Converting Repeating Decimals to Fractions This procedure is when all digits after the decimal point repeat. There is one different step if 1 5 you are converting a decimal such as 0.16 , which equals , or 0.83 which equals . 6 6 A. Single digit REPEATING You have 0.3 and need to change it to a fraction. Follow these steps: x = 0.3 1. Write your decimal as an equation: 2. How many digits are after the decimal point? 3. Multiply the equation (both sides) by 1 101 = 10 10x = 3.3 (The power you use is the number of digits that repeat.) 4. Subtract the 1st equation from the 2nd equation 10x = 3.3 – x = 0.3 9x = 3.0 5. Divide to get x by itself and simplify! x= 3 1 = 9 3 B. Multiple digits REPEATING You have 0.54 and need to change it to a fraction. Follow these steps: 1. Write your decimal as an equation: x = 0.54 2. How many digits are after the decimal point? 3. Multiply the equation (both sides) by 2 102 = 100 100x = 54.54 (The power you use is the number of digits that repeat.) 4. Subtract the 1st equation from the 2nd equation 100x = 54.54 – x = 0.54 99x = 54.0 5. Divide to get x by itself and simplify! x= 54 6 = 99 11 Convert 0.5 , 0.18 and 0.003 to fractions, following the steps above.