Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ PATIENT REGISTRATION FORM Patient Name: ______________________________ Social Security Number: ________-________-__________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Sex: M / F (Circle one) Married/Single/Divorced/Widow Address:______________________________City_________________State & Zip code__________________ Home Phone: (______) _____________-___________ E-mail Address: ________________________________ Cell Phone: (______) _____________-___________ Employer Name: ______________________________Employer Phone Number: (_____) __________________ Employer Address: __________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about our Practice? ____________________________________________________________ Who to call for an emergency: Name: ________________________________ Address:____________________________________________ Home Phone: (__) _______ - ________ Work Phone: (___) _______-_______ Relationship: ________________ PRIMARY INSURANCE INFORMATION Plan Name: _____________________________________ I.D. Number: ___________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Group Number: _________________________ Policy Holder: ___________________________________ Effective Date: __________________________ Policy Holder’s Social Security Number: _________ - ________ - ________ Policy Holder’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Sex: M / F SECONDARY INSURANCE INFORMATION Plan Name: _____________________________________ I.D. Number: ___________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Group Number: _________________________ Policy Holder: ___________________________________ Effective Date: __________________________ Policy Holder’s Social Security Number: _________ - ________ - ________ Policy Holder’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Sex: M / F IS YOUR VISIT DUE TO A JOB RELATED INJURY OR AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT? Y _____ N_____ IF YES, PLEASE NOTIFY THE RECEPTIONIST I authorize the release of any medical information necessary to process this bill to my insurance company, and request payment of benefits to Northeast Health. I acknowledge that I am financially responsible for payment whether or not covered by insurance. Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Top of Left 1 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Primary Care Physician Primary Care Physician:______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ Date of last physical:________________________ Abnormal Findings: ( ) Yes ( ) No If Yes then describe below: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Pharmacy Information (please list all pharmacies that you get prescriptions from) Pharmacy Name: ____________________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Pharmacy Name: ____________________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Pharmacy Name: ____________________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Pharmacy Name: ____________________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ H&P 2 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Chief Complaint Please describe you main problem / complaint : ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How long have you had this problem: ___________________________________________________ Did you problem start suddenly or gradually with time: _____________________________________ Are there any events, such as injuries, falls, illnesses, etc that coincide with the date your problem started: ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes then please give describe below: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ H&P 3 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Past Medical History Have you previous had surgery: ..) ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes then please list below Physician Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of surgery: _______________________________ Type of surgery : __________________________ Physician Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of surgery: _______________________________ Type of surgery : __________________________ Physician Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of surgery: _______________________________ Type of surgery : ___________________________ Please list below all medical problems you may have not just the problem(s) you are here for. Problem: ______________________________ Date Started: _______________________ Problem: ______________________________ Date Started: _______________________ Problem: ______________________________ Date Started: _______________________ Problem: ______________________________ Date Started: _______________________ Problem: ______________________________ Date Started: _______________________ H&P . 4 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Allergies Do you have any adverse reactions to any medications? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes then please list below Medication: ____________________________ Reaction:________________________________ Medication: ____________________________ Reaction:________________________________ Medication: ____________________________ Reaction:________________________________ Medication: ____________________________ Reaction:________________________________ X-ray contrast: ( ) Yes ( ) No Reaction: ________________________________ Iodine / Betadine: ( ) Yes ( ) No Reaction: ________________________________ Shell fish: ( ) Yes ( ) No Reaction: ________________________________ Are you allergic to anything else (i.e. food, animals etc..) ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes then please list below Allergic to: ____________________________ Reaction:________________________________ Allergic to: ____________________________ Reaction:________________________________ Allergic to: ____________________________ Reaction:________________________________ Allergic to: ____________________________ Reaction:________________________________ Family History Please describe the current health, cause of death or illness of the following family members, please include alcoholism and drug dependency, drug abuse or drug addiction. Father:______________________________________________________________________ Mother: _____________________________________________________________________ Brother: _____________________________________________________________________ Sister: ______________________________________________________________________ H&P 5 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Social History Are you currently on (please check one): ( ) Full Duty ( ) Light Duty ( ) unemployed ( ) Retirement ( ) Disability Occupation: ____________________________________________ Employer: ______________________ If you are currently on disability please list reason: __________________________________________________________________ Is your disability (please check one): ( ) Permanent ( ) Temporary Tobacco use: ( )Current ( )Never ( )Quit Packs per day ____ Age Started ____ Age Stopped: _______ Alcohol use: ( )Current ( )Never ( )Quit Amount per day _____ Age Started: ___ Age Stopped: ______ What type: _________________ Drug use: ( )Current ( )Never ( )Quit Age Started _______ Age Stopped: _________ ( ) Marijuana ( ) Cocaine ( ) Heroin ( ) Methamphetamine ( ) Other: ___________________ Have you ever been treated for substance dependence, abuse or addiction: ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes please list below what type of treatment and where: (if additional room is needed use the back of this form) Facility Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Dates of Treatment : _______________________________ Type of Treatment_______________________ Facility Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Dates of Treatment : _______________________________ Type of Treatment_______________________ H&P 6 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Review of Systems General Symptoms: Fatigue Weight Loss Fever, Chills Loss of appetite Other: _______________________________ Neurological / HEENT: Bowel / bladder dysfunction Headaches Blurry or double vision Dizziness Passing out (Syncope) Hearing loss Weakness Difficulty speaking or walking Problems swallowing Strokes Seizures Other: _______________________ Psychiatric Illness: Depression Insomnia Anxiety Psychiatric Illness Other: _____________________________ Genitourinary: Incontinence Prostate Disorder Blood in Urine Difficulty or Painful Urination Kidney Disease or Disorder Other: _____________________ Musculoskeletal Swelling in feet / legs Pain / Swelling in Joints Back Pain Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis Other: __________________________ Skin / Integumentary: Rash Ulcers Skin disorders: Other:___________________________ Endocrine: Thyroid Disease / Problems Diabetes Yes No H&P 7 Cardiac Heart Failure/ Cardiovascular Disease Chest Pain Palpitations Pace Maker Heart Attack High Blood Pressure (hypertension) Pace Maker Other: _________________________ Respiratory: Shortness of Breath Frequent cough Wheezing Lung Disease Tuberculosis Coughing Blook Pneumonia Emphysema Asthma Other: ____________________ Gastrointestinal: Incontinence Nausea or vomiting Mouth Sores Abdominal Pain Constipation Diarrhea Ulcers Bloody Bowel Movements Liver Disease / Problems Gall Bladder Disease Other: __________________________ Hematologic / Lymphatic: Bruising Bleeding Problems Low Blood Count Swollen Glands Lymph Nodes (lumps or bumps) Blood clots Other: _________________ Gynecological: Pregnant Vaginal Bleeding Other_______________________ Endocrine: High / Low Chloesterol Other: ________________________ Yes No Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Injury Information Is your problem: ( ) Work Related ( ) Auto or other Accident ( ) Neither If yes then please give date of injury: ______________________________________________ Please describe your injury:______________________________________________________ Do you have legal representation: ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes then please give information below: Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Are you covered under Worker’s Compensation: ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes then please give information below: Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Claim Number: ________________________ Date of Injury:____________________________ Description of Pain Character of pain (check all that apply): ( ) Sharp ( ) Dull / Ache ( ) Numb ( ) Burn ( ) Stabbing ( ) Throbbing ( ) Pins / Needles ( ) Other Indicate the usual degree of your pain (Please circle one) 0 being no pain and 10 being unbearable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Indicate the level of your pain at its worst: (Please circle one) 0 being no pain and 10 being unbearable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Indicate the level of your pain at its best: ( Please circle one) 0 being no pain and 10 being unbearable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H&P 8 10 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Current Address: ________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________ Home Phone:________________________ Pain Assessment Form Please mark the area(s) of injury or discomfort as shown in the example below. Mark all areas with the appropriate symbols and indicate the degree of pain using a scale from 0 (discomfort) to 10 (extreme pain). Numbness - NNNN Pins & Needles PPPP Burning BBBB Aching AAAA Stabbing SSSS Circle any area of pain not represented by a symbol provided. Complaint: ___________________________________________________________________________ Example What is your pain level today? