European Economic and Social Committee Session/ Draft agenda – September 483rd PLENARY SESSION DRAFT AGENDA __________________ Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 September 2012 Charlemagne Building (European Commission), Room S3 B - 1040 Brussels _____________ Opening of the session: Tuesday 18 September 2012 at 2.30 p.m. _____________ 1. Checking of quorum 2. Adoption of the draft agenda 3. Approval of the minutes of the 482nd plenary session, held on 11 and 12 July 2012 4. Statement by the president 5. Statement by Karel De Gucht, European Commissioner for Trade, on Tuesday 18 September at 3 p.m. 6. Statements by Laurence Parisot, President of MEDEF (French Confederation of Business Enterprises) and John Evans, General Secretary of the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC), as part of a discussion on the theme, "Organised civil society in global governance", on Tuesday 18 September, at 4 p.m. 7. Discussion of Committee opinions (appended) 8. Any other business 9. Date of the next plenary session. R/CESE 1725/2012 – 30/08/2012 FR/RS/NT Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË Tel. +32 25469011 — Fax +32 25134893 — Internet: .../... EN -2APPENDIX Discussion of Committee opinions (the order in which these opinions will be discussed will be decided later) INT/593 A framework for advertising aimed at young people and children (own-initiative) CESE 138/2012 fin Rapporteur: Jorge Pegado Liz (Gr. III-PT) INT/629 Involvement of consumer associations in the establishment and functioning of the single market (owninitiative) CESE 1177/2012 fin Rapporteur: Bernardo Hernández Bataller (Gr. III–ES) INT/632 An action plan to improve access to finance for SMEs (communication) COM(2011) 870 final CESE 1411/2012 fin Rapporteur: Anna Maria Darmanin (Gr. II-MT) Co-rapporteur: Ronny Lannoo (Gr. III-BE) INT/634 Towards an integrated European market for card, internet and mobile payments (Green Paper) COM(2011) 941 final CESE 1241/2012 fin Rapporteur: Stasys Kropas (Gr. I-LT) INT/645 Statute for a European Foundation1 COM(2012) 35 final - 2012/0022 APP CESE 1211/2012 fin - 2012/0022 APP Rapporteur: Mall Hellam (Gr. III-EE) ECO/327 Europe 2020: macro and micro actions needed to promote smart and inclusive growth simultaneously (owninitiative) CESE 1478/2012 fin Rapporteur: Etele Baráth (Gr. III-HU) ECO/328 Tackling cross-border inheritance tax obstacles within the EU (communication) COM(2011) 864 final CESE 1021/2012 fin Rapporteur: Vincent Farrugia (Gr. I–MT) 1 Optional referral from the Commission. R/CESE 1725/2012 – 30/08/2012 FR/RS/NT/ym -3SOC/444 Vulnerable groups' rights at the workplace – especially issues of discrimination based on sexual orientation (own-initiative) CESE 367/2012 fin Rapporteur: Thomas Janson (Gr. II-SE) SOC/449 The contribution of migrant entrepreneurs to the EU economy (own-initiative) CESE 638/2012 fin Rapporteur: Brenda King (Gr. I-UK) SOC/460 Posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services COM(2012) 131 final - 2012/0061 COD CESE 1387/2012 fin - 2012/0061 COD Rapporteur: Thomas Janson (Gr. II-SE) SOC/465 Eradicating domestic violence (own-initiative) CESE 1416/2012 fin Rapporteur: Mário Soares (Gr. II–PT) NAT/546 Innovation for a sustainable Future (communication) COM(2011) 899 final CESE 1224/2012 fin Rapporteur: Lutz Ribbe (Gr. III-DE) NAT/554 Greenhouse gas emissions and removals resulting from activities related to land use, land use change and forestry COM(2012) 93 final - 2012/0042 COD Climate change/accounting for land use in the Union's commitments (communication) COM(2012) 94 final CESE 1167/2012 fin - 2012/0042 COD Rapporteur: Ludvík Jírovec (Gr. III-CZ) NAT/565 Fisheries/Conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources (category C) COM(2012) 277 final - 2012/0143 COD CESE 1860/2012 fin - 2012/0143 COD NAT/566 Conservation of fishery resources/protection of juveniles of marine organisms COM(2012) 298 final - 2012/0158 COD CESE 1791/2012 fin- 2012/0158 COD Rapporteur-general: Brian Curtis (Gr. II-UK) NAT/567 Community system to prevent illegal, unreported fishing (category C) COM(2012) 332 final - 2012/0162 COD CESE 1866/2012 fin - 2012/0162 COD R/CESE 1725/2012 – 30/08/2012 FR/RS/NT/ym -4NAT/568 Forest reproductive material of the 'qualified' category (category C) COM(2012) 355 final - 2012/0172 COD CESE 1869/2012 fin - 2012/0172 COD NAT/569 Seeds/updating the names of a third country and of the authorities responsible for control of the production (category C) COM(2012) 343 final - 2012/0165 COD CESE 1871/2012 fin - 2012/0165 COD TEN/483 The responsible use of social networks and the prevention of related problems (own-initiative) CESE 465/2012 fin Rapporteur: Bernardo Hernández Bataller (Gr. III–ES) TEN/489 European strategy for making the internet a better place for children COM(2012) 196 final CESE 1518/2012 fin Rapporteur: Antonio Longo (Gr. III-IT) TEN/490 Electronic transactions in the Internal Market COM(2012) 238 final - 2012/0146 COD CESE 1243/2012 fin - 2012/0146 COD Rapporteur: Thomas McDonogh (Gr. I-IE) REX/353 Civil society's role in combating corruption in the southern Mediterranean countries (own-initiative) CESE 1426/2012 fin Rapporteur: Juan Moreno Preciado (Gr. II-ES) REX/356 The role of civil society in the implementation of the partnership for democracy and shared prosperity (information report) CESE 1427/2012 fin Rapporteur: Carmelo Cedrone (Gr. II–IT) REX/359 Trade, growth and development (communication) COM(2012) 22 final CESE 770/2012 fin Rapporteur: Evelyne Pichenot (Gr. III-FR) SC/035 Towards an updated study of the cost of non-Europe (own-initiative) CESE 1374/2012 fin Rapporteur: Georgios Dassis (Gr. II-EL) Co-rapporteur: Luca Jahier (Gr. III-IT) _____________ R/CESE 1725/2012 – 30/08/2012 FR/RS/NT/ym