Modular forms and arithmetic geometry

Modular forms and arithmetic geometry
Stephen S. Kudla1
The aim of these notes is to describe some examples of modular forms whose
Fourier coecients involve quantities from arithmetical algebraic geometry. At
the moment, no general theory of such forms exists, but the examples suggest
that they should be viewed as a kind of arithmetic analogue of theta series
and that there should be an arithmetic Siegel{Weil formula relating suitable
averages of them to special values of derivatives of Eisenstein series. We will
concentrate on the case for which the most complete picture is available, the case
of generating series for cycles on the arithmetic surfaces associated to Shimura
curves over Q , expanding on the treatment in 40]. A more speculative overview
can be found in 41].
In section 1, we review the basic facts about the arithmetic surface M associated to a Shimura curve over Q . These arithmetic surfaces are moduli stacks
over Spec(Z) of pairs (A ) over a base S , where A is an abelian scheme of
relative dimension 2 and is an action on A of a maximal order OB in an indenite quaternion algebra B over Q . In section 2, we recall the denition of
dH1 (M), following Bost, 7], and we discuss the
the arithmetic Chow group C
metrized Hodge line bundle !^ and the conjectural value of h!^ !^ i, where h i is
dH1(M). In the next two sections, we describe divisors
the height pairing on C
Z (t), t 2 Z>0, on M. These are dened as the locus of (A x)'s where x is
Partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0200292 and by a Max-Planck Research Prize from
the Max-Planck Society and Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.
a special endomorphism (Denition 3.1) of (p
A ) with x2 = ;t. Since such
an x gives anpaction on (A ) of the order Z ;t] in the imaginary quadratic
eld kt = Q ( ;t), the cycles Z (t) can be viewed as analogues of the familiar
CM points on modular curves. In section 3, the complex points and hence the
horizontal components of Z (t) are determined. In section 4, the vertical components of Z (t) are determined using the p-adic uniformization of the bers Mp
of bad reduction of M. In section 5, we construct Green functions (t v) for
the divisors Z (t), depending on a parameter v 2 R>0 . When t < 0, the series
dening (t v) becomes a smooth function on M(C ). These Green functions
dH1(M), for t 2 Z, t 6= 0,
are used in section 6 to dene classes Zb(t v) 2 C
and an additional class Zb(0 v) is dened using !^ . The main result of section 6
(Theorem 6.3) says that generating series
b( ) =
Z (t v) qt
= u + iv
q = e( )
is the q{expansion of a (nonholomorphic) modular form of weight 32 , which
we call an arithmetic theta function. The proof of this result is sketched in
section 7. The main ingredients are (i) the fact that the height pairing of b( )
dH1 (M), e.g., !^ , can be shown to be modular, and
with various classes in C
(ii) the result of Borcherds, 5], which says that a similar generating series with
coecients in the usual Chow group of the generic ber CH1 (MQ) is a modular
form of weight 23 . In section 8, we use the arithmetic theta function to dene
an arithmetic theta lift
b : S 32 ;! Cd
H (M)
f 7! b(f ) = h f b iPet
from a certain space of modular forms of weight 23 to the arithmetic Chow
group. This lift is an arithmetic analogue of the classical theta lift from modular
forms of weight 23 to automorphic forms of weight 2 for ; = OB . According
to the results of Waldspurger, reviewed in section 9, the nonvanishing of this
classical lift is controlled by a combination of local obstructions and, most
importantly, the central value L(1 F ) of the standard Hecke L-function2 of the
cusp form F of weight 2 coming from f via the Shimura lift. In section 10,
we describe a doubling integral representation (Theorem 10.1) of the Hecke Lfunction, involving f and an Eisenstein series E ( s B ) of weight 23 and genus
Here we assume that is a newform, so that (1 ) = ( 12 ), where is the corresponding
cuspidal automorphic representation.
2. At the central point s = 0, E ( 0 B ) = 0. In the case in which the root
number of the L-function is ;1, we obtain a formula (Corollary 10.2)
0 1
h E2 (
;2 0 B ) f (2 ) iPet, 2 = f (1 ) C (0) L ( 2 )
for an explicit constant C (0), whose vanishing is controlled by local obstructions. Finally, in section 11, we state a conjectural identity (Conjecture 11.1)
h b(1 ) b(2 ) i
= E20 ( 1
;2 0 B )
relating the height pairing of the arithmetic theta function and the restriction
to the diagonal of the derivative at s = 0 of the weight 32 Eisenstein series. This
identity is equivalent to a series of identities of Fourier coecients, (11.1),
h Zb(t1 v1 ) Zb(t2 v2 ) i q1t1 q2t2
T 2Sym2 (Z)_
diag(T )=(t1 t2 )
E20 T ( 1 2
0 B ):
t1 m j t t 2 Z m 2 1 Z g
Sym2 (Z)_ = f T = m
t2 1 2
is the dual lattice of Sym2 (Z) with respect to the trace pairing. We sketch the
proof of these identities in the case where t1 t2 is not a square (Theorem 11.2).
As a consequence, we prove Conjecture 11.1 up to a linear combination of
theta series for quadratic forms in one variable (Corollary 11.3). Assuming
that f is orthogonal to such theta series, we can substitute the height pairing
h Zb(t1 v1 ) Zb(t2 v2 ) i for the derivative of the Eisenstein series in the doubling
identity and obtain,
h b(1 ) b(f ) i = f (1 ) C (0) L0 ( 21 )
in the case of root number ;1. This yields the arithmetic inner product formula
h b(f ) b(f ) i = h f f i C (0) L0 ( 21 )
analogous to the Rallis inner product formula for the classical theta lift. Some
discussion of the relation of this result to the Gross-Kohnen-Zagier formula,
24], is given at the end of section 11.
Most of the results described here are part of a long term collaboration with
Michael Rapoport and Tonghai Yang. I would also like to thank J.-B. Bost, B.
Gross, M. Harris, J. Kramer, and U. Kuhn for their comments and suggestions.
x1. Shimura curves and arithmetic surfaces
x2. Arithmetic Chow groups
x3. Special cycles, horizontal components
x4. Special cycles, vertical components
x5. Green functions
x6. The arithmetic theta series
x7. Modularity of the arithmetic theta series
x8. The arithmetic theta lift
x9. Theta dichotomy, Waldspurger's theory
x10. The doubling integral
x11. The arithmetic inner product formula
1. Shimura curves and arithmetic surfaces
Let B be an indenite quaternion algebra over Q and let D(B ) be the product of
the primes p for which Bp = B Q Q p is a division algebra. For the moment, we
allow the case B = M2(Q ), where D(B ) = 1. The three dimensional Q {vector
V = fx 2 B j tr(x) = 0g
is equipped with the quadratic form Q(x) = (x) = ;x2 . Here (resp. tr)
is the reduced norm (resp. trace) on B in the case B = M2 (Q ), this is the
usual determinant (resp. trace). The bilinear form associated to Q is given by
(x y) = tr(xy ) where x 7! x is the involution on B given by x = tr(x) ; x.
The action of H = B on V by conjugation, h : x ! hxh;1 , preserves the
quadratic form and induces an isomorphism
GSpin(V )
H ;!
where GSpin(V ) is the spinor similitude group of V . Since B is indenite, i.e.,
since BR = B Q R ' M2 (R), V has signature (1 2). Let
D = f w 2 V (C ) j (w w) = 0 (w w) < 0 g= C
P(V (C ))
so that D is an open subset of a quadric in P(V (C )). Then the group H (R)
acts naturally on D, and, if we x an isomorphism BR ' M2 (R), then there is
an identication
n R ;!
z 7! w(z ) := z1 ;;zz
mod C
which is equivariant for the action of H (R) ' GL2 (R) on C n R by fractional
linear transformations.
Let OB be a maximal order in B and let ; = OB . In the case B = M2 (Q ), one
may take OB = M2 (Z), so that ; = GL2 (Z). Also let
K = (O^B ) H (A f )
where O^B = OB Z Z^ , for Z^ = lim
Z=N Z. Then the quotient
M (C ) = H (Q )n D H (A f )=K ' ;nD
which should be viewed as an orbifold, is the set of complex points of a Shimura
curve M , if D(B ) > 1, or of the modular curve (without its cusp), if D(B ) = 1.
From now on, we assume that D(B ) > 1, although much of what follows can
be carried over for D(B ) = 1 with only slight modications. The key point is
to interpret M as a moduli space.
Let M be the moduli stack over Spec(Z) for pairs (A ) where A is an abelian
scheme over a base S with an action : OB ! EndS (A) satisfying the determinant condition, 49], 36], 9],
det((b) Lie(A)) = (b):
Over C , such an (A ) is an abelian surface with OB action. For example, for
z 2 D ' C n R, the isomorphism
z : BR ' M2 (R) ;!
b 7! b z1 = ww1
determines a lattice Lz = z (OB ) C 2 . The complex torus Az = C 2 =Lz is
an abelian variety with a natural OB action given by left multiplication, and
hence denes an object (Az ) 2 M(C ). Two points in D give the same lattice
if and only if they are in the same OB {orbit, and, up to isomorphism, every
(A ) over C arises in this way. Thus, the construction just described gives an
M (C )
;nD ] ;!
of orbifolds, and M gives a model of M (C ) over Spec(Z) with generic ber
M = M Spec(Z) Spec(Q )
the Shimura curve over Q .
Since we are assuming that D(B ) > 1, M is proper of relative dimension 1 over
Spec(Z) and smooth over Spec(Z D(B );1]). We will ignore the stack aspect
from now on and simply view M as an arithmetic surface over Spec(Z).
The surface M has bad reduction at primes p j D(B ) and this reduction can be
described via p-adic uniformization 9], 46]. Let ^ p be Drinfeld's p-adic upper
half plane. It is a formal scheme over Zp with a natural action of PGL2 (Q p ).
Let W = W (Fp ) be the Witt vectors of Fp and let
^ W = ^ p Spf(Zp) Spf(W )
be the base change of ^ p to W . Also, let ^ W = ^ W Z, and let g 2 GL2 (Q p )
act on ^ W by
g : (z i) ! ( g(z ) i + ordp (det(g)) ):
Let B (p) be the denite quaternion algebra over Q with invariants
( ;inv (B) if ` = p 1,
inv` (B ) =
inv` (B ) otherwise.
Let H (p) = (B (p) ) and
V (p) = f x 2 B (p) j tr(x) = 0 g:
For convenience, we will often write B 0 = B (p) , H 0 = H (p) and V 0 = V (p) when
p has been xed. Fix isomorphisms
H 0 (Q p ) ' GL2 (Q p )
H 0 (A pf ) ' H (A pf ):
cp be the base change to W of the formal completion of M along its ber
Let M
at p. Then, the Drinfeld{Cherednik Theorem gives an isomorphism of formal
schemes over W
H 0 (Q )n ^ H (A p )=K p ' ;0 n^ cp ;!
where K = Kp K p and ;0 = H 0 (Q ) \ H 0 (Q p )K p . The special ber ^ p Zp Fp of
^ p is a union of projective lines P
] indexed by the vertices ] of the building
B of PGL2 (Q p ). Here ] is the homothety class of the Zp{lattice in Q 2p .
