A Survey of Results on Primes in Short Intervals Cem Yalçın Yıldırım §1. Introduction Prime numbers have been a source of fascination for mathematicians since antiquity. The proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers is attributed to Euclid (fourth century B.C.). The basic method of determining all primes less than a given number N is the sieve of Eratosthenes (third century B.C.). Diophantus (third (?) century A.D.) was occupied with finding rational number solutions to equations, extending ancient knowledge from Babylon and India on Pythagorean triples. The books of Diophantus lay lost for ages. It took thousands of years before new aspects of primes were brought into light until chiefly Fermat and Mersenne (c.1640), influenced by Bachet’s (1621) translation into Latin of the extant books of Diophantus, announced various criteria on divisibility by primes, assertions on primes possessing special forms, and solutions to Diophantine equations. A major breakthrough was Euler’s discovery (1737) of the identity Y (1 − p ∞ 1 1 −1 X ) = . s s p n=1 n 1 (1.1) 2 Yıldırım Here s = σ+it ∈ C, σ, t ∈ R, and (1.1) is meaningful for σ > 1 where both sides are absolutely convergent. This identity of a sum over the natural numbers and a product over the primes is an analytic way of expressing the property of unique factorization of natural numbers into primes. Euler considered (1.1) and similar identities with natural number values of s. It was Riemann (1859) who initiated the study of the quantity in (1.1) as an analytic function of a complex variable. The two expressions in (1.1) represent the Riemann zetafunction ζ(s) in the half-plane σ > 1. Riemann’s aim was to prove the conjecture of Legendre and Gauss on the number π(x) of primes p ≤ x, that x π(x) ∼ , (x → ∞). (1.2) log x This goal was attained in 1896 independently by Hadamard and de la Vallée Poussin who were by then equipped with some essential knowledge on entire functions. Riemann showed that ζ(s) can be continued analytically over the whole complex plane, being meromorphic with a simple pole at s = 1, and satisfies the functional equation 1−s s s 1−s π − 2 Γ( )ζ(s) = π − 2 Γ( )ζ(1 − s). 2 2 (1.3) The value of ζ(s) can be calculated at any s with σ > 1 to any desired accuracy from the expressions in (1.1). Then, using (1.3), ζ(s) can also be calculated for any s with σ < 0. In the rather mysterious strip 0 ≤ σ ≤ 1, one may use Z ∞ s ζ(s) = −s (x)x−s−1 dx (σ > 0), (1.4) s−1 1 where (x) is the fractional part of x. This is the analytic continuation of ζ(s) to σ > 0, obtained by applying partial summation to the series in (1.1). s At s = −2, −4, −6 . . ., where Γ( ) has poles, ζ(s) vanishes - these 2 are called the trivial zeros. Upon developing general results on entire functions, Hadamard (1893) deduced that ζ(s) has infinitely many nontrivial zeros in 0 ≤ σ ≤ 1. The nontrivial zeros must be situated symmetrically with respect to the real axis, and by (1.3) also Primes in Short Intervals 3 with respect to the line σ = 12 . Applying the argument principle, von Mangoldt (1895) gave the proof of Riemann’s assertion that the number of nontrivial zeros ρ = β + iγ with 0 < γ ≤ T is asymptotiT log T , as T → ∞. It follows that if the zeros ρ are arranged cally 2π in a sequence ρn = βn + iγn with γn+1 ≥ γn , then γn ∼ 2πn log n (n → ∞). (1.5) Riemann’s assertion that all of the nontrivial zeros lie on the critical line σ = 21 is yet unproved. Known as the Riemann Hypothesis (RH), this has been one of the most profound problems of twentieth century mathematics. The Riemann Hypothesis settles the horizontal positioning of the zeros of ζ(s). In 1972 Montgomery came up with the pair correlation conjecture (MC), as to how the nontrivial zeros, assumed to be on the line σ = 12 , are distributed on this line. In what follows we narrate the relation between ζ(s) and counting the number of primes (§2), some unproved strong assertions on the distribution of primes (§3), primes in arithmetic progressions (§4), the pair correlation conjecture (§5), some details of the connections between the distribution of primes and the zeta zeros (§6), and we give the proof of a theorem of Goldston and Yıldırım on primes in arithmetic progressions in short intervals (§7). Finally there are ‘Further Notes’ for each section. §2. The explicit formula The distribution of primes is closely linked with (the distribution of the nontrivial zeros of) the Riemann zeta-function. Such connections are already hinted at by (1.1). Taking the logarithmic derivative of the product in (1.1) gives ∞ X Λ(n) ζ0 (s) = − s ζ n=2 n (σ > 1), (2.1) 4 Yıldırım where Λ(n) is von Mangoldt’s function ½ Λ(n) = log p, 0, if n is the power of a prime p, otherwise. Defining ψ(x) = X Λ(n) = X log p , (2.2) (2.3) pm ≤x n≤x Λ(x) , one has 2 1 Z c+i∞ ζ 0 xs ψ0 (x) = [− (s)] ds 2πi c−i∞ ζ s and ψ0 (x) = ψ(x) − (c > 1). (2.4) Considering the integral from c−iT to c+iT , and moving the line of integration all the way to the left in the complex plane one obtains, by the residue theorem, for any x ≥ 2, X xρ ζ0 1 (0) − log(1 − x−2 ) ρ ζ 2 |γ|<T x log2 (xT ) x + O( ) + O(log x min(1, )) T T hxi ψ0 (x) = x − − (2.5) (here hxi denotes the distance from x to the nearest prime power other than x itself if x is a prime power). Equation (2.5) is called the explicit formula; it provides an explicit link between a (weighted) count of the primes and a sum over the nontrivial zeros of ζ(s). (This form of (2.5) is more useful in applications than the form obtained by taking the limit T → ∞ in (2.5)). The estimate for the sum over ρ in (2.5) depends upon our