rules for registration of stock in the wpcv studbook


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In these regulations the following definitions shall apply:

- WPCV: the Welsh Pony en Cob Vereniging in The Netherlands,

- Board: the Board of the WPCV,

- WP&CS: WP&CS, Welsh Pony and Cob Society in Bronaeron, Felinfach, Lampeter, Wales, UK,

- Mother Society: WP&CS,

- Daughter Society: a Society that matches its rules for registration to those of the Mother Society;

- Correctly exported: export from United Kingdom. The export has been registered and stamped by the WPCS in the passport issued by the WPCS, in which the animal has been transferred to an owner outside the UK,

- Registration: Registration in one of the registers of the WPCV Studbook,

- Welsh Stud Book: the studbook of Mother Society,

- WPCV Stud Book: the studbook of the WPCV.


Ponies and cobs may be registered in the WPCV Stud Book or entered in the Appendix thereto, in the appropriate one of the following Sections:

Section A Welsh Mountain Ponies not exceeding 12 hands high (121.9 cms),

Section B Welsh Ponies not exceeding 13 hands 2 inches high (137.2 cms),

Section C Welsh Ponies of Cob Type, not exceeding 13 hands 2 inches high (137.2 cms),

Section D Welsh Cobs, no height limit,

Section E Geldings.

No animal can be registered or entered in more than one Section of the WPCV Stud Book, its

Appendix or the Welsh Part Bred Register.


For the purpose of these Regulations, the following definitions shall apply:

2.1 A registered pony or cob is a pony or cob registered in Section A, B, C or D of the Welsh Stud

Book. Such animals are by a registered sire and out of a registered or F.S.2 dam,

2.2 An F.S.2 female is a female entered in the Appendix to the Welsh Stud Book in Section A, B, C or

D. Such animals are by a registered sire and out of an F.S.1 dam and have been approved as true to type,

2.3 An F.S.1 female is a female entered in the Appendix to the Welsh Stud Book in Section A, B, C or

D. Such animals are by a registered sire and out of an F.S dam and have been approved as true to type,

2.4 An F.S female was a female entered in the Appendix to the Welsh Stud Book in Section A, B, C or

D before the Appendix was closed on 1st January, 1960,

2.5 A gelding is a castrated male pony or cob entered in Section E of the Welsh Stud Book. Such animals are by a registered sire and out of a registered, F.S, F.S.1 or F.S.2 dam,

2.6 The age of a pony or cob is calculated from 1st January of the year of birth,

2.7 A piebald has a body coat consisting of large irregular patches of black and white. The line of demarcation between the two colours is generally well defined,

2.8 A skewbald has a body coat consisting of large irregular patches of white and of any definite colour except black. The line of demarcation between the colours is generally well defined.


The progeny of a sire and a dam from different Sections will be eligible for registration or entry in the

Section indicated in the following table:

Parents Progeny

A x A

A x B



Regulations for registration of stock in the WPCV Studbook and entry in the appendix thereto

Document approved by the Council of the WP&CS on April 16 th 2012

Document approved by the Board of the WPCV in a Meeting of the Board and Registration Committee on March 10 th 2012

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A x C

A x D

B x B




B x C

B x D


C or D

C x C

C x D


C or D

D x D D


On the basis of height certified by a Veterinary Surgeon, the WPCV may sanction:

4.1 A transfer from Section A to Section B of stock which has grown over 12 hands,

4.2 A transfer from Section C to Section D of stock which has grown over 13 hands 2 inches,

4.3 A transfer from Section D to Section C of stock, seven years old or over, which does not exceed 13 hands 2 inches.


5.1 Each application for registration in the WPCV Stud Book or entry in the Appendix thereto shall be made on an form supplied by the WPCV, and shall, except in the case of geldings, be lodged with the WPCV on or before 31st December of the year of birth.

Each application shall be signed by both the owner and the breeder. Each application shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee. The breeder is the recorded owner or lessee of the dam at the time of foaling.


(Note: This was ended in January 2001, but is retained here for reference.)

6.1 In the case of colts, members have the choice, as an alternative to registration, to notify the birth on or before 31stDecember of the year of birth. Each notification shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee. Birth Notification is a preliminary to registration as a colt within 12 months following the year of birth. In the case of a colt whose birth has been notified as provided in the preceding clause, applications for registration must be made before such a colt attains the age of two years,

6.2 The birth of stock which may be entered as an FS2 female shall be notified to the WPCV, on or before 31 st December during the year of birth, on a form supplied by the WPCV.

