Multiplicative Functions: NumThy Jonathan L.F. King University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611-2082, USA Webpage∼squash/ 15 May, 2014 (at 10:01) Let M ⊂ G be the set of multiplicative♥3 functions. Basic functions. Define fncs δ, 1, Id ∈ M by: Aside. In number_theory.ams.tex there is a bit more on multiplicative functions also in mult. convolution.ams.tex; run collect.ams.tex though. See generating_func.latex for an application of the Möbius fnc. δ(1) := 1 and δ(6=1) := 0 ; 1(n) := 1 and Id(n) := n for all posints n. Evidently δ() is a neutral element for convolution. Also define, as n varies over the posints, these MFs: Basic Given two arbitrary♥1 functions f ,g:Z+ →C, define their convolution (“Dirichlet convolution”) by h i f ~ g (K) := X f (a) · g(b) . a·b=K Each such sum is to be interpreted as over all ordered pairs ( a, b)) of positive divisors of K. Easily, convolution is commutative?? and associative. b be the set of functions f :Z →C such Let G + b that f (1) 6= 0. Inside is G ⊂ G, the set of good functions, which have f (1) = 1. Say that a good f is multiplicative if for all posints♥2 K and Γ : K ⊥ Γ =⇒ f (K·Γ ) = f (K) · f (Γ ) . ♥1 Indeed, they could map into a general ring. If this ring is commutative then convolution will be commutative. ♥2 Use ≡N to mean “congruent mod N ”. Let n ⊥ k mean that n and k are co-prime. Use k •| n for “k divides n”. Its negation k r | n means “k does not divide n.” Use r n |• k and n | k for “n is/is-not a multiple of k.” Finally, for p a prime and E a natnum: Use double-verticals, p E •|| n, to mean that E is the highest power of p which divides n. Or write n ||• p E to emphasize that this is an assertion about n. Use PoT for Power of Two and PoP for Power of (a) Prime. For N a posint, use Φ(N ) or ΦN for the set {r ∈ [1 .. N ] | r ⊥ N }. The cardinality ϕ(N ) := |ΦN | is the Euler phi function. (So ϕ(N ) is the cardinality of the multiplicative group, ΦN , in the ZN ring.) Use EFT for the Euler-Fermat Thm, which says: Suppose that integers b ⊥ N , with N positive. Then bϕ(N ) ≡N 1. Webpage∼squash/ τ (n) := X σ(n) := X d:d•|n d:d•|n 1 and d. This τ is called the (number of ) divisor fnc, and σ is called the sum of divisor fnc. So σ(4) = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 and τ (4) = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. Each of δ, 1, Id, τ , σ is multiplicative. So is Euler ϕ; this will follow from (??). b ~, δ)) is a commutative group 1.0: Theorem. ( G, b are subgroups. and M ⊂ G ⊂ G ♦ Proof. (The arguments showing G a group apply to show b a group. So we only argue for G and M.) G Easily G is sealed under convolution. To show the same for M, take fncs f, h ∈ M and posints K ⊥ Γ . Given posints ( x, y)) with x · y equaling the product KΓ , the UFThm says that we can factor uniquely x = aα and y = bβ into posints so that a, b •| K and α, β •| Γ . Thus h i f ~ h (KΓ ) = X f (x)h(y) x·y = KΓ 1.1: = X f (aα)h(bβ) . a·b = K α·β = Γ ♥3 An f is totally (or completely ) multiplicative if f (K · Γ ) = f (K) · f (Γ ) always holds, even if K 6⊥ Γ . This class is less important than M. Indeed, the set of totally multiplicative fncs is not sealed under convolution. Page 1 of ?? Page 2 of ?? Basic Necessarily a ⊥ α and b ⊥ β, since K ⊥ Γ . Since f and h are each multiplicative fncs, h i f ~ h (KΓ ) = X As f (1·1) equals 1, we can write ∗: −h(KΓ ) = = X X f (a)h(b) · And this last h equals X f (aα)·h(b)h(β) , f (α)h(β) . α·β=Γ a·b=K a·b = K, α·β = Γ , ( b,β))6=( K,Γ ) a·b=K α·β=Γ 1.2: h f (a)f (α)h(b)h(β) Prof. JLF King i f ~ h (K) since, by (??), our h is multiplicative on all the ( b, β)) pairs on RhS(∗). Adding to each side gives times i h(K)h(Γ ) − h(KΓ ) = f ~ h (Γ ). X f (aα)·h(b)h(β) . a·b = K, α·β = Γ Each good f has a convolution inverse. We construct an h ∈ G so that f ~ h = δ. For each