U.S. Traditional Multiplication Algorithm Project Projjeect Objective To introduce U.S. traditional multiplication. www.everydaymathonline.com eToolkit Algorithms Practice EM Facts Workshop Game™ Family Letters Assessment Management Doing the Project Recommended Use After Lesson 29 Common Core State Standards Curriculum Focal Points Interactive Teacher’s Lesson Guide Mathematical Practices SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP8 Content Standards 5.NBT.5 Key Concepts and Skills • Identify places in whole numbers and the values of the digits in those places. [Number and Numeration Goal 1] • Use multiplication facts to find products of multidigit whole numbers. Materials Math Journal 1 or 2, pp. 17P–20P Student Reference Book, pp. 24C and 24D [Operations and Computation Goal 3] • Multiply multidigit whole numbers. [Operations and Computation Goal 4] • Solve multiplication number stories. [Operations and Computation Goal 4] • Make reasonable estimates for multiplication problems. [Operations and Computation Goal 6] Key Activities Students explore and practice U.S. traditional multiplication with multidigit whole numbers. Key Vocabulary U.S. traditional multiplication Extending the Project Ex Students solve multidigit multiplication problems, first using the focus algorithm (partial-products multiplication) and then using any algorithm they choose. Materials Online Additional Practice, pp. 20A−20D Student Reference Book, pp. 19, 20, 24C, and 24D A22 Algorithm Project 5 U.S. Traditional Multiplication Student Page Date 1 Doing the Project ► Solving a Multiplication Problem Time PROJECT 5 U.S. Traditional Multiplication 1 Algorithm Project 5 Use any strategy to solve the problem. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY 1. (Math Journal 1 or 2, p. 17P) A truck delivered 86 cases of juice to a grocery store. Each case contains 24 bottles of juice. How many bottles of juice did the store get? 2,064 bottles Sample estimates given. Estimate and then use U.S. traditional multiplication to solve each problem. Ask students to solve Problem 1 on journal page 17P. Tell them they may use any methods they wish, except calculators. ► Discussing Solutions WHOLE-CLASS ACTIVITY 2. 12 ∗ 34 Estimate: 12 ∗ 34 = 4. 73 ∗ 288 Estimate: 350 3. 455 ∗ 600 408 Estimate: 455 ∗ 600 = 21,000 5. 49 ∗ 60 300,000 273,000 Estimate: 3,000 (Math Journal 1 or 2, p. 17P) Discuss students’ solutions to Problem 1 on journal page 17P. 86 ∗ 24 = 2,064 bottles Expect that students will use several different methods, including partial-products multiplication and lattice multiplication. Some students may also use U.S. traditional multiplication. Possible strategies: Using partial-products multiplication 86 24 −−−−− 1600 120 320 24 −−−−− 2064 21,024 6. 92 ∗ 46 Estimate: 92 ∗ 46 = = 73 ∗ 288 4,500 7. 4,232 2,940 180,000 Estimate: 49 ∗ 60 = 305 ∗ 592 180,560 = 305 ∗ 592 Math Journal, p. 17P 17P-20P_EMCS_S_MJ2_G5_P05_576434.indd 17 3/8/11 11:37 AM ∗ 20 ∗ 80 → 20 ∗ 6 → 4 ∗ 80 → 4∗6→ Using lattice multiplication 8 1 2 0 1 3 6 6 2 NOTE Reinforce the use of estimation by asking students to make an estimate prior to solving each problem. The estimate is then used to check the reasonableness of the solution to the problem. 