Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions Dynamical zeta functions - Lecture 2 Mark Pollicott June 11, 2010 1 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions Back to Number Theory 1. Special values 2. Zeros Different types of zeta functions Special values and volumes Number Theory Riemann ζ−function Geometry Mahler measures Class numbers of binary quadratic forms Dynamical Systems QUE Selberg ζ−function Ruelle ζ−function Surfaces with κ =−1 Surfaces with κ <0 "Riemann Hypothesis" 2 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions Back to Number Theory 1. Special values 2. Zeros The original and best: The Riemann zeta function The Riemann zeta function is the complex function ζ(s) = ∞ X 1 s n n=1 which converges for Re(s) > 1. It is convenient to write this as an Euler product ζ(s) = Y` ´−1 1 − p −s p where the product is over all primes p = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, · · · . 3 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions Back to Number Theory 1. Special values 2. Zeros Aside on hyperbolic tetrahedra Consider the three dimensional hyperbolic space H3 = {x + iy + jt : z = x + iy ∈ C, t ∈ R+ } and the Poincaré metric ds 2 = dx 2 + dy 2 + dt 2 t2 8 i Given z ∈ C consider the hyperbolic tetrahedron ∆(z) with vertices {0, 1, z, ∞} for some z ∈ C. Let D(z) denote the volume of ∆(z) 0 1 z Lemma (Lobachevsky, Milnor) If three faces meeting at a vertex have anglesRα, β, δ between them, then D(z) = L(α) + L(β) + L(δ) where L(α) = − 0α log |2 sin(t)|dt, etc. These play an interesting role in, for example, Gromov’s proof of the Mostow rigidity theorem. 4 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions Back to Number Theory 1. Special values 2. Zeros 1. Special values: Zagier’s theorem P π2 1 It is easy to see that ζ(2) = ∞ n=1 n2 = 6 . More generally, the Dedekind zeta function ζK (s) is the analogue of ζ(s) for extensions K ⊃ Q. Theorem (Zagier) The Dedekind zeta function ζK (s) has values ζK (2) which are related to volumes of hyperbolic tetrahedra. Example √ When K = Q( −7) then the Dedekind zeta function takes the form ζQ(√−7) (s) = and ζQ(√−7) (2) = 4π 2 √ 21 7 1 2 X (x,y )6=(0,0) „ „ 2D 1+ √ 2 1 (x 2 + 2xy + 2y 2 )s −7 « „ +D √ «« −1 + −7 2 (Numerically, the last expression is approximately 1 · 1519254705 · · · ) 5 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions Back to Number Theory 1. Special values 2. Zeros 2. Zeros: Riemann hypothesis The following conjecture was formulated by Riemann in 1859 (repeated as Hilbert’s 8th problem). Riemann Hypothesis The non-trivial zeros lie on Re(s) = 12 . Why should we care? This has very implications for counting the number of primes ≤ x. Recall that: Theorem (Prime number theorem) The number π(x) of primes numbers less than x satisfies π(x) ∼ x as x → +∞. log x The Riemann hypothesis would improve this to Z x “ ” 1 π(x) = du + O x 1/2 log x 2 log u R (where 2x log1 u du ∼ logx x ) 6 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions Back to Number Theory 1. Special values 2. Zeros Some evidence: A partial result on the location of the zeros G. H. Hardy (1887-1947) Hardy’s Theorem Hardy showed that 7/10 of the zeros lie on the line Re(s) = 21 . The Riemann Conjecture topped G.H.Hardy famous wish list from the 1920s: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prove the Riemann Hypothesis. Make 211 not out in the fourth innings of the last test match at the Oval. Find an argument for the nonexistence of God which shall convince the general public. Be the first man at the top of Mt. Everest Be proclaimed the first president of the U.S.S.R., Great Britain and Germany. Murder Mussolini. 7 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions Back to Number Theory 1. Special values 2. Zeros The Hilbert-Polya approach to the Riemann hypothesis D. Hilbert (1862-1943) G. Polya (1887-1985) Hilbert and Polya are associated with the idea of tying to understand the location of the zeros in terms of eigenvalues of some (as of yet) undicovered self-adjoint operator (which necessarily has real eigenvalues somehow related to the zeros). This idea has yet to reach fruition for the Riemann zeta function (despite interesting work of Berry-Keating, Connes, etc.) but the approach works particularly well for the Selberg Zeta function ... 