Animal Breeding - Evaluating Semen (Adapted from "Biotechnology in Agriculture", MAVCC, Stillwater, OK.) OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the activity, students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the use of a microscope in evaluating bull semen. 2. Explain how to score motility and morphology. MATERIALS AND/OR EQUIPMENT: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Microscope with 10X, 40X, and 100X (oil immersion) objectives Immersion oil for microscope Several microscope slides and cover slips Plate glass about 12" by 12" 2 bricks 1 trouble light with 75 watt bulb fresh or frozen (or both) bull semen sample 20 ml normal saline solution (physiologic saline) Semen stain (Hancock's Blom's Eosin-Nigrosin Stain) Water bath at 37º C (98º F) 2 eye droppers Several test tubes Glass thermometer for water bath TIME REQUIRED FOR ACTIVITY: Two to four days BACKGROUND MATERIAL: The purpose of this laboratory activity is to give student hands-on experience using a microscope to evaluate bull semen. They will score motility and morphology. These scores help producers decide if a bull is desirable for breeding. PROCEDURE: 1. Record opening entries in laboratory notebook. 2. Set up a water bath to maintain semen at 94º to 100ºF (34º to 37ºC). ●Method 1--Saucepan on a burner ● Method 2--Thermal container 3. Maintain a test tube of normal saline in the water bath. Maintain the semen sample in a test tube in the water bath. 4. Preheat microscope slides and cover slips by placing them on a clean glass plate supported on bricks with a 75 watt bulb underneath as a heat source. Leave slides on the glass plate for about 10 minutes before using them. Note: Mass motility evaluation works well with fresh semen but not frozen since the latter is diluted. 5. Evaluate mass motility by placing a drop of fresh semen on a warmed microscope slide and quickly observing it under the microscope on the 10X objective. Focus on the semen and score mass motility using this scale: Rapid swirling motion 20 Slow swirling motion General motion but not swirling 10 Very slow movement No movement 6. Score Score 12 Score Score 3 Score 0 Evaluate individual motility by placing a drop of fresh semen on a warmed slide and adding a drop of warmed saline solution. Mix the two together and cover with a warmed cover slip. Note: Use thawed samples of frozen semen direct without saline dilution. a. Focus and observe the sample at 40X. b. c. Pick out an individual sperm cell and observe it move across the visual field. A strong sperm will move in a straight line across the field in less than 5 seconds. Evaluate several cells and record an average score using this scale: Rapid straight line movement across the field (5 sec. or less)Score 20 Moderate straight line movement across the field (5 to 10 sec.)Score 12 Slow straight line movement of slightly erratic motionScore 10 Very slow erratic motion No motion 7. Score 3 Score 0 Determine the average motility score. Total the mass motility and the average motility scores and divide by 2. Note: If you did not mass motility, use the individual motility score as the average score. Mass motility score _____ ________ Individual motility score _____________ Total ____________ _ Divide by 2 - Average _____________ Record motility scores in your laboratory notebook. motility 8. Evaluate sperm morphology (structure). Place one drop of fresh semen on slide (does not need to be warmed); add one drop of saline and one drop of semen stain. Mix well and cover with a cover slip. Note: Use the same procedure for a thawed sample of semen but do not add saline. Slides can be stored for a few days after staining and covering. The rest of this laboratory sheet may be completed during another class period. 9. field number Place the slide on the microscope under oil immersion and 100X magnification. Search the slide and find areas where you see from 5 to 20 sperm cells in a visual field. Use the attached pictures at the end of the laboratory sheet to identify abnormal cells. Count the total number of cells in the field and then count the number of abnormal cells in each of the three groups. Record the information in your laboratory notebook using a chart similar to the one below: total cells primary abnormalities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 totals 100 Note:Stop counting when you reach 100 total cells. secondary and tertiary abnormalities 10. Evaluate morphology using the following scale: Primary abnormalities less than 10Score 40 10 to 19Score 24 20 to 29Score 10 more than 29Score 3 Secondary and tertiary abnormalities less than 25Score 40 26 to 39Score 24 40 to 59Score 10 more than 59Score 3 11. Determine average morphology score. Add the primary score to the secondary and tertiary score and divide by two. Primary abnormalities score ___________ Secondary and tertiary abnormalities score ___________ Total ___________ Divide by 2 = Average score ___________ Record this morphology score in your laboratory notebook. 12. 0 to 20 21 to 40 41 to 60 Evaluate the semen sample by adding the average motility score to the average morphology score. Rate your sample using the following scale: Unsatisfactory sample Questionable sample Satisfactory sample 13. Record all procedures, observations, and calculations in your laboratory notebook. 14. Write a laboratory report and turn it in for evaluation.