Fraction/Decimal Mania

Fraction/Decimal Mania
How are you at fractions? Good, I hope. And how about decimals? Get ready to show
your expertise in Fraction Munchers, Decimal Dash, Decimal Chompers and other games
1. Start Fraction Munchers;
play Equivalent Fractions.
Play until you complete
Level 6. Trade places with
your partner after each level.
Be careful! If you lose at a
level, you have to start over
at Level 1.
2. Restart and select
Fraction Expressions. Play
until you complete Level 6,
again trading places after
each level.
1. Complete Beginner.
2. Start the Conquering
Decimals - Add&Sub disk.
Select Misplaced Decimals
and #3 Mixed Problems.
Each partner play 2 games.
Record your scores on the
Frac/Dec Mania Scoresheet.
Score at least 25 pts on one
of your games to go to #3.
3. Go back to Main Menu.
Choose Decimal Dash, Two
Players and Subtraction. Play
one game. Pay attention to
the arrows, question marks
and chances to land on your
1. Complete Good.
2. Start the Conquering
Decimals - Mult&Div disk.
Select Decimal Chompers.
Play 2 games each; record
your scores on the Frac/Dec
Mania Scoresheet. Score at
least 800 points on one of
your games to go to #3.
3. Go back to Main Menu.
Select Concentration and
Two Players. Play one game
at Beginner and one game
at Intermediate.
You Need:
Frac/Dec Mania Scoresheet at Good and Expert levels.
February 8, 1998
Fraction/Decimal Mania Scoresheet
Good Level - Misplaced Decimals
Your Name
Partner’s Name
Game 1
Game 2
Keep trying if neither of your scores is 25 or more!
Expert Level - Decimal Chompers
Your Name
Game 1
Game 2
Keep trying if neither of your scores is 800 or more!
Partner’s Name