Fraction Nation Scope & Sequence

Fraction Nation Scope & Sequence
64 lessons (15 minutes each)
Topic A - Introduction to Fractions
Topic B - Learning about Fractions
Topic C - Number Lines & Other Models
1: Introduction to fractions
2: Learn about unit fractions
3: Create unit fractions
4: Compare unit fractions
5: Name fractions for different sized wholes
6: Identify unit fraction of an area
7: Identify unit fraction of a set
8: Create proper fractions
9: Create improper fractions
10: Compare fractions with the same denominator
11: Compare fractions with the same numerator
12: Estimate the size of fractions using 0 & 1
13: Estimate the size of fractions using ½
14: Compare fractions using 0 & 1
15: Compare fractions by making wholes
16: Introduction to number lines
17: Use a number line with fractions
18: Identify the fraction of an area
19: Identify the fraction of a set
20: Identify fractions with different models
Topic D - Learning about Decimals
Topic E - Introduction to Equivalence
Topic F - Equivalent Fractions
21: Introduction to decimal numbers
22: Identify decimal tenths
23: Compare unit fractions to decimals
24: Identify decimal hundredths
25: Identify decimals as part of an area
26: Estimate decimal numbers
27: Compare decimal numbers
28: Express whole numbers as equivalent fractions
29: Express fractions as equivalent whole numbers
30: Estimate improper fractions using whole numbers
31: Compare fractions by using equivalence
32: Express mixed numbers as equivalent fractions
33: Express fractions as equivalent mixed numbers
34: Name equivalent fractions for ½
35: Name equivalent fractions for unit fractions
36: Name more equivalent fractions
37: Identify equivalent fractions of an area
38: Identify equivalent fractions of a set
39: Identify more equivalent fractions of a set
40: Name equivalent fractions by multiplication
41: Review factoring of whole numbers
42: Use factoring to name equivalent fractions
43: Find the simplest equivalent fraction
44: Determine if fractions are equivalent
45: Compare fractions by using equivalence
46: Name a fraction between two other fractions
Topic G - Equivalent Decimals
Topic H - Adding & Subtracting
Topic I - Adding & Subtracting
47: Introduction to equivalent decimals
48: Use place value to name equivalent decimals
49: Name a decimal between two numbers
50: Compare decimals by using equivalence
51: Express fractions as equivalent decimals
52: Express fractions as equivalent decimals
through division
53: Use a number line to add and subtract fractions
54: Add and subtract fractions with the same
55: Add mixed numbers with the same denominator
56: Subtract mixed numbers with the same
57: Add and subtract decimals with similar place
58: Estimate sums and differences of fractions
with different denominators
59: Find common denominators
60: Add fractions with different denominators
61: Subtract fractions with different denominators
62: Add mixed numbers with different denominators
63: Subtract mixed numbers with different
64: Add and subtract decimals with different
place value
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