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In the past month what was your average pain level? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How are you sleeping? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sleeping well Not at all What is your outlook on life in general? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Great Not good at all Current Medications: (please list all medications even ones not prescribed by us) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ List any significant changes in your condition since your last visit. Include any changes to your general health. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ By signing this form, I the above named patient, am stating that I have not in any way breached my Doctor / Patient / Facility agreement by receiving any other controlled substances from other physicians / medical facilities since my last visit. I understand that doing so may result in immediate discharge from this facility, and is a felony punishable by law. Therefore the above information is complete and accurate to the best of my ability. Patient signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ H&P 9 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Description of Pain Please list in detail where you feel any of the following symptoms, numbness, aching, pain, pins and needles sensation: _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Does your pain radiate from beyond where it starts: ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes then please describe below ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ What activities / positions make the pain worse: (please check all that apply) ( ) Sitting ( ) Standing ( ) Walking ( ) Bending ( ) Lying Down ( ) Other _________________ What activities / positions make the pain better: ( ) Sitting ( ) Standing ( ) Walking ( ) Bending ( ) Lying Down ( ) Other _________________ Do you need support to help you walk: ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, then what kind of help (example cane, walker) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you wear a back brace: ( ) Yes ( ) No Neck brace: ( ) Yes ( ) No Other brace: ( ) Yes ( ) No If other brace is worn please list here: ___________________________________________________________ H&P 10 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Current Medications Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Previous Medications Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ Medication:_____________________ Strength (mg): _______________ How taken: _________________ H&P 11 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Diagnostic Studies Please list below anywhere you have had X-rays, CT Scan, MRI, Nerve Conduction Study ( Please use back of form if needed) Facility Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of study : _______________________________ Type of Study _______________________ Facility Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of study : _______________________________ Type of Study _______________________ Facility Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of study : _______________________________ Type of Study _______________________ Facility Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of study : _______________________________ Type of Study _______________________ Facility Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of study : _______________________________ Type of Study _______________________ H&P Previous Treatments 12 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Please list below any doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, hospitals , emergency departments, or urgent care centers etc you have been seen by or treated by for your current problem. ( use the back of this form if necessary) Physician Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of last visit: _______________________________ Treatments received: _______________________ Physician Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of last visit: _______________________________ Treatments received: _______________________ Physician Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of last visit: _______________________________ Treatments received: _______________________ Physician Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of last visit: _______________________________ Treatments received: _______________________ Physician Name: _______________________________ Phone:________________ Fax: _____________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of last visit: _______________________________ Treatments received: _______________________ The preceding patient information has been reviewed and discussed with my patient and is accurate to the best belief of the patient. Patient Signature: ____________________________________ Date:__________________________________ Physician Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________________________________ H&P 13 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ The following are some questions given to all patients at Hapeville Medical Clinic who are being considered for opioids for their pain. Please answer each question as honestly as possible. This information is for our records and will remain confidential. Your answers alone will not determine your treatment. Thank you. Please answer the questions using the following scale: 0 = Never, 1 = Seldom, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Very Often 1. How often do you have mood swings? 