Evidence-Based Physical Examination

Beauty is in the eye of the examiner: reaching agreement about physical signs and
their value.
Anthony M. Joshua1, 3, David S. Celermajer2, 3, Martin R. Stockler1, 3,4
1. Departments of Medical Oncology, Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal Prince Alfred
Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
2. Department of Cardiology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
3. Central Clinical School, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, University of Sydney.
4. NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, School of Public Health, University of Sydney.
Despite advances in other areas, evidence based medicine is yet to make substantial
inroads on the standard medical physical examination. We have reviewed the evidence
about the accuracy and reliability of the physical examination and common clinical signs.
The studies available were of variable quality and only incompletely covered standard
techniques. The physical examination includes many signs of marginal accuracy and
reproducibility. These may not be appreciated by clinicians and adversely effect decisions
about treatment and investigations or the teaching and examination of students and
doctors-in-training. Finally, we provide a summary of points which can guide an accurate
and reproducible physical examination.
The physical examination is probably the most common diagnostic test used by doctors,
and yet its accuracy and reliability have not been scrutinised with the same rigorous
standards applied to other diagnostic modalities (which usually rely on calibrated
machines and technology rather than on “artful” physicians). Reliability and accuracy are
two different measures - the findings of two doctors may agree (be reliable) yet be wrong
(inaccurate) when objectively assessed. The overall physical examination has not been
reviewed using these criteria for over a quarter of a century.1 However, parts of the exam
have been reviewed individually as part of The Rational Clinical Examination Series in
JAMA, and the analysis of a constellation of history taking, signs and their integration
into a syndromal diagnosis has been reviewed for a number of conditions recently.2,3 As
previous reviewers have found, the evidence in this area varies and there are relatively
few studies of high quality.4
Forty years ago, up to 88% of all primary care diagnosis were made on history and
clinical exam5, and even 20 years ago up to 75% of all diagnosis in a general medicine
clinic were made using these tools.6 Whilst these percentages may be even lower in
recent years, the physical exam will always retain its importance as an essential tool of
modern practice. By formally reviewing various aspects of the physical exam, we hope to
give clinicians a greater degree of appreciation of its real value, allowing them to refine
their examination technique and therefore their ordering and prioritising of appropriate
We searched MEDLINE by utilizing an iterative strategy of combining the keywords
such as “kappa” or “sensitivity” or “specificity” or “likelihood ratio” with the MESH
subject heading “physical examination” as well as the keywords of various physical
examination techniques such as “auscultation” or “palpation” or “percussion” or various
physical examination findings such as “heart sounds”, “ascites”, “hepatomegaly”, “palsy”
and “paraesthsia”. Reference lists were scanned from previous meta-analyses and
systemic reviews, major textbooks of the physical examination and of internal medical
subspecialties. Articles were limited those in the English language.
Statistics used in this Article
Kappa is an index that describes the level of agreement beyond that expected by chance
alone and can be thought of as the chance-corrected proportional agreement. Possible
values range from +1 (perfect agreement) via 0 (no agreement above that expected by
chance) to –1 (complete disagreement). As a guide, the level of agreement reflected by a
Kappa value of 0 to 0.2 is “slight”, 0.21 to 0.4 is “fair”, 0.41 to 0.6 is “moderate”, 0.61 to
0.8 is “substantial” and 0.81 to 1 is “almost perfect”.7 The need for this statistic arises
because of the substantial rate of agreement that arises by chance alone. For example, if
two physicians each consider half the cases they see abnormal, then they will agree 25
percent of the time by chance alone. The drawback of Kappa is that it varies with
prevalence; the level of agreement expected by chance varies according to the proportion
of cases considered abnormal across observers.8 For example, as prevalence approaches
the extremes of 0% or 100%, Kappa decreases. Thus a low Kappa in a sample with a low
prevalence (e.g.10%) does not reflect the same lack of agreement as the same Kappa in a
sample with a moderate prevalence (e.g. 50%).9 The number of possible response
categories of a test also influences Kappa – a dichotomy (present or not) will give a
higher Kappa value than a scale with more than 2 levels.10 Thus comparisons of Kappas
across studies must therefore be interpreted carefully. Nevertheless, most of the medical
literature on inter-observer reliability over the last 2 decades has been reported in terms
of Kappa rates and it remains a useful summary measure of agreement.