6 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 Using U.S. traditional multiplication 1 2 86 24 −−−−−− 344 + 1720 −−−−−− 2064 ∗ Algorithm Project 5 A23 ► Introducing U.S. Traditional WHOLE-CLASS ACTIVITY Multiplication After you have discussed students’ solutions, and even if one or more students used U.S. traditional multiplication, demonstrate it again as described below. Example 1: 24 ∗ 86 Step 1: 2 Multiply 86 by the 4 in 24, as if the problem were 4 ∗ 86. 86 ∗ 24 −−−− 3 4 4 ← The partial product 4 ∗ 86 = 344 1 2 Step 2: 86 24 −−−−− 344 1 7 2 0 ← 20 ∗ 86 = 1,720 Multiply 86 by the 2 in 24, as if the problem were 2 ∗ 86. ∗ The 2 in 24 stands for 2 tens, so write the partial product one place to the left. Write a 0 in the 1s place to show you are multiplying by tens. Write the new carry above the old carry. 1 2 Step 3: Add the two partial products to get the final answer. 24 ∗ 86 = 2,064 86 24 −−−−−− 344 + 1720 −−−−−− 2 0 6 4 ← 24 ∗ 86 = 2,064 ∗ The store purchased 2,064 bottles of juice. NOTE U.S. traditional multiplication is so familiar that the details of its working may appear more meaningful than they are. Consider the following example: 1 22 3 55 147 ∗ 38 −−−−−− 1176 +4410 −−−−−−− 5586 Many people, when asked why the “2” carried from “3 ∗ 7” is written in the 10s place, will explain that it stands for “2 tens.” But this “2” really means “2 hundreds” because the “3” is really “3 tens.” U.S. traditional multiplication is efficient—though not as efficient as a calculator—but it is not, despite its familiarity, conceptually transparent. A24 Algorithm Project 5 U.S. Traditional Multiplication Student Page Example 2: 237 ∗ 456 Date Time PROJECT U.S. Traditional Multiplication 2 5 Step 1: 456 ∗ 237 −−−−−− 3 1 9 2 ← The partial product Multiply 456 by the 7 in 237, as if the problem were 7 ∗ 456. 1 1 3 4 Step 2: Multiply 456 by the 3 in 237, as if the problem were 3 ∗ 456. The 3 in 237 stands for 3 tens, so write the partial product one place to the left. Algorithm Project 5 3 4 7 ∗ 456 = 3,192 456 237 −−−−−− 3192 1 3 6 8 0 ← 30 ∗ 456 = 13,680 Estimate and then use U.S. traditional multiplication to solve each problem. 1. A rectangular wall is covered with small tiles. The tiles are arranged in 136 rows and 84 columns. How many tiles are on the wall? 11,424 tiles 2. 46 ∗ 33 4. 649 ∗ 35 6. 316 ∗ 438 Estimate: 1 1 1 1 3 4 Step 3: The 2 in 237 stands for 2 hundreds, so write the partial product two places to the left. Estimate: 316 ∗ 438 = 4,660 24,000 5. 82 ∗ 570 7. 277 ∗ 65 22,715 649 ∗ 35 = Write the new carries above the old carries. Multiply 456 by the 2 in 237, as if the problem were 2 ∗ 456. 1,518 46 ∗ 33 = 8,000 Sample estimates given. 3. 233 ∗ 20 Estimate: 4,000 1,500 Estimate: ∗ Write a 0 in the 1s place to show you are multiplying by tens. Estimate: Estimate: 138,408 48,000 46,740 82 ∗ 570 = 120,000 = 233 ∗ 20 Estimate: 18,000 18,005 = 277 ∗ 65 Math Journal, p. 18P 17P-20P_EMCS_S_MJ2_G5_P05_576434.indd 18 3/8/11 11:37 AM 456 237 −−−−−−− 3192 13680 9 1 2 0 0 ← 200 ∗ 456 = 91,200 ∗ Write 0s in the 10s and 1s places to show you are multiplying by hundreds. Write the new carries above the old carries. Step 4: Add the three partial products to get the final answer. 237 ∗ 456 = 108,072 1 1 1 1 3 4 456 ∗ 237 −−−−−−− 3192 13680 + 91200 −−−−−−− 1 0 8 0 7 2 ← 237 ∗ 456 = 108,072 You may want to work several more examples with the whole class. Student Page Date Time PROJECT 5 U.S. Traditional Multiplication 3 Algorithm Project 5 Use U.S. traditional multiplication to solve each problem. 