FRACTIONS, DECIMALS & PERCENTAGES FRACTION OF A QUANTITY We find a fraction of a number by dividing the number by the denominator and multiplying the answer by the numerator. PERCENTAGE OF A QUANTITY A percentage is a fraction out of 100. i.e. 50% = . A lot of common percentages can be written as simplified fractions. To find a percentage of a quantity we can use the fractions above. e.g 10% of £58 = of £58 = 58 ÷ 10 = £5.80 To find 5% of £58 we first find 10% of £58 then half the answer. To find 40% of £600 we first find 10% of £600 then multiply the answer by 4. PERCENTAGE OF A QUANTITY ON A CALCULATOR To calculate a percentage on a calculator we divide the number by 100 and multiply by the percentage. e.g. 62% of 28500 = 28500 ÷ 100 x 62 = 17670 CONVERTING BETWEEN FRACTION, DECIMAL & PERCENTAGE FRACTION DECIMAL DECIMALS – Divide numerator by denominator e.g. FRACTION – The first decimal place is tenths so The second decimal place is hundredths so etc DECIMAL PERCENT – Multiply the decimal by 100 e.g. 0.8 = (0.8 × 100)% = 80% PERCENT DECIMAL – Divide by 100 e.g. 35% = 35 ÷ 100 = 0.35 FRACTION PERCENT PERCENT - Divide numerator by denominator and multiply by 100 e.g. FRACTION – Divide by 100 and simplify e.g. EXPRESSING QUANTITIES AS PERCENTAGES We are often required to change values into percentages. e.g. In a test Karen scored 18 out of 24, write this as a percentage. 18 out of 24 is a fraction so follow the rule above i.e. divide and multiply by 100. Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Practice Learn about percentages and try the testbite. Learn about fractions, decimals and percentages and answer the questions. Percentages game. Ask your teacher for login details. Select Number from the options. Select DECIMALS from the menu. Try the Easy, Medium and Hard levels. Select FRACTIONS 2 from the menu. Try the Easy level. Select PERCENTAGE 1 from the menu. Try the Easy, Medium and Hard levels.