posint K, then, X δ(K) = f (1) · h(K) + (We’ve again used that f (1·1) = 1.) And since f is multiplicative, this RhS equals f (a) · h(b) . X a·b=K ( a,b))6=( 1,K)) X f (a)h(b) · a·b=K f (α)h(β) α·β=Γ def Since f (1)=1 is not zero, there is a unique value that we can assign h(K) so as to make the displayed-eqn hold. Finally note that h(1) will indeed be assigned the value 1, so h is good. This shows that G is a group. M is sealed under convolution-inverse. The last step –to showing that (M, ~, δ)) is a group– is to show that when the above f is multiplicative, then the corresponding h is too. An inductive proof that h(KΓ ) = h(K)h(Γ ) proceeds by considering a pair ( K, Γ)) so that 1.3: h(bβ) = h(b)h(β) for each proper divisor pair ( b, β)) •| ( K, Γ)). That is, b •| K and β •| Γ with at least one of these being proper. Now WLOG ( K, Γ)) 6= ( 1, 1)), so δ(KΓ ) = 0, i.e [f ~ h](KΓ ) is zero. Hence X 0 = f (aα)h(bβ) a·b = K α·β = Γ = X f (aα)h(bβ) + f (1·1) · h(KΓ ) . a·b = K, α·β = Γ , ( b,β))6=( K,Γ ) == [f ~ h](K) · [f ~ h](Γ ) = δ(K)δ(Γ ) . Putting it all together, ∗∗: h(K)h(Γ ) − h(KΓ ) = δ(K·Γ ) , since δ() is a MF. Finally, RhS(∗∗) is zero, since K·Γ = 6 1. 2: Lemma. Suppose that f and g are MFs. Then f · g (pointwise product) is a MF. If g is nowhere zero, then ptwise quotient f /g is a MF. Proof. Routine. ♦ Analogy. Recall that CRThm allows us to convert polynomial congruences f (x) ≡ 0 modulo a composite M to just examining f (x) ≡ 0 modulo p L ; we only need consider powers of primes. In analogy, the MF theory allows us to convert proving an identity h() = g(), between MFncs, on all of Z+ , to just verifying it on each primepower p L . Filename: Problems/NumberTheory/multiplicative_fncs.latex Prof. JLF King Page 3 of ?? Applications of Möbius Inversion Applications ii : µ ~ 1 = δ. Define the Möbius fnc µ to be the convolution~ 1 , so µ is characterized inverse of 1. I.e µ := 1 by µ ~ 1 = δ. By Thm ??, it is enough to know µ()’s values on the powers of primes. iii : ϕ ~ 1 = Id. 3: Lemma. For each prime p and exponent n in [2 .. ∞): µ(p) = 1 µ(p n ) = 0 . and Proof. Well 0 = δ(p) = µ(p) + µ(1) = µ(p) + 1. For a higher power of p: 0 = δ(p n ) = µ(1) + µ(p) + S + µ(p n ) , j S, by induction, is where S := n−1 j=2 µ(p ). This h i n zero. Thus µ(p ) = − µ(1) + µ(p) , which is zero. P Before developing further results, note that: For each good f , necessarily f ~0 = δ, since δ is the neutral element for ~. We now need a little tool. 4: Bijection Lemma. Fixing a posint N , let g(`) mean Gcd{`, N }. Then there is a bijection a: [1 .. N ] , G note Φ(d)×{d} === ( x, d)) d:d •| N d •| N and x∈Φ(d) realized by the mapping b: ` 7→ ( x` , d`) , where : `/g(`) and x` = : N/g(`) d` = The inverse bijection is c: iv : ϕ ~ τ = σ and ϕ ~ σ = Id~2 . Proof of ??. Take cardinalities in (??a), which gives Id = ϕ ~ 1. As for (??), note that ϕ ~ τ = ϕ ~ 1 ~ 1 = Id ~ 1 , which is σ, by definition. 6: Prop’n. The fnc ϕ/Id is multiplicative. And a,b: limsup ϕ(K) = 1 and K liminf K→∞ K→∞ ϕ(K) K = 0. Finally, ϕ(K) → ∞ as K%∞ . c: Proof. Exercise. Convolution powers. Using binomial coefficients, one can show that ! L+n−1 1 (p ) = , L for each prime p. Furthermore ! n ~n L L µ (p ) = [ 1] · . L ~n L These are routinely proved by induction on n. Applications of Möbius Inversion An N th -root ω of unity is primitive if, for each k in [1 .. N ), this ω is not a k th -root of unity. Use VN for the set of primitive N th -roots. Define the “N th cyclotomic polynomial ” by 7a: CN (z) := Y [z − ω] . ω∈VN Letting FN (z) := z N − 1, note that ( x, d)) 7→ x · N d . We now establish a few useful relations. 