1. Raj delivers 47 newspapers each day. How many newspapers will he deliver in the month of August, which has 31 days? 1,457 newspapers 2. Write a number story for 327 ∗ 283. Solve your number story. 92,541; Number stories vary. Suggestions: 320 ∗ 21 = ? 6,720 48 ∗ 73 = ? 3,504 675 ∗ 50 = ? 33,750 59 ∗ 302 = ? 17,818 700 ∗ 36 = ? 25,200 Fill in the missing digits in the multiplication problems. 3. 4. 1 ∗ + 1 1 , 5. 4 4 2 3 3 5 6 2 7 3 9 2 1 2 0 5 1 2 ∗ 0 8 6 4 1 2 3 2 +1 8 4 8 0 1 9 , 7 1 2 1 ∗ + 4 2 2 4 , 5 8 5 5 3 5 5 5 0 0 5 284 ∗ 77 = ? 21,868 Math Journal, p. 19P 17P-20P_EMCS_S_MJ2_G5_P05_576434.indd 19 3/8/11 11:37 AM Algorithm Project 5 A25 Student Page Date Time PROJECT ► Practicing U.S. Traditional U.S. Traditional Multiplication 4 5 Multiplication Algorithm Project 5 Use U.S. traditional multiplication to solve each problem. 1. PARTNER ACTIVITY (Math Journal 1 or 2, pp. 17P–20P; Student Reference Book, pp. 24C and 24D) Jackie’s Web site had 697 visitors in its first month. In the second month, the site had 74 times as many visitors. How many people visited Jackie’s Web site in the second month? 51,578 people 2. When students are ready, have them estimate and then solve Problems 2–7 on journal page 17P. They may find the examples on Student Reference Book, pages 24C and 24D helpful. Write a number story for 48 ∗ 575. Solve your number story. 27,600; Number stories vary. Journal pages 18P–20P provide students with additional practice using U.S. traditional multiplication. Use these journal pages as necessary. Fill in the missing digits in the multiplication problems. 3. 4. 1 1 2 6 ∗ + 1 2 4 5 3 1 2 0 7 2 0 1 , 8 4 0 2 4 3 2 2 3 8 3 9 1 4 1 8 2 9 7 ∗ 4 7 5 5 2 Extending the Project 0 + 1 1 8 8 0 0 1 2 3 , 2 5 5 Math Journal, p. 20P 17P-20P_EMCS_S_MJ2_G5_P05_576434.indd 20 3/8/11 11:37 AM ► Solving Multidigit Multiplication INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY Problems (Online Additional Practice, pp. 20A–20D; Student Reference Book, pp. 19, 20, 24C, and 24D) Go to www.everydaymathonline.com to access the additional practice pages. Online practice pages 20A–20D provide students with additional practice solving multidigit multiplication problems. Use these pages as necessary. Encourage students to use the focus algorithm (partial-products multiplication) to solve the problems on practice page 20A. Invite them to use any algorithm they wish to solve the problems on the remaining pages. Students may find the examples on Student Reference Book, pages 19, 20, 24C, and 24D helpful. Online Master Name Date PROJECT Time Online Additional Practice Partial-Products Multiplication 5 Algorithm Project 5 Estimate and then use partial-products multiplication to solve each problem. 1. Last week, a theater showed a popular movie 35 times. Each time, all 218 seats in the theater were full. How many people saw the movie at that theater last week? 8,000 Estimate: 7,630 people 2. 300 ∗ 21 4. 23 ∗ 84 6. 60 ∗ 504 Estimate: 300 ∗ 21 = Estimate: 23 ∗ 84 = Estimate: 60 ∗ 504 = 6,000 Sample estimates given. 3. 75 ∗ 363 Estimate: 28,000 6,300 1,600 5. 38 ∗ 59 27,225 1,932 30,000 7. 182 ∗ 797 Estimate: 38 ∗ 59 = 30,240 Estimate: = 75 ∗ 363 2,400 2,242 160,000 145,054 = 182 ∗ 797 Online Additional Practice, p. 20A EM3cuG5OP_20A-20D_P05.indd 20A A26 4/1/10 5:36 PM Algorithm Project 5 U.S. Traditional Multiplication