Annual Assessment Report Appendix A

Assessment Rubric for Sociology 495 Social Problems Paper
Paper # /Name______________________
Needs Improvement
Deeply Flawed
Excels in utilizing scholarly
sources. (2-3 sociological
journal articles are required.)
Does an adequate job of
utilizing scholarly sources, but
one of them is either not
sociological or not an academic
journal article.
Incorporates some
scholarly sources, but not
as many as are required
by the assignment or
incorporates 2-3
scholarly sources, but
they are not sociological,
or they are not academic
journal articles.
Is deeply flawed and does
not adequately utilize the
appropriate number of
scholarly sources, nor are
any of the sources used
sociological journal
Excels in demonstrating how
sociologists have
conceptualized and addressed
the social problem under
investigation. The writer
shows analytic command of the
literature by analyzing major
themes and debates related to
their topic.
Does an adequate job of
demonstrating how sociologists
have conceptualized and
addressed the social problem
under investigation.. The writer
has begun to show analytic
command of the literature, but
has not been completely
Demonstrates a
superficial understanding
the ways sociologists
have conceptualized and
addressed the problem
under investigation.
Analytic command of the
literature is weak.
Does not demonstrate
any sort of understanding
of how the sociologists
have conceptualized and
addressed the social
problem under
investigation. Analytic
command of the literature
is non-existent.
Outstanding summary and
synthesis of literature that
logically orders points and
Does an adequate job of
summarizing and synthesizing
the literature. There may be
Needs improvement in
terms of summarizing
and synthesizing the
Is severely insufficient in
terms of summarization
and synthesis of the
This paper
transitions effectively between
topics. Addresses the
connection between the
literature and the social
problem under investigation
Almost entirely free of
mechanical errors (i.e.,
spelling, punctuation, syntax,
and grammatical errors).
Citation style is appropriate
(i.e., APA) and consistent
within the assignment.
places where the points made
appear to be out of order, or
there is no effective transition
between topics, but without
significantly impact on the
paper. Addresses the
connection between the
literature and the social problem
under investigation well in
most, but not all, respects.
May contain a few errors, which
may distract the reader, but do
not impede understanding.
Citation style is appropriate, but
may not be consistent
throughout the paper.
literature. The
presentation and ordering
of points often is illogical
and/or the transitions are
lacking. Does not
completely or adequately
address the connection
between the literature and
the social problem under
May be replete with
mechanical errors, which
may temporarily confuse
the reader but do not
impede overall
understanding. Citation
style is either incorrect or
markedly inconsistent.
literature. Presentation of
ideas is completely
illogical and the paper
lacks meaningful
transitions. Does not
address the connection
between the literature and
the social problem under
investigation at all.
Is seriously flawed and
contains many
mechanical errors or a
few major errors that
make it highly difficult
for the reader to follow
the presentation of ideas.
The paper may be
lacking citations.
For Reference Purposes: Social Problems Paper Assignment Elements
 A short introduction to your organization and description of its goals. Please include a brief discussion of who the
organization targets (who are the “clients”)
A definition of the social problem that your organization addresses, including a review of the history of how your organization
came to address this particular problem.
A discussion of how staff at the organization view the cause of the social problem. What is their perspective on the root of the
issue? Why do they believe the population served is in need of such a service?
A short review of the literature that addresses your social problem. You will need to find two or three scholarly,
SOCIOLOGICAL journal articles
A conclusion that includes a discussion of how a sociological understanding of how we define social problems helps you to
understand your organization
Assessment Summary for Paper # _________.
Location of Scholarly Research is ________________________.
Understanding of Scholarly Research is ____________________.
Summary and Synthesis of Scholarly Research is ______________________________.
Mechanics are ____________________________________.