Educator to child ratios 2016

1 JANUARY 2016
New ratios for services in ACT, NSW, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and
Improved educator to child ratios are due to start 1 January 2016 in all states and
territories, except Tasmania and Western Australia, where they are already in place.
The changes bring national consistency to this important area of the National Quality
Framework (NQF). Improved educator to child ratios are a key factor in delivering quality
education and care, allowing staff to give more individual attention to each child.
The new ratios were agreed by all states and territories as part of the NQF. Although the
NQF started in 2012, the 1 January 2016 deadline for the introduction of these ratios was
set to give services time to prepare for the changes.
The implementation of these improved ratios is a significant achievement for the sector
and an important milestone in the drive for national consistency.
Affected age groups, services and jurisdictions
New ratios apply for children older than 24 months and younger than 36 months at
centre-based services in NSW, Queensland and South Australia.
New ratios apply for children older than 36 months up to and including preschool
age for all centre-based services in Queensland and Victoria.
New ratios apply for preschools in ACT, Northern Territory and South Australia.
New ratios apply for family day care services in Queensland.
The educator to child ratios are already in place in Tasmania and Western Australia
and therefore no changes are required.
The table on page 2 shows the NQF ratio requirements across all age groups. This
information is also available on the ACECQA website.
Please contact your regulatory authority for further information or enquiries about the
ratio requirements in your state or territory.