After notification, each application for entry of an FS2 female shall be lodged with the WPCV within 12 months following the year of birth. Such application shall be signed by a

WP&CS Judge certifying that the female is true to type.

Note: F.S.1. and F.S.2. females are eligible for exhibition in Welsh classes and to compete for the

Overseas WP&CS Medals, except in cases where the class is restricted by the WPCV.


7.1 Applications submitted between 31 st December in the year of birth and 31 st January of the following year will be accepted at a prescribed above the normal registration fee.

Late application for the registration of a colt/filly may be considered provided the following procedure is followed. The age of an animal being determined as from 1st January, e.g.

Colt/Filly foal born 2004, not registered before 31st December, 2004, eligible thereafter as follows:

- 2005 (Yearling)


Application for registration must be submitted before 31st December, 2005.

(Parentage Testing at this stage is mandatory).

2006 (Two year old)

Application for registration must be submitted before 31st December, 2006. Late

Regulations for registration of stock in the WPCV Studbook and entry in the appendix thereto

Document approved by the Council of the WP&CS on April 16 th 2012

Document approved by the Board of the WPCV in a Meeting of the Board and Registration Committee on March 10 th 2012

Page 3 of 8 application at a higher rate of penalty fee (than yearling). (Parentage Testing at this stage is mandatory).


- 2007 (Three year old)

Application for registration must be submitted before 31st December, 2007. Late application at a higher rate of penalty fee (than yearling/2 year old). (Parentage

Testing at this stage is mandatory).

2008 (Four year old or over)

Application for registration must submitted before 31st December, 2008. Late application at a higher rate of penalty fee (than yearling, 2 or 3 year old). (Parentage

Testing at this stage is mandatory),

7.2 Late application for the registration or entry of a foundation stock filly provided notification of birth, (F.S.2) has been given at the correct time will be considered bearing in mind that penalty fees would not come into operation until the animal attains the age of 2 years (F.S.2 fillies accepted as yearlings after inspection).

[NOTE: Application forms submitted within the appropriate time have a “shelf life” of four years.

Failure to complete registration within that period of time will result in the appropriate penalty fees being introduced.]


8.1 An application for the entry of a gelding may be made at any age, following castration,

8.2 An application may also be accepted, in the case of a gelding, from non-members at the prescribed fee,

8.3 Each application shall be accompanied by a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate of castration,

8.4 A registered male which is castrated shall be entered as a gelding before the WPCV will record a transfer of ownership.


In naming stock, the applicant must use the breeder’s registered prefix. A breeder may apply to register a prefix for his/her exclusive use in naming stock upon payment of the prescribed fee. The

WPCV shall have the right to decline to accept an application to register a prefix when, in its opinion, the prefix is unsuitable or objectionable. A prefix must also be approved by the British Central Prefix

Register. If the breeder wants to apply for the registration of a prefix, the breeder must be a member of the WPCV.


The WPCV shall have the right to decline to accept an application for registration or entry when, in its opinion:

10.1 The application form has not been completed in sufficient detail,

10.2 The name of the animal is unsuitable or objectionable,

10.3 The animal is piebald or skewbald in colour.


11.1 Each application for registration or entry shall be accompanied by a service certificate on a form approved by the WPCV and signed by the owner or lessee of the sire. The certificate shall specify the sire and the dam, the date(s) of service, and, if appropriate, the dates when the sire and the dam ran together. In case of stallion and mare being of the same owner, also a service certificate has to be used

Clarification: under Dutch law it’s mandatory that every application for registration is accompanied by a service certificate.

11.2 A stallion service certificate supplied by the WPCV or Mother Society will be accepted. Details of such certificates having been recorded in the Office.

Regulations for registration of stock in the WPCV Studbook and entry in the appendix thereto

Document approved by the Council of the WP&CS on April 16 th 2012

Document approved by the Board of the WPCV in a Meeting of the Board and Registration Committee on March 10 th 2012

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An application for registration or entry will only be considered when the sire holds a Licence issued by the WPCV, or the Mother Society .