0 1 2 3 4 2. How often do you smoke a cigarette within an hour after you wake up? 0 1 2 3 4 3. How often have any of your family members including parents and grandparents 4. had a problem with alcohol or drugs? 0 1 2 3 4 How often have any of your close friends had a problem with alcohol or drugs? 0 1 2 3 4 5. How often have other suggested that you have a drug or alcohol problem? 0 1 2 3 4 6. How often have you attended an AA or NA meeting: 0 1 2 3 4 7. How often have you taken medication other than the way it was prescribed? 0 1 2 3 4 8. How often have you been treated for an alcohol or drug problem? 0 1 2 3 4 9. How often have you medications been lost or stolen? 0 1 2 3 4 10. How often have others expressed concern over your use of medications? 0 1 2 3 4 11. How often have you felt a craving for your medications? 0 1 2 3 4 12. How often have you been asked to give a urine drug screen for substance abuse? 0 1 2 3 4 13. How often have you used illegal drugs in the past five years? 0 1 2 3 4 14. How often, in your lifetime, have you had legal problems or been arrested? 0 1 2 3 H&P 14 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ PRIVACY PRACTICES ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the “Notice of Privacy Practices”, and I have been provided an opportunity to review it. Name: _______________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________________________ Correspondence 15 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ CONSENT FOR USE OF PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMAITON With my consent Hapeville Medical Center may call the following contacts at the phone numbers listed below, to verify appointments for myself, ____________________________: (Patient’s Name) ____________________________ _____________________ (Contact) (Phone Number) ____________________________ _____________________ (Contact) (Phone Number) ____________________________ _____________________ (Contact) (Phone Number) The following are people with whom Hapeville Medical Center, LLC may share my medical information, including medications being prescribed, treatment plans and/or appointment dates: ____________________________ _____________________ (Contact) (Phone Number) ____________________________ _____________________ (Contact) (Phone Number) ____________________________ _____________________ (Contact) (Phone Number) ____________________________ ____________________ (Patient’s Signature) (Date) ____________________________ ____________________ (Witness) (Date) Correspondence 16 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ CANCELLATION AND NO SHOW POLICY Our goal is to meet the needs of all of our patients, we will make every effort to schedule your appointment as efficiently as possible. In return, it is your responsibility to make every effort to keep you appointment and to arrive promptly at the time instructed. However, we realize that unanticipated events can occur and may prevent you from keeping your appointment. In fairness and consideration to the other patients that need to be seen as soon as possible, we hereby request that you notifiy our office immediately when you realize you will not be keeping your appointment. If you need to cancel or reschedule you appointment, you must do so at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment to avoid paying a fee of $25.00. This fee is not covered by your medical insurance or worker’s compensation benefits. The cancellation / rescheduled fee must be paid on or before your next schedule appointment. Thank you for your attention in this matter. By signing below I acknowledge that I have read and understand the cancellation and no show policy and agree to abide by these guidelines. _______________________________________ ___________________________________ Patient Signature Date Correspondence 17 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ FINANCIAL POLICY Insurance coverage is a contract between you, the patient, and your insurance company; therefore, any questions about policy coverage or claims payment should be directed to your carrier. Your insurance carrier will determine the insurance reimbursement. You will receive a statement each month if your account has a balance due. While the filing of the insurance is a courtesy that we do extend to our patients, all charges are the patient’s responsibility from the day the services are rendered. We realize that temporary financial problems may, at times, affect timely payment of your account. Upon request, special considerations may be extended. To avoid any misunderstanding, we ask that you make these arrangements with the financial counselor prior to services being rendered. ______________________________________________________________________________ I understand from time to time I may incur services that my insurance company considers to be not medically necessary and/or non-covered. I agree and warrant that in such an event, I will pay for those charges incurred in connection with this determination. I have read, understand and agree to the financial policy as stated above. ____________________________________ __________________ Patient’s Signature Date ____________________________________ __________________ Witness Date Correspondence 18 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ HIPAA AUTHORIZAITON FOR DISCLOSURE OF MEDICAL RECORDS Date of Birth: _______________ Social Security Number: _____________________ I, ___________________________________, hereby authorize _____________________________ to ( ) Release To ( ) Obtain From Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________ Fax:_________________________________ any medical information from my health record for the purpose of continuity of care. Information to be disclosed includes: Office notes, test results, medication history, MRI, CT, X-RAY, surgery reports and lab results, for the purpose of treatment. Purpose of disclosure: _________________________________________________________________________________ I understand that this consent is revocable by me, in writing, at any time except to the extent that action has been taken in reliance on it. I also understand that this consent will expire either ninety (90) days after the date of the signature or automatically when the records requested on this form have been mailed/faxed to the requestor. PROHIBITION ON REDISCLOSURE: This information has been disclosed to you from records whose confidentiality is protected by law. Any further disclosure is strictly prohibited. AUTHORIZATION INCLUDES AUTHORITY TO RELEASE MENTAL HEALTH / REHABILITATION / ALCOHOL OR DRUG RECORDS / HIV TEST RESULTS AND/OR AIDS DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. (IF UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST SIGN.) INITIAL EACH BOX THAT APPLIES IF SUCH INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELEASED. �My diagnosis and/or treatment for alcoholism and/or drug abuse or dependency may not be released to the recipient noted above. �My diagnosis and/or treatment concerning mental health/rehabilitation may not be released to the recipient noted above �HIV Antibody test results and/or AIDS diagnosis and treatment may not be released to the above noted recipient . Date: ________________________________ Signed: ______________________________________________________ (Patient) Medical Record #: ______________________ Signed: ______________________________________________________ (Witness) If Patient is unable to give consent because of physical condition or age, complete the following: Patient is a minor, ____ years of age or is unable to give consent because (describe condition): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Signed: _______________________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian) Correspondence 19 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Patient Medication Management and Treatment Agreement This agreement between ____________________________ (Patient) and Hapeville Medical Center (The Center) is for the purpose of establishing the conditions required for the use of Opiate / Prescription medications that the Physician may prescribe for the patient. The Center and the Patient agree that this agreement is an essential factor in maintaining a proper and appropriate medical relationship and for the proper and appropriate medical relationship and for the proper and appropriate implementation of medical treatment pursuant to the guideline of the DEA, and all other local, state and federal regulatory rules and regulations. The Patient agrees the following conditions for the management of pain medications prescribed by the physician for the patient. Please initial by each one. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Patient understands that a reduction in the intensity of pain and an improvement in their quality of life are the goals of this center. Patient realizes that all medications have potential side effects. In addition to analgesia, prescriptions prescribed by the physician may produce dependency, addiction, respiratory depression, drowsiness, mood changes, anxiety and mental impairment. Patient agrees to report any of the above described side effects immediately to their treating physician at the center. In the event any prescribed medications need to be discontinued by the physician, patient agrees to consult with physician and strictly follow physicians care instruction for the safe tapering off of any prescribed medications. Failure by the patient to do so may result in severe withdrawal effects and possible death. Patient understands that even with the tapering off process the patient may suffer and experience discomfort and withdrawal symptoms, said symptoms should be immediately reported to the center and the physician. Patient understands the risks, side effects and benefits of any applicable prescribed medications and patient acknowledges that the center and physician have fully explained and discussed all risks, side effects and benefits of any applicable prescribed medications in detail. The center and physician have discussed and explained to me in detail that medications prescribed to me may impair my mental, and or physical abilities required for the performance of certain tasks and activities such as driving an automobile or preforming hazardous tasks. Patient agrees that the patient will not attempt to perform any such activity until patient ability to perform such tasks has been evaluated by the center or physician. Patient has been advised and informed by the center and physician that patient should not take any other drugs, prescription medications, sedative, tranquillizers, antihistamines, alcohol, or other “over the counter medications” without first consulting with physician. The center and physician have explained to the patient that taking any of the above in conjunction with any medications prescribed by the physician may produce dangerously profound effects including, but no limited to sedation, respiratory dysfunction, blood pressure changes and depression. Patient agrees that he / she will not attempt to obtain prescriptions for any pain medications from other physicians and or pain management facilities. Patient understands that it is a violation of both Georgia and Federal Laws to do so and will result in felony charges. 