Part 5: Fractions One way to think of a fraction is as a division that hasn't been done yet. Why do we even use fractions? Why don't we just divide the two numbers and use the decimal instead? In this day of cheap calculators, that's a very good question. Fractions were invented long before decimal numbers, as a way of showing portions less than 1, and they're still hanging around. They're used in cooking, in building, in sewing, in the stock market - they're everywhere, and we need to understand them. Just to review, the number above the bar is called the numerator, and the number below the bar is called the denominator. We can read this fraction as three-fourths, three over four, or three divided by four. Every fraction can be converted to a decimal by dividing. If you use the calculator to divide 3 by 4, you'll find that it is equal to 0.75. Here are some other fractions and their decimal equivalents. Remember, you can find the decimal equivalent of any fraction by dividing. Here are some terms that are very important when working with fractions. Proper fraction When the numerator is less than the denominator, we call the expression a proper fraction. These are some examples of proper fractions. Improper fraction An improper fraction occurs when the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. These are some examples of improper fractions: Mixed number When an expression consists of a whole number and a proper fraction, we call it a mixed number. Here are some examples of mixed numbers: We can convert a mixed number to an improper fraction. First, multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction. Then, add the numerator of the fraction to the product. Finally, write the sum over the original denominator. In this example, since three thirds is a whole, the whole number 1 is three thirds plus one more third, which equals four thirds. Convert 1-1/3 to an improper fraction: Equivalent fractions There are many ways to write a fraction of a whole. Fractions that represent the same number are called equivalent fractions. This is basically the same thing as equal ratios. For example, �, 2/4, and 4/8 are all equivalent fractions. To find out if two fractions are equivalent, use a calculator and divide. If the answer is the same, then they are equivalent. Reciprocal When the product of two fractions equals 1, the fractions are reciprocals. Every nonzero fraction has a reciprocal. It's easy to determine the reciprocal of a fraction since all you have to do is switch the numerator and denominator--just turn the fraction over. Here's how to find the reciprocal of three-fourths. To find the reciprocal of a whole number, just put 1 over the whole number. For example, the reciprocal of 2 is 1/2. Reducing Fractions A fraction is reduced to lowest terms, or simplified, when its numerator and denominator have no common factors. It's easier to multiply, divide, add and subtract fractions when they're simplified. To simplify a fraction, we find an equivalent fraction where the numerator and denominator have no common factors. Here are the steps. 1. List the prime factors of the numerator and denominator. 2. Find the factors common to both the numerator and denominator. 3. Divide the numerator and denominator by all common factors (called canceling). Example 1 In step 1, we list the prime factors of the numerator and denominator. In step 2, we divide by, or cancel, the factor of two that is common to both the numerator and denominator. That is, since two divided by two equals one, we say the twos cancel each other. In step 3, we're left with a 3 in the numerator and we multiply the remaining factors in the denominator to get 4. Here's another example. Example 2 In Step 1, we find all the prime factors. In Step 2, we can cancel the common factors 3 and 5. In Step 3, since the only factors remaining are 2 in the numerator and 3 in the denominator, the final answer is 2/3. Adding and Subtracting Fractions It's easy to add and subtract like fractions, or fractions with the same denominator. You just add or subtract the numerators and keep the same denominator. The tricky part comes when you add or subtract fractions that have different denominators. To do this, you need to know how to find the least common denominator. In an earlier lesson, you learned how to simplify, or reduce, a fraction by finding an equivalent, or equal, fraction where the numerator and denominator have no common factors. To do this, you divided the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor. In this lesson, you'll learn that you can also multiply the numerator and denominator by the same factor to make equivalent fractions. Example 1 In this example, since 12 divided by 12 equals one, and any number multiplied by 1 equals itself, we know 36/48 and 3/4 are equivalent fractions, or fractions that have the same value. In general, to make an equivalent fraction you can multiply or divide the numerator and denominator of the fraction by any non-zero number. Since only like fractions can be added or subtracted, we first have to convert unlike fractions to equivalent