Likelihood ratio (LR): This is the probability that a test is positive in those with a disorder
divided by the probability the test is positive in those without the disorder. A LR greater
than 1 gives a post-test probability that is higher than the pre-test probability. A LR less
than 1 produces a post-test probability that is lower than the pre-test probability. When
the pre-test probability lies between 30% and 70%, test results with a high LR (say,
greater than 10) make the presence of disease very likely and test results with a low LR
(say, less than 0.1) make the presence of the disease very unlikely.
Specificity: the probability that a finding is absent in people who do not have the disease.
Highly specific tests, when positive, are useful for ruling a disease in (the mnemonic is
SpIn: specific rules in).
Sensitivity: the probability that a symptom is present in people that have the disease.
Highly sensitive tests, when negative, are useful for ruling a disease out (the mnemonic is
Snout: sensitive rules out).
Table 1 – Comparisons of Kappa Values for Common Clinical Signs (agreement
between observers beyond that expected by chance alone)
Kappa Value Reference(s)
Abnormality of extra-ocular movements
Size of Goitre by examination
Forced expiratory time
Presence of wheezes
Signs of liver disease e.g. jaundice, Dupytrens, spider naevi 0.65
Palpation of the posterior tibial pulse
Dullness to percussion
Tender liver edge
Bronchial breath sounds
Hearing a systolic murmur
41, 42
Clinical Breast Examination for cancer
Neck stiffness
Table 2- Examples of sensitivities and specificities for Common Clinical Sings
Underlying Condition
Shifting Dullness
87, 88
Palpable Spleen –
Thyroid disease
Abnormal foot pulses
Peripheral Vascular
Ejection fraction < 50% 51
Ejection fraction < 30% 78
Peripheral Vascular
Specifically examined
Trophic skin changes
Hepatojugular reflux
Congestive Cardiac
Initial impression
Femoral arterial bruit
Peripheral Vascular
14, 15
Prolonged capillary refill Peripheral Vascular
Tinel’s sign
Carpal Tunnel
Kernigs Sign
Cardiovascular Exam
The old adage that compares clubbing to pregnancy - “Decide if it’s present or not –
there’s no such thing as early clubbing” is incorrect - a recent review has identified 3
variables i.e. profile angle, hyponychial angle, and phalangeal depth ratio which can be
used as quantitative indices to identify clubbing.17 There are no angles that define
clubbing, only its absence. Impressive Kappa values of 0.39 to 0.9018,19,20 attest to the
objectivity and importance this sign will always retain in clinical practice. The Schamroth
sign (opposition of two “clubbed” fingernails vertically obliterating the normally formed
diamond-shaped window) is an interesting manoevre for detecting clubbing that has not
been formally tested.21
Atrial Fibrillation
The sensitivity and specificity of an “irregularly irregular” pulse for atrial fibrillation has
never been formally assessed however Rowles et al., looked at the R-R intervals and
pulse volumes with Doppler in 74 patients with atrial fibrillation and found there were
periods of pulse regularity in 30% and pulse volume regularity in over 50%.22
Blood Pressure
There are minute-to-minute physiologic variations of 4mmHg systolic and 6-8 mmHg
diastolic within patients. 23,24 With respect to the examiners as the source of variability,
differences of 8-10 mmHg have been reported frequently for both physicians and
nurses25,26; this is the same order of magnitude achieved by several commonly used antihypertensive agents.
The Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP)/ Central Venous Pressure (CVP)
The first challenge in assessing jugular venous waveform is finding it and there is
only sparse information on how well this is done. In one study, examiners “found” a
JVP in only 20% of critically ill patients.27 Prediction of the CVP by assessing the
JVP has been more extensively studied. One study found physicians correctly
predicted the CVP only 55% of the time in an intensive care setting.28 In another
study, Cook recruited medical students, residents and attending physicians to examine
the same 50 ICU patients and estimate their CVP. Agreement between the students
and residents was surprisingly high (Kappa of 0.65), moderate between students and
physicians (Kappa of 0.56), and lowest between residents and staff physicians (Kappa
of 0.3).29 She also found substantial inter-observer and intra-observer variations of up
to 7cm in estimations of the CVP. In another study of 62 patients undergoing right
heart catheterisation, various medical staff predicted whether four variables, including
the CVP, were low, normal, high, or very high. The sensitivity of the clinical
examination for identifying a low (< 0 mm Hg), normal (0 to 7 mm Hg), or high (>7
mm Hg) CVP was 33%, 33% and 49% respectively. The specificity of the clinical
examination for identifying low, normal, or high CVP was 73%, 62%, and 76%
respectively. Interestingly, accuracy was no better for cases in which agreement
among examiners was high.30
The presence of abdominojugular reflux is good for ruling in congestive cardiac
failure in (i.e. high specificity of 0.96, likelihood ratio positive 6.4), but its absence is
poor for ruling it out (low sensitivity 0.24, likelihood ratio negative 0.8).31
The Carotid Pulse
It is easy to agree upon the presence of a carotid bruit (Kappa = 0.67) but not its character
(Kappa < 0.4)32. The NASCET trial showed that over a third of high grade carotid
stenoses (70-99%) had no detectable bruits and a focal ipsilateral carotid bruit had a
sensitivity of only 63% and a specificity of 61% for high-grade stenosis. These
unhelpfully moderate values give equally unhelpful likelihood ratios: the odds of high
grade stenosis are only doubled by the presence of a carotid bruit, and only halved by the
absence of a carotid bruit – not nearly enough to confidently rule in or out this important
pathology.33, 34
The Praecordium
Appreciating the importance of the apex beat in cardiology patients may be more difficult
than many of us realise: the apex beat is palpable in just under half of all cardiology
patients in the supine position. An apical impulse lateral to the mid-clavicular line is a
sensitive (100%) indicator of left ventricular enlargement, but not a specific one (18%).35
Clinicians often agree about the presence of a displaced apical impulse (Kappa 0.530.73)36 however it takes a complete clinical exam to classify patients into low,
intermediate and high probabilities of systolic dysfunction.37
The third heart sound.
Many clinicians agree that hearing that a third heart sound can be “physiological”
finding38, but how often do they agree that they can hear it at all? Not very often, it
seems. Kappa values for hearing a third heart sound range from a trivial 0.1 to reasonable
0.5,39 while its moderate sensitivity 78% and higher specificity 88% make its presence
useful for helping to rule in severe left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction <30%,
Likelihood ratio positive ~8), but its absence is less helpful for ruling severe left
ventricular dysfunction out (Likelihood ration negative ~0.3).40
Systolic Murmurs
Clinicians agree more often when they listen to systolic murmurs on audiotapes (Kappa
of 0.48)41 than when they listen to them ‘live’ in a clinical environment (Kappa of 0.3).42
This even applies to finding loud systolic murmurs and late-peaking murmurs: Kappa of
0.74 for audiotapes43 but only 0.29 in the wild.42
As a guide to the examination of systolic murmurs, a small but important study used two
clinicians to assess 50 patients with systolic murmurs and the findings are summarised
Table 3- Sensitivity and Specificity of various manoeuvres for systolic murmurs
RSM- Augmentation with inspiration
RSM- Diminution with expiration
HOCM – Increase with Valsalva manoeuvre
HOCM – Increase with squatting-to-standing action
HOCM – Decrease in intensity with standing-to-squatting action
HOCM – Decrease in intensity with passive leg elevation
HOCM – Decrease in intensity with handgrip
MR/ VSD – Augmentation with handgrip
MR/ VSD – Augmentation with transient arterial occlusion
MR/ VSD – Diminuation with inhalation of amyl nitrate
RSM- Right sided murmurs; HOCM- Hypertrophic obstructive Cardiomyopathy; MR- Mitral
Regurgitation; VSD- Ventricular Septal Defect
Aortic Stenosis
Examples of some of the various characteristics of aortic stenosis in 2 high quality studies
and their likelihood ratios are summarised below.46 These studies were of
dramatically different populations; 781 unreferred elderly and 231 cardiology patients
referred for the catherisation. The large likelihood ratios noted in the first study may be
related to a large number of asymptomatic patients with no audible murmur and thus may
be more reflective of the community rather than the hospitalized populations.
