A New Proof of Erdos's Theorem on Monotone Multiplicative Functions Author(s): Everett Howe Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 93, No. 8 (Oct., 1986), pp. 593-595 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2322314 Accessed: 09/10/2010 14:55 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=maa. 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Introduction. f( mn) = f( m)f( n) whenever ( m, n) = 1, if and completely multiplicative forall m andn. f(mn) =f(m)f(n) functions is due to Erdo's multiplicative increasing theorem concerning remarkable The following [2]. a suchthatf( n) = na for thenthereis a constant andmultiplicative, THEOREM.Iff is increasing all n > 1. and simplerproofshavebeengivenby Moserand Erdo's'soriginalproofis rathercomplicated, or notwell [4].All of theseproofsare eitherlengthy [1],and Schoenberg Lambek[3],Besicovitch multiplicative motivated.This papershowsthattheresultis fairlyeasy to proveforcompletely is completely function liesin showingthateveryincreasing multiplicative functions; thedifficulty intotwopartsas follows: we splitErdo's'stheorem Consequently, multiplicative. a suchthat thenthereis a constant multiplicative, THEOREM and completely A. Iff is increasing f(n) = na foralln >1. is completely multiplicative. THEOREM B. Everyincreasing function multiplicative We proveTheorem and completely multiplicative. 2. ProofofTheoremA. Let f be increasing Assumethereis no a suchthatf( n) = na forall n > 1. Thenlogf( n)/log n A by contradiction. integersm > 1, n > 1, suchthat is notconstant,so thereexistdistinct logf(m) logf(n) log n log m Takingx to be thelargerand y thesmallerof thesetworatios,we have f(m)=mx and f(n)=n-Y, withx > y. A > 1 and B > 1 suchthat Because y/x < 1 thereexistintegers logn y logn x log m log m In fact, B= g) j +1 [(x- y)log n] [ and A= [Blogn login] But thenwe haveboth satisfytheabove inequalities. EverettHowe: I am currentlycompletingmy senior year at the California Instituteof Technology.My mathematicalinterestslie chieflyin thearea of numbertheory, analyticnumbertheory,but I have been particularly spendinga lot of timelatelystudyingJuliasets.I am a 1985 PutnamFellow,and I was recentlyawardeda National Science FoundationGraduateFellowship. *Supportedby a CaltechSummerUndergraduateResearchFellowship. 593 594 [October EVERETT HOWE A logm < Blog n and Axlogm > Bylog n, or m and < nB mAx > nBy multiplicative, However,sincef is completely f(m A) = f(m)A and = mAx f(nB) =f(n ) B= nBy thefactthatf is increasing. This proves so that mA < nB whilef(mA) > f(n B), contradicting Theorem A. lemma. 3. Proofof TheoremB. The proofof TheoremB is based on thefollowing LEMMA function multiplicative 1. Givenan increasing f and a primep, let L= inf x#Omodp f(x + p) f(x) Then L = 1. We use Lemma1 to deduceTheoremB, and thenwe proveLemma1 in thenextsection. it multiplicative To show thatf is completely Assumef is increasingand multiplicative. sufficesto showthatforeveryprimep and everyintegern > 1 we have = f(p)fnl f(pfl) that Fix a primep and let yn= f(pn)* We willshowthatyn= ynlor,equivalently, Yn+ 1 Yn forall n. Consideranyintegerx notdivisiblebyp. Thenforany n we have (px Now each of px - - 1)pn < xp,,+l < (px + 1)pn. 1, x, and px + 1 is prime to p so f(px - l)yn Af(pX <f(X)yn+1 + l)Yn, Therefore, and multiplicative. becausef is increasing in+ <l + 1) f(px + p2) f f(px I,:,inf K.,nf f (x) f f(x) =f (p)inf f(x +p) f (x) -y L 1 we find wheretheinfis takenoverall x # 0 modp. Similarly, Yn y+ Yn where U= sup x#Omodp x>p f(x -p) f_(x) - f(x) sup xOmod p f (x + p) -. 