like fractions. We want to find the smallest, or least, common denominator, because working with smaller numbers makes our calculations easier. The least common denominator, or LCD, of two fractions is the smallest number that can be divided by both denominators. There are two methods for finding the least common denominator of two fractions: Example 2 Method 1: Write the multiples of both denominators until you find a common multiple. The first method is to simply start writing all the multiples of both denominators, beginning with the numbers themselves. Here's an example of this method. Multiples of 4 are 4, 8, 12, 16, and so forth (because 1 × 4=4, 2 × 4=8, 3 × 4=12, 4 × 4=16, etc.). The multiples of 6 are 6, 12,…-that's the number we're looking for, 12, because it's the first one that appears in both lists of multiples. It's the least common multiple, which we'll use as our least common denominator. Method 2: Use prime factorization. For the second method, we use prime factorization-that is, we write each denominator as a product of its prime factors. The prime factors of 4 are 2 times 2. The prime factors of 6 are 2 times 3. For our least common denominator, we must use every factor that appears in either number. We therefore need the factors 2 and 3, but we must use 2 twice, since it's used twice in the factorization for 4. We get the same answer for our least common denominator, 12. Example 3 prime factorization of 4 = 2 × 2 prime factorization of 6 = 2 × 3 LCD = 2 × 2 × 3 = 12 Now that we have our least common denominator, we can make equivalent like fractions by multiplying the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the factor(s) needed. We multiply 3/4 by 3/3, since 3 times 4 is 12, and we multiply 1/6 by 2/2, since 2 times 6 is 12. This gives the equivalent like fractions 9/12 and 2/12. Now we can add the numerators, 9 + 2, to find the answer, 11/12. Multiplying Fractions To multiply fractions, first we simplify the fractions if they are not in lowest terms. Then we multiply the numerators of the fractions to get the new numerator, and multiply the denominators of the fractions to get the new denominator. Simplify the resulting fraction if possible. Note that multiplying fractions is frequently expressed using the word "of." For example, to find one-fifth of 10 pieces of candy, you would multiply 1/5 times 10, which equals 2. Study the example problems to see how to apply the rules for multiplying fractions. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Dividing Fractions Dividing by fractions is just like multiplying fractions, except for one additional step. To divide any number by a fraction: First step: Find the reciprocal of the fraction. Second step: Multiply the number by the reciprocal of the fraction. Third step: Simplify the resulting fraction if possible. Fourth step: Check your answer: Multiply the result you got by the divisor and be sure it equals the original dividend. Note that you can only divide by non-zero fractions. Example 1 Example 2 Adding and Subtracting Mixed Number A mixed number consists of an integer and a proper fraction. Any mixed number can also be written as an improper fraction, in which the numerator is larger than the denominator, Example: Example 1 To add mixed numbers, we first add the whole numbers together, and then the fractions. If the sum of the fractions is an improper fraction, then we change it to a mixed number. Here's an example. The whole numbers, 3 and 1, sum to 4. The fractions, 2/5 and 3/5, add up to 5/5, or 1. Add the 1 to 4 to get the answer, which is 5. Example 2 If the denominators of the fractions are different, then first find equivalent fractions with a common denominator before adding. For example, let's add 4 1/3 to 3 2/5. Using the techniques we've learned, you can find the least common denominator of 15. The answer is 7 11/15. Subtracting mixed numbers is very similar to adding them. But what happens when the fractional part of the number you are subtracting is larger than the fractional part of the number you are subtracting from? Here's an example: let's subtract 3 3/5 from 4 1/3. First you find the LCD; here it's 15. 4 1/3 - 3 3/5 4 5/15 - 3 9/15 3 + 1 5/15 - 3 9/15 3 + 20/15 - 3 9/15 3 20/15 - 3 9/15 11/15 Write both fractions as equivalent fractions with a denominator of 15. Since you're trying to subtract a larger fraction from a smaller one, you need to "borrow" a one from the integer 4, change it to 15/15, and add it to the fraction. Now the problem becomes 3 20/15 minus 3 9/15 and the answer is 11/15. Multiplying Mixed Numbers Here are the steps for multiplying mixed numbers. 1. Change each number to an improper fraction. 2. Simplify if possible. 3. Multiply the numerators and then the denominators. 4. Put answer in lowest terms. 5. Check to be sure the answer makes sense. Dividing Mixed Numbers Here are the steps for dividing mixed numbers. 1. Change each mixed number to an improper fraction. 2. Multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor, simplifying if possible. 3. Put answer in lowest terms. 4. Check to be sure the answer makes s