Detailed CV - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Professor of Physics, (518) 276 8387,
Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, Physics, B.S., 1968
Northern Illinois University, Physics, M.S., 1973
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Materials Physics, Ph.D., 1978
2000-Date Head of Physics Department, Rensselaer
1991-Date Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Granted tenure
Associate Professor, Physics Department, Rensselaer
Physicist, Surface Physics Group, Solid State Division, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
Physicist, Electron Physics Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD
1978 Nottingham prize winner, 38th Annual Conference on Physical Electronics
1988 Early Career Award, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
1996 Fellow, American Physical Society
1997 Fellow, American Vacuum Society
2006 William H. Wiley Distinguished Faculty Award, Rensselaer
2006 Fellow, AAAS
2009 Travelstead Institute Chair, Rensselaer
(Selected from over 220 publications and two books, see a complete list at
“Size control of Cu nanorods through oxygen-mediated growth and low temperature sintering”, Pei-I.
Wang, T.C. Parker, T. Karabacak, G.-C. Wang, T.-M. Lu, Nanotechnol. 20 (8), 085605 (2009).
“Magnetoresistance of oblique angle deposited multilayered Co/Cu nanocolumns measured by a
scanning tunneling microscope”, P. Morrow, X.-T. Tang, T.C. Parker, M. Shima, G.-C. Wang,
nanotechnology 19(6), 065712 (2008).
“Layer thickness dependent CPP-GMR of individual electrodeposited CoNi/Cu multilayer nanowires”,
X.-T. Tang, G.-C. Wang, and M. Shima, Phys. Rev. B 75 (13) 134401-1-10 (2007).
“Enhanced cold field emission from <100> oriented beta-W nanoemitters fabricated by glancing angle
sputter deposition”, J.P. Singh, F. Tang, T. Karabacak, T.-M. Lu, and G.-C. Wang, J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. B22, 1048 (2004).
“AFM, SEM, and in situ RHEED study of Cu texture evolution on amorphous carbon by oblique angle
vapor deposition”, F. Tang, C. Gaire, D.-X. Ye, T. Karabacak, T.-M. Lu, and G.-C. Wang, Phys. Rev.
B 72(3), 35430-1-8 (2005).
Characterization of amorphous and crystalline rough surface -- Principles and applications, Y.-P. Zhao,
G.-C. Wang, and T.-M. Lu, book published by Academic Press, 2001.
“Morphology transition during low-pressure chemical vapor deposition”, Y.-P. Zhao, Jason T. Drotar, G.C. Wang, and T.-M. Lu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 136102 (2001).
“Kinetic roughening in polymer film growth by vapor deposition”, Y.-P. Zhao, J. B. Fortin, G. Bonvallet*
(REU student), G.-C. Wang, and T.-M. Lu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3229 (2000).
“Roughening in Plasma Etch Fronts of Si(100)”, Y.-P. Zhao, J. T. Drotar, G.-C. Wang, and T.-M. Lu,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4882 (1999).
“Real-time measurements of deterministic relaxation of an initially rough Si(111) surface”, H.-N. Yang,
G.-C. Wang, and T.-M. Lu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 2276 (1995).
Teaching and Research: She developed courses for undergraduate and graduate students such as
applications of scanning probe microscopy and hands-on labs, introduction to surface physics, solid
state physics, based on her research experiences in characterization of surface defects and ultrathin
films; surface phase transitions and thin film stability; magnetism of ultrathin ferromagnetic films;
dynamic scaling in submonolayer and thin film growth/etch fronts. Created movies of AFM and STM
using "Director" to supplement teaching.
Educational Development: She served as Director of NSF REU (Research Experience for
Undergraduates) program since early 90s and recruited over 180 undergraduates to work with
different groups in physics department; Director of IGERT program since 2004 and GAANN
program from 2003 to 2008. She was Program director of ONR high school student traineeship from
1993 to 1995. She has a track record of supervising some of the best PhD students in the Physics
Department. For example, eight of her former PhD students have received 14 national and Rensselaer
awards (4 AVS, 2 MRS, 1 PEC, 5 Hill Huntington, 2 Karen and Lester Gerhardt).
Administration: Promote diversity. The first faculty hired in 2002 during her department chairship is a
female assistant professor and a 2nd hire in 2006 is a minority female assistant professor. Four
constellation chairs were recruited into Physics department. Four out of 23 tenured and tenure track
faculty are females or African Americans. Serve as mentor of tenured track young faculty. Served as
graduate program chair ('98-'00). Created data base for studio physics lab activities ('01-‘05), created
Tera Hertz Research Center in July 02.
Professional Activities: 1983, Advisory committee member of Annual Conf. on Physical Electronics;
1984-87, Committee member of Annual Conf. on Physical Electronics; 1993, Local chair and
organizer of 53rd Annual Conf. on Physical Electronics 1988-97, Panelist for various NSF REU
programs ('90, '91, '92 & 03'), SBIR programs ('87 & '93), MRI program (’97), NIRT ('03) and MWN
(’06). She is a member of American Physical Society, American Vacuum Society, Materials Research
Society and AAAS. Reviewer for many Journals.
Published Work and Invited Talks: She published over 200 articles in refereed journals; over 20 in nonreferred journals; two books; three book chapters and gave over 100 national and international invited
talks and over 100 contributed talks.
(1) Collaborators and Co-Editors:
J. Dai (Hong Kong), Raymond Gamache (NAVY), T. Karabacak (U. of Arkansas), Sabrina Lee
(ARMY), T.-M. Lu (RPI), Catalin Picu (RPI), M. Shima (Japan), F. Tang (ASU). No co-editor.
(2) Graduate Advisors and Postdoctoral Sponsors:
Former graduate advisor (1973-1978): Prof. M. G. Lagally, U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Former postdoc advisors (1978-1980): Drs. R. J. Celotta & D.T. Pierce, National Inst. of Standards
(3) Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor:
and Technology
Graduated 20 PhDs and 6 MS since 1989; Sponsored 9 postdocs since 90s.
PhD thesis advisor (in the last 5 years)
Paul Morrow (NIST)
Fu Tang (ASU)
Samuk Pimanpang (Assistant prof. in Thailand)
D.-L. Liu (WPI)
Xueti Tang (Grandis Company in San Jose)
C. Gaire (RPI)
Former postdocs (in the last 5 years)
Dr. Y.-P. Zhao (Associate professor at U. of Georgia)
Dr. T. Karabacak (Assistant professor at U. of Arkansas)
Dr. J.P. Singh (Assistant professor at IIT, India)
Dr. A. Kar (Assistant professor, Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad, India)
Dr. F. Tang (ASU). Current postdoc Dr. Huafang Li, C. Gaire