The crossing points of these lines are double points indexed by the edges of B,
and the action of PGL2 (Q p ) on components is compatible with its action on B.
cp is isomorphic to ;0nB, where
Thus, the dual graph of the special ber of M
B = B Z.
2. Arithmetic Chow groups
The modular forms of interest in these notes will take values in the arithmetic
Chow groups of M. We will use the version of these groups with real coecients
dened by Bost, 7], section 5.5. Let Zb1 (M) be the real vector space spanned
by pairs (Z g), where Z is a real linear combination of Weil divisors on M and
g is a Green function for Z . In particular, if Z is a Weil divisor, g is a C 1
function on M(C ) n Z (C ), with a logarithmic singularity along the Z (C ), and
satises the Green equation
ddc g + Z = !Z ]
where !Z is a smooth
(1 1)-form on M(C ), and !Z ] is the corresponding
= i ci Zi is a real linear combination of Weil divisors, then g =
P c g isIf aZreal
linear combination of such Green functions. By construction,
i i i
(Z g) = (Z g) for 2 R. The rst arithmetic Chow group, with real
dH1R(M), is then the quotient of Zb1(M) by the subspace spanned
coecients, C
c f ) = (div(f ) ; log jf j2) where f is a rational function on M, and
by pairs div(
div(f ) is its divisor. Finally, we let
dH (M) = CdHR(M) R C :
Note that restriction to the generic ber yields a degree map
dH (M) ;! CH1 (M ) C ;!
degQ : C
dH (M) is dened analogously, and the arithmetic degree map
The group C
yields an isomorphism
dH (M) ;!
eg : C
Moreover, there is a symmetric R{bilinear height pairing3
h i : CdH1R(M) CdH1R(M) ;! R:
According to the index Theorem, cf. 7], Theorem 5.5, this pairing is nondegenerate and has signature (+ ; ; : : : ). We extend it to an Hermitian pairing
dH1(M), conjugate linear in the second argument.
on C
Let A be the universal abelian scheme over M with zero section , and let
! = 2A=M
be the Hodge line bundle on M. We dene the natural metric on ! by letting
2 Z
sz ^ sz :
jjsz jj2nat = Az
for any section s : z 7! sz , where, for z 2 M(C ), Az is the associated abelian
variety. As in section 3 of 49], we set
jj jj2 = e;2C jj jj2nat
where 2C = log(4)+ , where is Euler's constant. The reason for this choice
of normalization is explained in the introduction to 49]. The pair !b = (! jj jj)
c M), the group of metrized line bundles on M. We
denes an element of Pic(
dH1R(M) under the natural map Pic(
c M) !
write !b for the image of this class in C
The pullback to D of the restriction of ! to M(C ) is trivialized by the section dened as follows. For z 2 D, let z be the holomorphic 2{form on Az = C 2 =Lz
given by
z = D(B );1 (2i)2 dw1 ^ dw2
Here the symmetry must still be checked in the case of a stack, cf. section 4 of 49].
where w1 and w2 are the coordinates on the right side of (1.6). Then
!C = ;n(D C )
where the action of 2 ; is given by
: (z ) 7;! ( (z ) (cz + d)2 ):
Thus, on M(C ), ! is isomorphic to the canonical bundle 1M(C ) , under the map
which sends z to dz . The resulting metric on 1M(C ) is
jjdz jj2 = jj jj2
= e;2C
2 Z
2 Az z ^ z = e;2C (2);2 (2)4 D(B );2 vol(M2 (R)=OB ) Im(z )2
= e;2C (2)2 Im(z )2 :
In 49], it was conjectured that
X p log(p) h !b !b i =?? D(B) (;1) 2 ((;;1)1) + 1 ; 2C ;
pjD(B ) p ; 1
D(B) (s) = (s) Y
(1 ; p;s )
pjD(B )
and 2C = log(4) + , as before. In the case D(B ) = 1, i.e., for a modular
curve, the analogous value for h !b !b i was established, independently, by Bost,
8], and Kuhn, 53], cf. the introduction to 49] for a further discussion of
normalizations. It will be convenient to dene a constant c by
1 deg (!b ) c := h !b !b i ; RHS of (2.13):
2 Q
In particular, h !b !b i has the conjectured value if and only if c = 0. It seems
likely that this conjecture can be proved using recent work of Bruinier, Burgos and Kuhn, 12], on heights of curves on Hilbert modular surfaces. Their
work uses an extended theory of arithmetic Chow groups, developed by Burgos, Kramer and Kuhn, 13], which allows metrics with singularities of the type
which arise on compactied Shimura varieties. In addition, they utilize results
of Bruinier, 10], 11], concerning Borcherds forms. Very general conjectures
about such arithmetic degrees and their connections with the equivariant arithmetic Riemann{Roch formula have been given by Maillot and Roessler, 55].
Some connections of arithmetic degrees with Fourier coecients of derivatives
of Eisenstein series are discussed in 39].
3. Special cycles, horizontal components
Just as the CM points on the modular curves are constructed as the points
where the corresponding elliptic curves have additional endomorphisms, cycles
on M can be dened by imposing additional endomorphisms as follows.
Denition 3.1. For a given (A ), the space of special endomorphisms of
(A ) is
(3.1) V (A ) = f x 2 EndS (A) j tr(x) = 0 and x (b) = (b) x 8b 2 OB g:
Over a connected base, this free Z{module of nite rank has a Z{valued quadratic
form Q given by
;x2 = Q(x) idA :
Denition 3.2. For a positive integer t, let Z (t) be the moduli stack over
Spec(Z) of triples (A x), where (A ) is as before and x 2 V (A ) is a special
endomorphism with Q(x) = t.
There is a natural morphism
Z (t) ;! M
(A x) 7! (A )
which is unramied, and, by a slight abuse of notation, we write Z (t) for the
divisor on M determined by this morphism.
C , such a triple (A x) is an abelian surface with an action of OB Z
Z ;t] i.e., with additional `complex multiplication' by the order Z ;t] in
the imaginary quadratic eld kt = Q ( ;t). Suppose that A ' Az = C 2 =Lz , so
that, by (1.8), the tangent space Te (Az ) is given as BR ' C 2 = Te (Az ). Since
the lift x~R of x in the diagram
x~R = r(jx ) #
;! Az
;! Az
x~ #
commutes with the left action of OB and carries OB into itself, it is given by
right multiplication r(jx ) by an element jx 2 OB \ V with (jx ) = t. Since the
map x~ is holomorphic, it follows that z 2 Dx , the xed point set of jx on D.
To simplify notation, we will write x in place of jx . Then, we nd that
Z (t)(C ) = ;nDt
Dt =
x2OB \V
Dx :
In particular, Z (t)(C ), which can be viewed as a set of CM points on the
Shimura curve M (C ), is nonempty if and only if the imaginary quadratic eld
kt embeds in B .
The horizontal part Z hor (t) of Z (t) is obtained by taking the closure in M of
these CM{points, i.e.,
Z hor(t) := Z (t)Q:
Finally, if we write 4t p= n2 d where ;d is the discriminant of the imaginary
quadratic eld kt = Q ( ;t), then the degree of the divisor Z (t)Q is given by
degQ Z (t) = 2(d D(B )) H0 (t D(B ))
(d D(B )) =
(1 ; d (p))
pjD(B )
H0 (t D(B )) =
X h(c2 d)
w(c2 d)
= wh((dd)) X
(cD(B ))=1
(1 ; d(`)`;1 ) :
Here h(c2 d) is the class number of the order Oc2 d in kt of conductor c, w(c2 d)
is the number of roots of unity in Oc2 d, and d is the Dirichlet character for
the eld kt . Note that, in this formula, we are counting points on the orbifold
;nD], so that each point pr(z ), z 2 D, is counted with multiplicity e;z 1 where
ez = j;z j is the order of the stabilizer of z in ;. For example,
suppose that
z 2 Dx for x 2 V \ OB with Q(x) = t. Then, since Zx] ' Z ;t] is an order
of conductor n, Q x] \ OB Zx] is an order of conductor c for some c j n, and
ez = w(c2 d) = j (Q x] \ OB ) j.
4. Special cycles, vertical components
In this section, we describe the vertical components of the special cycles Z (t)
in some detail, following 46]. In the end, we obtain a `p-adic uniformization',
(4.27), quite analogous to the expression (3.5) for Z (t)(C ). We rst review the
construction of the p-adic uniformization isomorphism (1.16).
Let B be the division quaternion algebra over Q p and let OB be its maximal
order. Let Zp2 be the ring of integers in the unramied quadratic extension
Q p2 of Q p . Fixing an embedding of Q p2 into B , we have Zp2 ,! OB , and we
can choose an element " 2 OB with "2 = p such that "a = a ", for all
a 2 Q p2 , where is the generator of the Galois group of Q p2 over Q p . Then
OB = Zp2"].
Recall that W = W (Fp ). Let Nilp be the category of W {schemes S such that
p is locally nilpotent in OS , and for S 2 Nilp, let S = S W Fp .
A special formal (s.f.) OB {module over a W scheme S is a p-divisible formal
group X over S of dimension 2 and height 4 with an action : OB ,! EndS (X ).
The Lie algebra Lie(X ), which is a Zp2 OS {module, is required to be free of
rank 1 locally on S .
Fix a s.f. OB {module X over Spec(Fp ). Such a module is unique up to OB {
linear isogeny, and
End0OB (X) ' M2 (Q p ):
We x such an isomorphism. Consider the functor
D : Nilp ! Sets
which associates to each S 2 Nilp the set of isomorphism classes of pairs (X ),
where X is a s.f. OB {module over S and
: X Spec(Fp ) S ;! X S S
is a quasi-isogeny4. The group GL2 (Q p ) acts on D by
g : (X ) 7! (X g;1 ):
There is a decomposition
D =
where the isomorphism class of (X ) lies in Di (S ) if has height i. The
action of g 2 GL2 (Q p ) carries Di to Di;ord det(g) . Drinfeld showed that D is
representable by a formal scheme, which we also denote by D , and that there
is an isomorphism of formal schemes
^ D ;!
which is equivariant for the action of GL2 (Q p ).
Similarly, using the notation, B , OB , H , etc., of section 1, the formal scheme
cp represents the functor on Nilp which associates to S the set of isomorphism
classes of triples (A ) where A is an abelian scheme of relative dimension 2
over S , up to prime to p{isogeny, with an action OB ,! EndS (A) satisfying the
This means that, locally on , there is an integer such that
p is an isogeny.
determinant condition (1.7), and is K p {equivalence class of OB {equivariant
B (A p )
: V^ p (A) ;!
V^ p (A) ;!
