int. j. math. educ. sci. technol., 1999, vol. 30, no. 1, 39± 46 Di c u ltie s in kn ow le d ge in te gration : re v isitin g Ze n o’s parad ox w ith irration al n u m be rs IRIT PELED School of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, 31905, Israel e-mail: and SARA HERSHKOVITZ Centre for Educational Technology, 16 Klausner St., Ramat Aviv, 39513, Israel e.mail: ( Received 15 July 1997 ) The study investigates sources of di culties exhibited by student teachers in tasks involving the construction of an irrational length segment, and other irrational number tasks. The results show that student teachers know the de® nitions and characteristics of irrational numbers, yet fail in tasks that require a ¯ exible use of their knowledge and in tasks that involve making connections between di erent representations. Thus, for example, students say that irrational numbers are real numbers, yet many think they have noplace on the real number line. Their explanations indicate that misconceptions about the limit concept, that relate to the dilemma in one of Zeno’s paradoxes, are a main source of di culty. These ® ndings stress the importance of creating tasks that facilitate the integration of di erent knowledge pieces. 1. In trod u c ti on Once in a while we ® nd ourselves deliberating for asurprisingly long time over a question relating to a concept that we thought we had understood. Such an experience often makes us reorganize our knowledge, and integrate di erent items, resulting in a better understanding of the subject following this experience. When students are asked to cope with such a problem in a test, they might either think they have learned something new, or complain that the test was unfair. Our interest in investigating how student teachers integrate knowledge that relates to irrational numbers with their knowledge about the number system arose as a result of a problem-solving situation which caused such deliberations: Students were given the following problem: John gave the carpenter a5m by 1m wooden board, asking him to use all the wood to make a square table top. The carpenter thought for a while and then said: No problem. I can build your table by making just a few cuts. Do you think he can do it? How? While solving this problem, most students had arrived at the conclusion that if such atable exists, its side has to be Ï 5. This conclusion was problematic for some students,who believed that such a length cannot be measured. 0020± 739X/99 $12´00 Ñ 1999 Taylor & Francis Ltd. 40 I. Peled and S. Hershkovitz Di culties related to the concept of irrational numbers were discussed by Fischbein et al. [1], who put the blame on the failing of the school curriculum to link the various number sets within the number system, as well as the limited number of examples of irrational numbers shown to students. This latter issue is discussed by Mason and Pimm [2], who claim that examples (even if intended to be generic examples) might be perceived as the only extensions of agiven concept. The researchers quote MacHale [3] who lists topics for which textbooks tend to use the same small set of speci® c examples. For irrational numbers, the examples given in most texts are Ï 2 and Ï 5, possibly evoking the misconception that these are the only extensions of the set of irrational numbers. Going back to our original puzzling carpenter problem, and looking at students’ claims that `the carpenter cannot measure a length of Ï 5’, we wondered whether their di culties stemmed from a lack of understanding of the irrational number concept or whether they had a problem with the concept of measurement. At this point we were curious to know what do all studentsÐ not only those who claimed it was impossible to measure an irrational lengthÐ know about irrational numbers. The students involved in this study had at least two years of college mathematics, and had studied irrational numbers, but could still have a limited understanding of this concept. Their knowledge could be restricted to a speci® c learned representation, or toformally recited de® nitions, rather than being a more ¯ exible conception that would constitute evidence of their understanding. As Lesh et al. [4] put it: `Part of what we mean when we say that a student understands an idea, like 1/3, is that: (1) he or she can recognize the ideaembedded in a variety of qualitatively di erent representational systems; (2) he or she can ¯ exibly manipulate the idea within given representational systems; and (3) he or she can accurately translate the idea from one system to another.’ (p. 36) The main questions of the study were: (1) Do all students have a basic knowledge of irrational numbers, i.e. do they know how the set of irrational numbers relates to a variety of number sets such as whole numbers, rational numbers, and real numbers? (2) Do they understand the meaning of the irrational number beyond its formal de® nition? For instance, can they handle the fact that although an irrational number has an in® nite and `unordered’ number of digits in its decimel representation, it still has its place on the number line? 2. Proc e d u re Following identi® cation of the problem described here in a methods course, this study was conducted in twogroups, both of which tookthe course. One group comprised 55 students, and the second 15 students. The students were in their second or third year of college mathematics, taking courses towards a mathematics teacher certi® cation. The study consisted of two parts. Part 1: The students were asked to solve the carpenter’s problem. Part 2: The students were asked to complete a questionnaire that dealt with knowledge related to irrational numbers and their place within the number system. 