Prime/Composite Number Think Tac Toe

Prime/Composite Number Think Tac Toe
Create a poster that would
help a new learner
understand the difference
between a prime and
composite number. Include
the words: prime,
composite, factor, multiple
Read the article titled: The
Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Using a hundreds chart,
complete the activity that is
explained through the
number 100 (for a challenge,
complete through 150)
Complete the Prime
Factorization worksheet.
Complete the Prove or
Disprove worksheet
Using the blank
game board, develop a game
that will help your friends
practice recognizing prime
and composite numbers
Write a definition for both
a prime and composite
Complete 6 of the challenge
activities from Primo
Create a rap, song or poem
that will help someone
remember prime and
composite numbers Try to
use these words:
prime, composite, factor,
Complete the activity:
Exploring Pascal’s Triangle
Read about the great
mathematician Eratosthenes.
In a report, describe his
accomplishments and why his
name is often heard when
discussing prime and
composite numbers.