T` (A) Q
is the rational Tate module of A. Two isomorphisms and 0 are equivalent i#
there exists an element k 2 K p such that 0 = r(k) .
cp(Fp ), and let
Fix a base point (A0 0 0 ) in M
cp : Nilp ;! Sets
be the functor which associates to S the set of isomorphism classes of tuples
(A ), where (A ) is as before, and
: A0 Spec(Fp ) S ;! A S S
is an OB {equivariant p-primary isogeny.
To relate the functors just dened, we let
B 0 = End0 (A0 0 )
H 0 = (B 0 )
and x 0 2 0 . Since the endomorphisms of V^ p (A0 ) coming from B 0 (A pf ) =
B 0 Q Z^ p commute with OB , the corresponding endomorphisms of B (A pf ), obtained via 0 , are given by right multiplications by elements of B (A pf ). Thus
we obtain identications, as in (1.15),
B (A p )op
B 0 (A pf ) ;!
H (A p )op
H 0 (A pf ) ;!
where the order of multiplication is reversed in B op and H op . We also identify
B with Bp and take X = A0 (p), the p-divisible group of A0 , with the action of
OB = OB Z Zp coming from 0 . Note that we also obtain an identication
Bp0 ' GL2 (Q p ), via (4.1).
Once these identications have been made, there is a natural isomorphism
D H (A p )=K p
cp ;!
dened as follows. To a given (A ) over S , we associate:
X = A(p) = the p-divisible group of A,
= the action of OB = OB Z Zp on A(p),
= () = the quasi-isogeny
() : X Spec(Fp ) S ;! A(p) S S
determined by ,
so that (X ) denes an element of D . For 2 , there is also a diagram
B (A p )
V^ p (A0 ) ;!
# r (g )
V^ p (A)
B (A p )
where r(g) denotes right multiplication5 by an element g 2 H (A pf ). The coset
gK p is then determined by the equivalence class , and the isomorphism (4.13)
sends (A ) to ((X ) gK p).
The Drinfeld-Cherednik Theorem says that, by passing to the quotient under
the action of H 0 (Q ), we have
cp ;!
D H (A pf )=K p
H 0 (Q )n D H (A p )=K p :
cp ;!
^ of (4.6), this yields (1.16).
Via the isomorphism D !
We can now describe the formal scheme determined by the cycle Z (t), following
section 8 of 46]. Let6 Cbp (t) be the base change to W of the formal completion
This is the reason for the \op" in the isomorphism (4.12), since we ultimately want a left
action of (A ).
6 We change to C
b to avoid confusion with the notation Zb( ) used for classes in the arithmetic
Chow group.
t v
of Z (t) along its ber at p, and let Cbp (t) be the ber product:
Cbp (t) ;! M
bCp(t) ;! M
A point of Cbp (t) corresponds to a collection (A x), where x 2 V (A ) is a
special endomorphism with Q(x) = t. In addition, since we are now working
with A's up to prime to p isogeny, we also require that the endomorphism (x)
of B (A pf ), obtained by transfering, via , the endomorphism of V^ p (A) induced
by x, is given by right multiplication by an element jfp (x) 2 V (A pf ) \ O^B . This
condition does not depend on the choice of in the K p {equivalence class .
Next, we would like to determine the image of Cbp (t) in D H (A pf )=K p under
the isomorphism in the top line of (4.16). Let
V 0 = f x 2 B 0 j tr(x) = 0 g = V (A0 0 ) Z Q
where V (A0 0 ) is the space of special endomorphisms of (A0 0 ). We again
write Q for the quadratic form on this space. For a point of Cbp (t) associated to
a collection (A x ), let ((X ) gK p ) be the corresponding point in D H (A pf )=K p . The special endomorphism x 2 V (A ) induces an endomorphism
of A S S and, thus, via the isogeny , there is an associated endomorphism
(x) 2 V 0 (Q ). This element satises two compatibility conditions with the
other data:
(i) (x) determines an element j = j (x) 2 V 0 (Q p ) = End0OB (X). By construction, this element has the property that the corresponding element
j ;1 2 End0OB (X S S)
is, in fact, the restriction of an element of EndOB (X ), viz. the endomorphism induced by original x. Said another way, j denes an endomorphism of the reduction X S S which lifts to an endomorphism of
(ii) Via the diagram (4.15),
g;1 (x) g 2 V (A pf ) \ O^Bp :
Here we are slightly abusing notation and, in e#ect, are identifying (x) 2
V 0 (Q ) with an element of V (A pf ) obtained via the identication
V (A p )
V 0 (A pf ) ;!
coming from (4.12).
Condition (i) motivates the following basic denition, 46], Denition 2.1.
Denition 4.1. For a special endomorphism j 2 V 0 (Q p ) of X, let Z (j ) be the
closed formal subscheme of D consisting of the points (X ) such that j ;1
lifts to an endomorphism of X .
We will also write Z (j ) D for the subschemes where the height of the quasiisogeny is 0. We will give a more detailed description of Z (j ) in a moment.
As explained above and in more detail in 46], section 8, there is a map
Cbp (t) ,! V 0 (Q ) D H (A pf )=K p
whose image is the set:
(i) Q(y) = t
(X ) 2 Z (j (y))
(?) := > (y (X ) gK ) :
(iii) y 2 g (V (A pf ) \ O^Bp ) g;1
Taking the quotient by the group H 0 (Q ), we obtain the following p-adic uniformization of the special cycle:
Proposition 4.2. The construction aboves yields isomorphisms:
Cbp (t) ;!
H 0 (Q )n(?)
Mp ;! H (Q )n D H (A f )=K
of formal schemes over W .
Remark 4.3. In fact, in this discussion, the compact open subgroup K p giving
the level structure away from p can be arbitrary. In the case of interest, where
K p = (O^Bp ) , the last diagram can be simplied as follows. Let
L0 = V 0 (Q ) \ B 0 (Q p ) O^Bp
so that L0 is a Zp;1]{lattice in V 0 (Q ). Also, as in section 1, let
;0 = H 0 (Q ) \ H 0 (Q p ) K p
so that (the projection of) ;0 is an arithmetic subgroup of H 0 (Q p ) ' GL2 (Q p ).
Finally, let
Dt =
Z (j (y)):
Cbp (t) ;!
;0 nDt
# 0
Mp ;! ; nD :
Of course, we should now view these quotients as orbifolds, and, in fact, should
formulate the discussion above in terms of stacks.
To complete the picture of the vertical components of our cycle Z (t), we need
a more precise description of the formal schemes Z (j ) for j 2 V 0 (Q p ), as
obtained in the rst four sections of 46]. Note that we are using the quadratic
form Q(j ) = det(j ), whereas, in 46], the quadratic form q(j ) = j 2 = ;Q(j ) was
used. It is most convenient to give this description in the space ^ W = ^ W Z.
In fact, we will just consider Z (j ) ^ W , and we will assume that p 6= 2. The
results for p = 2, which are very similar, are described in section 11 of 49].
Recall that the special ber of ^ W is a union of projective lines P
], indexed
by the vertices ] of the building B of PGL2 (Q p ).
The rst result, proved in section 2 of 46], describes the support of Z (j ) in
terms of the building.
Proposition 4.4.
\ Z (j ) 6= () j () :
In particular, if Z (j ) 6= , then ordp (Q(j )) 0.
() d(] Bj ) 21 ordp (Q(j )):
Here Bj is the xed point set of j on B, and d(x y) is the distance between the
points x and y 2 B.
j () Recall that the distance function on the building B is PGL2 (Q p ){invariant and
gives each edge length 1.
In e#ect, if we write Q(j ) = p , for 2 Zp , then the support of Z (j ) lies in
the set of P
]'s indexed by vertices of B in the `tube' T (j ) of radius 2 around
the xed point set Bj of j .
Next, the following observation of Genestier is essential, 46], Theorem 3.1:
Write Q(j ) = p. Then
( (^ )j if = 0,
Z (j ) =
(^ W )1+j if > 0.
where (^ W )x denotes the xed point set of the element x 2 GL2 (Q p ) acting
on ^ W , via its projection to PGL2 (Q p ). Using this fact, one can obtain local
equations for Z (j ) in terms of the local coordinates on ^ W , cf. 46], section
3. Recall that there are standard coordinate neighborhoods associated to each
vertex ] and each edge 0 1 ] of B, cf. 46], section 1. By Proposition 4.4, it
suces to compute in the neighborhoods of those P
]'s which meet the support
of Z (j ). For the full result, see Propositions 3.2 and 3.3 in 46]. In particular,
embedded components can occur. But since these turn out to be negligible,
e.g., for intersection theory, cf. section 4 of 46], we can omit them from Z (j )
to obtain the divisor Z (j )pure which has the following description.
Proposition 4.5. Write Q(j ) = p, and let
] (j ) = maxf 0 2 ; d(] Bj ) g:
(i) If is even and ; 2 Zp 2, then
Z (j )pure =
] (j ) P
(ii) If is even and ; 2= Zp 2, then
Z (j )pure = Z (j )h +
] (j ) P
where the horizontal part Z (j )h is the disjoint union of two divisors projecting
isomorphically to Spf(W ) and meeting the special ber in `ordinary special'
points of P
(j)], where (j )] is the unique vertex Bj of B xed by j .
(iii) If is odd, then
Z (j )pure = Z (j )h +
] (j ) P
where the horizontal divisor Z (j )h is Spf(W 0 ) where W 0 is the ring of integers
in a ramied quadratic extension of W Z Q and Z (j )h meets the special ber
in the double point pt(j) where $(j ) is the edge of B containing the unique
xed point Bj of j .
Thus Z (j )pure is a sum with multiplicities of regular one dimensional formal
In case (i), the split case, Q p (j ) ' Q p Q p , the element j lies in a split torus A
in GL2 (Q p ), and Bj is the corresponding apartment in B. More concretely, if
e0 and e1 are eigenvectors of j giving a basis of Q 2p , then Bj is the geodesic arc
connecting the vertices Zp e0 pr Zp e1 ], for r 2 Z. The P
]'s for ] 2 Bj have
multiplicity 2 in Z (j ), and the multiplicity decreases linearly with the distance
from Bj . The cycle Z (j ) is innite and there are no horizontal components.
In case (ii), the inert case, Q p (j ) is an unramied quadratic extension of Q p , the
element j lies in the corresponding nonsplit Cartan subgroup of GL2 (Q p ) and
Bj = (j )] is a single vertex. The corresponding P
(j)] occurs with multiplicity
in Z (j ), and the multiplicity of the vertical components P
] decreases linearly
with the distance d(] (j )]).
Finally, in case (iii), the ramied case, Q p (j ) is a ramied quadratic extension
of Q p , the element j lies in the corresponding nonsplit Cartan subgroup of
GL2 (Q p ) and Bj is the midpoint of a unique edge $(j ) = 0 1 ]. The vertical
components P
0 ] and P
1] occur with multiplicity ;2 1 in Z (j ), and, again, the
multiplicity of the vertical components P
] decreases linearly with the distance
d(] Bj ), which is now a half-integer.
