DECIMALS Place values When working with decimals we need to insert a decimal point after the unit to separate the whole numbers from the fractions and extend the place values to include tenths, hundredths, then thousandths etc. Hundreds Tens Units Point Tenths Hundredths Thousandths 100 10 1 1 10 1 100 1 1000 4 7 2 6 5 3 400 70 2 6 10 5 100 3 1000 = 472.653 Converting decimals to fractions To convert a decimal fraction such as 0.73 to a fraction you divide it by 1 with as many zeros after the decimal point as you have numbers after the decimal point. 0.73 = 0.812 = 0.4 = 0.015 = 73 100 (2 digits, 2 zeroes) 812 1000 (3 digits, 3 zeroes) 4 10 (1 digit, 1 zero) 015 15 1000 1000 0.030 = 0.03 = (3 digits, 3 zeroes) 03 3 100 100 (2 digits, 2 zeroes) (the zero between the decimal point and the 1 is included as a number) 1 Updated Feb 2013 Converting fractions to decimals Count the number of zeroes on the bottom (the denominator). There must be the same number of digits after the decimal point, inserting zeroes if necessary. = 0.7 (1 zero, 1 number after the decimal point) = 0.024 = 0.09 (3 zeroes, 3 numbers after the decimal point) (2 zeroes, 2 numbers after the decimal point) = 6.0003 (4 zeroes, 4 numbers after the decimal point) The relative sizes of decimals The sign means “is greater than” i.e. 6 3 The sign means “is less than” i.e. 2 3 When comparing decimals, convert them to fractions with the same denominator, then compare the numbers on top. 0.72 = 72 100 0.71 = 71 100 3.4 = 340 100 3.04 = 304 100 5.3 = 530 100 5.33 = 533 100 72 71 100 100 340 304 100 100 530 533 100 100 2 Updated Feb 2013 Addition and subtraction of decimals Addition and subtraction are performed in the same way as for whole numbers, with extra care being taken to ensure that the decimal points and the place values are lined up. 62.1 + 3.04 (fill up spaces with zeros) 62.10 3.04 65.14 423.015 - 10.3 (fill up spaces with zeros) 423.015 10.300 412.715 13.24 + 2.153 + 21 + 3.6 + 0.0005 13.2400 2.15 3 0 21.0000 3.6000 0.0005 39.9935 (fill up spaces with zeros) Multiplication To multiply decimals you go through the following steps 1) Count the total number of digits after the decimal points. 2) Ignore the decimal points and multiply as for whole numbers. 3) Count the number of decimal places from the right and insert the decimal point. 21.2 0.5 ( 2 decimal places) Count 2 decimal places from the right, giving 10.60 4.53 2.14 ( 4 decimal places) Count 4 decimal places from the right, Giving 9.6942 3 Updated Feb 2013 212 5 1060 453 214 1812 453 906 96942 0.09 0.004 ( 5 decimal places) 4 9 = 36 Counting from the right, we need to insert zeros so that we have 5 places after the decimal point. giving 0.00036 Multiplication by powers of 10 When multiplying by 10 move the decimal point one place to the right. When multiplying by 100 move the decimal point two places to the right. When multiplying by 1000 move the decimal point three places to the right. The general rule is that you move the decimal point one place to the right for every zero in the multiplier, adding zeros if necessary. 6.3 10 = 63 4.2 1000 = 4200 ( adding 2 zeros) 0.015 100 = 1.5 If petrol costs $1.075 per litre, what would be the cost of: 10 L, 100 L and 1000 L in? 10 L 10 $1.075 = $10.75 100 L 100 $1.075 = $107.50 1000 L 1000 $1.075 = $1075 4 Updated Feb 2013 Dividing a decimal by a small whole number Divide as with whole numbers, but insert a decimal point in the answer directly above the decimal point in the number being divided into. 43.65 5 0.141 3 8.73 5 0.047 43.65 3 40 0.141 12 36 21 35 21 15 15 3.04 ÷6 0.5066… 6 3.04000 3.04 ÷6 = 0.5067 30 040 In this case we added zeros to continue the division, which would keep giving the same answer of 6, so we rounded it off. 36 40 36 5 Updated Feb 2013 Dividing decimals by powers of 10 When dividing by 10 move the decimal point one place to the left. When dividing by 100 move the decimal point two places to the left. When dividing by 1000 move the decimal point three places to the left. The general rule is that you move the decimal point one place to the left for every zero in the divisor, adding zeros to the right of the decimal point if necessary. 6.3 10 = 0.63 4.2 1000 = 0.0042 (inserting 2 zeros after the decimal point) 0.015 100 = 0.00015 (inserting 2 zeros after the decimal point) Dividing a decimal by another decimal When dividing a decimal by another decimal you need to move the decimal point the same number of places, in the same direction, in both numbers, till the divisor becomes a whole number. Then you divide as before. 