1 L Thus we have ~ ,Ly1.- Yn? 1 UylK. Yn implies(1), which,in turn,proves But L = 1 by Lemma1, so U = 1 also,and thislastinequality TheoremB. 1986] GRAPHICAL CONSTRUCTIONS OF MEANS 595 of L, if and multiplicative. Fromthedefinition 4. Proofof Lemma1. Assumef is increasing an integerx is notdivisiblebyp we havef(x + p) >? Lf(x), and hence 'f(x + kp) > Lkf(x) foreveryintegerk > 0. Now, givenany k > 0, we can findan integerx > kp whichis primeto bothp and 2. Then 2x > x + kp, and f(2)f (x) = f(2x) > f(x + kp) > Lkf(x), we also we musthave L < 1. But sincef is increasing, so thatLk < f (2). Sincek was arbitrary, showthatL = 1 and proveLemma1. have L > 1. Thesetwoinequalities resultfor decreasingmultiplicative 5. Comments.Erdo's'stheoremimpliesa corresponding withone restriction. It is easy to showthatif f is decreasingand multiplicative, then functions or elsef(1) = 1 and f (n) = 0 whenn > 2, with0 < f(2) < 1. Now,if eitherf is alwayspositive, so Erdo's'stheorem impliesl/f(n) = no for then1/f is increasing, f is positiveand decreasing, and iff(3) *A0, thenthere some a, hencef (n) = n- . Thus,iff is monotoneand multiplicative existsa constanta suchthatf(n) = no forn > 1. The author wishes to thankProfessorTom M. Apostol for suggestingthis researchand for helpingin the preparationof the manuscriptforpublication. References 1. A. S. Besicovitch,On AdditiveFunctionsof a PositiveInteger,Studiesin MathematicalAnalysisand Related Topics, pp. 38-41, StanfordUniversity Press,Stanford,CA, 1962. functionof additivefunctions, Ann. of Math.,(2) 47 (1946) 1-20. 2. P. Erdos, On thedistribution 3. L. Moser and J. Lambek,On monotonemultiplicative Proc. Amer.Math. Soc., 4 (1953) 544-545. functions, 4. I. J. Schoenberg,On two theoremsof P. Erdo'sand A. Renyi,IllinoisJ.Math.,6 (1962) 53-58. GRAPHICAL CONSTRUCTIONS OF MEANS RICHARD P. SAVAGE, JR. University, Science,TennesseeTechnological and Computer ofMathematics Department Cookeville,TN 38505 and Polya,it is shown In chapterthreeof Inequalitiesby Hardy,Littlewood, 1. Introduction. can be usedto assign definedon an interval function monotonic and strictly thateverycontinuous The meanvalueassignedis onlya meanin in theinterval. a meanvalue to each setof n numbers thanthelargest. norgreater a generalsense:themeanis notless thanthesmallestofthenumbers mean definedby an for the hold not thatthefamiliarmeanspossessneed Moreover,properties a meanof for determining technique the graphical that we show In paper function. this arbitrary a meanof n variables to determining twovariablesgivenby Moskovitzin [4] can be generalized in Rn.Thisprovides a graphicaltechnique and Polya)through (in thesenseof Hardy,Littlewood, meansin R3 and more ofmanywell-known representations geometric someespeciallyinteresting in R"1. generally RichlardP. Savage, Jr.: I receivedmy Ph. D. in 1981 fromthe Universityof Utah forworkin differential geometry.My thesisadvisorwas Domingo Toledo. I was a facultymemberfirstat Moorhead State Universityin wheremyfatheris also Minnesota.Since 1982 I have been a facultymemberat TennesseeTechnologicalUniversity interestsincludegenealogicalresearch,keepingup with faculty.My nonmathematical a memberof the mathematics baseball, and readingtheclassics.