This description of the Z (j )'s, together with the p-adic unformization of Proposition 4.2, gives a fairly complete picture of the vertical components of the cycles
Z (t) in the bers Mp , p j D(B ), of bad reduction. Several interesting features
are evident.
For example, the following result gives a criterion for the occurrence of such
Proposition 4.6. For p j D(B), the cycle Z (t) contains components of the
ber Mp of bad reduction if and only if ordp (t) 2, and no prime ` 6= p with
` j D(B ) is split in kt .
Note that the condition amounts to (i) ordp (t) 2, and (ii) the eld kt embeds
into B (p)
For example,
p if more than one prime p j D(B ) splits in the quadratic eld
kt = Q ( ;t), then Z (t) is empty. If p j D(B ) splits in kt , and all other primes
` j D(B ) are not split in kt , then the generic ber Z (t)Q is empty, and Z (t) is
a vertical cycle in the ber at p, provided ordp (t) 2. In general, if p j D(B ),
and kt embeds in B (p) , then the vertical component in Mp of the cycle Z (p2r t)
grows as r goes to innity, while the horizontal part does not change. Indeed,
if we change t to p2r t, then, by (3.8), degQ Z (p2r t) = degQ Z (t), while both the
radius of the tube T (pr j ) and the multiplicity function ] (pr j ) increase.
Analogues of these results about cycles dened by special endomorphisms are
obtained in 45] and 47] for Hilbert{Blumenthal varieties and Siegel modular
varieties of genus 2 respectively.
5. Green functions
dHR(M) from the Z (t)'s, it
To obtain classes in the arithmetic Chow group C
is necessary to equip them with Green functions. These are dened as follows
see 37] for more details. For x 2 V (R), with Q(x) 6= 0, let
Dx = f z 2 D j (x w(z )) = 0 g:
Here w(z ) 2 V (C ) is any vector with image z in P(V (C )). The set Dx consists
of two points if Q(x) > 0, and is empty if Q(x) < 0. By (3.5) and (3.6), we
Z (t)(C ) =
x2OB \V
pr(Dx )
mod ;
where pr : D ! ;nD. For x 2 V (R), with Q(x) 6= 0, and z 2 D, let
R(x z ) = j(x w(z ))j2 j(w(z ) w(z ))j;1 :
This function on D vanishes precisely on Dx. Let
1 (r) =
e;ru u;1 du = ;Ei(;r)
be the exponential integral. Note that
1 (r) =
( ; log(r) ; + O(r)
O(e;r )
as r ! 0,
as r ! 1.
Thus, the function
(x z ) = 1 (2R(x z ))
has a logarithmic singularity on Dx and decays exponentially as z goes to the
boundary of D. A straightforward calculation, 37], section 11, shows that
(x ) is a Green function for Dx .
Proposition 5.1. As currents on D,
ddc (x) + Dx = '01 (x) ]
where, for z 2 D ' C n R with y = Im(z ),
= 21 2i dz y^2 dz
is the hyperbolic volume form and
'01 (x z ) = 4( R(x z ) + 2Q(x) ) ; 1 e;2R(xz):
Recall that ddc = ; 21i @ @.
Remark. For xed z 2 D,
(x x)z = (x x) + 2 R(x z )
is the majorant attached to z , 63]. Thus, the function
'1 (x z ) = '01 (x z ) e;2Q(x) is (a very special case of) the Schwartz function valued in smooth (1 1){forms
on D dened in 43]. In fact, the function (x z ) was rst obtained by solving
the Green equation of Proposition 5.1 with this right hand side.
Because of the rapid decay of (x ), we can average over lattice points.
Corollary 5.2. For v 2 R>0 , let
(t v)(z ) :=
x2OB \V
(v 12 x z ):
(i) For t > 0, (t v) denes a Green function for Z (t).
(ii) For t < 0, (t v) denes a smooth function on M (C ).
Note, for example, that for t > 0,
Z (t)(C ) = and (t v) = 0
kt does not
() fx 2 OB \ V Q(x) = tg = () embed
in B .
An explicit construction of Green functions for divisors in general locally symmetric varieties is given by Oda and Tsuzuki, 58], by a di#erent method.
6. The arithmetic theta series
dH (M). These can be viewed
At this point, we can dene a family of classes in C
as an analogue for the arithmetic surface M of the Hirzebruch-Zagier classes
TN in the middle cohomology of a Hilbert modular surface, 29].
Denition 6.1. For t 2 Z, with t 6= 0, and for a parameter v 2 R+ , dene
dH1R(M) by
classes in C
bZ (t v) = ( Z (t) (t v) ) if t > 0,
( 0 (t v) )
For t = 0, dene
if t < 0.
Zb(0 v) = ;!b ; (0 log(v)) + (0 c)
where c is the constant dened by (2.15).
We next construct a generating series for these classes again, this can be viewed
as an arithmetic analogue of the Hirzebruch{Zagier generating series for the
TN 's. For = u + iv 2 H, the upper half plane, let q = e( ) = e2i .
Denition 6.2. The arithmetic theta series is the generating series
b( ) = Zb(t v) qt 2 Cd
H (M)q]]:
Note that, since the imaginary part v of appears as a parameter in the coefcient Zb(t v), this series is not a holomorphic function of .
The arithmetic theta function b( ) is closely connected with the generating series for quadratic divisors considered by Borcherds, 5], and the one for Heegner
points introduced by Zagier, 78]. The following result, 42], justies the terminology. Its proof, which will be sketched in section 7, depends on the results
of 49] and of Borcherds, 5].
Theorem 6.3. The arithmetic1theta series b( ) is a (nonholomorphic) modular
dH (M).
form of weight 32 valued in C
dH (M)
As explained in Proposition 7.1 below, the arithmetic Chow group C
can be written as direct sum
dH (M) = CdH (M )C C01 (M(C ))
dH (M )C a nite dimensional complex vector space, the Arakelov
where C
Chow group of M for the hyperbolic metric , (7.7), and C01 (M(C )) is the
space of smooth functions on M(C ) with integral 0 with respect to . Theorem 6.3 then means that there is a smooth function of Ar of valued in
dH1(M )C and a smooth function ( z) on H M(C ), with
M(C )
( z ) d(z ) = 0
and such that the sum ( ) = Ar ( )+ ( z ) satises the usual transformation
law for a modular form of weight 23 , for ;0 (4D(B )), and such that the q{
expansion of ( ) is the formal generating series b( ) of Denition 6.2. By
abuse of notation, we write b( ) both for ( ) and for its q{expansion.
7. Modularity of the arithmetic theta series
Although the arithmetic theta series b( ) can be viewed as a kind of generating
series for lattice vectors in the spaces V (A ) of special endomorphisms, there
is no evident analogue of the Poisson summation formula, which is the key
ingredient of the proof of modularity of classical theta series. Instead, the
modularity of b( ) is proved by computing its height pairing with generators
dH1 (M) and identifying the resulting functions of with known
of the group C
modular forms.
dHR(M), 20], 66],
First we recall the structure of the arithmetic Chow group C
7]. There is a map
a : C 1 (M (C )) ;! Cd
7;! (0 )
from the space of smooth functions on the curve M (C ). Let 11 = a(1) be the
dH1R(M) be the subspace generated
image of the constant function. Let Vert C
by classes of the form (Yp 0), where Yp is a component of a ber Mp . The
c p) = (Mp ; log(p)2) 0 implies that (Mp 0) 2 log(p) 11, so
relation div(
that 11 2 Vert. The spaces a(C 1 (M (C )) and Vert span the kernel of the
restriction map
dHR(M) ;! CH1(MQ)R
resQ : C
to the generic ber. Here CH1 (MQ)R = CH1 (MQ) Z R.
MWR = MW(M )R = Jac(M )(Q ) Z R
be the Mordell{Weil space of the Shimura curve M = MQ, and recall that this
space is the kernel of the degree map
MWR ;! CH1 (M )R ;!
Note that the degree of the restriction of the class !b to the generic ber is
positive, since it is given by the integral of the hyperbolic volume form over
Finally, let C01 = C 1 (M (C ))0 be the space of smooth functions which are
orthogonal to the constants with respect to the hyperbolic volume form.
The following is a standard result in the Arakelov theory of arithmetic surfaces,
32], 15], 7].
Proposition 7.1. Let
g :=
b Vert a(C 1 )
be the orthogonal complement of R !b Vert a(C01 ) with respect to the height
pairing. Then
dHR(M) = MW
!b Vert a(C01 )
where the three summands are orthogonal with respect to the height pairing.
Moreover, the restriction map resQ induces an isometry
g ;!
resQ : MW
g and the negative
with respect to the Gillet{Soule{Arakelov height pairing on MW
of the Neron{Tate height pairing on MW.
In addition, there are some useful formulas for the height pairings of certain
classes. For example, for any Zb 2 C
h Zb 11 i = 21 degQ (Zb):
In particular, 11 is in the radical of the restiction of the height pairing to Vert,
and h !b 11 i = 12 degQ(!b ) > 0. Also, for 1 and 2 2 C01 ,
ddc 1 2 :
h a(1 ) a(2 ) i = 2
M (C )
Note that the subgroup
dH (M )R = MW
g R!b Vert
is the Arakelov Chow group (with real coecients) for the hyperbolic metric .
Returning to the arithmetic theta series b( ), we consider its pairing with varidH1R(M). To describe these, we rst introduce an Eisenstein series
ous classes in C
of weight 32 associated to the quaternion algebra B , 49]. Let ;0 = SL2 (Z) and
let ;01 be the stabilizer of the cusp at innity. For s 2 C , let
E ( s B ) = v 12 (s; 12 )
2;01 n;0
(c + d); 23 jc + dj;(s; 12 ) %B ( s)
a b and %B ( s) is a function of and s depending on B . This
where = c d
series converges absolutely for Re(s) > 1 and has an analytic continuation to
the whole s{plane. It satises the functional equation, 49], section 16,
E ( s B ) = E ( ;s B )
normalized as in Langlands theory.
The following result is proved in 49].
Theorem 7.2.
2 h b( ) 11 i = ;vol(M (C )) +
= E ( 21 B ):
h b( ) !b i =
deg(Z (t)Q ) qt
X b
h Z (t v) !b i qt
= E 0 ( 12 B ):
This result is proved by a direct computation of the Fourier coecients on the
two sides of (i) and (ii). For (i), the identity amounts to the formula
deg(Z (t)Q ) qt = 2 (d D(B )) H0 (t D(B )) qt = Et0 ( 21 D(B ))
with the notation as in (3.8), (3.9) and (3.10) above. Recall that we write
4t = n2 d where ;d is the discriminant of the eld kt .
