A Prime Number Maze Name: Date: Help the dog find its bone by following the path of prime numbers. 95 90 118 76 130 104 109 81 72 33 81 16 12 128 64 130 85 129 42 19 12 53 109 53 46 34 45 108 130 36 100 8 103 127 113 18 109 29 112 135 110 108 18 138 108 72 128 138 63 55 2 102 72 22 88 133 12 54 19 137 138 108 50 56 129 108 134 23 44 9 106 102 46 104 48 101 72 18 100 56 12 20 102 3 45 52 131 17 64 101 41 61 78 80 83 24 130 44 42 70 30 40 131 12 111 42 57 83 7 19 59 67 19 135 111 131 113 113 60 26 95 45 8 45 138 29 91 54 44 40 83 60 45 77 69 18 72 108 97 13 127 59 113 109 Copyright ©2012 WorksheetWorks.com A /math/numbers/prime-number-maze.html Learning Math: Composite Numbers and Prime Numbers - Worksheet / Test Paper 10/23/12 9:11 PM Syvum Worksheet / Test http://www.syvum.com/cgi/online/serve.cgi/squizzes/math/prime.html Paper: Mathematics Activity : Composite Numbers and Prime Numbers Type your answers in the input boxes below. 1. How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 10? 2. How many prime numbers are there up to 20? 3. What is the sum of the prime numbers between 20 and 30? 4. How many prime numbers are there from 30 to 50? 5. Which of the following is a composite number: 37, 47, 57, 67? 6. How many composite numbers are there from 61 to 79? 7. Which is the prime number between 90 and 100? 8. How many prime numbers are there up to 50? 9. How many prime numbers are there between 50 and 100? 10. How many even prime numbers between 1 and 50? 11. How many pairs of prime numbers are there to express 18 as the sum of two prime numbers? 12. How many pairs of prime numbers are there to express 20 as the sum of two prime numbers? http://www.syvum.com/cgi/online/serve.cgi/squizzes/math/prime.html?question_hide Page 1 of 2