An application for registration or entry of stock got by artificial insemination will be accepted subject to the following conditions:

13.1 Owners and breeders must be members of the WPCV at the time of registration,

13.2 Stallions must be Registered, Licensed and DNA Typed,

13.3 Stallion owners must maintain a special Report of Service by A.I. which will be returned to the

WPCV at the end of the covering season. In addition, a Stallion Covering Certificate will be required in an amended version for A.I. coverings,

13.4 Collection of semen shall be carried out under the supervision of a Veterinary Surgeon or an approved person,

13.5 Insemination shall be carried out by a Veterinary Surgeon or an approved person who will countersign the A.I. Service Certificate, (see 13.3 above),

13.6 The application for Registration shall be lodged with the WPCV on or before 31 st December of the year of birth. The mare and foal must be DNA typed and identified by a Veterinary Surgeon on the WPCV’s special (A.I.) Application form. The Foal will only be accepted for Registration if no exclusion occurs when comparison is effected with the Sire and Dam.

NOTES: In the case of Welsh Part-Bred foals, regulation 13.1 does not apply and regulation 13.2 only applies if the Stallion is contributing registered Welsh Blood to the progeny.

The Foal DNA form will have the names and reference numbers of the Sire and Dam added before despatch from the WPCV with instructions for the laboratory to proceed with parentage tests.

The WPCV will submit records to the WP&CS of Stallions with permits, the semen collected, mare coverings and successful foaling each year.


The covering preceding embryo transfer should be dealt with by the procedures required for their natural mating or Artificial Insemination, as appropriate. Both stages of the embryo transfer - the extraction from the Donor Mare and the introduction to the Host Mare must be carried out by a

Veterinary Surgeon, and with appropriately designed Certification. Appropriate records should be kept in the same way for Embryo Transfer foaling as for A.I.


The WPCV shall select, at random, from the applications for registration/entry, animals for blood typing or DNA testing to validate parentage. If parentage fails to be established, the application will be rejected ( Note: Under Dutch law DNA-testing is mandatory and blood typing is no longer an option).


Notification of transfer of ownership of ponies or cobs registered/entered, must be completed before registration/entry of their progeny can be accepted. It is the responsibility of the purchaser of the pony or cob to notify the WPCV of the purchase and surrender the Registration Certificate/Passport for endorsement and pay the relevant transfer fee. It is the responsibility of the seller/vendor to ensure that the Passport/Registration Certificate has been correctly signed by the seller/vendor and dated to show the correct date of purchase.


A Member of the WPCV or his/her agent who intends to export a pony or cob from the Netherlands shall apply to the WPCV for an Export Certificate at least 21 days prior to the date of transport. The application should be made on a form supplied by the WPCV and shall be accompanied by the animal’s Registration Certificate/Passport and by the prescribed fee. Provided that the application is satisfactory, the WPCV will issue an Export Certificate which must accompany the pony or cob on its journey.

[NOTE: In the case of a mare being covered prior to exportation, the appropriate Service Certificate must accompany the Export application.]

Regulations for registration of stock in the WPCV Studbook and entry in the appendix thereto

Document approved by the Council of the WP&CS on April 16 th 2012

Document approved by the Board of the WPCV in a Meeting of the Board and Registration Committee on March 10 th 2012

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In the event that a pony or cob has been exported without an Export Certificate, the WPCV may at its absolute discretion proceed with an application subject to:

17.1 Undertaking a detailed inspection to identify the pony or cob with the original form of Application for registration or entry,

17.2 Such inspection to be carried out by either a Judge appointed for the purpose by the WPCV, or at the discretion of the WPCV, a Veterinary Surgeon,

17.3 Payment of the expenses of inspection and, at the discretion of the WPCV, a prescribed fee.


Where an animal is being imported or re-imported into the Netherlands, that animal shall be reentered, at the appropriate fee, on a form approved by the WPCV, to show importation/reimportation.


When a pony or cob is leased or loaned, both the owner and lessee must lodge the necessary information on a form prescribed by the WPCV before registration or entry of progeny can be considered.


A Member who complains as to the correctness of a pedigree of any pony or cob registered or entered with the WPCV shall deposit with the WPCV a prescribed fee and submit a signed statement substantiating their complaint. If, following an investigation, the complaint is deemed by the WPCV to be well founded, the sum will be repaid. If following investigation the complaint is deemed by the

WPCV to be ill-founded, the sum will be forfeited. As soon as possible after receiving the complaint, the complainer will be informed about the decision of the Board.