8 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The Definition 1. Zeros 2. Special values The Selberg Zeta function Recall that the Selberg zeta function for a compact surface V of negative curvature κ = −1 is formally defined by Z (s) = ∞ Y“ ” Y 1 − e −(s+n)l(γ) n=0 γ where s ∈ C and γ denotes a closed geodesic of length l(γ). Theorem Z (s) converges for Re(s) > 1 and extends analytically to C. If we denote ζV (s) = Z (s + 1)/Z (s) then we can write ζV (s) = Y“ 1 − e −sl(γ) ”−1 γ which is perhaps closer in appearance to the Riemann zeta function Y` ´−1 ζ(s) = 1 − p −s γ 9 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The Definition 1. Zeros 2. Special values 1. Zeros of the Selberg Zeta function Let ∆ : L2 (V ) → L2 (V ) be the Laplace operator given by ∆ = y2 „ ∂2 ∂2 + 2 ∂x ∂y 2 « This is a self-adjoint operator and we are interested in the solutions 0 = λ0 ≤ λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · · for the eigenvalue equation ∆φn = −λφn . The location of the zeros sn for Z (s) (i.e., Z (sn ) = 0) are described in terms of the eigenvalues λn for the Laplacian Theorem The zeros of the Selberg zeta function Z (s) can be described by: 1 2 3 s = 1 is a zero. q sn = 12 + i 14 − λn , for n ≥ 1, are “spectral zeros”. s = −m, for m = 0, 1, 2, · · · , are “trivial zeros”. 10 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The Definition 1. Zeros 2. Special values Spectral zeros of the Selberg Zeta function The spectral zeros lie on the “cross” [0, 1] ∪ [ 12 − i∞, 1 2 + i∞]: Re(s) = 1/2 0 1 Remark The proof of these results is usually based on using the Selberg trace formula to extend the logarithmic derivative Z 0 (s)/Z (s) (cf. Hejhal, SLN 548). Remark If V is non-compact, but of finite area (such as the modular surface) then there are extra zeros which correspond to those for the Riemann zeta function. 11 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The Definition 1. Zeros 2. Special values 2. Special values: Determinant of the Laplacian We would like to find a way to define a determinant “det(∆) = Q n λn ”. Lemma (Seeley) The Minakshisundaram-Pleijel zeta function η(s) = ∞ X λ−s n n=1 has an analytic extension to the complex plane. We define the Determinant of the Laplacian by: ` ´ det(∆) = exp −η 0 (0) This has a connection with the Selberg zeta function: Theorem There exists C > 0 (depending only on the genus of the surface) such that det(∆) = CZ 0 (1). Sarnak, Wolpert and others have studied the dependence of det(∆) on the choice of metric on the surface V . (But there are still questions about, say, the critical points) 12 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The Definition 1. Zeros 2. Special values 2. Other special values: Resolvents and QUE (from A to Z) Definition R R Let A ∈ C ω (SV ) with Ad(vol) = 0. For each closed geodesic γ let A(l) = γ A denote the integral of A around γ. We then formally define, say, d(s, z) = ∞ Y“ Y 1 − e zA(γ)−(s+n)l(γ) ” for s, z ∈ C n=0 γ Theorem (Anarathaman-Zelditch) The function d(s, z) is analytic for s, z ∈ C. The logarithmic derivative 1 ∂ η(s) := d(s,0) d(z, s)|z=0 has poles at s = sn . ∂z Moreover, the residues res(η, sn ) are related to the eigenfunctions for −∆ giving: Question (Quantum Unique Ergodicity: Rudnick-Sarnak) Does res(η, sn ) → 0 as n → +∞? cf. Shnirelman, Colin de Verdiere, Zelditch,N. Anantharaman, E. Lindenstrauss 13 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values Recall: Dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Basic Approach We associate to an analytic expanding (interval) map T : I → I (e.g., the Gauss map in the case of the continued fraction transformation) to the geodesic flow. We can then rewrite the Selberg zeta function as Z (s) = 1 + ∞ X an (s) n=1 where 1 an (s) only depends on periodic points T of period ≤ 2n; 2 There exists c > 0 such that for each s there exists C > 0 such that 2 |an (s)| ≤ Ce −cn . In particular, the series converges for all s ∈ C. Corollary We have an expression for the Selberg zeta function Z (s) = 1 + ∞ X an (s) n=1 which converges for all s ∈ C. 14 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values More general transformations and zeta functions Of course, given any suitable T we can also associate a zeta function. ‘ For example, let X = ∞ i=1 be a disjoint union of n-dimensional simplices Xi and let T : X → X be maps which: 1 Expand distances locally; and 2 T |Xi is analytic; and 3 Markov (i.e., each image T (Xi ) is a union of some of the other simplices) We might then generalize the definition of the zeta function for the continued fraction transformation to: ! ∞ X X 1 | det(DT n )(x)|−s Z (s) = exp − Zn (s) where Zn (s) = n det(I − (DT n )0 (x)−1 ) n=1 x∈Fix(T n ) and the same methods give that Z (s) has an extension to C. Simple Philosophy Any quantities which can be expressed in terms of the (dynamical) zeta functions can often be easily computed numerically. 