Primary 1 Lesson 2 Even & Odd Numbers Name : ________________________________ Date : ____________ Class : _____________ _________________________________________________________ Activity 1: Story Time –The seven Jelly Beans Teaching Notes Pre-Activity Greet students and say something positive about them. E L P M Y A P S O C Activity 2 : Even and Odd ladybugs Once upon a time There were two ladybugs One was Even Getting to know your student and showing them concern make students feel welcome. When they know you care about them, they will be motivated to do better in class. The other was Odd Even’s spots were two by two Activity 1: Collect Resource Pack P1L2. Refer to story folder for teaching instructions and cut-outs. But for Odd this was not true Even like her things in pairs But Odd just didn’t care Even says to Odd “Count the flowers in the garden, let’s start.” Odd says to Even “OK! I will start because I am smart” Even numbers can be divided evenly into groups of two. Odd numbers cannot be divided evenly into groups of two. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 1 Activity 3 : Even or Odd Count and write the correct number of objects in each set. Can the objects be divided equally into two groups? Circle Even or Odd. Teaching Notes Encourage students to draw a line to divide the objects into two equal groups if possible. Reinforce the concept of even and odd numbers from the story. Even numbers can be divided evenly into groups of two. Odd numbers cannot be divided evenly into groups of two. E L P M Y A P S O C 8 3 2 * Even Odd Even Odd 10 Even Odd Teaching Notes Visually, it is NOT easy to see that the objects in this group (*) can be divided into two equal groups. More questions in ACTUAL Teaching Guide and Student’s worksheets. Inform students that after they understood the concepts of odd and even, it might be easier to remember what are the even and odd numbers. Help students identify even and odd numbers in Activity 4 & 5. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 2 Activity 4 : Even and Odd numbers from 1 to 10. E L P M Y A P S O C 10 Colour the even numbers blue. The even numbers are : 2 4 ______ 6 ______ 8 ______ 10 ______ ______ More questions are found in the ACTUAL Teaching Guide and Student’s worksheets. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 3 E L P M Y A P S O C Activity 5: Even and Odd Numbers from 11 to 20. Write the numerals 11 to 20 in the flowers and the word ‘even’ or ‘odd’ on top of the numbers. Odd Even Odd 11 12 13 Teaching Notes Proceed to Activity 8 More questions are found in the ACTUAL Teaching Guide and Student’s worksheets. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 4 E L P M Y A P S O C Activity 6 : Identifying Even and Odd numbers. Help the ladybug finds his friend by following the trail of odd numbers. Colour all the odd numbers. Teaching Notes Activity 6 reinforces the even and odd numbers that students had just identified. Assign Activity 6 as homework if there is not enough time. DO this activity LAST! More questions are found in the ACTUAL Teaching Guide and Student’s worksheets. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 5 Activity 7: Even Elly or Odd Olly. Instructions E L P M Y A P S O C 1. Colour and cut out the ladybugs. 2. Attached straws / ice cream sticks on the ladybugs. 3. Paste even number of dots (Eg 4) on Even Elly 4. Paste odd number of dots (Eg 5) on Odd Olly. Teacher MAY assign this activity as a homework. Teaching Notes This activity provides opportunities for you to bond with your students. Talk to them as they work on their craft. Assign Activity 7 as homework if there is not enough time. Distribute the ice cream sticks and dots stickers to students. DO this activity LAST! ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 6 Print Blank ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 7 * Activity 8: You are given some number cards as shown below. E L P M Y A P S O C Arrange the number cards to form the Ans : 12 smallest even number. Arrange the number cards to form the largest odd number. Ans : 201 *Modified Math Olympiad questions More questions are found in the ACTUAL Teaching Guide and Student’s worksheets. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 8 Note to Parents: Identifying even and odd numbers is an important Math skill that will prepare children to learn division and prime numbers. Instead of merely getting children to memorize that 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 are even and 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are odd numbers, this week’s lesson explains the concept of even and odd using the story, “Seven Jelly Beans” where two friends were trying to divide 7 jellybeans equally among themselves. They find that they are not able to do so E L P M Y A P S O C because, 7 is an odd number. When, they started to fight, Owl came along and ate one jellybean. With 6, an even number, the friends were able to divide the jellybeans equally among themselves and their problem was solved! Concept Even numbers can be divided evenly into groups of two. Odd numbers cannot be divided evenly into groups of two. In subsequent levels, our students will be exposed to problems that require the use of even and odd concepts to solve. *Example : Primary 2 What is the colour of the 99th bead? *Example : Primary 3 (P1 HOT Q2 builds basic concept fr this qn) Is the result of 1 + 2+ 3 + ….. + 20 odd or even? *modified MOE Gifted Education (GEP) screening exam. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 9 This is Higher Order Thinking 1. Ryan was given a stack of number cards with digits from E L P M Y A P S O C 0 to 9. He chose three cards and arranged them as shown below. If the two numbers behind the cards are even numbers, what could be the largest possible number he can form without changing the arrangement? Ans : 684 2. Marina spotted some turtles at a beach. She added two odd numbers of turtles to equal 10. Show the two different ways she could have gotten the answer. _____ + _____ = 10 odd odd _____ + _____ = 10 odd 1+9 3+7 5+5 odd Is it possible to add two even numbers to equal 10? _____ + _____ = 10 even Concept Accept all possible answers Accept all possible answers 2+8 4+6 even Even Odd + Odd = __________ Even Even + Even = __________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 10 The Seven Jelly Beans TEACHERS’ GUIDE DO NOT print for students. E L P M Y A P S O C ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 11 Once upon a time, there was a sheep and a cow who were friends. Display on pocket chart: E L P M Y A P S O C They played together and had fun everyday until one day, the sheep's daddy gave them a bag of jellybeans to share. In the bag, there were seven jellybeans. Display on pocket chart: The sheep divided the jellybeans into two piles. His pile had 5 jellybeans, and the cow's pile had 2 jellybeans. Display on pocket chart: Ask: Is that fair? How do you think Cow feels? What do you think will happen next? Complete story in ACTUAL Teaching Guide ______________________________________________________________________________________ Unauthorized copying, resale or distribution prohibited P1 L2 Page 12