ACORN Introductory Letter - Women`s and Children`s Hospital

The Acorn Group
‘From small things big things grow’
We are happy to be able to invite you to the Acorn group as part of the Women’s and Childrens’
Hospital Outreach programme. The group will be on a Friday morning from 10am -12:15 and
starts August 2011. Acorn consists of 14 group sessions plus two additional short sessions for you
and your child prior to and after completion of the group.
Your pre group appointment will be arranged by telephone. If you can bring the completed
information sheets enclosed that would be great.
The Acorn Group is a joint initiative between the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, The
Unitarian Church, and Anglicare SA. The group is coordinated and facilitated each week by Neil
Underwood, a Mental Health Nurse, Sally Chance, who uses music and movement, and Jo Press,
a Family Support worker from Anglicare SA.
The Acorn group is located at the Unitarian Meeting house, 99 Osmond Tce, Norwood.
The aim of the group is to provide for parents who have experienced some mental health
struggles to come together and be supported with the relationship with their child. Often,
women who have experienced struggles with mental health feel that their relationship with their
child has been somehow impacted. Acorn is structured to strengthen your relationship with your
child through experiences of shared play, music and movement, and some dedicated parent only
time for reflection.
Generally the day will go like this:
10: 00 Meet and greet
The group starts with an opportunity to share what has been going on in your life and the life of
your child.
10:15am – 11:15am . TOGETHER time
We aim to give an opportunity for you and your child to explore new ways of being together
through music and movement. The purpose of this part of the group is to provide opportunities
to experience shared play, with support and structured activities to assist you to connect with
your child. The activities in this session are specifically designed for parents to participate with
their children. Each week there will be an emphasis on supporting your child’s exploration and
managing their feelings in the context of your relationship.
We will share morning tea together in this time so please let us know if you or your child has any
food allergies that we should know about.
11:15am-12:15pm BURIED TREASURES- Discovering your parenting ‘gems’
Over the 14 weeks you will be involved in a creative writing program designed to provide
opportunities for you to explore, discover and celebrate your parenting strengths. This program
aims to increase opportunities for you to reflect creatively through journaling, poetry writing,
art, collage, writing and scrap booking. At this point don’t panic if you are not feeling very
creative or talented in this area- you will be supported through a range of activities that will
engage you in ways that will be fun and yet will lead to helpful reflections around your
parenting. During this time children will be cared for onsite by the workers and volunteers that
facilitate Acorn
Car parking: There is a small car park next to the church that you are welcome to use. If this is
full there are various car parks available on the local streets.
Fees: The programme is free. However, we ask for a gold coin donation to cover some of the
cost of the morning tea and other supplies.
Meeting your needs: We will, occasionally and with your full knowledge, speak with other
professionals who are in contact with you to ensure there is clarity around how things are going.
Please discuss this with us if you have concerns.
Other stuff:
Please wear loose and comfortable clothing.
We ask that you do not bring cameras.
We look forward to meeting with you and your child. Please complete the following confidential
information to bring to the first session.
Warm regards,
Neil, Sally, Jo
Ph; 8161 7000 pager 18120 (messages can be left on this pager)