In the event of any error or omission by the WPCV of any officer, servant or agent of the WPCV resulting in registration/entry contrary to any of the foregoing regulations, the WPCV shall investigate and thereafter:

21.1 Confirm registration/entry notwithstanding the fact that it was made contrary to one or more of the above regulations, or

21.2 Extend any time stipulated by the said regulations and allow a fresh application for registration or entry to be made, or

21.3 Refuse to confirm the registration or entry and order it to be deleted from the WPCV Stud Book.



For the purpose of these Regulations, a Welsh Part-Bred is a horse or pony with a pedigree of not less than 12.5% per cent of registered Welsh blood, calculated from either sire or dam, or cumulative from both. Any colour is acceptable, including piebald and skewbald.


Each application for entry in the Welsh Part-Bred Register shall be made on a form supplied by the

WPCV. On completion, the form shall be signed by both the owner and the breeder, neither of whom need be Members of the WPCV.


Regulation 12 will apply to the offspring of stallions registered or entered in the WPCV’s Stud Book or



An application for entry may be made at any age.

Regulations for registration of stock in the WPCV Studbook and entry in the appendix thereto

Document approved by the Council of the WP&CS on April 16 th 2012

Document approved by the Board of the WPCV in a Meeting of the Board and Registration Committee on March 10 th 2012

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Regulations 8.3, 10.1, 10.2,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 above shall apply to the entry of stock in the Welsh Part-Bred Register. Regulation 13 above shall also apply, except that 13.1 and 13.6 shall not apply; 13.2 shall only apply if the stallion is contributing Welsh blood to the progeny.



Applications to register or enter ponies and cobs bred outside the Netherlands (except UK) eligible for registration/entry in the WPCV Stud Book may be accepted under the above Regulations. Animals eligible for registration or entry must also conform to the following additional regulations:

27.1 Animals must be by a registered stallion in respect of which, if exported, the WPCV or Mother

Society issued an Export Certificate and out of a registered mare or one entered as F.S.2. in respect of which the WPCV or Mother Society issued an Export Certificate, or

27.2 Animals descended from those registered under 27.1 above, and providing the application for registration complies with Regulations 5 and 6,

27.3 To distinguish these animals from the animals born in The Netherlands, the initials of the country of birth will be included.

[NOTE: If the progeny of exported stock has not been registered in the WPCV or Welsh Stud Book, then the second and subsequent generations will not be accepted.



For the purpose of these Regulations, the following definitions shall apply:

28.1 An Internationally Registered pony or cob is a pony or cob entered in the International Register.

Such animals are bred from either:

- parents both of which are either registered in the International Register or confirmed as being Internationally Acceptable, or

- one parent either registered in the International Register or confirmed as being

Internationally Acceptable and the other parent registered/entered in the WPCV Stud

Book or Welsh Stud Book or the Overseas Register of the WP&CS,

28.2 The age of an animal is calculated from 1st January of the year of birth.


Each application for the registration of a colt or filly in the International Register shall be made on a form supplied by the WPCV. On completion the form shall be signed by both the owner and the breeder. The breeder is the recorded owner or lessee of the dam at the time of foaling. Each application shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.


An application for entry will only be considered when the sire holds:

30.1 A Licence issued by the WPCV or by the Mother Society,

30.2 In the case of the sire being confirmed as Internationally Acceptable or registered in the

International Register, a Licence issued on a basis comparable to the WPCV’s or WP&CS’s

Licensing Scheme and approved by the WPCV or WP&CS as such (DNA profile required).


31.1 Each application for registration shall be lodged with the WPCV on or before 31st December of the year of birth.

31.2 An application for the entry of a gelding may be made at any age following castration.


The following regulations shall also apply to the entry of stock in the International register: 3, 4, 7, 8

9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26.

Regulations for registration of stock in the WPCV Studbook and entry in the appendix thereto

Document approved by the Council of the WP&CS on April 16 th 2012

Document approved by the Board of the WPCV in a Meeting of the Board and Registration Committee on March 10 th 2012

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For the purpose of these Regulations the following definitions shall apply:

33.1 An Internationally Acceptable pony or cob is a pony or cob which has been verified as descending from stock correctly exported from the United Kingdom of The Netherlands with the appropriate Export Certificates issued by the WP&CS or WPCV.