Table 4 – Likelihood Ratios for Physical Signs associated with Aortic Stenosis
Likelihood Ratio
Likelihood Ratio
130 (33-560)
2.8 (2.1-3.7)
0.18 (0.11-0.30)
Late peak murmur intensity
101 (25-410)
Decreased intensity or absent second heart sound
50 (24-100)
0.36 (0.26-0.49)
Fourth heart sound
Reduced carotid volume
2.3 (1.7-3)
0.31 (0.21-0.46)
Presence of any murmur
0 (0-0.13)
Radiation to right carotid
1.5 (1.3-1.7)
0.05 (0.01-0.2)
Slow Rate of rise of carotid pulse
Tricuspid Regurgitation
The studies available are generally of poorer quality but it seems that cardiologists can
reliably diagnose moderately severe to severe tricuspid regurgitation (positive likelihood
ratio 10.1; 95% CI, 5.8-18; negative likelihood ratio 0.41; 95% CI, 0.24-0.70)48
especially using a combination of physical signs such as outlined in Table 3.
Mitral Regurgitation
Two poorer quality studies have shown that simply hearing a murmur in the mitral area
has a positive likelihood ratio of 3.6-3.9 and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.12-0.3447,48
for mitral regurgitation. As for experience, but it seems that the positive likelihood ratios
of hearing mitral regurgitation varies between 1.1 to 2.31 from interns to cardiology
fellows with an inconsistent increase with levels of experience.49
Diastolic Murmurs
Just hearing Aortic Incompetence (AI) increases the likelihood that it is
haemodynamically significant50,51 but other associated signs such as an Austin-Flint
murmur, Corrigan’s pulse or widened pulse pressure are not related to severity.52,53,54,55,56
Interestingly, Quincke’s sign, whilst present in AI, was also noted, by Quincke himself,
to be present in normal people.57
In one study of 529 unselected nursing home residents (31 with mitral stenosis), a
cardiologist detected a mid-diastolic murmur in all cases of mitral stenosis, with no false
positives or negatives.58 Non-cardiologists are less proficient at detecting mitral stenosis.
Less than 10% of residents and medical students correctly identified a mid-diastolic
murmur of mitral stenosis on an audiotape59, while 43% of medical residents identified
the mid-diastolic murmur of mitral stenosis using a patient simulator. In the latter study,
only 21% identified the opening snap.60 As for the signs of severity – the loudness of P2
is more closely related to patient skinniness than pulmonary artery pressure. There is also
little correlation between the loudness of S1 and the severity of mitral stenosis,
presumably because of mitral valve calcification.61
The only evaluated element of the clinical examination for pulmonary regurgitation (PR)
is the presence of a typical diastolic decrescendo murmur best heard in the second left
intercostal space, which should increase in intensity with quiet inspiration. Only
relatively poor quality studies are available and they showed, not surprisingly, that when
a cardiologist hears the murmur of PR, the likelihood of PR increases substantially (LR
positive, 17), but absence of a PR murmur was not helpful for ruling out PR (LR
negative, 0.9).62,63
Lower Limbs
Studies of the examination of the peripheral vascular system have shown that abnormal
foot pulses, femoral arterial bruits, prolonged venous filling time and unilateral cool limb
are all useful indicators of vascular disease (LR positive > 3) but that colour
abnormalities, prolonged capillary refill time and trophic changes are not (LR positive
<1.6). There are a number of other physical signs that are supposed to help localise
vascular disease; for example, aortoiliac disease was predicted by an abnormal femoral
pulse with 100% specificity, but only 38% sensitivity.64 Put another way, all people
without aortoiliac disease had a normal femoral pulse (100% specificity) but only 38%
with aortoiliac disease had an abnormal femoral pulse. Agreement about the presence of
lower limb pulses is surprisingly good, with kappa of 0.6 for the posterior tibial and 0.51
for the dorsalis pedis.65
Detecting edema seems simple, but agreeing about it seems not, with Kappas ranging
from 0.27 to 0.64 in patients with cardiac failure.66
Respiratory Exam
Some of the apparently simplest signs have remarkably low levels of agreement, for
example detecting tachypnoea (Kappa of 0.25)67 and cough (Kappa of 0.29).2
