AcOvity Process – Handfuls – odd or even?

Word Wall: odd, even, collec*on, skip coun*ng, how many, less than, different, the same as. not the same as, more than, fewer than, group, match, digit, altogether, number sentence, strategy, think, list, using equipment, guess and check, predict, explain Introduc$on Students will recognise and describe numbers as odd and even by
grouping collections in twos, or skip counting. Students will explain
why numbers ending in 1,3,5,7,9 are odd and numbers ending in
0,2,4,6,8 are even.
Resources • Counters / straws
• Hundreds Board
• Odd or even - investigation sheet
• 1-100 cards
• Calculator
• Individual whiteboards and washable pens
• FISH Kit
Ac$vity Process – Handfuls – odd or even? Ac$vity Process – Inves$ga$on – adding odd and even numbers 1. Pose a problem for the students:
What happens if I add two even numbers?
2. Students share their collections by: splitting into two equal groups,
skip counting, or grouping in twos. If the partner can share it out
between the two people, they get a point. If not, the point goes to the
other person. Students scribe tally marks on a whiteboard to score.
2. Each student must
• Predict if the answer will be odd or even
• Explain why they think this is the case
• Prove their theory by writing and solving 5 addition problems
on each finger of a drawn hand. Students may use
1.  Students work with a partner. Each students grabs a handful of
counters, bottle-tops or straws, then passes it to their partner.
4. Students record the numbers as they go.
Time / Classroom Organisa$on Each section of the activity process may be introduced to a whole
or small group. Allow 20-30 minutes for each activity. Review the
properties of even and odd numbers when exploring number
patterns and predicted results of addition problems.
Australian Curriculum Year level: Three
ACMNA051 Investigate the conditions required for a number to
be odd or even and identify odd and even numbers.
5. Ask students what they notice about the numbers that you can
share, for example: they end in 0,2,4,6,8. These are called EVEN
numbers, because we can share them out evenly (divide by 2).
6. Ask students what they notice about the numbers that always had
one left over, for example: they end in 1,3,5,7,9. These are ODD
numbers, because there is always an odd one out when we share
them (there is always one left over when we divide by two).
7. Test these assumptions by giving each student a number from
8. Each student must
• Predict if the number is odd or even
• Explain why they think this is the case
• Prove their theory with materials.
Source: First steps in Mathematics – Number , Reason
2007. Rigby: Port Melbourne.p 252
about number patterns,
3. Repeat this process for the following:
• What happens if I add two odd numbers?
• What happens if I add an even and an odd number?
4. Allow time to draw conclusions.
Write down students’ theories.
Refer to these and test regularly
during maths discussions. Varia$ons and Extensions Interac$ve Whiteboard Resources 1. Very odd
Resources: cardboard/paper, individual cards, coat
hanger, string,
scissors, glue, hole punch.
Select five odd numbers from 1-100. Write each number
onto a card. Attach the numbers to a coat hanger in
order from smallest to largest. Represent the numbers in
different ways.
For example:
• Write the number in words
• Draw the tens and ones
• Create a problem that equals the number
• Use the number in a counting pattern
• Prove that the number is odd.
Add the representations to the number cards
Write a definition of an odd number.
Target Square – find the odd numbers
Source: A Hillbrick,2005. Tuning in with Task Cards. Curriculum
Corporation: Carlton.p58.
2. Calculator
Resources: Number cards, Calculator and individual
Draw a number from 1-100. Write the number on the
whiteboard and identify it as odd or even. How can you
prove that it is an odd/even number by using the
3. Hundreds Board – odd or even
Resources: Hundreds boards for each student;
transparent counters.
Ask students to place a yellow transparent counter on
all the even numbers, and a green transparent counter
on all the odd numbers.
Look for patterns and draw some conclusions about the
properties of odd numbers and the properties of even
numbers. Use discussion to draw out these properties,
for example: every alternate number is even; odd
numbers end in 1,3,5,7,9. Write these down and test the
theory by sharing out counters.
IXL – even or odd? odd-ii
The dragon’s eggs – odd or even
Contexts for learning Play:
Hands up – have 2 students face each other. Clap three times and then
hold up all the fingers on one hand and some extra fingers on the other
hand. Students say how many fingers they are holding up altogether, and
then state whether the number is odd or even. Source: First steps in
Mathematics – Number , Reason about number patterns, 2007. Rigby: Port
Melbourne..p 253
What numbers are in the pattern 2,4,6,8,….. and also in the pattern
5,10,15,20….? Do children realise that all multiples of 10 will be in both
patterns because they are even numbers and that multiples of 5 will not
be in the 2’s pattern because they are odd numbers?
Source: Sullivan and Lilburn. 2010. Open-ended maths activities. Oxford University Press:
South Melbourne. p40.
Real life experience:
Draw three houses on a piece of paper. Write your house number on the
middle house. Is it odd or even? Write the numbers of your next door
neighbours’ houses. What do you notice? Do the same for five
Source: Linthorne, C. 2005. Jigsaw Maths Teacher Resource Book 3. Firefly Press:
Routines and Transitions:
Transition: Flash number cards – students identify as odd or even.
Adapted for use in the Cairns Diocese with the permission of the Catholic Educa<on Office Toowoomba Assessment •  recognise and explain number pa4erns, eg odds and evens, numbers ending with five •  model odd and even numbers using arrays and other collec<on-­‐based diagrams [L] Use the Activity Process – Investigation as an assessment item.
Can the student give a definition of an odd /even number? Can the
student identify odd and even numbers, and give reasons why they
are odd/even? Can the student identify a four digit number, for
example: 4327 as odd or even, with an explanation?
Background Reading Students should investigate properties of numbers, and patterns
associated with those properties. This should include an
investigation of odd and even numbers. Students should have
opportunities to develop the understanding that some collections
can be shared into two equal groups (those with even numbers of
items) and some can’t (those with odd numbers of items). Students
should represent numbers in a wide variety of ways that bring out
their properties. Thus, in the early years students might investigate
the occurrence of odd and even numbers and note that every
second one is even and every other one is odd. In the middle
primary years they might note the pattern of digits in the units place
for odd and even numbers, and use it to decide what side of the
street houses will be on, or whether a particular number could be the
solution to a problem. For example: Can 127 be one of the numbers
in the sequence 4,8,12,16,……?
Source: First steps in Mathematics – Number – Reason about number patterns , 2007.
Rigby: Port Melbourne. Pp 250, 251.
Year three NAPLAN links Students who understand the properties of odd and even numbers
can use this information to support questions like:
2009 Question 10– Calculate sum of two 2 digit numbers with
In this addition, students with a sound understanding of odd and
even numbers will know that the answer must be an even number.
Links to other MAG’s 2.1.1 Number sequences
2.3.2 Number sequences – 2
3.2.1 Number Patterns