For example, if D(B ) = 1, i.e., in the case of B = M2 (Q ),
H0 (t 1) =
X h(c2d)
2 d) :
Thus, 2 H0 (t 1) = H (4t), where H (t) is the `class number' which appears in
the Fourier expansion of Zagier's nonholomorphic Eisenstein series of weight 23 ,
14], 78]:
X 1 ; 12 Z 1 ;4m2vr ; 23 ;m2
r dr q :
(7.12) F ( ) = ; 12 + H (t) q +
m2Z 16
In fact, when D(B ) = 1, the value of our Eisenstein series is
E ( 21 1) = ; 121 + 2 H0 (t 1) qt + 81 v; 12
e;4m2 vr r; 32 dr q;m2 :
As in (i) of Theorem 7.2, both of these series have an interpretation in term of
degrees of 0{cycles of CM points on the modular curve, 76]. Their relation to
a regularized integral of a theta series is proved by J. Funke in 16], 17].
The computations involved in (ii) are signicantly more dicult. For example,
if t > 0 and Z (t)Q (C ) is nonempty, then, 49], Theorem 8.8, the t-th Fourier
coecient of E 0 ( 21 B ) is
Et0 ( 21 B )
L0 (1 d) ; 1 log() ; 1 log(
L(1 d) 2
b0 (n 0 D)
+ 12 J (4tv) +
log jnjp ; bp (n 0 D) + Kp log(p) :
= 2 (d D) H0 (t D) qt pjD
Here, we write D for D(B ), 4t = n2 d, as before, and
pk ;1)
< ;k + (p+1)(
Kp = :
;1 ; k + pk ;1
with k = kp = ordp (n). Also,
J (x) =
if d(p) = ;1, and
if d(p) = 0,
e;xr (1 + r) 12 ; 1 r;1 dr:
Finally, for a prime p - D,
b0 (n 0 D)
k + 2)pk+1 ) ; 2p
(7.17) log1 p bp (n 0 D) = d (p) ;1 ;d(p)(p(2) k++1)(pp) p+k (2
; pk+1
The connection of this rather complicated quantity with arithmetic geometry is
not at all evident. Nonetheless, the identity of part (ii) of Theorem 7.2 asserts
Et0 ( 12 B ) = h Zb(t v) !b i qt :
Recall that the points of the generic
ber Z (t)Q correspond to abelian surfaces
A with an action of OB Z Z ;t], an order in M2 (kt ). The contribution
to h Zb(t v) !b i of the associated horizontal p
component of Z (t) is the Faltings
height of A. Due to the action of OB Z Z ;t ], A is isogenous to a product
E E where E is an elliptic curve with CM by the order Od , and so the Faltings
heights are related by
hFal (A) = 2 hFal(E ) + an isogeny correction.
Up to some combinatorics involving counting of the points Z (t)Q, the terms on
the rst line of the right side of (7.14) come from hFal(E ), while sum on p - D(B )
on the second line arises from the isogeny correction. The J (4tv) term comes
from the contribution of the Green function (t v) with parameter v. Finally,
the cycle Z (t) can have vertical components, and the sum on p j D(B ) comes
from their pairing with !b .
The analogue of (ii) also holds for modular curves, i.e., when D(B ) = 1. In this
case, there are some additional terms, as in the nonholomorphic parts of (7.12)
dH1R(M) supported
and (7.13). These terms are contributions from a class in C
in the cusp, 76], 51].
To continue the proof of modularity of b( ), we next consider the height pairing
of b( ) with classes of the form (Yp 0) in Vert, and with classes of the form (0 ),
for 2 C01 , which might be thought of as `vertical at innity'.
First we consider h b( ) (Yp 0) i. For p 6= 2, the intersection number of a
component Yp indexed by ] with a cycle Z (t) is calculated explicitly in 46].
For p = 2, the computation is very similar. Using this result, we obtain, 42]:
Theorem 7.3. Assume that p j D(B) and that p 6= 2. Then, for a component
Yp of Mp associated to a homothety class of lattices ], there is a Schwartz
function '
] 2 S (V (p) (A f )) and associated theta function of weight 23
( '
] ) =
such that
x2V (p) (Q)
] (x) qQ(x)
h b( ) (Yp 0) i = ( '
] ):
Next consider the height pairings with classes of the form a() = (0 ) for
2 C01 . Here we note that, for a class (Z gZ ) 2 Cd
HR (M),
h (Z gZ ) a() i = 21
M(C )
!Z where !Z = ddc gZ + Z is the smooth (1 1){form on the right side of the Green
equation. The map (Z gZ ) 7! !Z denes a map, 20], 66]
! : Cd
HR(M) ;! A(11) (M(C )):
By the basic construction of the Green function (t v) and Proposition 5.1, we
!( b( ) ) =
x2OB \V
'01 (xv 12 z ) qQ(x) : = ( '01 )(z ) where ( '01 )(z ) is the theta series of weight 32 for the rational quadratic space
V of signature (1 2). Thus,
h b( ) a() i = 1
2 M(C ) ( '1 )(z ) (z ) d(z )
is the classical theta lift of . To describe this more precisely, recall that
ddc = 21 $fg where $ is the hyperbolic Laplacian, and consider functions 2 C01 (M(C ))
satisfying $ + = 0 for > 0. Let i , for 0 < 1 2 : : : be a basis of
such eigenfunctions, orthonormal with respect to . These are just the Maass
forms of weight 0 for the cocompact Fuchsian group ; = OB . Recalling (7.6),
dH1R(M) are orthogonal with respect to the
we see that the classes a( ) 2 C
height pairing and span the subspace a(C01 ). By (7.23), we have the following,
Theorem 7.4. For a Maass form of weight 0 for ;, let
( ) :=
M(C )
( '01 )(z ) (z ) d(z )
be its classical theta lift, a Maass form of weight 23 and level 4D(B ). Then
h b( ) a( ) i = 12 ( ):
Finally, we must consider the component bMW ( ) of b( ) in the space MW.
Recall the isomorphism
MW CH1 (M ):
g ;!
resQ : MW
B ( ) := resQ(b( )) = ;! +
Z (t) qt 2 CH1 (M )
where Z (t) (resp. !) is the class of the 0{cycle Z (t)Q (resp. the line bundle
! = resQ(!b )) in CH1 (M ). This series is essentially a special case of the gen-
erating function for divisors considered by Borcherds, 5], 6]. Assuming that
certain spaces of vector valued modular forms have bases with rational Fourier
coecients, Borcherds proved that his generating series are modular forms, and
McGraw, 56], veried Borcherds assumption. The main point in Borcherds'
proof is the existence of enough relations among the divisors in question, and
such relations can be explicitly given via Borcherds construction of meromorphic modular forms with product expansions, 3], 4]. Thus, the series B ( ) is
a modular form of weight 23 valued in CH1 (M ).
By (i) of Theorem 7.2, we have
and so, the function
deg(B ( )) = E ( 12 B )
MW ( ) := B ( ) ; E ( 21 B ) deg(
!) 2 MW
is also modular of weight 32 . Thus we obtain, 42],
Theorem 7.5. The image of bMW( ) under the isomorphism (7.25), is given
resQ ( bMW ( ) ) = resQ b( ) ; E ( 21 B ) degQ(!b );1 !b
= MW( ) 2 MW:
Thus, bMW( ) is a modular form of weight 23 .
This completes the proof of the modularity of the arithmetic theta function
b( ).
8. The arithmetic theta lift
The arithmetic theta function b( ) can be used to dene an arithmetic theta
b : S 23 ;! Cd
H (M)
f 7! b(f )
where S 23 is the space of cusp forms of weight 32 for ;0 = ;0 (4D(B )), as follows.
Given a cusp form f of weight 32 for ;0 = ;0 (4D(B )), let
b(f ) = h f b iPet =
( ) b( ) v 23 duv2dv 2 C
;0 nH
This construction is analogous to the construction of Niwa, 57], of the classical Shimura lift, 64], from S 32 to modular forms of weight 2 for OB . Recall
dH1R(M) to an Hermitian pairing
that we extend the height pairing h i on C
dH1(M), conjugate linear in the second argument. By adjointness, and
on C
Theorem 7.2,
hb(f ) 11i = hf hb 11i iPet = 21 hf E ( 12 B )iPet = 0
hb(f ) !^ i = hf hb !b i iPet = hf E 0 ( 21 B )iPet = 0:
If f is holomorphic, then, by Theorem 7.4, for any 2 C01 (M(C )),
hb(f ) a()i = h f h b a() i i = h f () iPet = 0
since ( ) is a combination of Maass forms of weight 23 . Thus, for f holomorphic
g Vert0 CdH (M)
b(f ) 2 MW
Vert0 = Vert \ kerh !b i:
g This
It remains to describe the components of ^(f ) in the spaces Vert and MW.
is best expressed in terms of automorphic representations.
9. Theta dichotomy: Waldspurger's theory
We begin with a brief review of Waldspurger's theory of the correspondence
between cuspidal automorphic representations of the metaplectic cover of SL2
and automorphic representations of PGL2 and its inner forms. For a more
detailed survey, the reader can consult 59], 70], 31], as well as the original
papers 68], 69], and especially, 73].
We x the
additive character of A =Q which has trivial conductor, i.e., is trivial
on Z = p<1 Zp and has archimedean component 1 (x) = e(x) = e2ix . Since
is xed, we suppress it from the notation.
Let G = SL2 and let G0A be the 2{fold cover of G(A ) which splits over G(Q ).
A0 (G0 ) = the space of genuine cusp forms for G0A .
A00 (G0 ) = the space of genuine cusp forms for G0A .
orthogonal to all O(1) theta series
For an irreducible cuspidal automorphic representation ' p1 p in A00 (G0 ),
Waldspurger constructs an irreducible cuspidal automorphic representation
= () = Wald() = Wald( )
of PGL2 (A ), which serves as a kind of reference point for the description of the
global theta lifts for various ternary quadratic spaces. For each p 1, there is
a corresponding local construction p 7! Wald(p p ), and the local and global
constructions are compatible, i.e.,
Wald( ) ' p1 Wald(p p ):
Since we have xed the additive character = p p , we will often omit it from
the notation.
For a quaternion algebra B over Q , let
V B = f x 2 B j tr(x) = 0 g
with quadratic form7 Q(x) = ;x2 = (x), and let
H B = B ' GSpin(V ):
For a Schwartz function ' 2 S (V B (A )), g0 2 G0A and h 2 H B (A ), dene the
theta kernel by
(g0 h ') =
x2V B (Q)
!(g0 )'(h;1 x):
Here ! = ! is the Weil representation of G0A on S (V (A )). For f 2 and
' 2 S (V B (A )), the classical theta lift is
(f ') = h f (') iPet =
f (g0 ) (g0 h ') dg0 2 A0 (H B ):
The global theta lift of to H B is the space
( V B ) A0 (H B )
spanned by the (f ')'s for f 2 and ' 2 S (V (A )). Here A0 (H B ) is the
space of cusp forms on H B (Q )nH B (A ). Then ( V B ) is either zero or is an
irreducible cuspidal representation of H B (A ), 73], Prop. 20, p. 290.