Palpation of the chest usually includes chest expansion (Kappa of 0.38) and tactile
fremitus (Kappa of 0.01), although for the latter flipping a coin might be quicker. The rest
of the respiratory exam has Kappa rates in the “fair” to “moderate” range; for example,
dullness to percussion (Kappa of 0.52) and bronchial breath sounds (Kappa of 0.32).19
Clinicians find it easier to agree about wheezes (appa of 0.43 to 0.93) than crackles
(Kappa of 0.3 to 0.63), and hardest to agree about the intensity of breath sounds (Kappa
of 0.23 to 0.46).68, 69, 70, 71
Clinical breast examination has a sensitivity of 54% and a specificity of 94% for
detecting breast cancer, with Kappa values ranging from 0.22 to 0.59. The proportion of
cancers detected by clinical exam despite having negative mammography varies from 3%
to 45%, depending on the women’s age and breast density.72
Deep Venous Thrombosis
The clinical diagnostic tools of pain, tenderness, edema, Homan’s sign, swelling and
erythema have sensitivities of 60 to 88% and a specificities of 30 to 72% in well designed
studies, using venography as the reference standard.73 Studies of Homan’s sign suggest it
is positive from 8 to 56% of people with proven DVT, but also positive in more than 50%
of symptomatic people without DVT.74 ,75,76,77
Gastroenterological Exam
Peripheral signs of chronic liver disease
Aside from leuconychia (Kappa of 0.27), agreement is moderate about most peripheral
signs of chronic liver disease such as jaundice, Dupuytren’s contracture and spider naevi
(Kappas of approximately 0.65).78
In studies using reference standards, the ability to palpate a liver is not closely correlated
with either liver size or volume.79,80,81,82 In fact, the chance that a palpable liver meets
reference standards for enlargement is 46%83. The likelihood ratio for hepatomegaly,
given a palpable liver is a modest 2.5, and the likelihood ratio for hepatomegaly in the
absence of a palpable liver is 0.45.84
Theodossi et al, had five observers perform a structured history and physical examination
on 20 jaundiced patients and reported only moderate agreement in detecting the presence
or absence of hepatomegaly (Kappa of 0.30).86 Perhaps this Kappa rate is related to the
findings of Meyhoff et al, who examined 23 patients (and had all measurements carried
out from a set midclavicular line) and found the average maximum interobserver
difference in measurement from the costal margin was 6.1cm (SD 2.7cm).85 The ability to
detect more subtle characteristics of the liver such as its consistency, nodularity and
tenderness show considerable variability. Agreement among “expert observers” was poor
when examining patients with alcoholic liver disease or jaundice for abnormal
consistency of the liver edge (Kappa of 0.11), fair for nodularity (Kappa of 0.26)78, and
moderate for detecting a tender liver edge (Kappa of 0.49).86
In a set of 20 jaundiced patients the Kappa value for ascites is 0.63, however this would
undoubtedly be lower in a less selected group.86 The presence of shifting dullness has a
sensitivity of about 85% and specificity of 56% for ascites, similar to the much simpler
sign of bulging flanks (sensitivity 75%, specificity 40-70%). Other signs are of more
limited usefulness: the absence of flank dullness is useful for ruling ascites out
(sensitivity 94%, specificity 29%), while the presence of a fluid wave is useful for ruling
ascites in (sensitivity 50-53%, specificity 82-90%).87,88
Percussing for the spleen (via the Castell method – in the supine position, in the lowest
intercostal space in the left anterior axillary line) had an impressive sensitivity of 82%
and specificity of 83% in one study89, but disappointing agreement in another study
(Kappa of 0.19 to 0.41).90 As for palpation, if it is part of a routine examination, then the
sensitivity was reported at an even more disappointing 27%, but specificity was
impressively high at 98% with Kappa values ranging from 0.56 to 0.70.91,92 An elegant
study by Barkun et al, demonstrated that palpation is a significantly better discriminator
among patients in whom percussion was already positive because when percussion
dullness was present, palpation ascertained splenomegaly correctly 87% of the time.