knowledge about the location of these zeros (this will be dwelt upon in §6). ¿From de la Vallée Poussin’s result c1 (1899) that ζ(s) 6= 0 for σ > 1 − , (which could be derived from log t a relation between ζ(σ + it) and ζ(σ + 2it) resting on the inequality 3 + 4 cos θ + cos 2θ ≥ 0) it follows that 1 ψ(x) = x + O(x exp[−c2 (log x) 2 ]) (2.6) (here ci are appropriate positive constants). This embodies the prime number theorem in the form (1.2). If one assumes RH, then all the ρ’s have real part 21 , implying 1 ψ(x) = x + O(x 2 log2 x), (2.7) Primes in Short Intervals 5 with a much smaller error term than (2.6). The sharpest possible estimate for ψ(x) was conjectured by Montgomery [38] by probabilistic arguments (upon assuming RH and that the imaginary parts γ > 0 of the nontrivial zeros are linearly independent) to be lim √ ψ(x) − x 1 =± 2 x(log log log x) 2π (x → ∞). (2.8) In the opposite direction we note that Littlewood (1914) proved 1 ψ(x) − x = Ω± (x 2 log log log x) (x → ∞) (2.9) (for the proof see Ingham’s tract [31]). After the prime number theorem it is natural to ask for which functions Φ(x), as x → ∞, π(x + Φ(x)) − π(x) ∼ Φ(x) ? log x (2.10) Here one would try to find Φ(x) as slowly increasing as possible. 7 Heath-Brown [28] proved that one can take Φ(x) = x 12 −²(x) (²(x) → 1 0, as x → ∞), and assuming RH Φ(x) = x 2 +² is allowed. Of course Φ(x) cannot be too small, and we know due to Rankin [46] that log x log2 x log4 x (logk is there exist intervals around x of length > c (log3 x)2 the k-fold iterated logarithm) which don’t contain a prime. Moreover Maier [35] showed that (2.10) is false even for Φ(x) as large as (log x)λ with any λ > 1, contrary to what was expected from the heuristic probabilistic arguments of Cramér [7]. On the other hand Selberg [51] showed assuming RH that, (2.10) holds for almost all x Φ(x) if → ∞ as x → ∞. Here what is meant by ‘almost all x’ is (log x)2 that, while X → ∞ the measure of the set of x ∈ [0, X] for which (2.10) doesn’t hold is o(X). Without assuming RH, this almost-all 1 result is known to hold with Φ(x) = x 6 +² (Huxley [30]). 6 §3. Yıldırım Some unproved conjectures on the distribution of primes In this section we briefly relate some of the deepest conjectures on the distribution of primes. One of the oldest of all is the Goldbach conjecture (1742), that every even number > 2 is the sum of two prime numbers. The furthest that has been proved in this direction is the remarkable theorem of Chen [3], that every sufficiently large even number can be expressed as the sum of a prime and a number which has at most two prime factors - counted with multiplicity. It should also be noted that Vinogradov, using his method of estimating exponential sums, proved that every sufficiently large odd number can be expressed as a sum of three primes. The methods developed for attacking the Goldbach conjecture can also be used for other problems of an additive nature. But still we do not know whether or not there are infinitely many twin primes (e.g. p and p + 2 both prime). The more general situation was asserted as the prime r-tuple conjecture by Hardy and Littlewood [25]. The r-tuple conjecture is an asymptotic formula for the number πd (N ) of positive integers n ≤ N for which n + d1 , . . . , n + dr are all prime (here d1 , . . . , dr are distinct integers and d = (d1 , . . . , dr )). The formula is πd (N ) ∼ ℘d N logr N (N → ∞) (3.1) when ℘d 6= 0, where ℘d = Y pr−1 (p − νd (p)) p (p − 1)r , and νd (p) is the number of distinct residue classes modulo p occupied by d1 , . . . , dr . With r = 1, this reduces to the prime number theorem. For r ≥ 2 the conjecture remains unproved for any d. Assuming that for each r, (3.1) holds uniformly for 1 ≤ d1 , . . . , dr ≤ h, Gallagher [14] showed that if Pk (h, N ) is the number of integers n ≤ N for which the interval (n, n + h] contains exactly k primes, −λ k then Pk (λ log N, N ) ∼ N e k!λ as N → ∞, i.e. the distribution tends to the Poisson distribution with parameter λ. Primes in Short Intervals 7 A heuristic way, depending on the prime number theorem and the counting of appropriate residue classes to certain moduli, of deriving the r-tuple conjecture (in the special case r = 2, d1 = 0, d2 = 2) can be found in the book of Hardy and Wright [26, §22.20]). Hardy and Littlewood developed the circle method for attacking such additive arithmetical problems, which when written in the form of summations can be re-expressed as integrals over the circle |z| = % < 1 with a power series of radius of convergence 1 in the integrand. The main contribution comes from those z’s with arguments close to fractions with small denominators while % → 1. The arithmetical information is then extracted from the singularities of the power series on the unit circle. For an upper bound on the difference between consecutive primes Cramér [7] conjectured on probabilistic grounds that lim sup n pn+1 − pn = 1, (log pn )2 (3.2) where pn is the n-th prime. The known estimates for this limit, even under the unproved assumptions RH and MC, fall dismally short of Cramér’s guess: pn+1 − pn ¿ pn0.535 (unconditional) [1] 1 2 pn+1 − pn ¿ pn log pn pn+1 − pn = (on RH) [6] (3.3) 1 o((pn log pn ) 2 ) (on RH + MC) [19] (in (6.1) and (6.15) below, further conditional estimates for the difference between consecutive primes are given). §4. Primes in arithmetic progressions Dirichlet (1837) proved that if a and q are two coprime natural numbers, then there are infinitely many primes of the form kq + a. Davenport begins his book [8] with the remark that this work of Dirichlet may be regarded as the origin of analytic number theory. 