A NOTE ON SPECIALLY MULTIPLICATIVE ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS PENTTS HAUKKANEN of Tampere, SF-33101 Tampere, University (Submitted December Finland 1986) An arithmetic function / is called multiplicative if (1) f{mn) = f(m)f(n), whenever (m, ri) = 1. A multiplicative function / is called completely multiplicative if (1) holds for all m9 ft. Further, a multiplicative function / is said to be a quadratic (see [1], [3], [8]) or a specially multiplicative function (see [2], [4], [6], [7]) if (2) f = aob, where a, b are completely multiplicative functions and ° denotes the Dirichlet product. It is known that (2) is equivalent to f(mn) = Z f(m/d)f(n/d)g(d)\i(d), d\(jn,n) where g is a completely multiplicative function and y denotes the Mobius function. The completely multiplicative function g is defined for every prime by = (ab)(p) g(p) where f'1 or g(p) = f(p)2 - f(p2) or g(p) f^ip2), denotes the Dirichlet inverse of /. Since a quadratic / is multipli- cative, the values /(ft) are known if the values f(pm) p and all positive integers m. 2 values f(p) , f(p ) known. = Furthermore, the values f(pm) [or the values f(p)s m The values f(p ) are known for all primes 1 2 f~ (p ) are known if the or the values a(p) , b(p)] are are given recursively by / ( D = 1, f(p2) f(p)5 m are arbitrary, m 1 ~ g(p)f(pm-2), = f(p)f(p ' ) f(p ) m Consequently, if we put f(p ) m = 3, 4, ... . (3) = Sm, we obtain a generalized Fibonacci sequence determined by S Q - 1, S1, S2 are arbitrary, Sm + i = S i^m ~ ((^1) ~ ^ 2 ^ m - i ' m = 2S 3, 4, ... . If we let Si = 1, #2 = 2 , we obtain the Fibonacci sequence. 1988] 325 A NOTE ON SPECIALLY MULTIPLICATIVE ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS If / is specially multiplicative and / = a°b, where a, b are completely multiplicative, then the generating series of / to the base p is given by f (P)(x) = where a = a(p) , g = b(p) . ^(p) (J:) (P a p r i m e ) > (1 - coOd - to) = Then g(p)x2' 1 - /(p)* + where jT(p) = a + 3 and g'(p) = a@. Fibonacci sequence {Fn} Y<nFnXn = 1 _ n=0 f(P)(x) wil1 Noting that the generating function of the is - ^2' x generate {F n } if j(p) = 1 and #(p) = - 1 . If a is any nonzero complex number, one could consider / for which f(p) and g(p) 2 It will follow that = -a . 2-T = £ ^ n ^^ n . frn,(ai) = i J 1 - ax - a ^cz (p) H e n c e , f(pn) of t h e z = anFn. Fibonacci s e q u e n c e {Gn} -a n „~0 Write j ( p n ) = Gn. U s i n g known p r o p e r t i e s s e q u e n c e {Fn } , f o r e x a m p l e , can be tan~k^Gk the following (see [ 5 ] , [9]) p r o p e r t i e s of the derived: =Gn - a - + 2 2 , k =0 (-l)kan~kGk E = (-DnaGn_1 an , + k =0 a ^2k ~ ^in + l'- fc = 0 V- 2(n-fc) + l / n L jL*a fe k == li Y3(n-fc) +2 ^3/c - 1 -k+3^ (n - k)an-nk+3 Gk E U ~ 3n+1 _ /-, _ / w i Q N;^ + 3 = G (n + 3)a w+ 3 - £=0 In ^ E ^„ 22 (( 22 nn --ffce))++ll ^k k+l k =o 1 r a 2n-l y- U U 2 ( 2 n - / c ) - l r -r _ r2 ~ ^2 _ r2 _ hn k =0 £a*-"+1fffc2 -GHGn + 1 . k =0 326 [Nov. A NOTE ON SPECIALLY MULTIPLICATIVE ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS l o f a * ^ ' ^ = G3n+k + (-l)n6a2n+5Gn_1 + 5a3n+ \ k=0 G n+m G G G + n m l ~ n-^n+k aG aG = G sn + z 2n+l = G alG G n-l m-l> = H r ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n + i + a Gn - a Gn_1, = G n +1 " a G n-l' The proofs of the above relations are omitted. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank the referee for his valuable comments. REFERENCES 1. T. B. Carroll & A. A. Gioia. "On a Subgroup of the Group of Multiplicative Arithmetic Functions." J. Austral. Math. Soc. , Ser. A, 20, no. 3 (1975): 348358. 2. D. H. Lehmer. "Some Functions of Ramanujan." Math. Student 116. 3. P. J. McCarthy. (1960):966-970. "Busche-Ramanujan Identities." Amer. 27 (1959):105- Math. Monthly 67 4. A. Mercier. "Remarques sur les Fonctions Specialement Multiplicatives." Ann. Sc. Math. Quebec 65 no. 1 (1982):99-107. 5. K. Subba Rao. "Some Properties of Fibonacci Numbers." Amer. Math. 60 (1953):680-684. Monthly 6. D. Redmond & R. Sivaramakrishnan. "Some Properties of Specially Multiplicative Functions." J. Number Theory 13, no. 2 (1981):210-227. 7. R. Sivaramakrishnan. "On a Class of Multiplicative Arithmetic Functions." J. Reine Angew. Math. 280 (1976):157-162. 8. R. Vaidyanathaswamy. "The Theory of Multiplicative Arithmetic Functions." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (1931):579-662. 9. N. N. Vorob'ev* Fibonacci Numbers. New Yorki Pergamon Press, 1961. 40^0^ 1988] 327