On the Riemann Zeta Function at Even Integers

Information Sciences and Computing
Volume 2014, Number 1, Article ID ISC251013, 03 pages
Available online at http://www.infoscicomp.com/
Research Article
On the Riemann Zeta Function at Even Integers
Z. Ahsana, P. Lam-Estradab and J. López-Bonillac
Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Departamento de Matemáticas, ESFM, Edif. 9, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)
ESIME-Zacatenco, IPN, Col. Lindavista, CP 07738, México DF
Corresponding author: J. López-Bonilla; E-mail: jlopezb@ipn.mx
Received 12 October 2013; Accepted 19 December 2013
Abstract: Without the explicit participation of Bernoulli polynomials ( ), Balanzario [1]
exhibits an elementary method to determine (2 ), n = 1, 2,… Here we show the connection
between his polynomials and the ( ).
Keywords: Riemann zeta function; Bernoulli polynomials.
1. Introduction
In [1] the principal aim is to calculate the Riemann zeta function [2, 3] at even
integers, with the following result:
(2 ) = −
(2 )
( )=
( )=
( )=
#( ) =
! !
( )=
( )=
# !
( )=(
( )=(
without constants of integration.
These polynomials can be generated with
)* −
and the recurrence relations:
)* ,
Information Sciences and Computing
(2) =
Thus with (1) and (2) is easy to obtain that
(4) =
(6) =
, … , in harmony with the values reported in the literature [2, 3]. It would be
interesting to have a closed expression for (2 + 1) 041. In the next Section, we
show how to write (1) and (2) in terms of the polynomials and numbers of Bernoulli.
2. Balanzario’s polynomials
We have the Bernoulli polynomials [5]:
( )=
( )=
( )=
( )=
( )=
( )=
, ….
with the properties:
4 (1)
=0 ,
6 = 2, 3, … ..
' (0)
, 8 = 1, 2, …. ;
∀ ;.
Then the polynomials (2) can be written in terms of (4), for example,
( )=
( )=
# !
(2 ) − 4
( )+
(2 ) − 48
( )1 ,
( )1 , etc.
( )−7
thus (1) gives
(2) =
(4) =
Besides, it is possible to prove that:
= − >?
where >?
>? =
= (−1)
are the Faulhaber [6]–Bernoulli [7] numbers:
>? = >? =
with the Bernoulli-like polynomials [5]:
>? =
, … ..
Information Sciences and Computing
>? ( ) =
>? ( ) =
>? ( ) =
, >? ( ) =
− 30
>? ( ) =
− 1) ,
>? ( ) =
+ 7) ,
− 105
+ 147
− ),
− 10
+7 ) ,
− 31) , ….
# !
in accordance with (7) and (8). If into (1) we employ (8) appears the known relation
[2, 8]:
(2 ) =
>? .
The expressions (6) and (8) show the relationship between the polynomials of
Balanzario and Bernoulli.
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Copyright © 2014 Z. Ahsan, P. Lam-Estrada and J. López-Bonilla. This is an open access
article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.