41 Irrationals and knowledge integration First group Second group Total Incorrect answers Correct answers irrational measure No answer 38 69% 1 7% 39 56% 3 5.55% 4 27% 7 10% 3 5.5% 8 53% 11 16% 11 20% 1 7% 12 17% Other N 55 1 7% 1 1% 15 70 Table 1. Distribution of answers in the carpenter’s problem. 3. Re su lts 3.1. Part 1: The carpenter’ s problem This part was given as homework to the ® rst group and as class work to the second group (allowing the students to work for about an hour). The distribution of the answers in both groups is shown in table 1. A correct answer was given by 38 out of 55 students in the ® rst group, and by one out of 15 students in the second group. The correct solution was accompanied by a sketch of the cut up board and the new squared table top consisting of the rearranged pieces as presented in ® gure 1. The students in both groups encountered two main problems: di culties relating to irrational numbers, and di culties relating to a general measuring misconception. Speci® cally, students who had di culties with an irrational number (three out of 55 in the ® rst group and four out of 15 in the second) thought that the carpenter cannot measure a length of Ï 5 m because of its in® nite decimal representation. Students who had a general measuring di culty (three in the ® rst group and eight in the second) thought that the board had tobe cut intoawhole number of squares. Figure 1. The problem solution. 42 I. Peled and S. Hershkovitz Since the board was 5m long they tried to divide it into ® ve squares and move these around. Their next step was to divide each square into smaller squares or rectangles thinking that eventually they would be the right size. 3.2. Part 2: Questionnaire A knowledge questionnaire related to integrating irrational numbers within the number system. The questionnaire consisted of: (a) Questions that deal with students’ declarative knowledge on Ï 5, asking whether this number is a whole, a rational, an irrational, or a real number, and whether it has an in® nite number of digits in its decimal representation. (b) Questions which ask the students to identify and mark numbers on a given real number line, and then to refer to the unassigned numbers and explain why these numbers have not been placed on the line. The numbers in the number line task consisted of the following list (given in this order): Ï 4, 1 /100, 0.12, 0.25, p , Ï 5, 1 /9, 0.3333 . . . The number list had been carefully chosen. In fact, most of the numbers were supposed to serve as clues to remind the students that there are other units of measurement, for example 19, besides the decimal units. This number, 19, was also a clue for representing 0.3333 . . . as 13 and then easily putting it on the line. The fact that 0. 3333 . . . has aplace on the real number line could then trigger the realization that being a number with an in® nite number of places beyond the decimal point is not su cient to make a number `unplaceable’ on the number line. The results of part (a), which deals with the characteristics of Ï 5 are presented in table 2. As can be seen in table 2, about three-quarters of the students answered all declarative questions correctly. All of the students (except one in the second group) could tell that Ï 5 is not a whole number and most of the students (except one in each group) knew that Ï 5 is an irrational number. Some confusion was observed regarding knowledge related to the decimal representation of Ï 5 (16%of all 62 students answered incorrectly) and with identifying Ï 5 as a real number (13%of all 62 students gave an incorrect answer). Part (b) deals with the representation of numbers on the real number line. It was meant to expose implicit de® nitions of irrational numbers. The ® ndings were All correct First group Second group Total 36 77% 9 60% 45 73% Incorrect (not exclusive) not whole irrational Ð 1 7% 1 2% 1 2% 1 7% 2 3% in® nite real N 5 11% 5 33% 10 16% 7 15% 1 7% 8 13% 47 Table 2. The distributions of answers on Ï 5 characteristics. 15 62 43 Irrationals and knowledge integration First group Second group Total Ï 4 1/100 0.12 0.25 48 100% 15 100% 63 100% 48 100% 15 100% 63 100% 48 100% 15 100% 63 100% 48 100% 15 100% 63 100% p 22 46% 6 40% 28 44% Ï 5 1/9 0. 3333 . . . N 25 52% 6 40% 31 49% 38 79% 12 80% 50 79% 26 54% 4 27% 30 48% 48 15 63 Table 3. Percentage of correct answers for each number in number line task. Did not place these numbers on number line: Placed all p , Ï 5, 1 /9, 0. 3333 . . . p , Ï 5, 0. 