For any irreducible admissible genuine representation p of G0p , the metaplectic
cover of G(Q p ), there are analogous local theta lifts (p VpB ). Each of them is
either zero or is an irreducible admissible representation of HpB . The local and
global theta lifts are compatible in the sense that
( V B ) '
( ( V B )
Note that Waldspurger uses the opposite sign.
p p
In particular, the global theta lift is zero if any local (p VpB ) = 0, but the
global theta lift can also vanish even when there is no such local obstruction,
i.e., even if p1 (p VpB ) 6= 0.
For each p, let Bp be the quaternion algebra over Q p with invariant
invp (Bp ) = 1:
Then the two ternary quadratic spaces
Vp = f x 2 Bp j tr(x) = 0 g
have the same discriminant and opposite Hasse invariants. A key local fact
established by Waldspurger is:
Theorem 9.1. (Local theta dichotomy) For an irreducible admissible gen-
uine representaton p of G0p , precisely one of the spaces (p Vp+ ) and (p Vp; )
is nonzero.
Denition 9.2. Let p(p ) = 1 be the unique sign such that with
(p Vpp(p ) ) 6= 0:
Examples: (i) If p is a nite prime and p is an unramied principal series
representation, then p (p ) = +1 and (p Vp+ ) is a principal series representation of GL2 (Q p ). It is unramied if p is unramied.
(ii) For a nite prime p and a character p of Q p , with 2p = j j, there is a
special representation p (p ) of G0p . For p = p (p ), with p = j j 21 ,
(p Vp; ) = 11 6= 0
Bp; = B p
(p Vp+ ) = 0
Bp+ = M2(Q p )
Wald(p p ) = unramied special (j j 21 j j; 12 ) of GL2 (Q p ).
If p 6= j j 21 , then
(p V + ) = Wald(p p ) = ( ;1 )
is a special representation of GL2 (Q p ) and (p Vp; ) = 0.
(iii) If 1 = HDS 23 , the holomorphic discrete series representation of G0R of
weight 23 , then
; =H
V1; ) = 11 6= 0
+ = M (R)
V1+ ) = 0
1 ) = DS2 = weight 2 disc. series of GL2 (R).
Since we will be considering only holomorphic cusp forms of weight 23 and level
4N with N odd and square free, these examples give all of the relevant local
The local root number p ( 21 Wald(p )) = 1 and the invariant p (p ) are related as follows. There is an element ;1 in the center of G0p which maps to
;1 2 Gp , and Waldspurger denes a sign (p p ), the central sign of p , by
p (;1) = (p p ) (;1) Ip
73], p.225. Then,
Note that
p (p ) = p ( 12 Wald(p p )) (p p ):
(p p ) = 1:
Thus, for a given global ' p p ,
( 12 Wald( )) = +1 () there is a B=Q with invp (B ) = p (p ) for all p
() there is a B=Q with p (p VpB ) 6= 0.
The algebra B is then unique, and, if B 0 6' B , the global theta lift ( V B0 ) = 0
for local reasons. On the other hand, the global theta lift for V B is
( V B ) '
( ( V B )
p p p
and Waldspurger's beautiful result, 73], is that
( V B ) 6= 0 () L( 21 Wald()) 6= 0:
10. The doubling integral
The key to linking Waldspurger's theory to the arithmetic theta lift is the
doubling integral representation of the Hecke L-function, 60], 54], 52], and
in classical language, 18], 2]. Let Ge = Sp2 be the symplectic group of rank
2 over Q , and let Ge0A be the 2{fold metaplectic cover of Ge(A ). Recall that
G = SL2 = Sp1 . Let i0 : G G ! Ge be the standard embedding:
i0 :
0 a1
a1 b1 a2 b2 ;
b2 C
B a2
c1 d1
c2 d2 7 ! @ c1
d1 A :
For g 2 G, let
g_ = Ad 1
;1 g
and let
i(g1 g2 ) = i0 (g1 g2_):
Ie(s) = IndGPee0A (s+ 23 ) ' p Iep (s)
Let Pe Ge be the standard Siegel parabolic, and, for s 2 C , let Ie(s) be the
induced representation
where is a certain lift to the cover PeA0 of the modulus character of Pe(A ). Here
we are using unnormalized induction. For a section %(s) 2 Ie(s), there is a
Siegel{Eisenstein series
E (g0 s %) =
%(g0 s)
2Pe0 nGe0
convergent for Re(s) > 23 , and with an analytic continuation in s satisfying a
functional equation relating s and ;s. For ' p p a cuspidal representation
in A0 (G0 ), as above, the doubling integral is dened as follows:
For vectors f1 , f2 2 and %(s) 2 Ie(s),
(10.6) Z (s f1 f2 %) =
f1(g10 ) f2 (g20 ) E (i(g10 g20 ) s %) dg10 dg20 :
If f1 , f2 and %(s) are factorizable and unramied outside of a set of places S ,
including 1 and 2, then, 60], 54], 44]8 ,
(10.7) Z (s f1 f2 %) = S (2s1 + 2) LS (s+ 21 Wald()) Zp (s f1p f2p %p )
p 2S
where Zp (s f1p f2p %p ) is a local zeta integral depending on the local components at p.
Now suppose that 1 = HDS 32 , and take the archimedean local components
f11 = f21 to be the weight 23 vectors. We can identify f1 and f2 with classical
cusp forms of weight 32 . Taking %1 (s) 2 Ie1 (s) to be the standard weight 32
section %12 (s), we can write the Eisenstein series as a classical Siegel Eisenstein
series E ( s %f ) of weight 32 , where 2 H2 , the Siegel space of genus 2, and
%f (s) is the nite component of %(s).
For a given indenite quaternion algebra B , there is a section %f (s) dened as
follows. For a nite prime p, the group Ge0p acts on the Schwartz space S ((Vp )2 )
via the Weil representation ! determined by p , and there is a map
p : S ((Vp )2 ) ;! Iep (0)
'p 7! p ('p )(g0 ) = !(g0)'p (0):
Here Vp is the ternary quadratic space dened in (5.10). Note that a section
%p (s) is determined by its restriction to the compact open subgroup Kp0 , the
inverse image of Ge(Zp) in Ge0p . A section is said to be standard if this restriction
is independent of s. The function p ('p ) 2 Iep (0) has a unique extension to
a standard section of Iep (s). Fix a maximal order Rp in Bp , and let 'p 2
S ((Vp )2 ) be the characteristic function of (Rp \ Vp )2 . Also let Rpe Rp+
be the Eichler order9 of index p, and let 'ep be the characteristic function of
(Rpe \ Vp+ )2 . We then have standard sections %0p (s), %;p (s) and %ep (s) whose
Note that 60] and 44] deal with the symplectic case, while the metaplectic case needed
here is covered in 54].
9 So + =
i 0 mod .
2 (Z ) and 2
restrictions to Kp0 are p ('+p ), p (';p ), and p ('ep ) respectively. Following 46],
%e p (s) = %;p (s) + Ap (s)%0p (s) + Bp (s) %ep (s)
where Ap (s) and Bp (s) are entire functions of s such that
+ 1 log(p):
Ap (0) = Bp (0) = 0
and A0p (0) = ; p2 2; 1 log(p) Bp0 (0) = 21 pp ;
Then let
e%B (s) = pjD(B) %e p (s) p-D(B) %0p (s) :
Using this section, we can dene a normalized Siegel Eisenstein series of weight
3 and genus 2 attached to B by
E2 ( s B ) = (s B ) D(B) (2s + 2) E ( s %e B )
where (s B ) is a certain normalizing factor and the partial zeta function is as
in (2.14). Then we have a precise version of the doubling identity, 52]:
Theorem 10.1.
For every indenite quaternion algebra B over Q , the
associated Siegel{Eisenstein series E2 ( s B ) of genus 2 and weight 23 has the
following property. For each holomorphic `newform' f of weight 32 and level
4D(B ) associated to an irreducible cuspidal representation = p p :
h E2 ( 1 ;2
s B ) f (2 ) iPet, 2
= C (s) C (s B ) L(s + 21 Wald()) f (1 )
where 11 C (0) 6= 0, and
C (s B ) =
pjD(B )
Cp (s p Bp )
10 At the time of this writing, we must assume that 2 - ( ) and that ( ) = +1. It should
2 2
not be dicult to remove these restrictions.
11 These are explicit elementary factors.
Cp (0 p Bp ) =
and, if p (p ) = +1,
if p (p ) = ;1,
0 if p (p ) = +1,
Cp0 (0 p Bp ) = log(p):
Note that p (p ) = 1 for p - 4D(B ), and that
( 21 Wald()) = ;
pjD(B )
p (p ):
Thus, for example, for ( 21 Wald()) = +1, an odd number of p j D(B ) have
p (p ) = +1.
Corollary 10.2. With the notation and assumptions of Theorem 10.1,
h E20 ( 1 ;2 0 B ) f (2 ) iPet, 2
8 L0( 1 Wald())
= f (1 ) C (0) > L( 12 Wald())
if p (p ) = ;1
for all p j D(B ),
if p (p ) = +1
for a unique p j D(B ),
11. The arithmetic inner product formula
Returning to the arithmetic theta lift and arithmetic theta function b( ), there
should be a second relation between derivatives of Eisenstein series and arithmetic geometry, 37]:
Conjecture 11.1.
h b(1 ) b(2 ) i = E20 ( 1 ;2 0 B ):
Here recall that h i has been extended to be conjugate linear in the second factor. Additional discussion can be found in 38], 40], 41], 51]. This
conjecture amounts to identities on Fourier coecients:
h Zb(t1 v1 ) Zb(t2 v2 ) i q1t1 q2t2
T 2Sym2 (Z)_
diag(T )=(t1 t2 )
E20 T ( 1 2
0 B ):
If t1 t2 is not a square, then any T 2 Sym2 (Z)_ with diag(T ) = (t1 t2 ) has
det(T ) 6= 0. Thus, only the nonsingular Fourier coecients of E2 ( s B ) contribute to the right hand side of (11.1) in this case. Under the same condition,
the cycles Z (t1 ) and Z (t2 ) do not meet on the generic ber, although they may
have common vertical components in the bers of bad reduction.
= t1m tm
occur on the right side of (11.1), and the cycles Z (t1 ) and Z (t2 ) meet in the
On the other hand, if t1 t2 = m2 , then the singular matrices T
generic ber and have common horizontal components.
The results of 37] and 46] yield the following.
Theorem 11.2. Suppose that t1t2 is not a square. In addition, assume that
(11.11) (resp. (11.26)) below holds for p = 2 if 2 - D(B ) (resp. 2 j D(B ) ).
Then the Fourier coecient identity (11.1) holds.
