Fraction Skill Sheet WORD DEFINITION fraction part of a whole whole number a number without a fraction or decimal numerator how many equal parts; TOP number denominator how many equal parts the whole has been divided into; BOTTOM number sum the answer to an addition problem equivalent equal in value EXAMPLE unit fraction a fraction with a 1 in the numerator non-unit fraction a fraction where 1 is NOT in the numerator proper fraction a fraction less than one whole; the numerator is smaller than the denominator improper fraction a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator mixed number a whole number and a proper fraction convert to change in form decompose to break down (all non-unit fractions can be broken down into an addition problem) three and one-third 1. Students will be able to compare fractions. 2. Students will be able to add and subtract fractions. 3. Students will be able to multiply a fraction and a whole number. **These are the basic understandings that your child should be learning in Chapter 6. However, they will need to apply these skills to more challenging problems, as well as in word problems.