a story which is the ratification if not the glorification of the present.” Herbert Butterfield, from the Preface to The Whig Interpretation of History (1931) What follows is an extremely incomplete, biased and Whiggish list of some important results in cardinal arithmetic between about 1908 and 1980. The main intent is to provide some historical background for the result by Shelah discussed in Section Three, “A case study”. The dates given are dates of publication, which in many cases do not accurately reflect when the work was done. 9 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. Ulam (1930): Measurable cardinals. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. Ulam (1930): Measurable cardinals. Gödel (1931): Incompleteness theorem. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. Ulam (1930): Measurable cardinals. Gödel (1931): Incompleteness theorem. Gödel (1940): The constructible universe: relative consistency of AC, GCH. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. Ulam (1930): Measurable cardinals. Gödel (1931): Incompleteness theorem. Gödel (1940): The constructible universe: relative consistency of AC, GCH. Gale and Stewart (1953): Open determinacy. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. Ulam (1930): Measurable cardinals. Gödel (1931): Incompleteness theorem. Gödel (1940): The constructible universe: relative consistency of AC, GCH. Gale and Stewart (1953): Open determinacy. Hajnal, Lévy (1956, 1957) Relative constructibility. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. Ulam (1930): Measurable cardinals. Gödel (1931): Incompleteness theorem. Gödel (1940): The constructible universe: relative consistency of AC, GCH. Gale and Stewart (1953): Open determinacy. Hajnal, Lévy (1956, 1957) Relative constructibility. Scott(1961): Ultrapowers of V: GCH does not fail first at a measurable cardinal. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. Ulam (1930): Measurable cardinals. Gödel (1931): Incompleteness theorem. Gödel (1940): The constructible universe: relative consistency of AC, GCH. Gale and Stewart (1953): Open determinacy. Hajnal, Lévy (1956, 1957) Relative constructibility. Scott(1961): Ultrapowers of V: GCH does not fail first at a measurable cardinal. Cohen (1963): Forcing: independence of AC, GCH. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Hausdorff (1908): Formulation of GCH, inaccessible cardinals. Ulam (1930): Measurable cardinals. Gödel (1931): Incompleteness theorem. Gödel (1940): The constructible universe: relative consistency of AC, GCH. Gale and Stewart (1953): Open determinacy. Hajnal, Lévy (1956, 1957) Relative constructibility. Scott(1961): Ultrapowers of V: GCH does not fail first at a measurable cardinal. Cohen (1963): Forcing: independence of AC, GCH. Easton(1970): The continuum function can behave with complete freedom on regular cardinals: essentially the only constraints are κ < λ =⇒ 2κ 6 2λ and cf (2κ ) > κ. 10 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Kunen (1970): L[µ], iterated ultrapowers. 11 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Kunen (1970): L[µ], iterated ultrapowers. Martin (1971): Sharps imply analytic determinacy. 11 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Kunen (1970): L[µ], iterated ultrapowers. Martin (1971): Sharps imply analytic determinacy. Prikry, Silver (197?) The Singular Cardinals Hypothesis (SCH) can fail from large cardinals. 11 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Kunen (1970): L[µ], iterated ultrapowers. Martin (1971): Sharps imply analytic determinacy. Prikry, Silver (197?) The Singular Cardinals Hypothesis (SCH) can fail from large cardinals. Solovay(1971): The SCH holds above a strongly compact cardinal. 11 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Kunen (1970): L[µ], iterated ultrapowers. Martin (1971): Sharps imply analytic determinacy. Prikry, Silver (197?) The Singular Cardinals Hypothesis (SCH) can fail from large cardinals. Solovay(1971): The SCH holds above a strongly compact cardinal. Silver (1974): The SCH does not first fail at a singular cardinal of uncountable cofinality. 11 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Kunen (1970): L[µ], iterated ultrapowers. Martin (1971): Sharps imply analytic determinacy. Prikry, Silver (197?) The Singular Cardinals Hypothesis (SCH) can fail from large cardinals. Solovay(1971): The SCH holds above a strongly compact cardinal. Silver (1974): The SCH does not first fail at a singular cardinal of uncountable cofinality. Jensen (1974): The Covering Lemma for L. 0] as lower bound for failure of SCH. 11 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Kunen (1970): L[µ], iterated ultrapowers. Martin (1971): Sharps imply analytic determinacy. Prikry, Silver (197?) The Singular Cardinals Hypothesis (SCH) can fail from large cardinals. Solovay(1971): The SCH holds above a strongly compact cardinal. Silver (1974): The SCH does not first fail at a singular cardinal of uncountable cofinality. Jensen (1974): The Covering Lemma for L. 0] as lower bound for failure of SCH. Magidor (1977) SCH can fail at ℵω . GCH can first fail at ℵω . 11 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Kunen (1970): L[µ], iterated ultrapowers. Martin (1971): Sharps imply analytic determinacy. Prikry, Silver (197?) The Singular Cardinals Hypothesis (SCH) can fail from large cardinals. Solovay(1971): The SCH holds above a strongly compact cardinal. Silver (1974): The SCH does not first fail at a singular cardinal of uncountable cofinality. Jensen (1974): The Covering Lemma for L. 0] as lower bound for failure of SCH. Magidor (1977) SCH can fail at ℵω . GCH can first fail at ℵω . Dodd, Jensen (1981, 1982) The core model KDJ for one measurable cardinal, covering lemmas for L[µ] and KDJ . 