Standard 1.1 Decimal Number System

Curriculum Guide
Grade 4 – Math Standard 1.1
Math.1.1 - The decimal number system to the hundredths place describes place value patterns and relationships that are repeated in large and small
numbers and forms the foundation for efficient algorithms.
Related Colorado Department of Education Sample Units:
What’s My Number (Concepts: Patterns, representation, tables, rules, standard algorithm, addition, subtraction, efficiency, fluency, place
value, ten times, digit, equivalent forms, comparison, magnitude, larger, greater, equal, rounding, precision, denominator, fraction, powers of
10, decimal, numerator)
Essential Questions - 21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies (District):
1. How does changing the place of a digit affect its value?
2. How do you read multi-digit numbers properly? How do you write numbers in
standard form and expanded form?
3. How does understanding place value help you to compare numbers?
4. Why is place value important when rounding numbers?
5. How can you write a fraction with a denominator of ten as an equivalent fraction with
a denominator of 100? How can you add fractions with denominators of ten and 100?
6. How do you write fractions with denominators of ten and 100 in decimal notation?
7. How do you use place value to compare decimals to hundredths?
Evidence Outcomes (District):
1. Explain that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in the ones place represents ten
times what it represents in the place to its right.
2. Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names,
and expanded form.
3. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place,
using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
4. Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
5. Express a fraction with a denominator of ten as an equivalent fraction with a
denominator of 100. Use this technique to add two fractions with respective
denominators of ten and 100.
6. Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators of ten or 100.
7. Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size.
Academic Vocabulary (District):
place value
standard form
expanded form
<(is less than)
>(is greater than)
=(is equal to)
decimal fraction (fraction w/ denominator of 10, 100, etc.)
decimal notation
Assessment (District):
1. Use teacher observation of games. Choose from these sheets for a written
Place Value to Millions
Place Value to Hundred Thousands
Place Value Showing Blocks
2. Use the assessment included in the unit.
1-2. Choose from a variety of worksheets to assess place value.
1-2. Place Value Assesments
1-3b. Use assessments included in the unit.
See assessment in unit
1-4. Use the assessments included in the unit.
1-4. Place Value/Comparing/Rounding Unit
5-6. Collect and assess the students' completed work.
6 & 7. Create a custom assessment using this site.
6. Fraction/Decimal Worksheet Creator
7. Create an Assessment for Comparing Decimals
Suggested Activities/Strategies (District):
1a. Play place value games to practice reading and ordering numbers to 100,000.
1a. Variety of Place Value Games
1b. Play the Place Value Game.
1b. Place Value Game
1c. Use the Interactive Activity link for building numbers with place value. This activity
works well on a SmartBoard.
1c. Interactive Activity
1d. Watch the video of songs for place value instruction.
1d. Videos/Songs Teaching Place Value
1-2. Use this teacher resource, assessment, and activity for standard and expanded
forms of numbers
1-2. Place Value Unit
1-3a. Watch the videos explaining reading, writing, and comparing of numbers. Click
on the "Numbers" tab at the top to find the place value, comparing, and expanded
notation videos.
1-3a. Place Value/Comparing Videos
1-3b. Use this unit to teach place value and comparing.
What’s the (Decimal) Point? Using Models to Understand Decimal Place Value
3a. Watch the video on how to compare and order numbers using place value.
3a. Video Teaching Comparing
3b. Follow the Lesson Plan to Teach Comparing Numbers. This lesson can be used on
the SmartBoard.
3b. Lesson Plan to Teach Comparing Numbers.
1-4. Use this comprehensive unit to teach place value and rounding.
1-4. Place Value Unit
4a. Watch the video teaching rounding. Several games are included on this site as
well. (BrainPop subscription required.)
4a. Videos/Games Teaching Rounding
4b. Use this interactive site to practice rounding and to teach rounding strategies.
4b. Rounding Strategies Interactive Site
4c. Follow these lesson ideas for teaching rounding. This lesson focuses on using
mental strategies to teach rounding.
4c. Rounding Lesson
5-6. Use these lesson ideas to teach writing fractions as tenths and hundredths, and to
teach the writing of those fractions as decimals. The plan also includes ideas for how
to teach adding fractions with denominators of ten and 100. Blank decimal/fraction
squares are also included.
5-6. Fractions/Decimals Activities
6a. Use these lesson ideas for relating fractions to decimals.
6a. Relating Fractions and Decimals Lesson Plans
6b. Use this unit to teach converting fractions to decimals.
6b. Unit on Changing Fractions to Decimals
6c. Watch the video for Writing Fractions as Decimals.
6c. Writing Decimals as Fractions Video
7a. Follow the lesson plan and watch the video explaining the comparing of decimals.
7a. Lesson/Video Teaching Comparing Decimals
Resources/Technology (District):
Decimal Squares
Fraction/Decimal Worksheet Creator
Math Movies
Base Ten Fraction Models/Decimal Models
Variety of Interactive Practice Activities
Variety of Decimal Practice Sheets
7b. Play the decimal game to compare and order decimals to the 1000ths.
7b. Comparing Decimals Game