8 Yıldırım The proof involved the so-called Dirichlet’s L-functions, defined by L(s, χ) = ∞ X χ(n) n=1 ns , (4.1) in σ > 1 where the series is absolutely convergent. Here χ is a Dirichlet’s character to the modulus q, a function of an integer variable n which is multiplicative and periodic with period q. It follows that if (n, q) = 1, then χ(n) is a root of unity. For (n, q) > 1, it is convenient to define χ(n) = 0. The character χ0 which assumes the value 1 at all n coprime to q is called the principal character. It could be that for values of n coprime to q, the least period of χ(n) is a proper divisor of q, in which case χ is called an imprimitive character, and otherwise primitive. There are φ(q) characters in all to the modulus q, which form an abelian group (defining χ1 χ2 (n) = χ1 (n)χ2 (n)) isomorphic to the group of relatively prime residue classes to the modulus q. The characters satisfy X ½ χ(n) = n ( mod q) φ(q), 0, if χ = χ0 , otherwise, or equivalently X χ ( mod q) ½ χ(n) = φ(q), 0, if n ≡ 1 (mod q), otherwise. Thus by using Dirichlet’s characters we can select from integers in a given set those that are in a particular residue class modulo q as in (4.3) below. It also follows that for nonprincipal χ the series in (4.1) is conditionally convergent in the strip 0 < σ ≤ 1. Dirichlet’s proof hinges on the fact that L(1, χ) 6= 0 for nonprincipal χ. The theory of Dirichlet’s L-functions parallels that of ζ(s) for the most part, and the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) states that all zeros of Dirichlet’s L-functions lie on the line σ = 12 . The main question is for which ranges of the relevant variables are the primes evenly distributed with respect to the permissible congruence classes modulo q. To what extent and in which sense this distribution is even has been an active area of research. Analogous Primes in Short Intervals 9 to (2.3), for (a, q) = 1 let ψ(x; q, a) = X Λ(n). (4.2) n≤x n≡a ( mod q) Writing ψ(x, χ) = X χ(n)Λ(n), we have n≤x ψ(x; q, a) = X 1 φ(q) χ ( mod χ(a)ψ(x, χ). (4.3) q) Proceeding as in the proof of the prime number theorem one aims for a result of the type ψ(x; q, a) = x (1 + o(1)). φ(q) (4.4) Unconditionally the Siegel-Walfisz theorem says that (4.4) holds uniformly for q < (log x)N with any fixed N > 0, while assuming GRH yields 1 x ψ(x; q, a) = + O(x 2 log2 x) (q ≤ x). (4.5) φ(q) Just as for (2.6) and (2.7), these results depend on the knowledge of the zero-free region to the left of σ = 1 for Dirichlet’s L-functions. The Siegel-Walfisz restriction on the range of q is quite severe. On 1 the other hand (4.5) implies (4.4) for q almost up to x 2 . It is natural to wonder whether the error term in (4.5) need really be so large. With regard to this we make the following observation. Littlewood’s 1 result (2.9) was preceeded by the weaker ψ(x) − x = Ω± (x 2 ) due to E. Schmidt (1903). A proof of this is in Ingham’s tract [31, Thm. 1 33], with the constants implied in Ω± being ± | 1 +iγ ( 12 + iγ1 is the 1| 2 zero of ζ(s) with the least positive γ1 ; γ1 ≈ 14.13 [52, §15.2]). If we adapt this proof for ψ(x, χ), using (4.3) we have 1 x x2 ψ(x; q, a) − = Ω± ( ), φ(q) φ(q) (4.6) assuming GRH and some extra hypotheses. In these Ω-results assuming RH or GRH is not a burden, because zeros off the critical 10 Yıldırım line, if they ever exist, would cause greater oscillations of the error term in the prime number theorem. The extra hypotheses are Y 1 L(s, χ) L( 2 , χ) 6= 0 for all χ ( mod q), and the critical zero of χ ( mod q) with the least positive ordinate is a zero of just one of the functions L(s, χ). If this zero 12 + iγ1,q has multiplicity m1 then (4.6) holds m1 with the constants ± | 1 +iγ (the latter condition may be somewhat 1,q | 2 relaxed or modified, and the constants would accordingly be modified). The best that can be hoped for was conjectured by Friedlander and Granville [12] as ψ(x; q, a) ¿² ψ(x; q, a) = x φ(q) (q < x ), (log x)2+² x x 1 + O(( ) 2 x² ) (q ≤ x). φ(q) q (4.7) (4.8) When various averages over q and a are taken results that hold in greater ranges of the parameters can be obtained. The BombieriVinogradov theorem says that given any constant A > 0, we have X q≤Q max max |ψ(y; q, a) − a y≤x (a,q)=1 x y |¿ φ(q) (log x)A (4.9) 1 x2 with Q = where B = B(A), thereby saving an arbitrary (log x)B power of log x from the trivial estimate (see e.g. [36, Chapter 15]). The meaning of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem is that the asymptotic formula for ψ(x; q, a) usually holds for q roughly as large 1 as x 2 , the same extent that can be handled by GRH for an individual ψ(y; q, a), compared with q restricted to powers of log x in the Siegel-Walfisz theorem. The Elliott-Halberstam conjecture is that 1 (4.7) should hold beyond x 2 up to Q = x1−² . It has been proved by x Friedlander et al. [13] that it cannot hold up to . The im(log x)C portant ingredients in the proof of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem include a so-called large-sieve inequality MX +N +N q X* MX |an |2 an χ(n)|2 ¿ (N + Q2 ) | M +1 M +1 q≤Q φ(q) χ X (4.10) Primes in Short Intervals (here X 11 * denotes a sum over all primitive characters χ(mod q)), χ and the Pólya-Vinogradov inequality for a nonprincipal character to the modulus q, MX +N 1 χ(n) ¿ q 2 log q. (4.11) M +1 The Barban-Davenport-Halberstam theorem, the proof of which also depends upon the large-sieve inequality (4.10), reads in its asymptotic form (proved by Montgomery) q X X q≤Q |ψ(x; q, a) − a=1 (a,q)=1 x 2 x | ∼ Qx log x ( ≤ Q ≤ x), φ(q) (log x)A (4.12) where A > 0 is any fixed number ([36, Thm. 17.2]). Upon GRH 1 this holds for x 2 log2 x ≤ Q ≤ x ([11], [21]). Here the range of q is much longer but a mean-square over the residue classes is considered instead of the maximum in Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem. §5. Pair correlation and simple zeros In 1972 Montgomery [37], manipulating the explicit formula, was led to define the function F (α, T ) as F (α, T ) = ( X T 0 log T )−1 T iα(γ−γ ) w(γ − γ 0 ) 2π 0<γ,γ 0 ≤T (5.1) ( 12 + iγ and 12 + iγ 0 run through the zeros of ζ(s)), where w(u) is a 4 suitable weight function; in [37] it was w(u) = 4+u 2 but other weight functions can also be used (cf. (5.8) below and Hejhal’s w(u) = 2 e−au in [29]). By using the large sieve result (a quantitative form of Parseval’s identity for Dirichlet series) Z T X 0 | n an n−it |2 dt = X |an |2 (T + O(n)) , (5.2) n Montgomery showed that upon RH F (α, T ) = (1 + o(1))T −2α log T + α + o(1) (0 ≤ α ≤ 1) (5.3) 12 Yıldırım as T → ∞. For larger α in bounded intervals Montgomery, drawing upon the prime r-tuple conjecture with r = 2, conjectured that F (α, T ) = 1 + o(1) (1 ≤ α ≤ A). (5.4) (In (5.3) and (5.4) the estimates are uniform in the respective domains of α). Convolving F (α, T ) in (5.1) with a kernel r̂(α) gives Z ∞ log T T F (α, T )r̂(α) dα , )w(γ − γ 0 ) = ( log T ) 2π 2π −∞ 0<γ,γ 0 ≤T (5.5) where r and r̂ are Fourier transforms of each other, X r((γ − γ 0 ) r̂(α) = Z ∞ −∞ r(u)e−2πiαu du . Since on RH, F (α, T ) can be calculated for |α| ≤ 1 as in (5.3), one can use (5.5) with r̂(α) supported in [−1, 1] to see the implications of sin παu 2 RH. By taking r(u) = ( ) Montgomery derived that at least παu 2 of the zeros of ζ(s) are simple. The pair correlation conjecture 3 (5.4) implies that almost all zeros are simple. In this connection we mention that Mertens hypothesis in its weaker form Z X M (x) 2 1 ( x ) dx = O(log X), where M (x) = X µ(n) (5.6) (5.7) n≤x (µ(n) is the Möbius function) implies that all zeros of ζ(s) which are on the critical line are simple (see [52, §14.29]). Recall that 1 the Riemann Hypothesis is equivalent to |M (x)| = O(x 2 +² ) ([52, 1 §14.25]). The Mertens conjecture, in the form |M (x)| < x 2 , was disproved by Odlyzko and te Riele [42]. Goldston [17] showed assuming RH, that the following asymptotic estimates as T → ∞ are equivalent: Primes in Short Intervals (i) (ii) Z a+δ a F (α, T ) dα ∼ δ X 1∼( 0<γ,γ 0 ≤T 2πβ 0<γ−γ 0 ≤ log T 13 (fixed α ≥ 1, δ > 0) Z β T sin πu 2 log T ) 1−( ) du 2π πu 0 (fixed β > 0) Z Tκ u u 2 −2 1 log2 T (ψ(u + ) − ψ(u) − ) u du ∼ (κ − ) (iii) , T T 2 T 1 κ2 log2 T for fixed κ ≥ 1 (if 0 < κ ≤ 1, then this integral is ∼ 2 T assuming RH). Some of these results have been extended to Dirichlet’s L-functions and primes in arithmetic progressions by Özlük [43] and Yıldırım [55]. By estimating a q-analogue of F (α, T ), FQ (α) = X X 1 q≤Q φ(q) χ ( mod X q) γ,γ 0 0 Qiα(γ−γ ) ( sin γ 2 sin γ 0 2 )( 0 ), γ γ (5.8) (in the innermost summation, assuming GRH, 21 + iγ and 12 + iγ 0 run through the zeros of L(s, χ)) in 0 ≤ α ≤ 2 − ², Özlük showed 11 of the zeros of all Dirichlet’s L-functions are simple. that at least 12 It was because an ensemble of L-functions were considered together that the barrier α ≤ 1 could be overcome. It was shown by Goldston and Montgomery [20] that upon RH, assuming 1 F (T, x) ∼ T log T 2π for xB1 (log x)−3 ≤ T ≤ xB2 (log x)3 , (0 < B1 ≤ B2 ≤ 1) implies Z x 1 1 1 {ψ(y(1 + δ)) − ψ(y) − yδ}2 dy ∼ δx2 log , 2 δ (5.9) uniformly for x−B2 ≤ δ ≤ x−B1 . (There is also a converse implication. Another such equivalence was mentioned above). Upon RH, for 0 < δ ≤ 1 this integral is ¿ δx2 (log 2δ )2 (see [50]; also in Eq. (7.9) below we mention a lower bound of the correct order of magnitude). Yıldırım defined a function which correlates the zeros of 14 Yıldırım all pairs of Dirichlet’s L-functions to the same modulus. Under a conjecture for this function, analogous to MC, the author got the asymptotic result corresponding to (5.9) for the second moment for primes in an individual arithmetic progression. The appearance in (ii) of 1 − ( sinπuπu )2 as the pair correlation function of the zeros of ζ(s) has opened up new avenues of progress. The eigenvalues of a random complex Hermitian matrix of large order taken from the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) have the same pair correlation function. So one might expect that there exists a linear operator whose eigenvalues characterize the zeros of ζ(s). Recently higher order correlations of zeros of ζ(s) have been under study. Hejhal [29] calculated the triple correlation function, similar to Montgomery’s work. Rudnick and Sarnak [48] [49] defined the n-level correlation sums for the Riemann zeta-function and more general L-functions. They showed that the n-level correlations are in accordance with the predictions by the GUE model. Farmer [9] has given some consequences of the ‘GUE Hypothesis’ that the distribution of gaps between the zeros of ζ(s) is like the distribution of gaps between the eigenvalues of large random Hermitian matrices. The numerical results of Odlyzko [40], [41] constitute great evidence for the truth of RH and the GUE model. Also the heuristic and non-rigourous methods of Bogomolny and Keating (in a series of articles, the last being [2]) assuming the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture with r = 2, indicate that the n-level correlations of zeta zeros are in agreement with the results for GUE beyond the ranges that were possible in the works of Hejhal, and Rudnick – Sarnak who assumed merely RH. The equivalence of (iii) with the pair correlation conjecture (cf. also (5.9)) reflects that the second moment for primes is determined by the pair correlation of the zeros of ζ(s). The higher moments analogues of (5.9) (which can be expected to be calculable from the general r-tuple conjecture (3.1), see Gallagher [14]), and their connections with the distribution of zeta zeros seems not to have been worked out yet. Primes in Short Intervals §6. 