11 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Comments on the history: Tony Martin observed that the history of modern work on determinacy should be traced back to the Banach-Mazur game (mid-1930s). Aki Kanamori observed in conversation that Silver’s theorem on the least failure of GCH was motivated by some earlier work of Magidor, who got similar conclusions with an extra hypothesis. 12 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion 1 (Shelah 1986) If ℵδ is the ω1 -th cardinal fixed point then ℵℵ δ is ℵ1 less than the (22 )+ -th cardinal fixed point. 13 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion 1 (Shelah 1986) If ℵδ is the ω1 -th cardinal fixed point then ℵℵ δ is ℵ1 less than the (22 )+ -th cardinal fixed point. Main idea of the proof: Either there are many inner models with Ramsey cardinals, or there are not. 13 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion 1 (Shelah 1986) If ℵδ is the ω1 -th cardinal fixed point then ℵℵ δ is ℵ1 less than the (22 )+ -th cardinal fixed point. Main idea of the proof: Either there are many inner models with Ramsey cardinals, or there are not. CASE ONE: There are not many inner models with Ramsey cardinals. In this case we can appeal to instances of Jensen covering over inner models with enough GCH. 13 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion 1 (Shelah 1986) If ℵδ is the ω1 -th cardinal fixed point then ℵℵ δ is ℵ1 less than the (22 )+ -th cardinal fixed point. Main idea of the proof: Either there are many inner models with Ramsey cardinals, or there are not. CASE ONE: There are not many inner models with Ramsey cardinals. In this case we can appeal to instances of Jensen covering over inner models with enough GCH. CASE TWO: There are many inner models with Ramsey cardinals. In this case we can (via an appeal to a form of analytic determinacy) build an ideal on ℵ1 with a weak form of precipitousness, then use the ideal to get the bound. 13 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Shelah has revisited this result several times. The relevant sources are (Sh:75) “A note on cardinal exponentiation” JSL 45 (1980) 55–66, (Sh:111) “On power of singular cardinals” NDJFL 27 (1986) 263–299, (Sh:256) “More on powers of singular cardinals” IJM 59 (1987) 299-326, and Chapter V of “Cardinal Arithmetic”. 14 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Ingredients: 15 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Ingredients: Large cardinals. 15 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Ingredients: Large cardinals. Forcing. 15 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Ingredients: Large cardinals. Forcing. Infinite games, determinacy of games from large cardinals. 15 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Ingredients: Large cardinals. Forcing. Infinite games, determinacy of games from large cardinals. Inner models, sharps, and covering lemmas. 15 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Ingredients: Large cardinals. Forcing. Infinite games, determinacy of games from large cardinals. Inner models, sharps, and covering lemmas. Generic elementary embeddings (precipitousness). 15 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Challenge for philosophers: say something concrete about 16 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Challenge for philosophers: say something concrete about the objects of set theory, 16 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Challenge for philosophers: say something concrete about the objects of set theory, the methods of set theory, 16 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Challenge for philosophers: say something concrete about the objects of set theory, the methods of set theory, or the status of set-theoretic claims, 16 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Challenge for philosophers: say something concrete about the objects of set theory, the methods of set theory, or the status of set-theoretic claims, which (if taken seriously by practitioners of set theory) would not have impeded the developments necessary for the proof of Shelah’s result. On reflection this seems like an unduly negative formulation. I don’t want to suggest that a philosophical stance is always a barrier to progress. 16 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion Joel Hamkins asked for an example of a philosophical stance that would have obstructed progress. I gave the example of “mathematics does not need new axioms”. Juliette Kennedy took issue with the term concrete, saying that by the time a philosopher knows enough set theory to say something concrete they have become a set theorist. I don’t disagree but I don’t see this as a problem. 17 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion 18 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion “The following essay is written in the conviction that anarchism, while perhaps not the most attractive political philosophy, is certainly excellent medicine for epistemology and for the philosophy of science . . . it will become clear that there is only one principle that can be defended under all circumstances and in all stages of human development. It is the principle: anything goes. Paul Feyerabend, “Against method” (1988) 18 / 19 Introduction History A case study Conclusion In response to comments by Joel Hamkins, Kai Hauser, and Peter Koellner, I will try to clarify my position: I am not advocating that everyone should have the same “anarchist” philosophical stance (I am not even sure what such a thing would be) nor that everyone should have no philosophical stance (I am not even sure this is possible). I think that it is healthy for many philosophical stances to exist and contend. I think that philosophy of mathematics should be engaged with the actual practices of mathematicians, and respectful of the autonomy of mathematics. I also think that set theory is part of mathematics. 19 / 19