Memorandum - City of Lawrence

City of Lawrence
Utilities Department
Diane Stoddard – Interim City Manager
Casey Toomay - Assistant City Manager
Brandon McGuire – Assistant to the City Manager
Nicholas Hoyt – I/I Manager
Dave Wagner – Director of Utilities
Mike Lawless – Deputy Director of Utilities
Philip Ciesielski – Assistant Director of Utilities
Beth Krishtalka – Assistant to Director
Bob Brower – Utilities Operations Superintendent
November 25, 2015
Set a bid date for Bid No. B1564 - UT1508 2015 Sanitary Sewer
Rehabilitation CIPP Project
The Integrated 2012 Wastewater Utilities Plan identified two programs for sanitary
sewer rehabilitation, the Sewer Rehabilitation and Replacement Program and the Rapid
Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) Reduction Program. These are multi-year plans to rehabilitate
and remove I/I from the sanitary sewer system. Both Programs will use Cured-In-PlacePipe (CIPP) as a main rehabilitation strategy.
Part of the Utilities Department’s efforts at I/I reduction is to repair/reconstruct existing
sewer lines that are a source of I/I. CIPP is one of the methods used. The CIPP method
involves lining the inside of an older deteriorated sanitary sewer main without
excavation. Therefore, there is very little disruption above ground.
The Utilities Department has a multi-year plan to rehabilitate city owned infrastructure
using this trenchless method. Line segments are selected for rehabilitation based on
several factors. These factors include:
Known defects based on maintenance and TV inspection records
Pipe Age
Pipe Material
Presence of unused taps or connections that may contribute inflow/infiltration
Above ground conditions
CIPP is a cost effective method of sewer main rehabilitation when compared with other
more invasive methods. As an example, the cost of 8-inch sewer main rehabilitation for
this project is $22.50 per foot compared to open trench sewer replacement projects that
have averaged more than $300 per foot for 8-inch sewer main.
Project Summary
The proposed rehabilitation project consists of, but is not limited to, the lining of 41,791
linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe between 6-inches and 36-inches in diameter. A total of
24,672 linear feet of this project is associated with Phase 2 of the Rapid I/I reduction
program. Quantities of specific pipe sizes included in the project are summarized below:
540 linear feet of 6-inch sanitary sewer pipe
30,125 linear feet of 8 inch sanitary sewer pipe
160 linear feet of 10-inch sanitary sewer pipe
5,019 linear feet of 12-inch sanitary sewer pipe
1,628 linear feet of 15-inch sanitary sewer pipe
3,182 linear feet of 21-inch sanitary sewer pipe
1,054 linear feet of 24-inch sanitary sewer pipe
11 linear feet of 30-inch sanitary sewer pipe
72 linear feet of 36-inch sanitary sewer pipe
The proposed sewer rehabilitation will be completed using water or air inversion CIPP
technology, cleaning and closed circuit television inspection (before and after). An
overview map of the project is attached.
UT1508 will also include a sanitary manhole rehabilitation project. The manhole
rehabilitation project will be bid following the completion of this project in 2016.
Project Funding
Funding for the 2015 Cured in Place Pipe project will come from the 2015 Capital
Improvement Plan I/I Improvements.
Set a bid date of January 5, 2016 for Bid No. B1564 - UT1508 2015 Sanitary Sewer
Rehabilitation CIPP Project.