15 Sums over zeta zeros and the error term in the prime number theorem The pair correlation conjecture (5.4), assumed in varying degrees of strength depending on the problem, implies (see Heath-Brown [27]) pn+1 − pn = 0, (6.1) lim inf n→∞ log pn 1 ψ(x) = x + o(x 2 log2 x) (6.2) (cf. Eq.s (2.6)-(2.9) and (3.3)). Such implications are natural, as (5.4) (or weaker forms of it) imply nontrivial estimates on sums like X xρ , the quantity which appears in the explicit formula (2.5). To ρ ρ describe this briefly we take the pair correlation function in the form X F (T, x) = 0 xi(γ−γ ) 0<γ,γ 0 ≤T and let X (T, v, u) = X 4 , 4 + (γ − γ 0 )2 (6.3) e(γ(v + u)). (6.4) 0<γ≤T Then Z ∞ −∞ 2πe−4π|v| | X (T, v, log x)|2 dv = F (T, x), (6.5) and from here it follows that X 1 1 xiγ ¿ T 2 {max F (t, x)} 2 . (6.6) t≤T 0<γ≤T So, roughly speaking, the assumption that the size of F (T, x) (for 1 appropriate ranges of T and x) is O(T log T ) will save a log 2 T from the trivial estimate X xiγ ¿ T log T. (6.7) 0<γ≤T Since ψ0 (x) is discontinuous at the prime powers, so is lim T →∞ X xρ |γ|<T ρ X xρ ρ ρ (= ) by the explicit formula (2.5); the series is boundedly 16 Yıldırım convergent in fixed intervals 1 < a ≤ x ≤ b. The sum Z X xρ is 0<γ≤T 0 ζ (s) s x ds ζ(s) taken around a rectangular contour Landau [33] proved that also discontinuous at the prime powers. By considering X xρ = − 0<γ≤T T Λ(x) + O(log T ) 2π (6.8) for every fixed x > 1, as T → ∞. Gonek [23] proved a uniform (in both x and T ) version of (6.8), that for x, T > 1, X T Λ(x) + O(x log 2x log log 3x) 2π 0<γ≤T x 1 + O(log x min(T, )) + O(log 2T min(T, )). hxi log x (6.9) (It is possible to calculate the sum also for 0 < x < 1 from (6.9) by using the symmetry of the zeros of ζ(s) with respect to the critical line). In (6.9) if one assumes RH, then xρ = − X 1 1 xiγ ¿ (T x− 2 + x 2 ) log x log log x. (6.10) 0<γ≤T Comparison with (6.7) shows that (6.10) is nontrivial for 2 ≤ x ≤ T 2−² . If one assumes further that xiγ ’s behave like independent random variables (cf. (2.8)), then one expects that for almost all x > 1 X 1 xiγ ¿ T 2 +² . (6.11) 0<γ≤T By Dirichlet’s theorem on Diophantine approximation there exist arbitrarily large x with X xiγ À T log T, (6.12) 0<γ≤T so (6.11) doesn’t hold for all x > 1. The observation (6.11) along P with the heuristics of using logn n in place of γn (see (1.5)) in xiγ led Gonek to conjecture that X 0<γ≤T 1 1 xiγ ¿ (T x− 2 +² + T 2 x² ) (x, T ≥ 2). (6.13) Primes in Short Intervals 17 This would imply that for 1 ≤ h ≤ x 1 ψ(x + h) − ψ(x) = h + O(h 2 x² ), (6.14) which in turn implies pn+1 − pn ¿ p² (6.15) (cf. (3.3) and (6.2)). Averages of the error term in the prime number theorem have also been of interest not just for their own sake but because quantities involving them crop up in many problems (e.g. Eq.s (7.15) and (7.24) below). For brevity call R(x) = ψ(x) − x . (6.16) The results on the order of magnitude of R(x) or various averages of it are in correspondence with the estimates for sums over zeta zeros as clearly seen from the explicit formula. Upon RH one has (2.7), and one can only hope to have improvements in the logarithmic part (cf. (2.8), (2.9), (6.2)). By (2.9) it is known that, as x → ∞, R(x) changes sign infinitely many times. Cramér showed that on RH Z X (R(u))2 du = O(X), (6.17) u Z X R(u) 2 ) du ∼ C log X . (6.18) ( u 1 Gallagher’s article [15] contains compact proofs of such results. By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (6.17) implies 1 Z X 1 3 |R(u)| du = O(X 2 ). Pintz [44] has shown that for all sufficiently large X Z X 3 X2 ≤ |R(u)| du ≤ X 2 , (6.19) 400 1 where the lower bound is unconditional and the upper bound depends essentially on RH. Jurkat [32], by developing concepts on 1 almost-periodic functions proved upon RH that, with d(x) = log log x 3 1 Z x+x d(x) R(u) du = Ω± (log log log x) 1 d(x) x u2 u (6.20) 18 Yıldırım (with the implied constants ± 12 ), and that this cannot be improved upon much for he also showed that this quantity is O((log log log x)2 ). Eq. (6.20) implies (2.9), Littlewood’s result without averages. From (6.19) and (2.7) we see that as x → ∞, |R(x)| spends most of its 1 time roughly around the value x 2 (instead of much smaller values), and (6.20) reveals the existence of quite long intervals throughout which |R(x)| is almost as large as possible. §7. Some recent results on the second moments for primes In this section, as an example of recent work in our topic, we present a theorem of Goldston and Yıldırım. This is Thm. 3 of [22], where the details of the proof have not been included. The results given by Eq.s (7.2), (7.6) and (7.9) below are also proved in [22]. We define for x ≥ 2, 1 ≤ q ≤ x, 1 ≤ h ≤ x, I(x, h, q) = à X Z 2x * a(q) where X x h ψ(y + h; q, a) − ψ(y; q, a) − φ(q) !2 dy, (7.1) * is the sum over a reduced set of residues modulo q. a(q) If h ≤ q, the interval (y, y + h] contains at most one integer which belongs to the congruence class a (mod q), so the situation is rather trivial and one has unconditionally I(x, h, q) ∼ hx log x (h ≤ q). (7.2) So henceforth we will take 1 ≤ q ≤ h ≤ x. It was shown by Prachar [45] that, assuming GRH I(x, h, q) ¿ hx log2 qx. (7.3) It is possible to evaluate the asymptotic value of I(x, h, q), as x → ∞, assuming RH and a strong form of the twin prime conjecture Primes in Short Intervals 19 (the case r = 2 of the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture mentioned in §3 above). Let N1 = N1 (k) = max(0, −k), X E(x, k) = N2 = N2 (x, k) = min(x, x − k), Λ(n)Λ(n + k) − S(k)(x − |k|), (7.4) N1 (k)<n≤N2 (x,k) where S(k) = ! à Y p−1 2C , p|k p>2 if k is even, k 6= 0; p−2 0, if k is odd, with C= Y à p>2 ! 