3333 . . . p , Ï 5 other comb. First group Second group Total 16 33% 1 6.6% 17 27% 6 12.5% Ð 6 10% 6 12.5% 6 40% 12 19% 7 15% 1 6.6% 8 13% 13 27% 7 47% 20 32% N 48 15 63 Table 4. Complete pro® les of number line answers. analysed ® rst for each number separately, noting the proportion of students who placed a given number on the real number line (table 3). They were then analysed again by categorizing the students according to the characteristics of the set of numbers not placed on the real number line (table 4). As can be seen in table 3, no students encountered problems with placing 0.25, 0.12, 1/100, Ï 4 on the number line. However, even the number 1/9 confused 21% of the students in the context of this task. The numbers p , Ï 5, 0.3333 . . . were more problematic. Each of these numbers could not be placed on the real number line by about half of the students. Table 4 may shed some light on the source of students’ problems by looking at a more global picture. Only 27%of the students could correctly place all given numbers on the number line. The rest of the students experienced di erent kinds of di culties, resulting in various combinations of numbers which they could not place correctly. Each number combination comes with an explicit explanation revealing the source of the di culty. Three main combinations can be observed: One group of students, 10%of the total, thought that p , Ï 5, 1 /9, 0.3333 . . . cannot be placed on the number line. Some explained that these are irrational numbers and therefore cannot be placed on the real number line. It is interesting to note that those students had just claimed in part (a) that Ï 5 is a real number. Others in this group explained that these numbers have an in® nite number of digits in their decimal representation and therefore cannot be placed on the line. A second group, 19%of the total, could not place p , Ï 5, 0.3333 . . . on the number line. Basically this group used the same `in® nite number of digits’ 44 I. Peled and S. Hershkovitz argument, except that they did manage to place 19, using their fractions knowledge yet not identifying 0.3333 . . . as the rational number 1 /3. A third group, 13%of the total, could not place p , Ï 5 on the line. These are students who did manage to represent 0. 3333 . . . as one-third (13). In addition to these three groups, several other combinations were found. Among these were students who managed to place some of the problematic numbers by number estimation. For example, instead of putting 0.3333 . . . on the number line, they placed 0.33 on the line. Instead of placing p , they used the number 3.14 or 22/7. Most of these students explicitly wrote that p equals 3.14 or that 0.3333 . . . equals 0.33, denoting that they did not see it as an estimation but as the actual value of the number in the task. Additional ® ndings relate to the students’ consistency. Three relations were investigated: (1) The relation between a students’ answer in the carpenter problem and the ability toplace Ï 5 on the number line. This issue is relevant only to the ® rst group of 55 students (as only one student in the second group solved the problem correctly and placed the numbers correctly on the number line). In this group, 38 students solved the carpenter problem correctly, showing how to cut the wooden board in such a way that results in wooden pieces that have a Ï 5 long side. Still, 16 of them (42%) did not place Ï 5 and explicitly declared that it cannot be placed on the number line. Two common reasons were given: (a) `. . . because it is an irrational number’; (b) `. . . because it has an in® nite number of digits in its decimal form’. (2) The relation between a students’ claim that Ï 5 is a real number and a willingness to place Ï 5 on the number line. In the ® rst group, 47 students answered (correctly) that Ï 5 is a real number, yet 20 of them (43%) did not place it on the number line. In the second group, 14 answered that Ï 5 is a real number, yet 8 of them (57%) did not place it on the number line. In both groups together, 46%of the students who had a correct declarative knowledge still could not place Ï 5 on the number line. This amounts to 28 students (40%) of the total of 70 students in the sample that exhibited this type of inconsistency. (3) A di erent type of inconsistency was involved with regard to rational numbers. As it turned out the student’s ability to place a rational number on the number line depended to a great extent on the number’s representation. speci® cally, 10 students out of 47 in the ® rst group and 9 out of 15 in the second group, could place 19 on the number line, but could not place 0. 3333 . . . (the decimal representation of 13 on the number line. This amounts to 31%(19 out of 62) in both groups. 4. Di sc u ssion This research was originally planned toinvestigate sources of di culty with the number Ï 5 that were revealed when some students solving the carpenter problem claimed that a length of Ï 5 cannot be measured. The ® ndings show that these students did not have a real-world measurement problem, e.g. they did not claim that this number cannot be measured because there is no ruler than can measure it accurately. Rather, their explanation was given in the mathematical world. In fact, there were quite consistent as they claimed that Ï 5 cannot be placed on the real number line. Irrationals and knowledge integration 45 While looking into this issue, additional problems were revealed. Other students, who did solve the carpenter problem correctly, seemed to have di culties with irrational numbers. Speci® cally, about 40%of the students of the ® rst group, who solved the carpenter problem, could not place Ï 5 on the real number line. We wondered whether this problem indicates di culty with formal knowledge relating to irrational numbers. Fischbein et al. [1]found that children and student teachers had di culties both with the de® nition and the classi® cation of numbers as rational (or irrational) and as real. Our ® ndings show that students’ declarative knowledge relating to irrational numbers is not the main problem, only a few students did not know that Ï 5 is an irrational number, and did not categorize it as a real number. Rather than formal knowledge of irrational numbers, students’ explanations seemed to indicate that the main source of di culty involves