However, if percussion dullness was absent, palpation was little better than tossing a
coin.90 This implies is that if percussion note is resonant over the spleen, then it is not
worth palpating for.
Murphy’s Sign
“Whatever can go wrong will go wrong” may unnecessarily pessimistic for this sign of
cholecystitis, with a reported sensitivity of 50% to 97% and a specificity of about 80%,
but there are no reported Kappas.93,94,95
Aortic Disease
The sensitivity of abdominal palpation for aortic aneurysms increases with the diameter
of the aneursym from about 30% for aneurysms of 3-4cm, to 76% for aneurysms 5cm or
more in diameter. The overall sensitivity of palpation is reduced by obesity and if the
examination is not specifically directed at assessing aortic width.96
Auscultation over the liver
Hepatic friction rubs, although always abnormal, are non-specific and even with careful
examination are only present in 10% of patients with liver tumours.9798 As for liver bruits,
the prevalence is only 3% in patients with liver disease99 but ranges from 10-56% in
patients with hepatoma.100,101
Rheumatological Exam
Studies of Tinel’s sign are inconsistent, with reported sensitivities ranging from 25-75%,
specificities ranging from 70-90%, with a prevalence of up to 25% in normal
population.102,103,104 Phalen described his wrist flexion test and numerous studies have
reported sensitivities ranging from 40-90% and specificity of about 80% for carpal tunnel
syndrome. 105
Heberden, who described angina pectoris in 1768, is left with being best known for his
nodes. They have a kappa value of 0.78 and a sensitivity of 68% and a sensitivity of 52%
for more generalized osteoarthritis.106
Neurological Examination
Clinical examination of the nervous system is challenging to perform, difficult to master,
and apparently almost impossible to replicate. The “Emperor’s clothes syndrome” is a
phrase coined to reflect the fact that doctors may be influenced to report a sign as present
on the basis of previous information.107 This phenomenon is alive and well in neurology.
Van Gijn et al showed that the interpretation of equivocal Babinski responses is
significantly affected by the history presented with films of the reflex.108 Indeed, his
ongoing work dispels a few myths about the Babinski response which may cloud its
interpretation; “ The stimulus should be painful”, “In doubtful cases one should apply
variants of the Babinski sign”, “The movement should occur at the metatarsophalangeal
joint”, “The movement should be the first”, “The movement should be slow”, “In
doubtful cases, the “fan sign” is a useful measure”. Perhaps it should not surprise us that
Kappa values for the Babinski response range from 0.17 to 0.59.109,110
Inter-observer variation has also been studied extensively for other neurological signs.
