Information Sciences and Computing Volume 2014, Number 1, Article ID ISC251013, 03 pages Available online at Research Article On the Riemann Zeta Function at Even Integers Z. Ahsana, P. Lam-Estradab and J. López-Bonillac a Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Departamento de Matemáticas, ESFM, Edif. 9, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) c ESIME-Zacatenco, IPN, Col. Lindavista, CP 07738, México DF b Corresponding author: J. López-Bonilla; E-mail: Received 12 October 2013; Accepted 19 December 2013 Abstract: Without the explicit participation of Bernoulli polynomials ( ), Balanzario [1] exhibits an elementary method to determine (2 ), n = 1, 2,… Here we show the connection between his polynomials and the ( ). Keywords: Riemann zeta function; Bernoulli polynomials. 1. Introduction In [1] the principal aim is to calculate the Riemann zeta function [2, 3] at even integers, with the following result: (2 ) = − ( ) (2 ) , (1) where ( )= , ( )= ( )= − ! , #( ) = % ! ! − ! ( )= , ( )= + # " # ! − ' ( )=( ( )=( ' without constants of integration. , + ! , (2) ,… ! = These polynomials can be generated with ' # − ' )* − and the recurrence relations: )* , ' , (3) Information Sciences and Computing 2 (2) = Thus with (1) and (2) is easy to obtain that +" + , (4) = + -! , (6) = , … , in harmony with the values reported in the literature [2, 3]. It would be interesting to have a closed expression for (2 + 1) 041. In the next Section, we show how to write (1) and (2) in terms of the polynomials and numbers of Bernoulli. - 2. Balanzario’s polynomials We have the Bernoulli polynomials [5]: ( )= , ( )= ( )= −2 + ( )= −3 + − , − + , − + − , ( )= , 5 2 ( )= − (4) , …. 2 with the properties: = =0 7 4 (1) , =0 , 6 = 2, 3, … .. ' (0) , 8 = 1, 2, …. ; =0 ∀ ;. (5) Then the polynomials (2) can be written in terms of (4), for example, ( )= 0 ( )= # ! (2 ) − 4 03 ( )+ (2 ) − 48 ( )1 , ( )1 , etc. ( )−7 (6) therefore: = thus (1) gives , (2) = + # =− and (4) = + -! , ! (7) . Besides, it is possible to prove that: = − >? ' where >? >? = @A = (−1) ( )! >? , (8) are the Faulhaber [6]–Bernoulli [7] numbers: , >? = >? = ! , with the Bernoulli-like polynomials [5]: >? = , … .. (9) Information Sciences and Computing >? ( ) = >? ( ) = >? ( ) = , >? ( ) = ! (15 ! Then (21 >? (3 − 30 >? ( ) = − 1) , >? ( ) = + 7) , − 105 =− 3 + 147 , ! ( (3 − ), − 10 +7 ) , (10) − 31) , …. >? = # # ! , (11) in accordance with (7) and (8). If into (1) we employ (8) appears the known relation [2, 8]: @A (2 ) = >? . ( )! The expressions (6) and (8) show the relationship between the polynomials of Balanzario and Bernoulli. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] E.P. Balanzario, Elementary method to evaluate the Riemann zeta function at even integers, Miscelánea Matemática, 33(2001), 31-41. E.C. Titchmarsh, The Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986. C. Calderón, The Riemann zeta function, Rev. Real Acad. Ciencias, Zaragoza, 57(2002), 67-87. E.L. Stark, The series ∑∞ 'F ' D , E = 2, 3, 4, … . , once more, Math Mag., 47(1974), 197-202. C. Lanczos, Discourse on Fourier Series, Oliver & Boyd, London, 1966. J. Faulhaber, Academiae Algebrae, Ulm, Germany, 1631. J. Bernoulli, Ars Conjectandi, Thurneysen, Basel, 1713 (The Art of Conjecturing, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2005.) Z. Ahsan, P. Lam-Estrada, J. López-Bonilla and R. López-Vázquez, On the LaforgiaNatalini’s inequality for the Riemann zeta function, Transnational J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1(1) (2013), 1-4. Copyright © 2014 Z. Ahsan, P. Lam-Estrada and J. López-Bonilla. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.