Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-1 Write true or false. Show your work if it is composite. Write all rules. Statement 2 is an odd number. 27 is a prime number. 23 is composite number. 39 is prime number. 67 is prime number. 81 is composite number. 206458 is even number. True/False Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-2 All odd numbers are prime. All even numbers are composite. 9 is odd and composite number. 63 is composite and divisible 3 and odd number. 108 is even number and divisible by 3 513 is multiple of three and prime number. 1905 is divisible by 5 and composite number. Find out all list of all composite, prime, odd and even numbers between 25 and 75. Composite:Prime:Even:Odd:- Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-3 Find out that number is prime or composite. (Show all work and communicate) 11 121 81 56 36 49 52 105 39 63 42 132 111 144 108 126 164 189 149 190 Find out that following numbers are divisible by 2,3,4,5,9,10, or none. Write rule for each rule in full sentence. (If number is divisible by more than 1 number then write all the rules are reasons) Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-4 99 Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-5 120 234 117 294 345 615 Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-6 114 405 270 1290 783 1005 Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-7 189 1325 165342 Find out that number is “Prime” or “composite” Show your work. 47 49 45 39 Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-8 807 21 78 108 Answer the following questions(Communication is very important)(Meaning of “and” is number must be divisible by all given numbers)(Meaning of “or” is number must be divisible by one of given number) Find out five numbers with Find out 5 numbers with 4 4 digits and has 2 as factor. digits and has 3 as factors. Find out two numbers with 3 digits and has 2 as factor. Ex-1-Prime and Composite Numbers-2-Grade6 Page-9 Find out numbers between 75 and 95 which are divisible by 3. Find out numbers between 100 and 150 which are divisible by 5. Find out numbers between 50 and 75 which are divisible 4. Find out numbers between 15 and 75 which are divisible 2 and 3. Find out numbers between 35 and 55 which are divisible by 2 and 4. Find out numbers between 100 and 150 which are divisible by 5 and 4. Find out numbers between 10 and 50 which are divisible by 2 and 3 and 4. Find out numbers between 45 and 75 which are divisible by 3 and 4. Find out numbers between 100 and 125 which are divisible 2 or 3