VIRGINIA NURSE ADVOCATE HEALTH POLICY FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5 PM ET, September 30, 2014. FELLOWSHIP PURPOSE AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES: The Virginia Nurse Advocate Health Policy Fellowship provides nurses with graduate degrees and graduate nursing students with an inside look into Virginia government, both in policy formulation and execution as well as the politics inherent in both. The goal of the Fellowship is to familiarize the Fellows with policies and politics in order to assist them to become more informed and involved in the processes of both. By the completion of the Fellowship, the participants will be able to describe the basic infrastructure of the Virginia political system; understand the process of bill consideration by the Virginia General Assembly, including the legislative protocol for bill-making including fiscal considerations and the influence of stakeholders in bill formulation; analyze the impact of the state budget on healthcare policy decisions; compare and contrast the roles of lobbyists and grassroots advocates in influencing agendas in the nonprofit and for-profit sectors; craft language for bill drafts and fact sheets; communicate health related information with state legislators and other policymakers; evaluate policy implications of bills and/or regulations affecting nursing practice and/or health status of Virginians; and evaluate one’s own communication patterns and their impact on advocacy. WHO SHOULD APPLY? Nurses1 with an interest in policy decision-making and implementation and the political context for these activities should apply. Nursing is the largest healthcare profession; yet, relatively few nurses are actively engaged in the policy and political processes. This experience will expose individuals to the process and offer them the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities to hone their advocacy skills. Registered Nurses with graduate degrees or enrolled in graduate-level courses will be given preference. A prospective Fellow must: Be a Registered Nurse (RN); Demonstrate a commitment to developing as an advocate; and Be supported by his/her employer (or if part of a course requirement, the faculty advisor), to participate fully in the Fellowship. FELLOWSHIP DESIGN The Fellowship begins November 15 and extends through March 15 of the following year. This time frame encompasses weeks leading up to the annual General Assembly in Richmond and several weeks following the Session. The experience takes place in Richmond, and the actual days and hours will be constructed as agreed upon by the Fellow, the employer or (if a student) faculty advisor, and the Fellowship faculty member. Fellows will be expected to develop a set of deliverables that will vary depending up the employer/course requirements. Examples include, but are not limited to, a case statement for a policy change, a paper for publication; fact sheets for advancing a policy issue; a presentation to a specific audience about a policy issue (poster or in-person); or a written analysis of a bill or a proposed regulatory change. 1 Graduate students in health-related fields may inquire about the availability of a Fellowship experience. Email address: FELLOW RESPONSIBILITIES Fellows must commit to the following: Participate in a four-month immersion experience totaling 300 hours. Assure that one’s faculty advisor and/or employer support participation. Attend each activity agreed upon in advance. Have easy, individualized access to a computer and/or tablet with e-mail and web browsing capability. Complete assignments in a timely manner. Communicate regularly with Fellowship faculty member. INSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENT The employer/graduate program advisor must commit to the following: Provide release time for Fellow to participate in agreed-upon activities. For educational credit, commit to approving the assignments as part of coursework upon successful completion of the Fellowship Employers may consider an additional stipend to offset Fellowship expenses. FELLOWSHIP AWARD The Fellowship awardees will each receive an award of $1,000 to help defray costs associated with the Fellowship. These might include parking, meals, and lodging. The award is administered through the Virginia Nurses Foundation. HOW TO APPLY A complete application includes: Typed and signed application form, including two (2), brief essay questions. Current resume. A signed Nomination Form from your employer and/or educational program director or his/her designee. NOTIFICATION Applicants will be notified of their selection by mid-June. Fellows must accept the invitation to participate in writing by October 15, 2014. Applications must be received via email to by 5 pm ET. Incomplete OR faxed applications will not be considered by the Selection Committee. *** Questions regarding the application and other materials may be emailed to CANCELLATION POLICY Fellows who withdraw from the Fellowship prior to the completion of the Fellowship will revert unexpended funds to the Virginia Nurses Foundation. Virginia Nurse Advocacy Fellowship Application 2014 Page 2 APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5 PM, September 30, 2014 Applications may be obtained by emailing Complete the application using Word, selecting responses that apply to you and typing your answers in the boxes below. After completing the application in Word, then (1) save the application as a Word file (use your first initial and last name as the file name) and email it to PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME HOME MAILING ADDRESS (street/city/state/zip) CITY/COUNTY OF RESIDENCE HOME PHONE HOME EMAIL CELL PHONE Please list professional affiliations, memberships, honors and certifications (spell out all acronyms). Are you enrolled in an academic program? Click to select your response. If YES, what program? Click to select your response. What school are you attending? What is your anticipated graduation date? Click to select your response. Please attach a current resume’ to your application. Virginia Nurse Advocacy Fellowship Application 2014 Page 3 WORK INFORMATION JOB TITLE CLINICAL AREA OF PRACTICE EMPLOYER WORK MAILING ADDRESS (street/PO Box/city/state/zip) WORK EMAIL ADDRESS WORK PHONE NUMBER NUMBER OF YEARS IN YOUR CURRENT ROLE PRACTICE SETTING Click to select your response. EDUCATION Please check each type of degree you have earned and provide the year you completed the degree. Type of Degree Year Completed Type of Degree Year Completed Diploma MSN ADN MS/MA in another field BSN Doctorate in Nursing (PhD/DNP) BS/BA in Doctorate in another field another field APPLICATION ATTESTATION AND SIGNATURE I am applying for admission to the Virginia Nurse Advocate Health Policy Fellowship, an immersion experience that includes activities in Richmond, VA, in addition to other assignments that may be accomplished remotely. If accepted, I will commit to designing and completing, with approval, the 300 hour experience over 4 months. I understand that my Certificate of Completion will be made available to my employer and/or directing faculty member upon request. _ Applicant Signature Date By checking this box, I am providing my electronic signature approving all of the information entered above (Please enter name and date on signature and date lines above). Virginia Nurse Advocacy Fellowship Application 2014 Page 4 Please limit your total response to the two essay questions below to one (1) typed page per question. The boxes will expand as you type in text. 1. Why do you want to participate in the Virginia Nurse Advocate Health Policy Fellowship? What do you hope to learn or improve during the Fellowship experience? What outcomes do you hope to achieve for yourself, your organization and your community by participating in the Fellowship experience? Please be as specific as possible. 2. Discuss a critical policy issue or problem facing nursing or health care in general. What are some of the internal and/or external factors that contribute to the issue or problem? How will honing your advocacy skills help you to make a difference in the issue that you select? Virginia Nurse Advocacy Fellowship Application 2014 Page 5