15 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values Application: Computing Hyperbolic Volumes Recalling that volumes of hyperbolic tetrahedra appeared in Zagier’s work: Corollary The largest possible volume of a hyperbolic tetrahedron in H3 is 1.01494160640965362502 . . . 16 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values Computing other quantities Other examples of eminently computable quantities are: 1 Integrals and the Mahler measures of polynomials 2 The dimension of the limit set of Schottky groups (or, equivalently, smallest eigenvalues of the Laplacian). 3 Lyapunov exponents for random products of matrices. 4 The determinant of the laplacian det(∆). 5 Regularity of wavelets. 17 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values Application: Integrals and Mahler measures More generally, the estimates on zeta functions can be used to integrate analytic functions f : [0, 1] → R (with respect to Lebesgue measure) Theorem (Jenkinson-P) We can approximate the integral 1 Z 2 f (x)dx = mn (f ) + O(e −(log 2−)n ) 0 where mn (f ) is explicitly given in terms of the values at f at the 2n periodic points for the doubling map Tx = 2x (mod 1). In particular, if f (x) is a polynomial then one defines the Mahler measure by: „ M(f ) = exp 1 2π Z 2π « log (|f (e iθ )|)dθ . 0 In particular, generalizations of these often come up in formulae the entropy of Zd actions. 18 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values Application: Dimension of Limit sets Let Γ ⊂ PSL(2, C) be a non-elementary Schottky Kleinian group generated, for example, by reflection in a finite number of circles in C with disjoint interiors. Let Λ be the associated limit set . Theorem (Bowen) The Hausdorff dimension of the limit set dim(Λ) is a zero of the associated zeta function Z (s) We can associate and expanding dynamical system T : Λ → Λ. Theorem (Schottky groups) For each N ≥ 1 we can explicitly define a sequence of values sN depending on the periodic points for T of period n, for 1 ≤ n ≤ N, and associate C > 0 and 0 < δ < 1 such that 3/2 |dim(Λ) − sN | ≤ C δ N . The sN are zeros of approximations to the determinant using only the derivatives Dz T n evaluated at period-n points z, for 1 ≤ n ≤ N. 19 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values An example of McMullen Consider three circles C0 , C1 , C2 ⊂ C of equal radius, arranged symmetrically around the unit circle S 1 , each intersecting S 1 orthogonally, and meeting S 1 in an arc of length θ, where 0 < θ < 2π/3. Let Λθ ⊂ S1 denote the limit set associated to the group Γθ of transformations given by reflection in these circles. C1 θ 1 S θ 1 C2 C0 θ For example, with the value θ = π/6 we show that the dimension of the limit set Λπ/6 is dim(Λπ/6 ) = 0 · 18398306124833918694118127344474173288 . . . which is accurate to the 38 decimal places given. (Equivalently, the smallest eigenvalue of the laplacian on H3 /Γ is λ0 = dim(Λπ/6 )(2 − dim(Λπ/6 )) = 0 · 3341163556703682452613106798303932895) 20 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values Application: Lyapunov exponents for Random matrix products 1 Let A1 , A2 ∈ GL(2, R) be 2 × 2 non-singular matrices with real entries. 2 Let k · k be a norm on matrices (e.g., kAk2 = trace(AAT )). Definition The (largest) Lyapunov Exponent is λ := lim n→∞ 1 1 2n n | X log kAi1 · · · Ain k i1 ,··· ,in ∈{1,2} {z =:λn } Question How do we estimate λ? 21 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values Lyapunov exponents for Random matrix products For each n ≥ 1, we can again consider the matrices Ai1 · · · Ain , where i1 , · · · , in ∈ {1, 2}. Theorem For each n ≥ 1 one can find approximations ξn which converge to “ ”λ 2 superexponentially ( i.e., ∃β > 0 such that |λ − ξn | = O e −βn ). The numbers ξn are explicitly defined in terms of the entries and eigenvalues of these 2n matrices. The number of matrices we need to compute ξn still grows exponentially, i.e., ]{Ai1 · · · Ain : i1 , · · · , in ∈ {1, 2}} = 2n . 22 / 24 Riemann zeta function Selberg zeta function More general zeta functions The dynamical approach to the Selberg Zeta function Dynamical approach to more general functions Application: Computing numerical values Example: Lyapunov exponents for Random matrix products Example Let p1 = p2 = 1 2 and choose „ A1 = 2 1 1 1 « „ and A2 = 3 2 1 1 « then with n = 9: ` ´ λ = 1 · 1433110351029492458432518536555882994025 +O 10−40 | {z } =ξn=9 23 / 24