20 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Patient Medication Management and Treatment Agreement Page 2 10. Patient has been advised that in the event the center and or physician becomes aware of the patient attempting to or receiving pain medications from other physician or facility that the patient will be immediately discharged from the practice and could face felony charges. 11. Patient declares to the center and physician that the patient is not presently using any illegal drugs, alcohol or controlled substances (other than medications prescribed by the clinic) while in the care of the center and its physician. 12. Patient consents and agrees to allow the center and physician to pill counts, blood testing and urine testing while a patient at the center. 13. Patient agrees that patient shall not under any circumstances sell, share, trade or market any medications prescribed by physician to any other individual or entity regardless of the circumstances as said conduct is illegal and punishable by law. 14. Patient agrees not to conspire with any other individual or entity in order to obtain any prescription pain medication from any pharmacy other than the specific pain medication prescribed by the physician at the center. 15. Patient agrees to use due care in protecting their prescription from loss or theft. Patient has been advised and agrees that any and all prescriptions prescribed by physician shall be kept out of the reach of children. 16. Patient acknowledges that patient is responsible for taking any prescribed medication(s) prescribed by physician, in the exact and specific dose prescribed by the physician at the center. 17. All follow up visits to the center will be scheduled no earlier than 28 days, and not later than 30 days. Patient understands that the visits and follow up treatment is required for the proper management and treatment of the patients including, but not limited to prescription medications prescribed by the physician. Re-fills on prescription medications will not be called in by the physician or the center and will only be refilled pursuant to the patients follow up schedule and medical necessity. 18. All female patients should immediately notify physician if they are pregnant, at risk of becoming pregnant or may be pregnant. Failure to do so may cause harm or injury to the unborn child. 19. Patient agrees that in the event of an investigation by any Local, State or Federal Agency (including Georgia State Board of Pharmacy), Patient authorizes center and physician to cooperate, and patient waives any and all applicable Hipaa Privacy Rules and Regulations relating to the patient confidentiality and herby authorizes center an physician to disclose patients medical information. 20. In the event that the center or physician determines that patient may be doing harm to themselves or others by either abusing prescribed medication, selling prescribed medication or “doctor shopping” this document will serve as a release of medical information in compliance with Hipaa regulations for the center or the physician to obtain any records from any center or physician regarding any prescribed pain medication and treatment records. 21. If patient has either been on probation in any state, or if the patient has ever been arrested or charged with any narcotic or drug related offense, patient understands that the patient must disclose this information to the center and the physician. 22. In the event patient changes pharmacies, patient agrees to immediately notify center and physician of such change. 21 Hapeville Medical Center Patient Name: __________________________ Date: ______________________ Patient Medication Management and Treatment Agreement Page 3 23. Patient understands and agrees that center an or physician reserves the right to perform a urine drug screen at any time while patient is being treated and or receiving prescribe medication from physician. In the even the test results determine to be positive for any other substance other than that that is being prescribed by the physician, or any substance that is not documented in the patients chart as being prescribed by another treating physician, the patient understands that they can be dismissed immediately and all prescription medication will be cancelled immediately and the patient will be referred to an addictionologist for clearance before any other treatment will be considered. 24. Patient agrees that any suspicions misuse of prescribed medication by either the center or the physician may result in immediate discharge of the patient and termination of any prescribed medication and treatment plan. Patient also understands that they will be referred to an addictionologist for clearance before any future treatment will be considered. 25. Patient understands that at any time during treatment should the physician or center suspect tha the patient is falsifying symptoms in order to either be treated or obtain medications; physician shall immediately discharge the patient. By signing this agreement, patient agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement, and patient agrees that the failure to abide by the terms of this agreement may result in immediate termination of treatment and prescription medication. ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ Patient Signature Date ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ Witness Signature Date ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ Physician Signature Date correspondence 22