Shinar111 et al., had 6 neurologists examine 17 patients and found that abnormal
extraocular movements were the signs they agreed on most (Kappa of 0.77). Surprisingly,
they agreed only a little more often about peripheral motor abnormalities (Kappa of 0.36
to 0.67) than about sensory abnormalities (Kappa of 0.28 to 0.60). Hansen et al., had two
senior neurologists and two trainees examine 202 consecutive unselected inpatients for 8
different neurological signs. They found Kappa coefficients for neurologists ranged from
0.40 to 0.67 and from 0.22 to 0.81 for trainees. The neurologists had higher Kappa values
than the trainees for 5 of the 8 signs but the difference was only statistically significant
for jerky eye movements. The highest agreement was for facial palsy (Kappa of 0.71) and
the lowest for differences in knee jerks (Kappa of 0.32).100 Maschot et al., evaluated two
graded scales for the assessment of 4 common tendon reflexes, with two or three
physicians judging 4 common reflexes in two groups of 50 patients. They found that the
highest Kappa was only 0.35 and concluded that numerical grading of tendon reflexes is
not useful and recommended a simplified verbal classification.112 This was in contrast to
a previous study, which found better reliability with Kappa values of 0.43 to 0.8. This
latter study also found no improvement in Kappas with attempted standardization of
examination technique.113
The signs associated with sciatica have been studied specifically – Vroomen et al., had
pairs of consultants and residents examine 91 patients with sciatica severe enough to
justify 14 days of bed rest. They found substantial agreement about decreased muscle
strength, sensory loss and straight leg raising (Kappa of 0.57 to 0.82); moderate
agreement about reflex changes (Kappa of 0.42 to 0.53); and, little agreement about
examination of the lumbar spine (e.g. paravertebral hypertonia) (Kappa of 0.16 to
Endocrine Examination
The assessment of goiter has been subject to meta-analysis 115 - agreement was
substantial between observers about findings on both inspection (Kappa of 0.65) and
palpation (Kappa of 0.74). The measurement properties of estimating thyroid size by
physical exam, using combined data from 9 studies116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124, were a
sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 82%. If a goitre was clinically detected, the
likelihood ratio positive for thyroid enlargement was 3.8. Conversely, if a goitre was not
detected, then the likelihood ratio negative for thyroid enlargement was 0.37. These
likelihoods are not affected by the presence of single or multiple nodules, but experienced
examiners were a little more accurate than their junior colleagues.124
Chvostek’s sign125 was present in 25% of healthy individuals in one study,126 but only in
29% of those with laboratory confirmed hypocalcaemia in another.127 Trousseau’s main
d’accoucher seems a far better sign of hypocalcaemia. This has been found in 94% of
patients with confirmed hypocalcaemia but only 1% of healthy volunteers.128
The physical examination should remain a mainstay of clinical assessment. Doctors need
to elicit relevant signs reliably, accurately, and with an explicit understanding of their
implications. There are guidelines emphasising the need to understand the context of a
clinical skill, 129 but the scientific properties and basis of the history and physical
examination seem to be notions that are rarely taught.130 Thus, acknowledging error
inherent in physical signs (Table 2) is rarely acknowledged by medical staff, at least in
the company of students. Certainly understanding of your environment is at least as
important as experiencing it - Dr Tinsley Harrison used to say; “Clinical Experience is
like military experience” and then quote Napoleon; “My mule has more military
experience than any general I have faced, yet still is unfit to lead an army”.131 The
reasons for this error and variability of the traditional physical exam may be related to
our reluctance to study it formally.
Sackett identified 5 reasons for the paucity of studies about the physical examination: 1)
the difficulties in designing and doing studies of the physical exam; 2) the difficulty of
analysing a single sign when a diagnosis is made up of constellations of symptoms and
signs; 3) academic staff showing little inclination to investigate the physical exam as they
spend little time at the bedside; 4) the realities and pressures of modern medicine
discouraging a careful history and physical exam; and finally, 5) the unpopularity of
research when it challenges authority and the “art of medicine”.132 Therefore there are
relatively few studies of sufficient quality to influence practice and teaching.
Whilst the wide variation in agreement between observers for different signs probably
reflects a combination of factors, including the complexity of the manoeuvre, the subtlety
of the sign, the difficulty in perceiving the sign and the availability and the preference for
laboratory and imaging tests, the evidence suggests that there is room to improve
teaching. One study found that in some US teaching hospitals, only 11% of available time
on rounds was spent at the bedside with 63% spent in the conference room.133 La Combe
reported that bedside teaching comprised 75% of teaching 30 years ago, but had
decreased to 16% by 1978.134 Mangione and Nieman, studied 627 postgraduate trainees
from internal and family medicine programs and found that they recognised less than half
of all respiratory auscultatory pathologies, with little improvement according to years of
training.135 A study of cardiac auscultation found that internal medicine and family
practice residents recognized 20% of all cardiac auscultatory findings; the number of
correct identifications improved little with year of training and was not significantly
higher than the number identified by medical students.136 Previous work by the same
investigators found that only 10% of US Medical Residence programs offered structured
teaching of pulmonary auscultation137 and only 25% offered structured teaching of
cardiac auscultation.138 This diminishing emphasis on bedside teaching is evident when
intern and resident staff are observed carrying out the physical examination. Wray and
Friedland found observation of junior staff by attending physicians showed error rates of
about 15% with incorrect findings in 4% and missed findings in 10%.139
These errors reflect the combination of variations within and among clinicians, patients,
and circumstances. There are only two ways to minimise these errors: reduce the
variation, or increase the number of observations. The key to reducing variation is greater
standardisation of the most robust techniques and a better understanding of the
examination technique and its failings. How best to increase the number of observations
depends on the nature of the variation. For example, within patient variation is the major
source of error in diagnosing hypertension, and this is overcome by having the same
clinician measure blood pressure on several occasions.140 The major source of variation
in staging prostate cancer by rectal examination is variation among observers, and this is
better overcome by taking the consensus of several observers.
