Bertrand R. JORDAN CNRS Emeritus Research Director (ret.) Marseille-Nice Genopole, Case 901 Luminy Science Park, 13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France Career outline : 1965: PhD in particle physics at CERN, Geneva;1967-1972: Studies on ribosomal RNA structure in E. coli and Drosophila; 1978-1979: Sabbatical at Imperial College, London; 1980 Marseille-Luminy INSERM/CNRS Immunology Centre (CIML), first isolation and complete sequence of an HLA gene. From 1986 onwards: Human molecular genetics; large scale mapping in Xq27 and Xq28 and microdissection of Fragile X. 1991: International Study on the state of the art in Human Genome Research, based on visits to key labs in major countries (USA, Japan, Great Britain...); this study has been published in book form in French, English, Japanese and Portuguese. 1992-1999: New research group at CIML, Marseille, interfacing genome research and immunological questions through large-scale expression measurement using DNA arrays. Development of DNA array and microarray technology (more than 30 publications in this field since 1995). 2000-2002: founder and coordinator of the Marseille-Génopole genomics consortium. From 2003: Advisor to Marseille-Nice Genopole. From 2009: Advisor to CoReBio PACA (coordination of core facilities). Present position, activities and interests: Academic: Emeritus Research Director (retired), Counsellor for CoReBio PACA (coordination of core facilities). Editorial Board of Médecine/Sciences and of Science et pseudo-sciences. Member of the scientific committee of the Chinese National Research Programme for Bipharmaceuticals (Taiwan) Industrial: Occasional consultant for Génopole-Industrie (Technology transfer for the Evry Genopole), BioAm, LCF Rotschild (risk capital investors), Immunotech, FUJI film (instrumentation division) and Phalanx (Taiwan). Member of the Scientific advisory board and permanent consultant for PamGene (Netherlands) and Dr. Chip (Taïwan); consultant and member of the Scientific advisory board of Ipsogen (Marseille). Scientific publications Approximately one hundred fifty primary scientific publications and two hundred reviews, chronicles, news items on the genome and Genomics. Books Ten published books (in French, with various translations) on Genetics and the Genetics/Society interface, plus one due for January 2012. Editor of two scientific books for Springer-Verlag (2001 and Q2 2012). Bertrand JORDAN Voyage autour du Génome : le tour du monde en 80 labos. John Libbey, Paris 1993. Updated versions published in English (1993, John Libbey), Japanese (1995, Blue Books) and Portuguese (1996, Soc. De Genetica). Bertrand JORDAN Voyage au pays des gènes. Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1995 Bertrand JORDAN Génétique et Génome, la fin de l'innocence. Flammarion, Paris 1996 Bertrand JORDAN Les Imposteurs de la Génétique, Editions du Seuil, Paris 2000. "Roberval" prize, 2000 German edition: Alles Genetisch?, Rotbuch Verlag, Hamburg 2001 Spanish edition: Los Impostores de la Genetica, Peninsula, Barcelona, 2001 Italian edition: Gli impostori della Genetica, Einaudi, Torino, 2002 Portuguese edition: Os Impostores da Genetica, Terramar, Lisboa 2003 Greek edition: Diavlos, Athens 2002 Bertrand JORDAN (Editor and author of two chapters): DNA microarrays: Gene expression applications. Springer-Verlag, Berlin & Heidelberg 2001 Bertrand JORDAN Le chant d'amour des concombres de mer, Editions du Seuil, Paris 2002. Brazilian edition: O espetaculo da evoluçao (Jorge Zahar, Rio de Janeiro, 2005). Chinese edition (China Renmin University Press, 2009) Bertrand JORDAN Les marchands de clones, Editions du Seuil, Paris 2003. Italian edition : I mercanti di cloni (Nottetempo, Roma 2005) Bertrand JORDAN Chroniques d'une séquence annoncée, EDK, Paris 2003 Bertrand JORDAN Le clonage, fantasmes et réalité. Essentiel Milan, Milan, Toulouse 2004 Bertrand JORDAN Thérapie génique, la grande illusion ? Editions Odile Jacob, Paris 2007. Jean Rostand prize, 2007. Bertrand JORDAN L’humanité au pluriel. La génétique et la question des races. Editions du Seuil, 2008. Awarded prizes from the Marseille academy (2008) and from “La Science se Livre” (2009). Korean edition, ALMA publishing c°, 2011. Bertrand JORDAN Autisme, le gène introuvable Editions du Seuil, due for January 2012 Bertrand JORDAN (Editor and author of four chapters). Microarrays in diagnostics and biomarker development. Springer-Verlag, due for May 2012