Math Higher Order Thinking Review Questions

Higher Order Thinking Review Discussion Question -­‐ Day 1 Do you think reviewing helps you with your math? Do you think reviewing old math concepts is important or a waste of time? Why? Be specific! How is reviewing information different from learning it for the first time? Discussion Question -­‐ Day 2 What jobs require you to know how to count change? What would happen if you worked as a cashier and didn’t know how to give change? How would this affect the business? The customers? Your boss? Discussion Question -­‐ Day 3 What does the word distribute mean? How is this related to the distributive property of multiplication? When might understanding the distributive property of multiplication help you? If you were at the store purchasing items for a party where you planned to invite 124 guests and give each guest 7 candy canes, how could the distributive property help you solve this without using a calculator? Discussion Question -­‐ Day 4 Your friend doesn’t understand what a partial product is. How would you explain to your friend what a partial product is and when you use it? Discussion Question -­‐ Day 5 You’re solving the multiplication problem 27 × 38. How many steps would be involved in solving this problem? What happens at each step? How do the steps differ from one another? © 2010 by Wowzers, LLC -­‐ All Rights Reserved