SOME PROBLEMS ON THE DISTRIBUTION in this lecture I will talk about some on the distribution of recent questions primes . It is not claimed that the pro- blems I will discuss are necessarily important ones . I will mainly speak about problems which have occupied me a great deal in the last few years . Denote by jf(X) the number of primes not exceeding x . The prime number theorem states that (X) X/ x -4 co . It 21 / log X + 1 is well known that L A114knK gives a much better approximation *As to 1 0( ) than x/lob X . The statement that for X > X is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis . i n our lectures we will problems like (1) but will rather consider problems of distribution of primes in the small (o . t problems on not .cal with consecutive prime numbers) . An old and very difficult problem on primp members requires to find to every integer n a prime number p > n, or in other words to be able to write down arbitrarily large prime numbers . The largest prime number which is known is 2 2281 --1 , this number numb: r by the electronic computer of the Institute for Numerical Analysis the S.W.A.C. in the spring of was proved to be a prime 1953 . It is an unsolved problem whether there ore infinitely many primes of the form 2 p -1 . 1) A few years ago Mills proved that there exists a constant n c > 1 so that for all integers n, LLc") is a prime . Unfortunately it seems impossible to determine c explicitely . Very likely for every a > 1 there are infinitely many integers n for which is composite . Put d =p It immediately follows from the prime c - P.Erdös G - number theorem that limd n/log n,;: 1 . Backlund ) proved that the above limit is , 2 and Bracer and Zeitz 3) proved the t it is, 4. Westzynthius 4) proved that liar . dn~lo ; n _ po . I proved ) using Brun's method that for infinitemy many p. 6) proves+ and When en use of --run's method . ly many n the same result much simpler without the Finally Rankin7) proved that for infinite- (2) very hard to is prove (2) . Ingham 8) proved that for n , n o do It seems ti on tuned In the opposite direcCraer9 ) conjec- that Using the Riemann hypothesis Cramer9 ) -proved that 1 I conjectured10 C Y" that s an immediate consequence of the prime number theorem, thus (3) if true is best possible . A simpler conjecture ) which I also can not prove is the following : Let n be any integer, denote by a1 , a 2 t . . . a ' n) the integers n which are, relatively prime to n<. Then there: exists z constant C independent of n so that (4) Anot her conjecture which seems very deep is that d o/log n has T V " a continuous distribution function i . e . that for every c 0 the density f(c) of integers n for which do/log n < c exists and is a continuous function of c, for which f(O)=O, f (cam )=1 . Hare is another problem which has the same relation to the previous one as (4) has to (3) : Put n,=2-3-5 . .-p a 19(nk) arethe k0lalyintegers, < n relatively prime to nk* Denote by A(c,n ) the k k number of a's satisfying Then lim A(c,n ) exi sts, and is a continuous k 'I t follows from the trims number theorem that in) 1, and I proved that limn do log.; n 0 1 . It is function of e . lima __ n /lopof course to be expected that lim do/log No t in fact a well known ancient 11) conjecture states that d =2 for infinitely many n . n proved that I further I could not prove that 'YV 12) proved that d o+1 , (1+ 1 )d n and d o+1 < (1- £ )d n have both more than c I n solutions in integers m $ n . On would Turan and 1 of course conjecture that l i m d n" + 1 /J.-n n- oo and that lim d n+1 /d n=0 and that the density of integers n for which d o+1 > d is 1/2, but n these conjectures seem very difficult to prove . Rényi and 1 13) proved that the number of solution of d c .n/(log n) 3/2 solutionw is dm , m n is less than m+1 j the right order of magnitude for the number of very the equation d nvi likely c .n/log n, but it is not even known that =d n has infinitely .many solutions . All the P . Erdös 4 - results mentioned hero arc o7 leaned by Bran's method . In our paper with Turan 12) remark that we arc --- unable to > d n+1 > d have infinitely many n+2 n are even unable to prove that at least one prove that the inequalities d solutions . In fact we of the inequalities d n+2 > d n+1 >d n y d n+2 < d o+1 < d n have infinitely many solutions It se : ms certain that do/lob, n is everywhere dense in the interval 'O,oo) . We prove the following Theorem . " ' The set of limit points of d form- abet of positive measure . Remark . Des nits the fact that the set of limit points of do/log n has positive measure, I can not lecide about any given number whether it actually belongs to our set, thus in particular know if 1 is a limit point of the numbers d R/log n . First of all it follows from the prime number theorem that I do not there are at least x/4 .1oz x values of for which 4 'rk-l (5) We shall show that the set of limit points S of dm/log (or what is the same thing of dm/log x) of the m satisfying m (5) have positive measure . (A point z is in S if there exists an infinite sequence x1,--4 oo and m,_--j 00 theorem S by a finite number of intervals the If our Theorem. is false Khan . can be covered for every the Heine-Borel lot (a sum of the length of which is loss then ~K , be the intervals which. cover S . Let k=1 1 2 9 . . . 