8. MULTIPLICATIVE FUNCTIONS §8.1. Multiplicative Functions There are functions f(n) in number theory that have the property that f(mn) = f(m)f(n) whenever m, n are coprime. Functions with this property are called multiplicative functions. Of course there are trivial examples such as the constant functions f(n) = 1 or g(n) = n. Less trivial examples are the number of divisors and the sum of the divisors. It is clear that if f(n) is multiplicative then so is kf(n) for any natural number k. In chapter 3 we defined the Euler function (n) to be the number of numbers from 1 to n that are coprime with n. Equivalently it is the number of units (elements with a multiplicative inverse) in the ring Zm of integers modulo m. We proved as a corollary to theorem 6 in chapter 3 that is a multiplicative function. and that (pn) = pn1(p 1). We now define two more important multiplicative functions. Define (n) to be the number of divisors of n, including 1 and n. Here we are taking only considering positive numbers and their positive divisors. We define (n) to be the sum of the (positive) divisors of n. Theorem 1: (n) and (n) are multiplicative functions. Proof: Suppose m, n are coprime. If the divisors of m are a1, a2, ..., ar and the divisors of n are b1, b2, ... bs then every divisor of mn can be expressed uniquely as aibj. Hence d(mn) = rs = d(m)d(n). And (mn) = aibj = (a1 + ... + ar)(b1 + ... + bs) = (m)(n). i,j pn+1 1 Theorem 2: If p is prime, d(p ) = n + 1 and (p ) = p1 n 2 n Proof: The divisors of p are 1, p, p , ..., p . Hence the number of them is n + 1 and their sum is the sum of the GP 1 + p + p2 + ... + pn. n n We can use these theorems to find (n), (n) and (n)for any n. Example 1: Find (600), (600) and (600). Solution: (600) = (23.3.52) = 4.2.3 = 24. (600) = (23.3.52) = 15.4.31 = 1860. (600) = (23.3.52) = = 160. §8.2. The Möbius Function We define the Möbius function, (n), as follows. (n) = (1)n if n is a product of n distinct primes (in particular (1) = 1, (n) = 0 otherwise. We say that a number is square-free if it is not divisible by a prime squared in which case it is a product of distinct primes. (We consider 1 as being the product of zero primes.) So if n is not square-free (n) = 0. This rather strange function takes just three values 1, 0, 1. Yet it is extremely useful when used in combination with other multiplicative functions. 71 Example 2: (30) = (2.3.5) = (1)3 = 1. (330) = ( = (1)4 = 1. (990) = ( = 0. Theorem 3: (n) is a multiplicative function. Proof: Suppose that m, n are coprime. If m or n is divisible by the square of a prime then so is mn and (mn) = (m)(n) = 0. If m is a product of r distinct primes and n is divisible s distinct primes then mn is divisible by r + s distinct primes and so (mn) = (1)r+s = (1)r(1)s = (m)(n). [Remember that m, n are coprime so the primes dividing m are distinct from those dividing n.] Example 3: (30) = (6.5) = (6)(5) = 1(1) = 1. Theorem 4: 1 if n = 1 (d) = 0 if n > 1 . d|n Proof: Suppose n =p1a1 p2a2 ... pkak > 1. Then (d) = 1 + (pi) + (pipj) + d|n i i,j (pipjpk) + ... i,j,k k k k = 1 1 + 2 3 + ... = (1 1)k = 0. Example 4: (d) = (1) + (2) + (4) + (5) + (8) + (10) + (20) + (40) d|40 = 1 = 0. 1 + 0 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 §8.3. The Monoid of Multiplicative Functions Let M be the set of all multiplicative functions from N to N. Define the Möbius product n n f*g of two multiplicative functions f, g by (f*g)(n) = f(d)gd = f dg(d) . We can write d|n d|n this as (f*g)(n) = f(c)g(d) . cd=n It is clear that from the symmetry of this last expression that f*g = g*f. A monoid is a generalisation of a group in that, although there is an identity und the multiplication, not every element need have an inverse. To show that M is a commutative monoid under this product we need to check that it is closed, that the operation is associative and has an identity. Theorem 5: M is a commutative monoid under the Möbius product. Proof: Suppose m, n are coprime. Then every divisor on mn has the form ab where a|m and b|n. m n Moreover, the a, b will be coprime and a and b will also be coprime. Suppose that f, g are multiplicative functions. mn Then (f*g)(mn) = f(d)g d d|mn 72 = mn f(ab)g ab a|m,b|n = f(a)f(b)gma gnb a|m,b|n = a|m b|m m f(a)g a n f(b)gb = (f*g)(m).(f*g)(n). Thus f*g is a multiplicative function. The associative law results from the fact that both (f*g)*h(n) and f*(g*h)(n) can be written as f(a)g(b)h(c) . abc=n 1 if n = 1 The identity is the function E(n) = 0 otherwise . This is very clearly a multiplicative function. Moreover, if f is any multiplicative function the (f*E)(n) = n f(d).E b . This sum d|n collapses to the single term, when d = n, namely f(n). Hence f*E = E*f. We are faced with a notational problem because there are three multiplicative functions that could be considered as an identity function. In fact all three are identities under an appropriate multiplication. There is the function f(n) = n for all n. This is the identity under composition of functions. Then there is f(n) = 1 for all n. This is the identity under what is called “pointwise” multiplication, where (fg)(n) = f(n)g(n). Finally we have the function defined above which is the identity for Möbius multiplication. We shall resolve this problem by denoting these three identities as follows. Operation Identity Defined by 1 if n = 1 Möbius multiplication E E(n) = 0 otherwise Composition I I(n) = n for all n Pointwise multiplication U U(n) = 1 for all n Note that all are multiplicative functions but E is the identity in M. By theorem 4, (d) = E(n) for all n. The left hand side of this equation can be expressed d|n as the Möbius product of and U. So *U = E. The Möbius inversion formula is now a simple consequence of the algebra of the monoid M. Theorem 6: If f is a multiplicative function then g(n) = f(d) if and only if f(n) = d|n Proof: g(n) = f(d) g = f*U *g = f*(U*) = f*E = f f(n) = d|n d|n n (d)gd . d|n 73 (d)gnd . It is a simple exercise to show that = U*U and = I*U Theorem 7: n = (d) . d|n Proof: If p, q, ... are the distinct prime divisors of n then n n (n) = n p + pq p|n = (d) nd pq|n d|n = n dd by a suitable change of variable. d|n Hence = *I and so *U = (*U)*I = E*I = I. Example 6: (100) = (22.52) = (22)(52) = 2.5.4 = 40. (d) = (1) + (2) + (4) + (5) + (10) + (20) + (25) + (50) + (100) d|100 = 1 + 1 = 100. + 2 + 4 + 4 + 8 74 + 20 + 20 + 40