HS Mathematics Item Specification C1 TB HS Math C1 TB Claim 1: Concepts and Procedures Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency. Content Domain: Number and Quantity Target B [m]: Use properties of rational and irrational numbers. Tasks for this target will require students to demonstrate understanding of operations with rational and irrational numbers, leading to generalizations about their sums and products. These will range from providing concrete examples (e.g., give or choose three examples to show that the sum of two rational numbers is rational) to abstract generalizations (e.g., reasoning related to understanding that the sum of any two rational numbers is rational). Standards: N-RN.3 DOK Target(s): 1, 2, 3 Evidence Required: 1. The student provides examples of addition or multiplication problems that will have sums or products of a specified type (either rational or irrational). 2. The student determines if the sum of two numbers is a rational number or an irrational number. 3. The student determines if the product of two numbers is a rational number or an irrational number. 4. The student provides an abstract generalization that the sum or product of any two rational numbers is rational, the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational, and the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is irrational. Allowable Item Types*: SR, CR Task Models: 1. CR (DOK 1, 2) Prompt Features 1: The student is prompted to give example addition problems that would have a sum that is either a rational or an irrational number. Prompt Features 2: The student is prompted to give example multiplication problems that would have a product that is either a rational or an irrational number. Stimulus: The student is presented with a type of number (rational or irrational) and instructions that will fit studentgenerated example problems into a scorable format. 2. SR (DOK 1) Prompt Features 1: The student is prompted to identify whether the resulting sums for the addition problem(s) are rational or irrational. Stimulus 1: The student is presented with at least three addition problems having two addends where at least one addend is rational. Stimulus 2: The student is presented with at least three Version 1.0 HS Mathematics Item Specification C1 TB addition problems having two addends where at least one addend is irrational. Prompt Features 2: The student is prompted to identify which type of number the other addend will be from a list of possible number types (e.g., rational, irrational). Stimulus 1: The student is presented with an addition problem having two addends and is given that one addend is a rational number and the sum is a rational number. Stimulus 2: The student is presented with an addition problem having two addends and is given that one addend is a rational number and the sum is an irrational number. Stimulus 3: The student is presented with an addition problem having two addends and is given that one addend is an irrational number and the sum is an irrational number. 3. SR (DOK 1) Prompt Features 1: The student is prompted to identify whether the resulting product(s) for the multiplication problem(s) are rational or irrational. Stimulus: The student is presented with at least three multiplication problems having two factors where either both factors are nonzero rational numbers, or one factor is a nonzero rational number and one factor is an irrational number. Prompt Features 2: The student is prompted to identify which type of number the other factor will be from a list of possible number types (e.g., rational, irrational). Stimulus 1: The student is presented with a multiplication problem having two factors and is given that one factor is a nonzero rational number and the product is an irrational number. Stimulus 2: The student is presented with a multiplication problem having two factors and is given that one factor is an irrational number and the product is an irrational number. Allowable Stimulus Materials: Allowable Disciplinary Vocabulary: 4. CR (DOK 2) Prompt Features 1: The student is prompted to explain what possible sums result by combining any rational number with either another rational number or an irrational number. Prompt Features 2: The student is prompted to explain what possible products result by combining any nonzero rational number with an irrational number. Stimulus: The student is presented with two abstract quantities representing the set of rational numbers or the set of irrational numbers (e.g., x = rational number, y = irrational number). products or sums of rational and irrational numbers, number type (rational or irrational) rational number, irrational number, real number Version 1.0 HS Mathematics Item Specification C1 TB Allowable Tools: Target-Specific Only sums and products of two numbers are used. Attributes: Nontargeted Constructs: Accessibility Concerns: Sample Items: *SR = selected-response item; CR = constructed-response item; TE = technology-enhanced item; ER = extended-response item; PT = performance task Version 1.0