9 1q 1 b Ja i 0 I ( . Clearly for all sufficiently large x the d which 4 all PUP 0 UTtTaOO n the aOl j0qj OT OATITSOJ OT %+d TO AlTsuop TOM? condition !UOTOTigus Puy Nauss"Ou OqT VOU DUTAYSTISS OJOTO-fi-UT 1 0 'IVTVOIJOJ Oq? : ox 0 OUS"Os 01TUTM ue oq * - A lo w Va P@Aojd I Kus0a STqI 2uTsT1na0uOQ ulql SOOT ST X §- d+ 0 TO SUOTIMS 1 0 INMOM M eDUTS WRTadana ST 110 0 0a STU *WATITOOd ST lan2aluT 2 d+ v WJOj x aqj 10 0109G,uy go AITSUOP nq-;. juq4 POAOM 1goupTOIT ofjoaq, aaqmuu OATITP -Ps UO SMO IQ OZA Ma l 'S UOTIUOO I aavlOal Am PUTISTUT1 OJOIN 6 majo0qj Ono snuff //§// 010TPUJIU00 A/1 jjVTS -C pamad ST. uOTOTJJ~~a Jog UMOVE-11 ITOM VT IT OOUTS A >Y(4 ( ~"r s! I /q/ t -~' 10 - -7 m (I u0q, SOOT 011 -', d TO M ST SUOTInTOS To aaqmnu ozj ,} s-cuuJI T yOTjsTq-rS P " ' ,d i ueu~q- 5581 ST x ~~ aaqumu OT-19, Tyqu ul d T="' P JTO OU0Tq- -ajOS TO suln"s (00 UuWTWTUqOS SO ITUSOa UMOUf ITOM v d)T pjq2wjuT To anqanu oqj ojenTloo on 40TVM (x MON ^vros. JOT (1 8 ppug&~ P . Erd6s Kalmar 18) raised the problem Mether for every a>1 the density of k integers of the form p+ Ca 7 is positive . At present I can not answer this question . Following a question of Turn I proved 17) that if f(n) denotes k then, lim f (n)=oo , in fact for the number of solutions of n=P+2 that . ' f(n)/loe n -iO ; but I can not even prove that there do not exist infinitely many integers n so that for all 2 k~ n, n-2 k is a prime, infinitely many n f(n) ) c .loglog n . One would guess it seems that n=105 is the largest such integer. Let a < . . . be an infinite sequence of integers sati2 . sfying a k 10 Ck Denote again by f (n) the number of solutions of n=p+a k* It seems likely that AT f(n)=oo . 1 < a Van der Corput 19 ) and . 1 18'') proved that there exist infinitely many odd integers n not of the form 2 k +p q i n fact 1 18) proved that there exists an arithmetic progression consisting only of even numbers no term of which is of the ve that for k form 2 +p . I also wanted to pr every r there exists an arithmetic .progression no term of which is of the form p+q factors . This result where q has not more than r prime r r would easily follow if I could prove the whilh seems interesting in following conjecture on congruences itself : To every constant c there exists a system of congruences I so that every integer (8) . satisfies at least one of the congruences The simplest such system is O(mod 2), 0(mod 3) . 1(mod 4) I 5(mod 5), 7(mod 12) . Doan Swift constructed such a system with c=6, but the general question seems vary difficult. 20) Linnik recently proved that here exists a number r so kl+ . . kr . It seems very that every integer is of the form p +p +2 .+2 2 1 P . Erdös 7 likely that for ovary r there arc infinitely many integers not co the form. p+2 + . . . +2 kr . One final problem ; Is it true that to ovary c 1'02 and sufficiently large x there exist more than a 1 log x consecutive primes 2 x so that the difference between any two is greater than 21)1 c 2 2. If c 1 can be chosen sufficiently small this is well known . F 0 O T N 0 T E S 1) Bull.Amer.Math.Soc. 53, 604 (1947) . 2) Commentationes in honorem. Ernst Leonardi lindelőf Helsinki 1929 . 3) Sitz . Berliner Math . Ges .29, 1930, 116-125 . Sao also H.Zeits, Elementare Betrachtungen űber eine zahlenteoretische Behauptung von Legendre . 4) Comm.Phys.-Math.9 Helsingfors, 5125/1931 . 5) Quarterly Journal of Math . Oxford Series , 1935, 124-128 . 6) Schriften des Math . Seminars and des Institutes fűr angewandte Math. Der Univ . Borlin 4, 1938, 35-55 . 7) London Math.Soc. Journal, 13, 1938, 242-247 . 8) Quarterly journal of Math . Oxford Series 8, 1937, 255-266 . 9) Acta Arithmietica, 2, 1937, 23-45 ; 10) Duke Math. Journal 6, 1940, 438-441. 11) Publ.Math, 1, 1949, 3>37 . 12) Bull . Amer, Math .Soc . 54, 1948, 371-378 . See further P.Erdös . Aid 54 9 1948, 885-889 13) Simon Stevin,Wis. Naturrk. Tijdschr . 27, 1950, 115-125 . 14) Professor Ricci informed me in the discussion following my lecture, that this result is an easy consequence of some pre vious results of this . (Rivista di Mat.Univ.Rarma, 5 (1054) 3-54) . 15) E .Landau, die Goldbachsche Vermutung and der Schnirelmannsch Satz, Göttinger Machrichten, 1930, 20-276 . In fact Schnurel mann proves that the number if solutions of p 1 -p2 = p1 < 8 P . Erdös 2 It is loss than c x/(logx) '0"(1+ 16) 109 (1934) 668-678 . 17) Summa Brasiliensis Mathematicae, II (1950) 113-123 . 18) Oral Communication . 19) Van der Corput, Simon Stevin, 27 (1900) 99-105,(in Dutch) . .Lapok 111 (1952) 122-128 . P.Erdös (in Hungarian) Math 20) Trudy Math . Inst .Stoklov, 38, 1951, 152-09 . 21) P.Erdös, Acta Szeged, 15 (1949) y 57-63 . Soo also M . Cugiani Annali di Matematica Sorie IV, 38 (1955), 309-320 .