5: Basic Lemma. Among MFs 1, τ , σ, Id, µ and ϕ, the following relations hold. i : 1 ~ 1 = τ . Also Id ~ 1 = σ, so Id = σ ~ µ. 7b: FN (x) = Y d•|N Cd (x) . Used recursively, we compute these cyclo-polys: 7c: C1 (z) = z − 1; C2 (z) = z + 1; Examples: C3 (z) = z 2 + z + 1; C4 (z) = z 2 Filename: Problems/NumberTheory/multiplicative_fncs.latex + 1; C5 (z) = z 4 + z 3 + z 2 + z + 1; C6 (z) = z2 − z + 1 . Page 4 of ?? Applications of Möbius Inversion 8: Prop’n. The sum of all the N th -roots of unity equals δ(N ). And their product is [ 1]N +1 . The sum of all primitive N th -roots equals µ(N ). Their product is 1, except when N = 2 where the product is 1. ♦ Pf for all roots. Let S be the sum♥4 , and P the product, of the set, A, of all N th -roots. Thus xN − S·xN −1 + · · · + [ 1]N ·P = Y [x − Z] = xN − 1. Z∈A Pf for primitive roots. Let S(n) := (Vn ). Summing over the (positive) divisors a •| N gives P X S(a) = h Sum of all N th roots i = Prof. JLF King Reversal. Consider a Z ∈ VN . Algebra gives x·[ x1 − Z] = 1·[xZ − 1] = 1·Z·[x − Z1 ] . ←− Now CN (x) equals xK · CN ( x1 ) which equals Y x · [ x1 − Z] = [ 1]K · Z∈VN i Y Z · Z∈VN [x − Z1 ] . Z∈VN Since C2 (x)=[x+1] is palindromic, WLOG N >3. Thus K := hQ i ϕ(N ) is even. Also, (??) says that Z∈VN Z = 1. Thus Y ←− note CN (x) = 1 · 1 · [x − Z1 ] === CN (x) . Z∈VN δ(N ) . a·b=N h Y Lastly, (??) follows from (??). IOWords, S ~ 1 = δ. Thus S = δ ~ µ = µ. As for the product, non-real primroots come in conjugate pairs. Each conjugate pair multiplies P to 1. So (VN ) is 1 –unless [ 1] is an N th primroot, which happens exactly when N = 2. 10: Theorem. Each CN can be described by inclusion-exclusion as: CN (z) = Y note [z a − 1]µ(b) === a·b=N Defn. For a poly with non-zero constant term, e.g − g(x) := 9x3 +8x−6, its reversal ← g has the coeffs ← − 3 in reverse order. So g (x) = 6x + 8x2 + 9. 9: Lemma. Each CN is a monic intpoly, of degree note |VN | === ϕ(N ). When N ∈ [2 .. ∞), moreover, ←− CN is palindromic in that CN = CN . Finally, for N > 2 and K := ϕ(N ), K 9a: CN (x) = x − µ(N )x K−1 + · · · + [ µ(N )]x + 1 . Y C1 (z a )µ(b) a·b=N note Y 11: C1 (z a )µ(b) . === a·b=N , with b square-free Below: P is prime, Γ and N are posints and K a natnum. ??i: Now suppose P ⊥ Γ. Then CPK+1 Γ (z) = CΓ (z P K+1 . In particular, setting Γ := 1, Proof. Equation (??) gives K CN = FN K ) CΓ (z P ) . Y d•|N d6=N Cd . By induction on N , each of the Cd is a monic intpoly. And easily: If a monic intpoly divides another, then the quotient is a monic intpoly. [z P ]P − 1 K = CP (z P ) . CPK+1 (z) = K P [z ] − 1 ??ii: Consider an N ⊥ Γ. Then †N : CN Γ (z) = ♥4 For the sum, an alternative PN −1 proof is to fix a primitive N root ω. Now SN := k=0 ω k is the sum of all N th roots. So S1 = 1 = δ(1). For N ∈ [2 .. ∞), note ω 6= 1 so N −1 SN = ωω−1 = 0 = δ(N ). Y CΓ (z a )µ(b) a·b=N th This generalizes (??). Filename: Problems/NumberTheory/multiplicative_fncs.latex Prof. JLF King Applications of Möbius Inversion Pf of (??). Set L := K+1 and apply (??) to L N := P Γ. Omitting all pairs a·b=N with b |• P 2 means that a has form either αP L or αP K . So CN = h Y i h [FαP L ]µ(β) · αP L ·β=N = Y Y [FαP K ]µ(Pβ) i αP K ·Pβ=N Y [FαP L ]µ(β) [FαP K ]µ(β) . α·β=Γ α·β=Γ K L I.e CN (z) = CΓ (z P )/CΓ (z P ). Aside. Letting R := P L , we can restate the above conclusion as ‡: Y CRΓ (z) = µ(j) CΓ (z i ) . i·j=R Pf of (??). Whoa! This proof, while correct, should be rewritten Eqn (†1 ) is a tautology. So, given M ⊥Γ, we’ll establish (†M ) by induction on the number of PoPs in M . Write M = N R with R a PoP coprime to N . Then CM Γ (z) equals by († ) Y N CN RΓ (z) ===== = CRΓ (z a )µ(b) a·b=N by (‡) Y h Y = === = CΓ [z a ]i µ(j) iµ(b) a·b=N i·j=R Y = µ(bj) CΓ (z ai ) . a·b=N i·j=R This, since b ⊥ j, because N ⊥ R. Letting x := ai and y := bj, the co-primeness N ⊥ R again gives CM Γ (z) = CΓ (z x )µ(y) . Y x·y=N R Filename: Problems/NumberTheory/multiplicative_fncs.latex As of: Monday 26May2003. Typeset: 15May2014 at 10:01. Filename: Problems/NumberTheory/multiplicative_fncs.latex Page 5 of ??