COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FOR FELLOWSHIP Please type or print legibly in black ink. Honors/Awards (Item 7, Page 1): List all honors/awards, including membership in honor societies such as AOA. Specify the basis for any special recognition (i.e., academic performance, special accomplishments, leadership, research, community service, etc.) Personal Statement (Item 11, Page 3) The Personal Statement provides you with the opportunity to communicate your professional interests and achievements with regard to research experience and training, special projects, and professional accomplishments. Bibliographic references should be provided for all published papers. Program Directors are also interested in your future plans as defined by your specialty goal and the number of years you intend to devote to graduate medical education. You may also wish to describe your personal interests, activities, and circumstances. As transcripts of your academic accomplishments are most likely to be required, and interruption in your medical education should be explained in the Personal Statement. Permanent Address and Telephone Number (Item 18, Page 4): Enter the name, address, and telephone number of an individual through whom you can always be contacted (i.e., parent, relative, close friend, etc.). Photograph: Most program directors request a photograph in order to associate a face with the “paper work”. If you do not submit one at this time, you should be prepared to provide one when you are interviewed. References (Item 23, Page 5): We require the Residency Program Director’s or the Department Chairman’s letter as a standard reference. We require a minimum of two additional evaluations. References should be from faculty members or physicians who are familiar with your credentials and are in a position to comment on your suitability for the position you seek. SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION FOR FELLOWSHIP The deadline for submitting application material is November 30th. Application submissions must include a personal statement, fellowship application, updated curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference including one from the program director or department chairman. These should be mailed to: Administrative Manager of Academics Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Attention: TBI/Neurological Rehabilitation Fellowship Application Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital 300 First Avenue Charlestown, MA 02129 Rev. 10/07/09 PAGE ONE APPLICATION FOR FELLOWSHIP HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL/SPAULDING REHABILITATION HOSPITAL TBI/Neurological Rehabilitation Fellowship Application NAME: (LAST) (FIRST) (MIDDLE) POSITION BEGINNING IN: (MONTH) 1. E-MAIL: (YEAR) 2. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: RESIDENCY EDUCATION 3. MEDICAL SCHOOL or INSTITUTION (NAME) (CITY) (STATE/COUNTRY) 4. PM&R RESIDENCY PROGRAM: 5. DATE OF COMPLETION: 6. PROGRAM DIRECTOR: 7. HONORS/AWARDS: MEDICAL EDUCATION 8. MEDICAL SCHOOL NAME: CITY: STATE/COUNTRY: GRADUATE EDUCATION 9. GRADUATE SCHOOL(S) A. NAME (CITY/STATE): FROM (MO/YR): TO (MO/YR): GRADUATE DEGREE (IF ANY): AREA OF STUDY: B. NAME (CITY/STATE): FROM (MO/YR): TO (MO/YR): GRADUATE DEGREE (IF ANY): AREA OF STUDY: Rev. 10/07/09 PAGE TWO APPLICATION FOR FELLOWSHIP UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION 10. UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE(S) A. NAME (CITY/STATE): FROM (MO/YR): TO (MO/YR): DEGREE (IF ANY): MAJOR: B. NAME (CITY/STATE): FROM (MO/YR): TO (MO/YR): DEGREE (IF ANY): MAJOR: Rev. 10/07/09 PAGE THREE APPLICATION FOR FELLOWSHIP 11. PERSONAL STATEMENT (SEE INSTRUCTIONS. USE ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 12. SERVICE OBLIGATIONS (NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS, ARMED FORCES SCHOLARSHIP, STATE PROGRAMS, ETC) I am not required to fulfill any service obligations I am committed to fulfill a service obligation beginning __________________________ (MONTH/YEAR) NUMBER OF YEARS COMMITTED Rev. 10/07/09 PAGE FOUR APPLICATION FOR FELLOWSHIP 13. ECFMG Registration (if applicable):_____________________________________ 14. PRESENT ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________ (STREET) ______________________________________________________________________ (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) 15. PRESENT PHONE NUMBERS: DAY:__________________________________________________________________ EVENING: 16. VISA STATUS (IF APPLICABLE) PERMANENT TEMPORARY – SPECIFY J-1 H-1 17. CITIZENSHIP U.S. OTHER ATTACH RECENT PHOTOGRAPH (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) 18. PERMANENT ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________ C/O (NAME OF PERSON THROUGH WHOM I CAN ALWAYS BE CONTACTED) ______________________________________________________________________ (STREET) ______________________________________________________________________ (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) Rev. 10/07/09 PAGE FIVE APPLICATION FOR FELLOWSHIP 19. I plan to take the examinations checked below before I begin the Graduate Medical Education program for which I am now applying: USMLE, STEP 1 USMLE, STEP 11 USMLE, STEP 111 20. I have already passed the examinations checked below on the dates indicated: NMBE, PART 1______ NMBE, PART 11______ NMBE, PART 1______ (DATE) (DATE) (DATE) USMLE, STEP 1______ USMLE, STEP 11____ USMLE, STEP 111______ (DATE) FLEX: ______ (DATE) (DATE) ______________________ (State[s] of Licensure) (DATE) 21. LIST ANY ADDITIONAL EXAMINATIONS PASSED (FMGEMS, DAY 1; FMGEMS, DAY 2; VQE, DAY 1; VQE, DAY 2; ECFMG MEDICAL SCIENCE EXAM); 22. I have read and I understand the instructions for the completion of this application. I certify that the information submitted on these application materials is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge: I understand that any false or missing information may disqualify me for this position. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT:_____________________________DATE:___________________ NOTE: THE SIGNATURE AND DATE ON EACH APPLICATION PAGE MUST BE ORIGINAL. 23. LETTERS OF REFERENCE, IN ADDITION TO RESIDENCY PROGRAM DIRECTOR’S LETTER, HAVE BEEN REQUESTED FROM THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS: A. NAME AND TITLE: INSTITUTION: ADDRESS: B. NAME AND TITLE: INSTITUTION: ADDRESS: C. NAME AND TITLE: INSTITUTION: ADDRESS: I HEREBY WAIVE ACCESS TO THE ABOVE LETTERS AND WILL SO INFORM THE AUTHORS. 24. (CHECK ONE) I DESIRE ACCESS TO THE ABOVE LETTERS AND WILL SO INFORM THE AUTHORS. _____________________________ ____________________ SIGNATURE DATE _______________________________ NAME OF APPLICANT -TYPE OR PRINT NOTE: THE SIGNATURE AND DATE ON THIS STATEMENT MUST BE ORIGINAL. Rev. 10/07/09