We now brie&y sketch the proof of Theorem 11.2. The basic idea is that there is
a decomposition of the height pairing on the left hand side of (11.1) into terms
indexed by T 2 Sym2 (Z)_ with diag(T ) = (t1 t2 ). One can prove identities
between terms on the two sides corresponding to a given T .
Recalling the modular denition of the cycles given in section 3, the intersection
Z (t1 ) \ Z (t2 ) can be viewed as the locus of triples (A x), where x = x1 x2 ]
is a pair of special endomorphisms xi 2 V (A ) with Q(xi ) = ti . Associated to
x is the `fundamental matrix' Q(x) = 21 ((xi xj )) 2 Sym2(Z)_, where ( ) is
the bilinear form on the quadratic lattice V (A ). Thus we may write
Z (t1 ) \ Z (t2 ) =
T 2Sym2 (Z)_
diag(T )=(t1 t2 )
Z (T )
where Z (T ) is the locus of triples with Q(x) = T . Note that the fundamental
matrix is always positive semidenite, since the quadratic form on V (A ) is
positive denite. On the other hand, if det(T ) 6= 0, then Z (T )Q is empty, since
the space of special endomorphisms V (A ) has rank 0 or 1 in characteristic 0.
For a nonsingular T 2 Sym2 (Q ), there is a unique global ternary quadratic
space VT with discriminant ;1 which represents T the matrix of the quadratic
form on this space is
QT = T det(T );1 :
The space VT is isometric to the space of trace zero elements for some quaternion
algebra BT over Q , and the local invariants of this algebra must di#er from those
of the given indenite B at a nite set of places
Di#(T B ) := f p 1 j invp (BT ) = ;invp (B ) g
with jDi#(T B )j even12 .
The nonsingular Fourier coecients of E2 ( s B ) have a product formula
(11.5) E2T ( s B ) = (s B ) D(B) (2s + 2) WT1 ( s 32 ) WTp (s %e Bp )
where %e B (s) = p %e Bp (s) is given by (10.11). Moreover, for a nite prime p,
p 2 Di#(T B ) () WTp (0 %e Bp ) = 0
ords=0 WT1 ( s 23 ) =
if T > 0, and
1 if sig(T ) = (1 1) or (0 2).
This is a slightly dierent denition than that used in 37], where 1 is taken to be in the
Di set for indenite. Hence the dierence in parity.
First suppose that T > 0, so that 1 2 Di#(T B ), since V B has signature (1 2)
and hence cannot represent T . If jDi#(T B )j 4, then Z (T ) is empty and
E20 T ( 0 B ) = 0, so there is no contribution of such T 's on either side of (11.1).
If T > 0 and jDi#(T B )j = 2, then Di#(T B ) = f1 pg for a unique nite
prime p. In this situation, it turns out that Z (T ) is supported in the ber Mp
at p. There are two distinct cases:
(i) If p - D(B ), then Z (T ) is a nite set of points in Mp .
(ii) If p j D(B ), then Z (T ) can be a union of components Yp of the ber at
p, with multiplicities.
In case (i), the contribution to the height pairing on the left side of (11.1) is
log(p) times the sum of the local multiplicities of points in Z (T ). It turns out
that all points have the same multiplicity, ep (T ), so that the contribution to
(11.1) has the form
ep (T ) jZ (T )(Fp )j:
The computation of ep (T ) can be reduced to a special case of a problem in
the deformation theory of p{divisible groups which was solved by Gross and
Keating, 23]. As explained in section 14 of 37], their result yields the formula
8P ;
< j=0 ( + ; 4j ) pj
ep (T ) = : P ;1
( + ; 4j ) pj + 1 ( ; + 1) p
j =0
if is odd
if is even,
where, for p 6= 2, T is equivalent, via the action of GL2 (Zp), to diag(1 p 2 p ),
with 1 , 2 2 Zp and 0 . The same result holds for p = 2, but with a
slightly di#erent denition, 23], of the invariants and of T .
On the other hand, if Di#(T B ) = f1 pg with p - D(B ), then
E20 T ( 0 B ) = (0 B ) D(B) (2) WT1 ( 0 32 )
0 (0 %0p )
W (0 %; ) WTp (0 %p ) WT` (0 %` ) :
Here recall that the local sections %e B` (s) are as dened in (10.9) and (10.11).
For p 6= 2, formulas of Kitaoka, 35], for representation densities p (S T ) of
binary forms T by unimodular quadratic forms S can be used to compute the
derivatives of the local Whittaker functions, and yield, 37], Proposition 8.1
and Proposition 14.6,
0 (0 %0p ) 1
= (p ; 1) log(p) ep (T )
WTp (0 %;p ) 2
where ep (T ) is precisely the multiplicity (11.9)! On the other hand, up to simple
WT1 ( 1 0 23 ) $ q1t1 q2t2
WTp (0 %;p ) WT` (0 %e B` ) $ jZ (T )(Fp )j:
Note that to obtain (11.11) in the case p = 2, one needs to extend Kitaoka's
representation density formula to this case work on this is in progress.
Next, we turn to case (ii), where the component Z (T ) is attached to T with
diag(T ) = (t1 t2 ) and Di#(T B ) = f1 pg with p j D(B ). This case is studied in
detail in 46] under the assumption that p 6= 2, using the p{adic uniformization
described in section 4 above. First, we can base change to Z(p) and use the
intersection theory explained in section 4 of 46]. The contribution of Z (T ) to
the height pairing is then
( Z (T ) OZ (t1) OZ (t2 ) ) log(p):
Here is the Euler{Poincar(e characteristic and, for quasicoherent sheaves F
and G on MSpec(Z)Spec(Z(p)), with supp(F )\supp(G ) contained in the special
ber and proper over Spec(Z(p)),
(F G ) = (F G ) ; (T or1 (F G )) + (T or2 (F G )):
Recall that, for i = 1, 2, Cbp (ti ) is the base change to W of the formal completion
of Z (ti ) along its ber at p. Similarly, we write Cbp (T ) for the analogous formal
scheme over W determined by Z (T ). By Lemma 8.4 of 46],
( Z (T ) OZ (t1) OZ (t2 ) ) = ( Cbp (T ) OCbp (t1 ) OCbp (t2 ) )
Hence the notation $.
so that we can calculate after passing to the formal situation. The same arguments which yield the p{adic uniformization, Proposition 4.2, of Cbp (t) yields a
Cbp (T ) ;!
H 0 (Q )n(??)
Mp ;! H (Q )n D H (A f )=K
(i) Q(y) = T
(X ) 2 Z (j (y))
(??) := > (y (X ) gK ) ;
(iii) y 2 g (V (A p ) \ O^ p ) g;1 2
Proceeding as in Remark 4.3, we obtain
;0 nD (11.19)
Cbp (T ) ;!
a (11.20)
DT =
Z (j (y)):
y2(L0 )2
Here, recall from (4.25) that
; ;0 = H 0 (Q ) \ H 0 (Q p ) K p ) = OB0 p1 :
Since any y 2 L0 with Q(y) = T spans a nondegenerate 2{plane in V 0 ,
; = f1g pZ
;0 = ;0 \ Z (Q ) ' Z 1
and the central element p acts on D by translation by 2, i.e. carries Di to
Di+2 . Thus, unfolding, as in 46], p.216, we have
(11.23) ( Cbp (T ) OCbp (t1 ) OCbp (t2 ) ) =
( Z (j) OZ (j1 ) OZ (j2 ) ):
y2(L0 )2
mod ;0
Here we have used the orbifold convention, which introduces a factor of 12 from
the 1 in ;0y which acts trivially, and the fact that the two `sheets' Z (j) = Z 0 (j)
and Z 1 (j) make the same contribution.
Two of the main results of 46], Theorem 5.1 and 6.1, give the following:
Theorem 11.3. (i) The quantity
ep (T ) := ( Z (j) OZ (j1 ) OZ (j2 ) )
is the intersection number, 46], section 4, of the cycles Z (j1 ) and Z (j2 ) in the
formal scheme Dp . It depends only on the GL2 (Zp){equivalence class of T .
(ii) For p 6= 2, and for T 2 Sym2 (Zp) which is GL2 (Zp){equivalent to diag(1 p 2 p ),
with 0 and 1 , 2 2 Zp ,
8 =2 p = ;1
p + 2 p;1
ep (T ) = + +1;> ( ; + 1) p=2 + 2 p p=;;1 1
: p = ;1
if is even and (;1 p)p = ;1,
if is even and (;1 p)p = 1,
( +1) 2
if is odd.
Part (i) of Theorem 11.3, together with (11.16) and (11.23), yields
( Z (T ) OZ (t1) OZ (t2 ) ) = ep (T ) L
; X
y2(L0 )2
mod ;0
which is the analogue of (11.8) in the present case.
On the other hand, if Di#(T B ) = f1 pg with p j D(B ), the term on the right
side of (11.1) is
0 (0 %
e p) Y WT` (0 %e B` ):
(11.25) E20 T ( 0 B ) = c WT1 ( 0 32 ) WTp
where c = (0 B ) D(B) (2). By 46], Corollary 11.4, the section %e p (s) in (10.9)
0 (0 %e p ) = p;2 (p + 1) log(p) ep (T )
WT` (0 %` ) $
; X
y2(L0 )2
mod ;0
1 :
can be thought of as the number of `connected components' of Z (T ). Note
that, the particular choice (10.10) of the coecients Ap (s) and Bp (s) in the
denition of %e p (s) was dictated by the identity (11.16), the proof of which is
based on results of Tonghai Yang, 74], on representation densities p (S T ) of
binary forms T by nonunimodular forms S . To obtain (11.16) in the case p = 2,
one needs to extend both the intersection calculations of 46] and the density
formulas of 74] to this case. The rst of these tasks, begun in the appendix to
section 11 of 50], is now complete. The second is in progress.
Finally, the contribution to the right side of (11.1) of the terms for T of signature
(1 1) or (0 2), which can be calculated using the formulas of 65], coincides
with the contribution of the star product of the Green functions (t1 v1 ) and
(t2 v2 ) to the height pairing. This is a main result of 37] for a sketch of the
ideas involved, cf. 38].
This completes the sketch of the proof of Theorem 11.2. Before turning to consequences, we brie&y sketch how part (ii) of Theorem 11.3
is obtained. By part (i) of that Theorem, it will suce to compute the intersection number (Z (j1 ) Z (j2 )) for j1 and j2 2 V 0 (Q p ) with j12 = ;Q(j1 ) = ;1 p ,
j22 = ;Q(j2) = ;2 p and (j1 j2 ) = j1 j2 + j2 j1 = 0. By Theorem 5.1 of 46],
(Z (j1 ) Z (j2 )) = (Z (j1 )pure Z (j2 )pure) so that we may use the description of
Z (j )pure given in Proposition 4.5, above.
The following result, which combines Lemmas 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9 of 46], describes
the intersection numbers of individual components. Recall that the vertical
components P
] of D are indexed by vertices ] in the building B of PGL2 (Q p ).
