1st Grade Yearlong Map September Math Reading Writing Number Recognition 120 Calendar Introduce tallying Patterns- 2 dimensional shapes Schema Story Elements Sequencing Compare/Cont rast Author StudyMem Fox King and Queen Personal Narratives Proof reading skills Conventions Nouns/Pronoun s Phonetic/inven ted spelling Set of writer’s workshop October Estimation Basic Facts Odd/Even Coin Values - pennies - nickels Telling time to the hour Schema Text structure Sequence of events (graphic organizer) Cause and effect Predicting Author StudyLaura Numeroff Narratives Recursive stories Conventions Phonetic/inve nted spelling Revising Editing Compound words November Addition/Subtracti on Basic Facts Coins pennies nickels dimes Measurement to inch Time to ½ hour Nonfiction Conventions Cause and effect Fact and opinion Recall details Sequence of events Nonfiction descriptive Singular and plural nouns Proofreading skills Conventions Apostrophe Simple contractions December Greater than/Less than Place value Measurement To the inch Time to ½ hour January February Two digit numbers (+,-) Weights (balance) Collecting data Creating bar graphs Place Value (ones and tens) 3 Dimensional shapes Fact families Time to ½ hour Coin values pennies nickels dimes Quarter s Visualize Recall details Story elements Narrators point of view Draw conclusions Sentence structure Author StudyJan Brett Visualizing Recall details Story elements Narrators point of view Draw conclusions Sentence structure Author StudyJan Brett Narrative writing Conventions Nouns/pronou ns Simple contractions Quotation marks Phonetic. invented spelling Compound words Descriptive writing Conventions Nouns/pronoun s Simple contractions Quotation marks Phonetic. invented spelling Compound words Determining Importance Fact and Opinion Graphic organizers Ask questions Summarize main idea Recall Details Compare/Cont rast Author’s Purpose Author StudyAllan Fowler Personal Narrative Conventions Revising Word choice Singular nouns Phonetic/invent ed spelling March Symmetry 2/3 Dimensional shapes Directions (N,S, E, W) Questioning Ask and answer questions Predicting Draw conclusions Categorize and classify ideas Personal Narratives Conventions Proofreading skills Revising Thank you notes Friendly Letters - Parts of a letter April Greater than/less than Fact families Fractions Symmetry Number line patterns May Graphs Temperature Collect/Interp ret data Measurement to the inch Inferring Predicting Ask and answer questions Draw conclusions Make inferences Author StudyCynthia Rylant Inferring Predicting Ask and answer questions Draw conclusions Make inferences Author StudyCynthia Rylant Poetry Convention s Proofreadin g Rhymes Subject verb agreement Phonetic/in vented spelling Thank you notes Singular/plural nouns Proofreading Conventions Communicat e Phonetic/inve nted spelling Subject verb agreement Parts of a letter Social Studies Learning about individuals, families and communities across the world Government functions Authority Elections Government functions Laws Citizens Culture Traditions Family History American Democracy Levels of government levels Historical and political figures Historical and political figures Contributions Neighborhoods Map symbols Cardinal directions Natural resources Economic choices - choices about goods and services Buying/bart ering Passport to Learning Traveling through the 80’s Needs/wan ts Science Balance and Motion Kit Sept 16- Nov. 11 Objects relative to another object Balance and Motion Kit Sept 16- Nov. 11 Push and Pull Sound Movement Balance and Motion Kit Sept 16- Nov. 11 How things grow Pumpkins Plants (Feb 12- April 2) Basic needs of plants Plant structur e Edible parts The Sun and Moon Day and night The sun The Moon Plants (Feb 12- April 2) Life cycle Differen t plants Charac teristics of plants Pebbles, Sand and Silt (April 15June 3) Compositio n of Earth - Compare rocks and sand - Compare soil Pebbles, Sand and Silt (April 15- June 3) Prope rties of water Exem plify Earth mater ials