the concept of limit. Most of the explanations claimed that Ï 5 cannot be reached because of the in® nite number of digits in its decimal representation. For the same reason, some students also claimed that 0.3333 . . . cannot be placed on the number line. Di culties with the concept limit have been discussed by many researchers [5± 7]. Williams [8] lists mental models of limit and beliefs about it held by college students. One of these beliefs is the notion that a limit is something one can get closer and closer to, but can never reach (actually this is true according to some of the early de® nitions of limit). This notion of getting closer and closer but never really reaching acertain point is also the essence of one of Zeno’s paradoxes [9], where Achilles competes against the turtle but supposedly cannot bear the turtle’s 10mhead-start although he runs ten times faster (10m/s versus 1m/s). The claim is that by the time Achilles covers these 10m, the turtle has advanced by 1m, and by the time Achilles runs the 1m, the turtle has moved forward by 0.1m, and soon and on. Through this description of the process, the turtle is always ahead of Achilles, although the distance between them becomes smaller and smaller and approaches zero. When an algebraic solution comparing the two distances versus time functions is introduced, it is obvious that Achilles overtakes the turtle at some easily calculated time (if x stands for time in seconds, then the equation 10 + x = 10x results in Achilles overtaking the turtle after 10/9 seconds, at which time they are both at exactly the same distance from the starting point). In fact, the di erence between the two viewpoints is similar tothe di erence between representing 119 as arational number and using its decimal representation, 1. 1111 . . .. In both cases, although we are convinced about the equality between the ® nite and in® nite representations, there is still something unsettling about the `eventual convergence’ of the in® nite series. Di culties with the concept of limit are only a part of the story, which relates to the decimal (and in® nitely long) representation of irrational numbers. We are still left wondering why students solved the carpenter problemyet could not create a similar length on the number line: how could they tell that an irrational number is areal number and still claim that it does not have aplace on the real number line, and why did they not realize the implications of the fact that one-third has a place on the number line even though it has in® nitely long decimal representation? These inconsistencies are evidence of some incomplete understanding. Hiebert and Carpenter [10] argue that `Understanding occurs as representations get 46 Irrationals and knowledge integration connected into increasingly structured and cohesive networks’ (p. 69). The students in our study failed in making connections between di erent aspects of the irrational number concept, its de® nitions and representations, its place within the number system, and its relation to other concepts, such as limit. The educational implications of these ® ndings are mainly directed towards the need to go beyond de® nitions and help students build ¯ exible knowledge. As mentioned earlier (and cited from [4]), the ¯ exibility of perceiving a concept in di erent representations is considered to be proof of understanding this concept. Not having this ¯ exibility had resulted, for example, in students’ inability to perceive one-third in its di erent representations, and to make the right connections between them. Vinner [11] suggests using non-routine problems in order to facilitate the extension of the learner’s concept image. The carpenter problemcan be considered an example of anon-routine problem, as it managed to bring up some problematic issues. Giving it to students and then using it as a basis for discussion might cause the creation of new insights. Our educational goal should be to create many such opportunities in order to encourage the construction of ¯ exible and connected knowledge. Re fe re n c e s [1] Fischbein, E., Jehiam, R., and Cohen, D., 1995. Educ. Stud. Math. , 29, 29± 44. [2] Mason, J., and Pimm, D., 1984, Educ. S tud. Math. , 15, 277± 289. [3] MacHale, D., 1980, Amer. Math. Monthly , 87, 9, 752. [4] Lesh, R., Post, T., and Behr, M., 1986, Representations and translations among representations in mathematics learning and problem solving. In C. Janvier (ed.) Problems of Representation in the T eaching and L earning of Mathematics (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). [5] Fischbein, E., Tirosh, D., and Hess, P., 1979, Educ. S tud. Math. , 10, 30± 40. [6] Davis, R. B., and Vinner, S., 1986, J. Math. Behavior, 5, 281± 303. [7] Tall, D., 1992, The transition to advanced mathematical thinking; functions, limits, in® nity, and proof. In D. A. Grouws (ed.) Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and L earning (New York: Macmillan), pp. 495± 511. [8] Williams, S. R., 1991, J. Res. Math. Educ. , 22, 219± 236. [9] Salmon, W. C., 1970, Zeno’ s Paradoxes (Indianapolis: Bobb-Merrill). [10] Hiebert, J., and Carpenter, T. P., 1992, Learning and teaching with understanding. In D. A. Grouws (ed.) Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and L earning (New York: Macmillan), pp. 65± 97. [11] Vinner, S., 1991, The role of de® nitions in the teaching and learning of mathematics. In D. Tall (ed.) Advanced Mathematical Thinking (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic), pp. 65± 81.