1 1− . (p − 1)2 Assuming the twin prime conjecture in the form that for 0 < |k| ≤ x, and some given ² ∈ (0, 21 ) 1 E(x, k) ¿ x 2 +² , it follows for 1 ≤ h q (7.5) 1 ≤ x 2 −² and h ≤ x that I(x, h, q) ∼ hx log xq . h (7.6) Upon GRH only, it can be shown that (7.6) holds for almost all q 3 with h 4 log5 x ≤ q ≤ h (see [22]). Moreover by Goldston’s method ([18]) of using the auxiliary arithmetic function λR (n) = X µ2 (r) X r≤R φ(r) dµ(d), (7.7) d|r d|n which in relevant cases mimics the behaviour of Λ(n), starting from the inequality X Z 2x ¯¯ ¯ ¯ a(q) x X y<n≤y+h n≡a(q) ¯2 ¯ (Λ(n) − λR (n))¯¯ dy ≥ 0 (7.8) 20 Yıldırım a lower-bound of the correct order of magnitude for I(x, h, q) can be obtained. The last inequality enables one to replace the troublesome sums involving Λ(n)Λ(n + k)’s by sums of λR (n)Λ(n + k)’s and λR (n)λR (n + k)’s, which can be evaluated with no need for a conjecture like (7.5). The result is that for any ² > 0, and 0 ≤ α ≤ 13 , where we write hq = xα , 1 3 I(x, h, q) ≥ ( − α − ²)hx log x. 2 2 (7.9) Let us remember that Lavrik [34] showed that for B > 0 and y ≥ y0 (B), y 2 X (E(y, k))2 ¿ y 2 (log y)−B . (7.10) k=1 This was used by Montgomery [36] in proving the asymptotic version of the Barban-Davenport-Halberstam theorem (4.10), in the light of which we expect that assuming only GRH one can get an asymptotic result for sums of I(x, h, q) over certain ranges of q. This is indeed the case, and here we will prove the following theorem. Theorem. Assume the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Then 1 we have, for h 2 log6 x ≤ Q ≤ h ≤ x, as x → ∞ X q≤Q I(x, h, q) ∼ Qhx log( xQ ). h In fact we shall obtain the more detailed formula (7.48). Note that the range of validity of this theorem is even greater than that of (7.6) when h is very close to x. In the proof we will use methods and results of Friedlander and Goldston [11]. Primes in Short Intervals 21 Proof. Expanding the integrand of (7.1) we have I(x, h, q) = X Z 2x * x a(q) (ψ(y + h; q, a) − ψ(y; q, a))2 dy 2h X* Z 2x h2 x − (ψ(y + h; q, a) − ψ(y; q, a)) dy + φ(q) a(q) x φ(q) 2 2h hx = S1 − S2 + , say. φ(q) φ(q) (7.11) Here X S2 = Λ(n)f (n, x, h), (7.12) (n,q)=1 where Z f (n, x, h) = [x,2x]∩[n−h,n) 1 dy = n − x, if x ≤ n < x + h , if x + h ≤ n ≤ 2x, if 2x < n ≤ 2x + h, otherwise. h, 2x − n + h, 0, Since X Λ(n) = x≤n≤2x+h (n,q)>1 X X p|q ν x≤pν ≤2x+h log p ¿ X log p ¿ log q, (7.13) p|q we can lift the condition (n, q) = 1, so that S2 = X Λ(n)f (n, x, h) + O(h log q). x<n≤2x+h The sums involving f (n, x, h) will be evaluated by the following parX tial summation formula. Let C(x) = cn . Then n≤x X cn f (n, x, h) = Z 2x+h 2x x<n≤2x+h C(u) du − Z x+h x C(u) du (7.14) (cv = 0 if v is not an integer). Taking C(x) = ψ(x) in (7.14) and recalling (6.16) we obtain Z 2x+h S2 = hx + { 2x − Z x+h x R(u) du}. (7.15) 22 Yıldırım ¿From (7.11) we have X S1 = Λ2 (n)f (n, x, h) x<n≤2x+h (n,q)=1 X X +2 Λ(n)Λ(n + k)f (n, x, h − k). (7.16) 0<k≤h x<n≤2n+h−k k≡0(q) (n(n+k),q)=1 A calculation similar to (7.13) shows that we may drop the conditions (n, q) = 1 and (n(n + k), q) = 1 in the above sums with an error 2 ¿ hq log2 x. Thus we have h2 S1 = S3 + 2S4 + O( log2 x), q where X S3 = Λ2 (n)f (n, x, h), (7.17) (7.18) x<n≤2x+h and S4 = X X Λ(n)Λ(n + jq)f (n, x, h − jq). (7.19) 0<j≤h/q x<n≤2x+h−jq To evaluate S3 call P (x) = X Λ2 (n) − x log x + x, (7.20) n≤x and apply (7.14) with cn = Λ2 (n) to get (2x + h)2 (2x)2 log(2x + h) − log 2x 2 2 2 2 (x + h) x 3xh − log(x + h) + log x − 2 2 2 Z 2x+h Z x+h +{ − P (u) du}. S3 = 2x X Taking C(u) = (7.21) x Λ(n)Λ(n + jq) in (7.14) we have 0<n≤u S4 = Z 2x+h 2x − X X 0<j≤ u−2x q n≤u−jq Z x+h x X Λ(n)Λ(n + jq) du X n≤u−jq 0<j≤ u−x q (7.22) Λ(n)Λ(n + jq) du. Primes in Short Intervals 23 Note that by (7.4) the difference of the two integrals in (7.22) is x X (h−jq)S(jq)+{ Z 2x+h 0<j≤h/q 2x X − 0<j≤ u−2x q Z x+h x X E(u, jq) du} 0<j≤ u−x q (7.23) On combining (7.11), (7.15), (7.17), (7.21), and effecting the cancellations that occur in (7.21), we obtain I(x, h, q) = hx log x + x2 log( h 2 (1+ 2x ) 1 (1+ h )2 x ) + hx(log( h 2 4(1+ 2x ) ) h (1+ x ) 2 2 − 32 ) h2 2x + h h2 x h log x log( )− + 2S4 + O( ) 2Z x+ h φ(q) q Z 2x+h x+h 2h +{ − (P (u) − R(u)) du} φ(q) 2x x (7.24) If we use (7.22), (7.23) and (7.5) in (7.24), we obtain (7.6). Also (7.2) follows from (7.24) on using the prime number theorem (2.6) h to estimate the integrals in (7.24) (when ≤ 1, S4 is void, and q instead of the O-term of (7.24) there is O(h log2 x). Note also that q h2 x ¿ log log q [26, §18.4] to deal with the term in (7.24)). φ(q) φ(q) + Now note that by (7.3) X I(x, h, q) = q≤Q X I(x, h, q) + O(Q0 hx log2 x), (7.25) Q0 ≤q≤Q so we must calculate X S4 . Letting Q0 <q≤Q X Su (α) = Λ(n)e(nα), (7.26) n≤u Wv,u (α) = X X e(−jqα), (7.27) Q0 <q≤v 0<j≤ u q we can express X n≤u−jq Λ(n)Λ(n + jq) = Z 1 0 |Su (α)|2 e(−jqα) dα, (7.28) 24 Yıldırım and upon taking v = min(Q, u), X Z h Z 1 S4 = Q0 Q0 <q≤Q 0 (|Su+2x (α)|2 − |Su+x (α)|2 )Wv,u (α) dα du +O(h2 log3 x). (7.29) We shall need an upper bound on the size of Wv,u (α). Changing the order of summation in (7.27) gives Wv,u (α) = X X X e(−jqα) − 0<j≤ Qu Q0 <q≤ uj X e(−jqα). (7.30) 0<j≤ u v<q≤ uj v 0 We now employ the