33.2 The age of a pony or cob is calculated from 1st January of the year of birth.


Each application for entry as Internationally Acceptable shall be accompanied by:

Evidence in the form of an extended pedigree(s) that the pony or cob has descent on every line of its pedigree, irrespective of the number of generations, from ponies or cobs registered in the WPCV Stud

Book or Welsh Stud Book or entered in its Appendix and which have been certified by the WPCV or

WP&CS as being exported.

34.1 Applicants need not be members of the WPCV. Individual owners living outside The Netherlands can apply direct to the WPCV, irrespective of whether or not there is a Society in their own country.

34.2 Where the WPCV deems it necessary, a pony or cob, recognised as being Internationally

Acceptable may be issued with appropriate documentation.


The WPCV shall have the right to decline to accept an application for entry when, in its opinion, the evidence accompanying the application is unsatisfactory.



For the purpose of these Regulations the following definition shall apply:

36.1 Animals are entered in the Section X Register of the WPCV Stud Book in accordance with

EU96/78. The Register is open to animals of proven parentage, but who otherwise do not comply with the WPCV’s or WP&CS’s current Regulations.


Application for entry in Section X shall be made on a form supplied by the WPCV and, except in the case of Geldings and animals eligible for entry in the Welsh Part Bred Register, shall be lodged with the WPCV on or before 31st December of the year of birth. Foals of acceptable colour, produced from a mare who is herself registered in Section X for colour reasons alone, and by licensed and registered sire, are accepted for registration in the main register.


Regulation 12 will apply if appropriate.


Animals entered in Section X are not eligible to be shown in classification for the Welsh Breeds.


Animals registered in Section X shall be eligible to be entered and sold at Official WPCV Sales.


The following regulations shall also apply to the entry of stock in Section X as appropriate to Pure

Bred and Welsh Part Bred animals can be entered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19,

20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 34 and 35.

Regulations for registration of stock in the WPCV Studbook and entry in the appendix thereto

Document approved by the Council of the WP&CS on April 16 th 2012

Document approved by the Board of the WPCV in a Meeting of the Board and Registration Committee on March 10 th 2012

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41.1 The WPCV remains the owner of the passport.

41.2 If an animal dies, the passport must be returned within 30 days to the WPCV to be stamped or retracted. It is the responsibility of the owner/keeper, the Veterinarian Surgeon or the slaughterhouse to return the passport to the WPCV,

41.3 On request, a copy of the pedigree of the WPCV registered animal can be provided. To prove entry in the WPCV Stud Book the owner of the animal can be entrusted, besides the passport, with a stamped document designed by the WPCV that remains in ownership of the WPCV.

This stamped document is only valid in combination with the passport.


The registration committee is appointed by the Board. The members are proposed by the Board and approved by the General Meeting. The Board consults the committee in all cases concerning the registration. The committee advises the Board, whether called upon or not called upon. The committee consists at least of 3 members; one of them is their chairman. Every year 1 member steps down; this member can always be re-elected.


By lodging a written complaint, the owner of an animal can object against any decision made by the

Board concerning a registration. As soon as possible the complainer will be informed about the decision of the Board.


The Board is entitled to investigate the correctness of the registration of an animal. If an error is found, the Board will contact the Mother Society about the appropriate actions to take. The Board is entitled to delete an incorrect registration in the registers of the WPCV studbook.

The WPCV informs the Mother Society about the decisions and actions that have been taken.



In a passport the following data shall be recorded:

1.1. name, studbook number, section, and microchip number

1.2 year of birth, if possible date of birth, country of birth

1.3 gender, present colour, colour at birth (if its different from present colour), markings and other special marks,

1.4 the height, only if its is documented,

1.5 pedigree in max. 4 generations with studbook numbers, with record of correct export of ancestors,

1.5 date and year of registration,

1.6 name and address of breeder and owner as mentioned on I&R form,

1.7 any other data stated as obligatory by the government.

1.8 The WPCV remains the owner of the passport.

Regulations for registration of stock in the WPCV Studbook and entry in the appendix thereto

Document approved by the Council of the WP&CS on April 16 th 2012

Document approved by the Board of the WPCV in a Meeting of the Board and Registration Committee on March 10 th 2012
