July 26 - 27 - St Ann Melkite Catholic Church

41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT 06385
July 26-27, 2014 Feast of St Ann
Edward Kakaty
Sun 10am: +Elias & Antoinette Doro & Family +Elias Gharios & Deceased of Hage Family by Albert & Jamal
PHS those named Ann(a)etc. Health of Emilie Gorra, Katia Hage, Laura Massad
This Weekend
Next Weekend
Saturday: John Jalonski
Saturday: Joumana Hajj
July 20
Sunday: Denise Brooks
Sunday: Gerard Massad
Baby Bottles $184
Clothing shed $109
Thanks to all who always
make up their missed
envelope, including fuel
and building fund
200 Club Winners: $50, Charles Lickwola, $25, Nidia Somers, $10 each:Cathy Egan, Joumana Hajj, Dee Porlidis.
The sanctuary lamp is lit in July in loving memory of +Elias T. Gharios & good health of his family, by Abroze & fam
Condolences to the family of +Alice Telage Jackson, 99, fell asleep in the Lord May 20 in Provincetown, MA.
The church has received $1265 in her memory. ($500 from grandchildren Kim & Jim Jr) May her memory be eternal!
Condolences to John & Holly, sister, Mary Ann: +Helen Shakir Popa, 85, passed to the Lord May 28. May her
memory be eternal! Her father, Joseph, was a founder of St Ann’s. The church received $490 in her memory.
Suggested Donations for Church Services: House Blessing, $25, Churching baby: $25, Christening: $200,
Wedding: $300, Funeral: $200, Memorial: $30, Commemoration @ Liturgy: $15, Certificates: $20, Hall usage: $100
for those who gave $1500 to building fund, $100 Mercy meal, $200 active parishioners, $300 all others, $25 kitchen
use extra. Hall is to be left clean, including restrooms, mopped, garbage taken away. Deposit of $100 non-refundable.
Special insurance of $100 check to be paid with deposit that goes to Diocese of Newton. Parents must attend
preparation class with Fr Ed before baptism of first baby only. Saint’s names are preferred for the baby to have a
patron. Donations to the priest are not included and are optional.
Fuel Donors (Oct-Sept):$100 Mary Dib, Catherine Yost, Ramzi Awad, Ed Walker,Bob Conley, Ed Najim, anonymous,
Halim Hage, Jack Hage, Beshara El Khoury, Helen Villanii, Joe Doro 300, Frank Kozmon 650, +Elias Gharios 300,
George Haddad 750, Barbara Facas 200, Carol Shasha 1000 , Helen Popa 150, Charles Facas 300, Gabe Hajj 200,
John Jeffords 200, Louise Massad 300, anonymous 500, Donald Urso 200.
Aug 3 St Basil Picnic RI Mitchell Kaltsunas, Buffet, Games, Outdoor tents, Hookahs, etc $20 Call Georgeana
Deckey 401-723-3997
Aug 15 Feast of the Dormition/Assumption @ Ender’s Island Liturgy @5:30 pm followed by barbeque. Bring
Aug 15 Feastday Hafli Annunciation Cathedral Hall, Boston, Yousef Shamoun, dinner $50
Call Gracia Skaf (617)470-8050.
Aug 15,16, 17 : 3 day Mahrajan Our Lady of the Cedars, Manchester, NH Call 603-623-8944.
Aug 24 St Ann Mahrajan/Festival noon-5 Music, food, games.Nader Hawa & ensemble, food, games, tent
NNA - Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Gregorios III (Laham) has urged Muslims and
Christians to work hand in hand to rescue the Arab East from the perils of the malevolent Takfiri groups that threaten
the safety of all citizens in the Arab world and its environs.
Patriarch Gregorios's fresh words on Tuesday came in an appeal to the world’s conscience, urging combined efforts
to suppress these extremist groups, which are jeopardizing the security of the whole world and destroying feelings of
love, communication, tolerance and friendship among all people of the Arab world and their neighbours.
The Patriarch held the European Union, the United States of America, the Russian Federation and all countries
responsible for the growth of these extremist groups, which do not deserve to be dubbed as "Islamic" or "Arab" since
Islam and Arabism have nothing to do with such groups.
"These barbaric, malicious Takfiri groups do not only threaten Iraq’s Christians but also all citizens in the Arab world
and its neighbours… They also jeopardize the future of living together as Christians and Muslims in the Arab East,"
Gregorios said in his plea.
In Iraq, the letter "‫( "ن‬N) is labeled on the homes of the Christians referring to Nazarene!!! They all ran out of town
(confirmed by Iraqi Patriarch) and are in hiding. Mark me as a "‫"ن‬, a Nazarene!
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has reassured the Patriarch of the Syriac
Catholic Church Ignatius Youssef III Younan that he is following news out of Iraq with concern, particularly the
dramatic situation of Christians in Mosul who have been threatened with death and seizure of their homes by Islamic
militants demanding they leave or convert to their form of Islamic belief. Christians have lived in Iraq’s second largest
city for nearly two thousand years; there are few, if any, left now in Mosul.
The Patriarch told the Italian Catholic news agency SIR (Religious Information Service), that Pope Francis called him
Sunday 20 July to express his solidarity with Iraqi Christians. During the 9 minute phone call, the Patriarch thanked
the Pope and asked him to intensify his efforts to engage world leaders, putting them face to face with the facts on
the ground: that in the province of Nineveh a massive religious “cleansing” campaign is underway to rid the region of
those who do not share the beliefs of the new occupiers.
At the end of the call, Pope Francis bestowed his Apostolic Blessing upon all the eastern Christians with the
assurance that he “will always keep them in his prayers for peace and security.” At his traditional Angelus blessing
also on Sunday, the Pope offered prayers for Iraqi Christians who `'are persecuted, chased away, forced to leave
their houses without the possibility of taking anything'' with them” and called for dialogue to resolve armed conflicts.
Just recently, Patriarch Younan had denounced an arson attack by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS)
militants on the Episcopal headquarters of the Syriac Catholic Church in Mosul.As Christians flee Northern Iraq to
escape persecution by Islamic extremists, the BBC reports that the 1,700-year-old Mar Behnam monastery, near
Mosul, has been seized by ISIS forces and the community of monks who lived there ordered to leave, taking “only the
clothes they were wearing.The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has removed the crosses from all 30
churches and monasteries in Mosul and converted the Syriac Orthodox cathedral into a mosque, according to the
Assyrian International News Agency. ISIL, also known as Islamic State and ISIS, took over Iraq’s 2nd-largest city in
June and later ordered all Christians to leave, pay an unspecified tax, or convert to Islam. The jihadist group now
controls 40%of Iraq and 30% of Syria.
Gregorios in an appeal to the world’s conscience:for Muslims and Christins to work together to save the
Arab East
On the other hand, Gregorios reiterated the need for seeking a just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as a
mean to resolve a lot of the hideous sectarian conflicts gripping our beloved East.