Friendly Fractions are fractions that can easily be changed into decimals. These fractions have denominators that are factors of 10, 100, 1000, etc. Examples of Friendly Fractions: 1 10 4 100 13 25 1 10 = 10 100 4 100 13 52 = 25 100 3 5 3 60 = 5 100 3 20 3 15 = 20 100 1 4 1 25 = 4 100 Unfriendly Fractions are fractions that CANNOT be easily changed into decimals. These fractions have denominators that are factors of 10, 100, 1000, etc. Examples of Unfriendly Fractions: 1 3 2 9 13 101 1 6 9 11 3 14 When faced with Unfriendly Fractions, you must divide ☺. When you divide fractions in order to change them into decimals, the denominator becomes your divisor as shown below. You must add the decimal point and zeros to make it possible to divide a number like 3 into 1. Example 1: 1 3 Step 1: 3 1.00 Step 2: Example 2: 2 3 Step 2: 3 2.00 Step 3: 3 1.00 3 2.00 Try!!!!!____________________________________________________ 1 1) 8 2) 3 8 3) 1 9 4) 2 9 5) 1 11