46.2 0.6 46.2 0.6 462 6 0.45 0.9 4.5 9 77 6 462 42 42 42 0.45 0.9 0.5 9 4.5 4.5 2 2.35 ÷ 0.005 2.35 0.005 2350 5 470 5 2350 20 35 35 0 Decimal Exercises 1. Convert the following decimals to fractions: a) 0.04 b) 0.75 c) 0.93 d) 0.50 e) 0.09 f) 0.45 g) 3.14 h) 7.02 i) 7.20 j) 0.006 k) 0.010 l) 0.023 2. a) Convert the following fractions to decimals: 3 100 d) 3 g) 13 100 123 1000 j) 11 1 10 b) 11 100 c) 45 1000 e) 4 10 f) 7 1000 h) 9 k) 3 1000 1 100 i) 5 l) 77 1000 75 100 3 3. Compare these decimals from right to left using the signs >, <, = a) 0.42 ____ 0.452 b) 0.82 ____0.723 c) 0.361 ____ 0.316 d) 0.110 ____ 0.101 e) 0.22 ____0.219 f) 0.242 ____0.24 g) 0.4 ____0.400 h) 0.876 ____0.87 i) 0.105 ____0.11 j) 0.91 ____ 0.929 k) 0.75 ___0.750 l) 0.4 ___ 0.399 4. Library books are numbered according to the Dewey decimal system and are put on shelves in numerical order. Sort the following books into numerical order. 5. A 843.1 B 729.32 C 843.10 D 620.9 E 540.82 F 729.4 G 843.101 H 620.101 I 729.04 Calculate the following: a) 194.25 + 23.6 + 4.501 b) 2.005 + 71.26 + 0.5 c) 32.060 - 4.999 d) 4.68 + 5.27 + 3.191 e) 9.5 - 2.020 f) 11.111 - 9.2 g) 0.7 + 0.009 + 0.222 + 0.08 h) 0.1 - 0.08 i) 99.01 - 89.99 j) 7.09 + 4.36 - 2.9 k) 6.003 + 2.008 - 1.9 l) 1.2 + 2.03 + 3.004 - 4.0005 4 6. Calculate the following: a) 3.2 0.4 b) 4.65 1.1 c) 0.007 0.02 d) 4.005 0.2 e) 1.3 1.20 f) 9.01 0.02 g) 46.2 3 h) 3.333 1.1 i) 5.25 0.005 j) 8.08 0.0004 k) 0.0092 2 l) 0.003645 0.03 7. Calculate the following : a) 4.3 1000 b) 0.25 100 c) 2.123 10 c) 8.805 10 000 d) 0.23 1000 e) 1.066 100 f) 5.2 100 g) 0.06 10 h) 0.046 1000 i) 5267.45 1000 j) 1.050 100 k) 9.9632 10 000 8. If petrol costs 107.9 cents per litre, how much would it cost to fill a car with 30 litres of petrol? 9. How much would 4.6 metres of fabric cost at $16.50 per metre? 10. If decking timber costs 80 cents per metre, how much would it cost for a deck that needs 35 slats each 1.5 metres long? 11. If picture rail costs $2.25 per metre, how much would it cost to erect picture rail in a room that is 3.25 m long and 2.60 metres wide? 12. If a map is drawn that uses 1 cm to represent a distance of 15.2 km, what distance would 3.8 cm represent? 13. If a lamp uses 0.2 kilowatt of electricity per hour, how many kilowatts would it use for 5.5 hours? 5 14. A carpenter does a small renovation job where the materials cost $192.50 and the labour costs are 20.5 hours at $25 per hour. How much is the total cost of the job? 15. A doctor orders 0.15 grams of a drug for a patient. The drug is only available in 0.05 gram tablets. How many tablets should the patient receive? 16. If John works from 8am to 4.30pm, with a 45 minute lunch break, how much would he be paid for a 5 day week at $22.75 per hour? 17. Employees in a certain company who use their cars for travel can claim 35 cents per km travel allowance. If Allan's odometer reading at the beginning of the day reads 18 642.8 km and at the end of the day reads 18 726.9 km, how much should he claim? 18. If I spent $28.50 filling my car with petrol, costing 106.2 cents per litre, how many litres did I put in? 19. A dollar coin is about 0.25 cm thick. How high would a stack of 100 coins be? How many coins would make a pile 1 m high? 20. Fuel economies of cars are quoted in litres/100 km. If a car averages 9.2 L/ 100 km, how much fuel would it use to travel 1000 km? How far could the car travel on 1 L of petrol? Decimal exercises solutions 1. a) 4 100 b) 75 100 c) 93 100 d) 5 10 e) 9 100 f) 45 100 g) 3 j) 2. 3. 6 14 100 6 1000 h) 7 k) 2 100 1 100 i) 7 l) 2 10 23 1000 a) 0.03 b) 0.11 c) 0.045 d) 3.13 e) 0.4 f) 0.007 g) 0.123 h) 9.003 i) 5.007 j) 11.1 k) 0.01 l) 0.75 a) 0.42 0.452 b) 0.82 0.723 c) 0.361 0.316 d) 0.110 0.101 e) 0.22 0.219 f) 0.242 0.24 h) 0.876 0.87 k) 0.75 = 0.750 g) 0.4 = 0.400 j) 0.91 0.929 4. E 5. 6. 7. H D I B F A&C i) 0.105 0.11 l) 0.4 0.399 G a) 222.351 b) 73.765 c) 27.061 d) 13.141 e) 7.48 f) 1.911 g) 1.011 h) 0.02 i) 9.02 j) 8.55 k) 6.111 l) 2.2335 a) 1.28 b) 5.115 c) 0.00014 d) 0.801 e) 1.56 f) 0.1802 g) 15.4 h) 3.03 i) 1050 j) 20 200 k) 0.0046 l) 0.1215 a) 4300 b) 25 c) 21.23 d) 88 050 e) 230 f) 106.6 g) 0.052 h) 0.006 i) 0.000046 j) 5.26745 k) 0.01050 l) 0.00099632 8. $32.37 18. 26.8 L 9. $75.90 19. 25 cm, 400 coins 10. $42 20. 92 L, 10.9 km 11. $26.33 12. 57.76 km 13. 1.1 kilowatts 14. $705 15. 3 16. $881.56 17. $29.44 7