estimate of Vinogradov and Vaughan (see [8, Chapter 25]) X 0<j≤ Yu X u u 2ru e(−jqα) ¿ ( + + r) log( ), r Y Y Y <q≤ u (7.31) j which rests upon the assumption α= b + β, r |β| ≤ 1 , r2 (b, r) = 1, (7.32) u 2ru u + r) log( ). Wv,u (α) ¿ ( + r Q0 Q0 (7.33) to obtain for v ≥ Q0 Letting Ju (β) = µ(r) Iu (β), φ(r) Iu (β) = X e(nβ), (7.34) n≤u we will consider separately each term on the right-hand side of Z 1 0 |S(α)|2 W (α) dα = Z 1 0 +2 |J|2 W (α) dα + Z 1 0 Z 1 0 |S − J|2 W (α) dα Re{(S − J)J}W (α) dα (7.35) where the subscripts (which are either u + 2x or u + x for S, and v, u for W ) have been suppressed. The range of integration is deb+b0 b+b00 composed into Farey arcs of order R; MR (r, b) = ( r+r 0 , r+r 00 ], where Primes in Short Intervals 25 0 00 1 ≤ r ≤ R, (b, r) = 1, and rb0 < rb < rb00 are consecutive fractions in the Farey sequence. We call θR (r, b) the translated interval −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 ( r(r+r 0 ) , r(r+r 00 ) ]. Note that ( 2rR , 2rR ] ⊂ θR (r, b) ⊂ ( rR , rR ], and Z 1 0 = XX Z * θR (r,b) r≤R b(r) (we will abbreviate θR (r, b) as θ). To estimate Z 1 recall Lemma 7.1 of [11] which says upon GRH X Z δ * −δ b(r) Taking δ = give Z 1 0 1 rR |S − J|2 dβ ¿ δrx(log rx)4 , 0 |S − J|2 W (α) dα, (δ ≥ 1 ). x (7.36) 1 (so that we must have R ≤ x 2 ), (7.33) and (7.36) |S − J|2 W (α) dα ¿ xu xu log6 x + log5 x + xR log5 x. (7.37) R Q0 Next we have Z 1 0 Re{(S − J)J}W (α) dα u 2ru µ2 (r) X* Z ¿ |I||S − J|. ( + + r) log( ) Q0 Q0 φ(r) b(r) θ r≤R r X u (7.38) Using I ¿ min(x, ||β||−1 ), and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we get from (7.36) X Z * 1 x − x1 b(r) |I||S − J| ¿ X Z * x 12 ( b(r) 1 x − x1 1 1 |S − J|2 ) 2 ¿ rx 2 log2 x. On the rest of θR (r, b), calling uj = (2j rR)−1 , we similarly see that X Z uj * b(r) uj 2 |I||S − J| ¿ u−1 j X Z uj * b(r) −uj 1 |S − J| ¿ rx 2 log2 x. There are O(log x) such u0j s. So (7.38) gives Z 1 0 1 1 ux 2 R Re{(S − J)J}W (α) dα ¿ ux log x+ log4 x+R2 x 2 log4 x. Q0 (7.39) 1 2 5 26 Yıldırım Next Z 1 0 |Ju+x |2 Wv,u (α) dα = X µ2 (r) X * e(− jqb ) 2 r r≤R φ (r) b(r) Z Thinking of θ as Z X X X θ n,m≤u+x Q <q≤v 0<j≤ u 0 q e(n − m − jqβ) dβ. Z Z 1 − 0 [0,1]\θ , we will first consider upon changing the order of summations Z 1 X X X X µ2 (r) X * e(− jqb ) e((n − m − jq)β) dβ. 2 r 0 n,m≤u+x Q0 <q≤v 0<j≤ u r≤R φ (r) b(r) q (7.40) With cr (k) = r µ( (r,k) )φ(r) X r * e( kb ) = dµ( ) = , r r d φ( ) (r,k) b(r) d|(r,k) X for Ramanujan’s sum (see [8, Chapter 20]), one has ∞ X µ2 (r) r=1 cr (k) = S(k). φ2 (r) We define X µ2 (r) SR (k) = r≤R φ2 (r) cr (k), S̃R = S − SR , and (7.40) becomes X X X µ2 (r) r≤R Q0 <q≤v 0<j≤ u q X = cr (jq) φ2 (r) X SR (jq) Q0 <q≤v 0<j≤ u q X = X X 1 n,m≤u+x n−m=jq X 1 m≤u+x−jq {(S(jq) − S̃R (jq))(u + x − jq) + O(|SR (jq)|)}. Q0 <q≤v 0<j≤ u q Recall from (7.29) that we need we should calculate x X X Q0 <q≤v 0<j≤ u q Z 1 0 (|Ju+2x |2 − |Ju+x |2 )Wv,u (α) dα, so {(S(jq) − S̃R (jq)) + O(u log2 x), (7.41) Primes in Short Intervals 27 where the last error term is deduced from SR (jq) ¿ log R. From the S̃R term we have x X X X µ2 (r) Q0 <q≤v 0<j≤ u r>R φ q 2 XXX ¿x q ¿ ¿ j 2 (r) cr (jq) ¿ x X X X µ2 (r) X q j r>R φ2 (r) d|(r,jq) d dµ (d) X µ2 (r1 ) x X X X d2 µ2 (d) ¿ φ2 (d) r > R φ2 (r1 ) R q j d|jq φ2 (d) d|jq 1 x X d2 µ2 (d) X R d≤u φ2 (d) d τ (m) ¿ m≤u d|m 2 2 x X d2 µ2 (d)τ (d) X τ (n) R d≤u φ2 (d) n≤ u d X d µ (d)τ (d) xu xu log x ¿ log3 x. 2 R φ (d) R d≤u (7.42) Now we estimate XX Z * r≤R b(r) ≤ [0,1]\θ |Ju+x |2 W (α) dα X X µ2 (r) Z * r≤R b(r) b 2 |I(β)| |W ( + β)| dβ φ2 (r) [0,1]\θ r (7.43) by taking a finer Farey decomposition of order T with T > R. Then θT (r, b) ⊂ θR (r, b), so that Z [0,1]\θR (r,b) b |I(β)|2 |W ( + β)| dβ r Z = ≤ = b |I(α − )|2 |W (α)| dα r [0,1]\MR (r,b) Z b |I(α − )|2 |W (α)| dα r [0,1]\MT (r,b) X X Z c c b * |I( − + β)|2 |W ( + β)| dβ t r t θT (t,c) t≤T c(t) c 6= rb t On θT (t, c), we have |β| ≤ 1 tT ≤ 1 2rt if T ≥ 2R, so that c b c b cr − bt −1 |I( − + β)| ¿ || − + β||−1 ¿ 2|| || . t r t r rt 28 Yıldırım Hence by (7.33) X X Z c c b |I( − + β)|2 |W ( + β)| dβ t r t θT (t,c) * t≤T c(t) c 6= rb t ¿ X 1 u (rt)2 * ( + + t) log x , Q0 tT |cr − bt|2 t≤T t c(t) X u c 6= rb t where from each pair of residue classes b (mod r) and c (mod t) the b and c which minimize |cr − bt| is chosen. For given r, t the number of representations of m as m = cr − bt is (r, t) if (r, t)|m, and 0 otherwise. So X * b(r) X * c(t) c 6= rb t 1 2ζ(2) ≤ ¿ 1. 2 |cr − bt| (r, t) Using these in (7.43) we get XX Z * r≤R b(r) [0,1]\θ ¿ Ru log x + |Ju+x |2 W (α) dα ¿ log x X r2 µ2 (r) X uT u+ + t2 2 T r≤R φ (r) t≤T Q0 uR2 log x + R3 log x, Q0 (7.44) if we take T = 2R. Combining Eq.s (7.35), (7.37), (7.39-44) in 1 (7.29), and recalling that R ≤ x 2 we have X Q0 <q≤Q S4 = x Z h X X Q0 Q <q≤v 0<j≤ u 0 q xh2 6 S(jq) du xh2 log5 x). R Q0 (7.45) The integral in (7.45) is evaluated by pulling the summations outside the integral sign as log x) + O(xhR log5 x) + O( +O( X X (h − jq)S(jq) Q0 <q≤Q 0<j≤ h q Primes in Short Intervals 29 which in turn is, by Proposition 3 and Lemma 6.1 of [11], x 2 X { Q0 <q≤Q X log p h2 h − h log( ) − h(γ + log 2π − 1 + )} φ(q) q p−1 p|q 3 1 3 +O(min(Q 2 h 2 x log 2 Q, Qhx)) (7.46) Hence by (7.24), (7.25), (7.45) and (7.46) we obtain (2x)2 (2x + h)2 log(2x + h) − log 2x I(x, h, q) = Q{ 2 2 q≤Q (x + h)2 x2 3xh − log(x + h) + log x − } 2 2 2 X log p Q ) +Qxh log − Qxh(γ + log 2π + h p p(p − 1) 3 3 1 +O(min(Q 2 h 2 x log 2 Q, Qhx)) xh2 xh2 log6 x) + O(xhR log5 x) + O( log5 x) +O( R Q0 1 +O(Qhx 2 log3 x) + O(Q0 hx log2 x). (7.47) In writing (7.47), we have used the RH estimate (2.7) for R(u) and 1 h2 P (u) of (7.24). Choosing Q0 = R = , the O-terms in (7.47) can be 2 3 3 3 1 gathered in O(min(Q 2 h 2 x log 2 Q, Qhx)) + O(xh 2 log6 x), and (7.47) may be recast as X h 2 (1 + 2x ) xQ ) + Qx2 log( 1 )+ h (1 + hx ) 2 q≤Q X log p (1+ h )2 Qhx(log( π2 1+2xh ) − 32 − γ − )+ x p p(p − 1) 3 1 3 3 Qh2 2x + h log( ) + O(min(Q 2 h 2 x log 2 Q, Qhx)) + O(xh 2 log6 x). 