Our observations about accuracy and reliability have important implications for the
assessment of junior doctors. For example, the emphasis in many “short-case” board and
membership exams is on eliciting a sign or performing a type of examination whilst in
“long case” examinations candidates are often not given the opportunity to integrate the
patient’s history and clinical findings with investigations before discussing the case with
examiners. The inter-observer error inherent in eliciting signs, their variable relationship
to disease and the fact that clinical diagnosis rarely relies on isolated findings argue
against this piecemeal approach to assessment. However it is reassuring, at least for
some, that physicians with greater training and experience often,141142 but not always,143
agree more frequently than physicians with less training and experience in a particular
Where to from here? Ramani et al., conducted focus groups from the Boston University
School of Medicine’s faculty to address the diminishing time spent teaching the physical
exam. They suggested 4 solutions: 1) improve bedside teaching skills through faculty
training in clinical skills and teaching methods; 2) reassure clinical faculty that they
possess more than adequate bedside skills to educate trainees; 3) establish a learning
environment that allows teachers to admit their limitations; and, 4) address the
undervaluing of teaching on a department level with adequate recognition and rewards.144
At a personal level, acknowledging the uncertainty inherent in the physical exam is the
first step to improving it. Medical staff can optimise their examination skills by being
well rested145, by examining in an appropriate environment, by trying to avoid being
influenced by their expectations, by examining patients on more than one occasion to
verify findings,146 and by documenting findings and progress. There should be no shame
in asking a colleague to verify physical findings. Large multinational studies that will
provide high quality data about the reliability of the physical exam are underway and
eagerly awaited.147 A greater appreciation of the complexities of patient assessment and a
clearer understanding of the limitations of clinical examination should lead to a more
rational and cost-effective approach to diagnosis, investigation and decision making.
The essentials of the physical examination have changed remarkably little of the last 100
years. It is time to refine the standard exam and emphasize the more reliable and
reproducible techniques whilst discarding others. Whilst the following key points are not
meant to over-ride clinical judgement they are certainly a guide to evidence-based
techniques and may be useful for more junior staff trying to elicit signs in pressured
clinical circumstances.
Do the hepatojugular reflux. It is useful sign of cardiac failure where other signs
may be equivocal. i.e. highly specific
Do listen for an S3 to confirm your suspicion of cardiac failure- also highly
Do ventilatory manoevres (such as held inspiration and expiration) to confirm
your suspicions about the nature of cardiac murmurs
Do percuss the splenic bed before palpating for the spleen
Do be reasonably confident that a patient with a positive Murphy’s sign has
Do be careful to quantify your assessment of tachypneoa as there is usually only
fair agreement amongst colleagues
Don’t rely on your clinical examination to assess the carotid pulses character and
associated bruit. Don’t hesistate to order carotid imaging when indicated
Don’t rely on commonly quoted signs of severity of valvular heart disease
especially with aortic incompetence, these are unreliable.
Don’t waste your time detecting ascites with shifting dullness; similar accuracy
can be gained simply by looking at the abdomen for bulging flanks
Don’t decide a liver is enlarged on the basis of palpation alone
Don’t report tactile fremitus – your colleagues are unlikely to agree with you
Don’t hesitate to repeat the exam yourself or get a colleague to repeat the
examination to clarify certain findings
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