Course Code: CSC 315
Course Title: Computer Organisation
Course Status: Compulsory
Course Unit: 3
Contact Details
Lecturer Data
Two hours’ lectures per week for 15 weeks (30 hours)
One hour tutorial per week for 15 weeks (15 hours)
Name: Dr. A. A. Eludire
Qualification: PhD
College: College of Science and Engineering (Associate)
Consultation hours: Tuesday: 10am-12noon
Course Outline
Number Systems. Binary/Octal/Hex Number Systems. Binary Arithmetic. Other Codes: BCD,
Excess-3, Gray, ASCII, EBCDIC. Signed numbers.2's complement .Addition & subtraction.
Multiplications and Divison. BCD addition. Integer representation, Integer arithmetic, FloatingPoint Representation, Floating-Point Arithmetic.Boolean Algebra: Basic circuits and theorems;
Boolean expressions; Truth tables, Logic gates and realization of Boolean functions. Digital and
Analogue systems.
Course Description
Digital Systems is a course on logic design and hardware description languages focusing on logic
gates, Boolean algebra, MOS transistor, CMOS gates, delay models, Combinatorial circuits,
sequential circuits, flip-flops, registers, state machines, computer architecture and organization
including the basics of processor architecture and organization and arithmetic logic unit design.
Course Contents
The course emphasises on theoretical aspects of computer arithmetic. It covers concepts and
various topics related to fixed and floating-point number systems, algorithms and
implementations for addition, multiplication, division, square root, and other high order
arithmetic operations.
Course Justification
The basis for computation in the computer is elementary arithmetic operations carried out by the
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU). This involves a number of rules and methods for representing the
components involved in the arithmeticsuch as the number system and numeration. The great
advances in methods of storing, processing and communicating data and information have been
made possible by the availability of cheap, powerful microchips. Microchips are small in size,
contain no moving parts, and made largely from silicon. Microchips contain large numbers of very
small electric circuits. They can be used for all types of operations that have to do with
information; storing, processing, sending and receiving and controlling equipment. Designing
microchips is a difficult process because they are so complex. Microchips are cheap, and are
getting cheaper. Their speed, processing power and the amount of information they can store are
increasing as well.
Digital logic deals with the investigation of the basis elements from which digital computers are
constructed. Computers represent data in codes based on the binary digits 0 and 1 only. Data is
processed in terms of operations on these digits. The electronic circuit inside a computer which
does the processing may be thought of as gates which the bits pass through and are transformed
on the way. The operations performed by the gates are logical operations following simple rules.
The two district classes of components that form the building blocks of digital systems are the
gates and the flip flops.The ALU is the core of the computer - it performs arithmetic and logic
operations on data that not only realize the goals of various applications (e.g., scientific and
engineering programs), but also manipulate addresses (e.g., pointer arithmetic). It is important to
have an overview of algorithms used for the basic arithmetic and logical operations.
Course Objectives
The study goals for the course are as follows:
1. The student can operate with concepts and notions related to:
(i) number representation systems;
(ii) algorithms and implementations for basic integer arithmetic operations, i.e.,
addition/subtraction, multiplication, and division.
2. Assuming certain processor architecture and requirements she/he can perform design space
exploration and select the most appropriate algorithms for the implementation of the basic
functional units.
3. She/he can operate with concepts and notions related to floating point systems and operations,
elementary function evaluation.
4. She/he can design arithmetic units and application specific (co-)processors, optimized for
speed, area, power consumption, or combinations of those using recent advances in computer
Course Requirements
Students are expected to have studied mathematical methods, algebra, discrete mathematics,
programming and data structures. In particular they are expected to have mastered very well
concepts of geometry and able to interpret algorithms for programming implementation.
Method of Grading
Test / Assessments x 2
Assignments (Group/Individual)
20 marks
10 marks
70 marks
100 marks
Course Delivery Method
Lectures, tutorial and homework assignments
Week 1
• Introduction to Digital Computer and Review of Numeration
Week 2-3
• Fixed-point Number Systems (1 lectures)
• Floating-point Number Systems (1 lectures)
• Unconventional Number Systems and Arithmetic (1 lecture)
Week 4-7
• Computer Arithmetic Algorithms and Implementations for Basic Operations
– Addition (6 lectures)
– Subtraction (2 lecture)
– Multiplication (4 lectures)
– Division (6 lectures)
– Other Elementary Functions (1 lecture)
Week 8-9
Logic gates, Boolean algebra, Combinatorial circuits, sequential circuits, flip-flops, registers, state
machines Logic Design (1 lecture)
Week 10-12
• Design, simulation and implementation of various ALU functional units (3 lectures)
MOS transistor, CMOS gates, delay models,
Week 13-14
Basic VHDL knowledge
Week 15 Revision/Examination
Reading Listand Study Materials
Text book: Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs, Behrooz Parhami, Oxford
University Press, NY, 2000, ISBN 0-19-512583-5.
Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, by Patterson and Hennessy
Fourth Edition, Morgan-Kaufman (2009). ISBN: 978012374493
Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, by Patterson and Hennessy
Revised Fourth Edition, Morgan-Kaufman (2009). ISBN: 9780123747501