2 x+h (7.48) This completes the proof of the theorem. The result of this theorem is expected to be related to the distribution and simplicity of zeros of Dirichlet’s L-functions as was recounted on p. 319. X I(x, h, q) = Qhx log( 30 Yıldırım Further notes Section 1: The book of Hardy and Wright [26] contains almost all of the classic results of number theory. For an exposition of the theory of the Riemann zeta-function, Dirichlet’s L-functions and distribution of primes we refer the reader to the books of Davenport [8] and Ingham [31]. Titchmarsh’s book (revised by Heath-Brown) [52] is an extensive treatise on the Riemann zeta-function. ¿From the work of Conrey [4] at least to lie on σ = 21 . 2 5 of the zeta zeros are known Section 2: We note that with more work involving estimates on exponential sums a greater region than de la Vallée Poussin’s has been shown to be free of zeta zeros by Vinogradov, so (2.6) can be written with any number less than 35 replacing 12 (see [52, Chapter 6]). There are many problems about the prime counting functions which have not been included in this survey, a few of which will be mentioned briefly here. By (2.9) it is clear that ψ(x) − x changes sign infinitely often as x → ∞. This is less involved than the problem that gave rise to it, the sign changes of π(x) − li(x), because ψ(x) is more directly related to ζ(s) than is π(x). Riemann had asserted that π(x) < li(x) for x > 2, which was proved to be false by Littlewood’s result 1 x2 π(x) − li(x) = Ω± ( log log log x) (x → ∞). log x Skewes succeeded in giving an upper bound (a huge number) as to where the first change of sign occurs. The frequency of the sign changes was considered by Pólya, Ingham, Turán, Knapowski, Levinson, Pintz and others. There are also estimates concerning ψ(x; q, a1 )−ψ(x; q, a2 ) (or with π instead of ψ) originated by Landau, Ingham, Pólya and continued by Turán, Knapowski, Staś, Wiertelak. In these estimates generally q is taken to be either fixed or very small compared to x. For all these we refer the reader to Ingham’s tract [31], Turán’s Collected Works Vol. 3 [53] and Pintz’s review articles therein. Primes in Short Intervals 31 Section 3: The prime r-tuple conjecture was put forth by Hardy and Littlewood [25]. Gallagher’s paper [14] contains results related to this conjecture. The methods of attacking problems of an additive nature, and the conjectures on the distribution of primes mentioned in this section are treated in the books by Halberstam and Richert [24], Richert [47] and Vaughan [54]. Section 4: The latest studies related to the Barban-DavenportHalberstam theorem were conducted by Friedlander and Goldston [11], and Goldston and Vaughan [21]. For in-depth comments on the error terms in the prime number theorems we refer the reader to Friedlander’s survey article [10]. Section 5: With a better choice of r(u) Montgomery showed (upon RH) that at least 0.6725.. of the zeros of ζ(s) are simple. Conrey, Ghosh and Gonek [5], assuming RH and an upper bound for averages 19 of sixth moments of Dirichlet’s L-functions, improved this to 27 . The sixth moment estimate is implied by the Generalized Lindelöf Hypothesis that for any ² > 0 L(s, χ) ¿² (q(1 + |t|))² 1 (σ ≥ ). 2 The Generalized Riemann Hypothesis implies the Generalized Lindelöf Hypothesis. The entirely different approach in [5] rests upon using appropriate Dirichlet polynomials instead of some of the Dirichlet series involved, thus being able to handle certain higher-moment calculations. For the theory of correlation functions and relations of zeta zeros to eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator the reader may consult the book by Mehta [39]. The links between the Gaussian unitary ensemble of random matrix theory and quantum chaology are recounted by Bogomolny and Keating [2]. Section 6: For the convergence properties of X xρ we refer the ρ reader to Ingham [31, Chapters 4, 5]. It was remarked after Eq. (6.9) that one may consider x ∈ (0, 1) as well. In this case the explicit 32 Yıldırım formula is 0 X Λ(n) n≤ x1 P0 n = log X xρ 1 1 1+x −γ+ − x + log x 2 1−x ρ ρ ∈ Z, the term corresponding to n = x1 X xρ xρ̄ is 12 Λ(n) ( ; γ is Euler’s constant). The series + ) exhibits n ρ̄ γ>0 ρ a Gibbs phenomenon in the neighbourhood of the points p±m . At x = 1 this series is absolutely convergent, but no explicit formula is valid. This series cannot be boundedly convergent on either side of x = 1 because of the logarithmic terms in (2.5) and the last formula. It is this infinite jump at x = 1 that Jurkat [32] exploited remarkably. ( means that when 1 x Section 7: It was Selberg [51] who first obtained an upper bound (assuming RH) for the second moment on primes. The integral Selberg considered was similar to (5.9), but its integrand was damped by an extra factor of y −2 . The result expressed in (7.48) and other related results will be in a forthcoming paper by Goldston and Yıldırım [22]. References [1] R.C. Baker and G. Harman - The difference between consecutive primes, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 72 (1996), 261-280. [2] E. Bogomolny and J.P. Keating - Random matrix theory and the Riemann zeros II: n-point correlations, Nonlinearity 9 (1996), 911-935. [3] J. 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