PTA General Membership Meeting Minutes

PTA General Membership Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 07/31/12
Attendees – Renee Pool, Ann Smith, Kelly Clark, Cindy Crook, Christa Hutzler, Mrs. Harmon, Stacy Hutchens
Meeting commenced at 9:40 a.m.
Have a quorum.
New Business
 Cindy showed us the shirt. We all like it. Will sell for $12.
 Will also sell hoodies.
 Pay before you order this year to avoid hassle of collecting money.
 PTA members get $2 discount.
Membership Dues
 PTA membership is still $4.
 Right now our cost is $5, so we're only making $1.
 Discussion about whether to raise membership cost.
 Voted to raise cost to $6. We will earn $2 per membership.
Box Tops
 Christa will take over Box Top accounting from Martha Truitt.
 Discussion about whether to continue incentive program for teachers and students like we had last year. Angie said it definitely
made a difference. Agreed to continue program like last year.
 Teacher gifts
o Renee Pool -- will provide 1 hour facial from Beautiful Image
o Kelly Clark -- will provide gifts from Corner Kitchen and Rob's business
o Will need more gifts as school year progresses
 Student gifts
o $5 gift certificate to Dairy Queen and Dunkin Donuts
 Agreed that we will only focus on box tops and we won't deal with Campbell's soup labels
 Wait until 2nd week of school to send home flyer about collecting box tops.
Meet Your Teacher
 Aug 15 from 1:00-3:00
 Workers at PTA table
o Ann Smith will work from 2-3
o Christa Hutzler will work from 2-3
o Think Denise will help at table
 Will sell t-shirts and memberships
 Ann Smith to revise the membership form, send around for approval, use at table to collect info
Possible new people to get involved in PTA
 Nancy and Ellis Douglas
 Krupa family
 Kate Hoppensteadt
 Jennifer Vyvyan -- Kelly will reach out to her
 Wolfe family is back -- she will help with stuff outside of school
 Kelly Clark will ask Jen Peterson to own the sign updates on Enka Lake Drive.
 Denise submitted paperwork for United Way Day of Caring. Tim Cooley is supposed to own it this year. Will just be a day of
clean up/weeding.
 Ann Smith will update the PTA Volunteer Opp Form and we will send out form with Box Top flyer in the 2nd week of school.
Cookie Dough
 Going with Pine Mt. cookie vendor.
 Vendor has signs for car rider line and will pass out sample cookies.
 We have to pay for mega party -- $1,200 -- b/c this vendor does not have their own inflatables.
o We discussed looking for another, cheaper inflatable vendor for mega party.
o Need to have 6 inflatables so that we can accommodate all kids.
o Will see if can leave out the rock wall to make things cheaper. If do this, will ask if can drop tub goal to 12 from 15.
Kick off -- Aug 24
Turn in money -- Sept 6
Mega Party will be Oct. 12
We will make 40%.
Have asked vendor to pass out cookies at meet your teacher day as well.
Will offer $30 opt out. Will deal with requests on case by case basis for one opt out fee for multiple kids in same family.
Book Fair
 Sept 10-14
 Samantha, librarian, will be in charge
Math Night (instead of open house)
 Thur, Sept 13.
 Parents will be able to rotate to different math stations so they can do hands on activities of new math lessons.
Fall Festival
 Fri, Sept 21, 4:00-7:00
 Cindy is meeting with Brenda Penland and Sam Crawford about being in charge of this event.
Pancake breakfast
 Sat, Oct 6
 Renee Pool will manage this.
 Everybody should pay since it's a fundraiser -- teachers are not free.
 4 and under free
 Try to negotiate kids eat free
 Kids -- $5, adults -- $7
 Contact from Fatz emails a flyer to us that we pass out to parents.
Lunch n' Learn
 Oct 17, 11:30-12:30
 To help parents understand reading assessments
 Title 1 funds will provide lunch for attendees
Teacher School Supply Allowances
 If give teachers $100, will cost $3,200 for PTA
 Angie/Cindy wants us to wait to hand out 2nd $100 until we get all smart boards and we see how we do with cookie dough sales
Smart Boards
 Angie wants to purchase 8 so that every home room teacher will have one.
 Some of specialists will won't have them, but almost all teachers will have them.
 Cost per smart board -- $2,100
Misc purchases
Coffee Maker
 Angie asked that we purchase another Keurig coffee maker for teachers
 Teachers will provide their own coffee
 Cost is $130
 Voted to purchase
Jump starter
 Angie asked us to purchase another jump starter for when parents in car line have flat tires or batteries die.
 Cindy will check to see if can get this cheaper, then will vote
Biltmore Lake Grant
 Received 10 iPads
 10 teachers can go to apple training, we are sharing this training with Candler, training will cost $2,500 (training was part of
grant cost, so not additional)
 Focused on AIG and resource students, when these students not using them will be available for check out
 We have to pay for apps
School Pictures
 Have changed vendors from Life Touch to Strawbridge. Had complaints about Life Touch.
 Christa Hutzler will help volunteer for picture day.
Teacher Welcome Back Breakfast
 Aug. 14
 PTA will pay for food
 Food at school by 7:30
School Improvement Committee
 No updates
 Agreed to do another teacher volleyball game
Treasurers Report
 We have $9,027 balance in our account
New Business
Next meeting
 Wed, Aug 22, 1:00
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.