Lemma 11.4. (i) For a pair of vertices ] and 0],
] P
0 ] ) = > ;(p + 1)
if (] 0 ]) is an edge,
if ] = 0 ], and
(Z (j1 )h Z (j2 )h ) =
if and are odd,
0 otherwise.
(Z (j1 ) P
]) = > 1
and similarly for Z (j2 )h .
if is even, (;1 p)p = ;1, and Bj1 = ],
if is odd and d(] Bj1 ) = 21 , and
The computation of the intersection number (Z (j1 )pure Z (j2 )pure) is thus reduced to a combinatorial problem. Recall from Proposition 4.5 above that the
multiplicity in Z (j1 )pure of a vertical component P
] indexed by a vertex ]
is determined by the distance of ] from the xed point set Bj1 of j1 on B by
the formula
] (j1 ) = maxf 0 2 ; d(] Bj1 ) g:
In particular, this multiplicity is zero outside of the tube T (j1 ) of radius 2
around Bj1 . Of course, the analogous description holds for Z (j2 )pure . Our
assumption that the matrix of inner products of j1 and j2 is diagonal implies
that j1 and j2 anticommute, and hence the relative position of the xed point
sets and tubes T (j1 ) and T (j2 ) is particularly convenient.
For example, consider the case in which and are both even, with (;1 p)p =
1 and (;2 p)p = ;1. These conditions mean that Q p (j1 ) is a split Cartan
in GL2 (Q p ) and Q p (j2 ) is a nonsplit, unramied, Cartan. The xed point set
A = Bj1 is an apartment, and T (j1 ) is a tube of radius 2 around it. Moreover,
Z (j1 )h = , so that Z (j1 ) consists entirely of vertical components. The xed
point set Bj2 is a vertex 0 ] and T (j2 ) is a ball of radius 2 around it. Since
j1 and j2 anticommute, the vertex 0 ] lies in the apartment A = Bj1 . For any
vertex ], the geodesic from 0 ] to ] runs a distance ` inside the apartment
A and then a distance r outside of it. By (i) of Lemma 11.4, the contribution
to the intersection number of the vertices with ` = 0 is
( 2 ; r)(p ; 1)pr;1 = 1 ; ; p=2 :
;(p + 1) 2 + (1 ; p)
Here the rst term is the contribution of 0 ], since
0 ] Z (j2 )v ) = ;(p + 1) 2 + (p + 1)( 2 ; 1) = ;(p + 1)
where Z (j2 )v is the vertical part of Z (j2 )pure. Similarly, for r > 0, there are
(p ; 1)pr;1 vertices ] at distance r (with ` = 0), and each contributes
(11.30) (P
] Z (j2 )v ) = ( 2 ; r + 1) ; (p + 1)( 2 ; r) + p( 2 ; r ; 1) = 1 ; p:
Here we have used the fact that all such vertices lie inside the ball T (j2 ). Next,
consider vertices with 1 ` ( ; )=2. Note that, if such a vertex ] has
r = 2 , then ] 2 T (j2 ). The contribution of vertices with ` values in this
range is
(11.31) 2(1 ; p)
( X
+ =X
( 2 ; r)(p ; 1)pr;1 = ( ; )(p=2;1 ; 1):
Next, in the range ( ; )=2 < ` < =2 and with r < =2 ; ` ; 1, ] 2 T (j2 ),
and such ]'s contribute
p=2;1 ; 1 :
2(1 ; p)
r=1 2
`=( ;)=2+1 2
Finally, the vertices on the boundary of the ball T (j2 ) contribute
( 2 ; ( 2 ; `))(p ; 1)p=2;`;1 = 2 p p ; 1; 1 :
`=( ;)=2+1
Summing these contributions and adding (P
0] Z (j2 )h ) =2 = , we obtain
the quantity claimed in (ii) of Theorem 11.3 in this case. The other cases are
similar. We now describe the consequences of Theorem 11.2.
Corollary 11.5. Assume that the p{adic density identity (11.11) ( resp. (11.26))
holds for p = 2 when 2 j D(B ) (resp. 2 - D(B )). Then
h b(1 ) b(2 ) i = E20 ( 1 ;2 0 B )
t1 t2 =square
c(t1 t2 v1 v2 ) q2t2 q1t1 :
for some coecients c(t1 t2 v1 v2 ).
The extra term on the right hand side should vanish, according to Conjecture 11.1, but, in any case, the coecient of each q1t1 is a modular form of
weight 23 in 2 with only one square class of Fourier coecients, i.e., is a distinguished form. But such forms all come from O(1)'s, and so are orthogonal to
cusp forms in A00 (G0 ), 19].
Corollary 11.6. With the notation and assumptions of Theorem 10.1 and
assuming that the p{adic density identity (11.11) holds for p = 2,
8 L0( 1 Wald())
< 12
h (1 ) (f ) i = f (1 ) C (0) > L( 2 Wald()) log(p) :
h b(1 ) b(f ) i = h b(1 ) h b f iPet i
= h b(1 ) b(2 ) i f (2 ) Pet
= E20 ( 1 ;
0 B ) f (2 )
8 L0( 1 Wald())
< 12
= f (1 ) C (0) > L( 2 Wald()) log(p)
Corollary 11.7. With the notation and assumptions of Corollary 11.6,
(i) If p (p ) = +1 for more than one p j D(B ), then b(f ) = 0.
(ii) If ( 12 Wald()) = +1, then there is a unique prime p j D(B ) such that
p (p ) = +1, b(f ) 2 Vertp Vert, and
h b(f ) b(f ) i = C (0) h f f i L( 12 Wald()) log(p):
g and
(iii) If ( 12 Wald()) = ;1, then b(f ) 2 MW
h b(f ) b(f ) i = C (0) h f f i L0 ( 12 Wald()):
This result gives an analogue of Waldspurger's theory, described in section 9
above, and of the Rallis inner product formula, 61], for the arithmetic theta
lift (8.1). Of course, the result only applies to forms of weight 23 , and we have
made quite strong restrictions on the level of f . The restrictions on the level
can most likely be removed with some additional work, but the restriction on
the weight is essential to our setup.
In the case ( 12 Wald()) = +1, part (ii) gives a geometric interpretation of
the value L( 21 Wald()) in terms of vertical components of M, analogous to
the geometric interpretation of the value of the base change L-function given
by Gross in his Montreal paper, 21].
Finally, if b(f ) 6= 0, let
Zb(t)(f ) = Zb(t v)(f ) = h Zb(t v)b(f ) i b(f )
h (f ) (f ) i
be the component of the cycle Zb(t v) along the line spanned by b(f ). Note
that, by Corollary 11.6, this projection does not depend on v. The following is
an analogue of the Gross-Kohnen-Zagier relation, 24], 78]. Note that it holds
in both cases ( 12 Wald()) = +1 or ( 12 Wald()) = ;1.
Corollary 11.8.
Z (t)(f ) qt = f (h f) f(if ) :
Thus, the Fourier coecients of f encode the position of the cycles Zb(t)(f ) on
the b(f ) line. Both sides are invariant under scaling of f by a constant factor.
For the related results of Gross{Kohnen{Zagier in the case ( 21 Wald()) = ;1,
cf. 24], especially Theorem C, p. 503, the discussion on pp. 556{561, and the
examples in 78], where the analogies with the work of Hirzebruch{Zagier are
also explained and used in the proof! Our class b(f )= < f f >, which arises as
the image of f under the arithmetic theta lift, is the analogue of the class yf in
24]. To proved the main part of Theorem C of 24] in our case, namely that
the f {isotypic components, where = Wald(), of the classes Zb(t v) either
vanish or lie on a line, we can use the Howe duality Theorem 30], 72] for the
local theta correspondence, cf. 42].
In 22], Gross gives a beautiful representation theoretic framework in which the
Gross{Zagier formula, 26], and a result of Waldspurger, 71], can be viewed
together. He works with unitary similitude groups G = GB = GU (2), constructed from the choice of a quaternion algebra B over a global eld k and a
quadratic extension E=k which splits B . The torus T over k with T (k) = E
embeds in
GB (k) = (B E )=$k :
For a place v of k, the results of Tunnel, 67], and Saito, 62], show that
the existence of local T (kv ){invariant functionals on an irreducible admissible
representation "v of Gv is controlled by the local root number v ("v ) of the
Langlands L-function dened by a 4 dimensional symplectic representation of
L G, 22], section 10. There is a dichotomy phenomenon. If v is a place which is
not split in E=k, then the local quaternion algebras Bv+ and Bv; are both split
by Ev , so that the torus Tv embeds in both similitude groups G+v and G;v . If "v
is a discrete series representation of G+v , then, by the local Jacquet{Langlands
correspondence, there is an associated representation "0v of G;v , and
dim HomTv ("v C ) + dim HomTv ("0v C ) = 1:
For a global cuspidal automorphic representation " of G(A ) = (GL2 (A ) EA )=A , there is a nite collection of quaternion algebras B over k, split by
E , with automorphic cuspidal representations "B associated to " by the global
Jacquet{Langlands correspondence. When the global root number (") for
the degree 4 Langlands L-function L(s ") is +1, Waldspurger's theorem, 71],
says that the nonvanishing of the automorphic T (A ){invariant linear functional,
dened on "B by integration over A T (k)nT (A ), is equivalent to (i) the nonvanishing of the local linear functionals14 and (ii) the nonvanishing of the central
value L( 21 ") of the L-function. Suppose that k is a totally real number eld, E
By local root number conditions, this uniquely determines the quaternion algebra for the
given and .
is a totally imaginary quadratic extension, and "v is a discrete series of weight
2 at every archimedean place of k. Then, in the case (") = ;1, the local root
number conditions determine a Shimura curve M B over k, and Gross denes a
T (A f ){invariant linear functional on the associated Mordell{Weil space MWB
using the 0{cycle attached to T . Gross conjectures that the nonvanishing of this
functional on the "Bf component of MWB is equivalent to the nonvanishing of
the central derivative L0 ( 12 "), and that there is an explicit expression for this
quantity in terms of the height pairing of a suitable `test vector'. In the case
k = Q , this is the classical Gross{Zagier formula, 26], and in there is work of
Zhang in the general case 79].
Thus, there is a close parallel between Gross's `arithmetic' version of Waldspurger's central value result 71] and our `arithmetic' version of Waldspurger's
results on the Shimura lift. It should be possible to formulate our conjectures
above for Shimura curves over an arbitrary totally real eld k. It would be interesting to nd a direct connection between our constructions and the methods
used by Shou-Wu Zhang, 79].
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of the triple product L-function. This is discussed in 25], cf. also 27], 28].
It may be that all of these examples can be covered by some sort of arithmetic
version of Jacquet's relative trace formula, 33], 34], 1]. Further speculations
about `arithmetic theta functions' and derivatives of Eisenstein series can be
found in 40] and 41].
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