ENGLISH SPEAKING PROFIENCY LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS FOR POLYTECHNICS General view C1-C2 Communication skills The student is The student is able to familiar with the build a conversation speaking situations eloquently and and texts of the field. initiatively by The student negotiating with the communicates conversationalists. effectively in diverse The student and complex working understands the life situations. The communication student is able to expectations of the communicate using conversationalists nuances and an and is able to adjust appropriate register to the cultures and for the task and language use of the situation. conversationalists as well as to their communication style. Communication strategies The student is able to use communication strategies: - gather information, sum up and adapt messages - use different listening and conversation strategies - interrupt, ask for clarifications or compensate weaknesses - deduce meanings from unfamiliar expressions - apply the skills in new situations The student is able to Intelligibility Vocabulary Pronunciation The student expresses him/herself spontaneously and without hesitation in complex situations. The student is able to anticipate the course of the discussion. The student knows structures very well. The student has an extensive knowledge of the vocabulary of the field and working environment. The student is able to use idioms effortlessly. The student understands and takes advantage of the nuances of the language. Pronunciation is easy and filled with nuances. The student is able to use a diverse intonation and inflections to express nuances. C1 B2.2 develop his/her language skills independently. The student knows The student is able to As C1-C2 the speaking build a versatile and situations and texts active conversation of the field. The with the student is able to conversationalists. communicate well in The student diverse and complex understands the professional communication situations. The expectations of the student is able to conversationalists communicate and is able to adjust fluently using the to the cultures and register suitable for language use of the the task and the conversationalists as situation. well as to their communication style. The student is familiar with the speaking situations and texts of the field. The student communicates well in diverse working life situations. The student is able to paraphrase and is able to say things in his/her own words. The student is able to specify his/her The student is able to work independently and purposefully. The student understands the cultural background of the conversationalists and is usually able to adapt to the language use situations and the communication style. The student is able to use communication strategies well: - gather information, sum up and adapt messages - use listening and conversation strategies - interrupt, ask for clarifications or compensate weaknesses - sometimes deduce The student is able to express his/her thoughts fluently and spontaneously. The expression is versatile and clear, also structurally. The student has an As C1-C2 extensive knowledge of the vocabulary needed in tje field and is able to use idioms well. Substituting expressions are used naturally. The student uses fluent, clear language. The language is understood effortlessly even though there is hesitation. Structural mistakes do not disrupt the communication. The student knows the vocabulary needed in the field and working environment. Rare expressions and nuances may cause difficulties. The student is able to use substituting expressions. The student has learned a clear and natural pronunciation and intonation. expression. B2.1 B1 meanings from unfamiliar expressions based on the context The student is able to develop his/her language skills independently. The student is The student is able to As B2.2 The student speaks familiar with the work independently relatively clearly. most important and purposefully, to The speech contains speaking situations state his/her opinion unnatural expressions and texts of the field. and to react. The and structural The student student understands mistakes which do communicates the cultural not make the speech relatively well in background significantly more every day working somewhat but is not difficult to life situations. The always able to adapt understand. student is capable of to it. The student is interaction, although able to adapt to the not always most common successfully. language use situations and their style. The student knows The student is able to The student knows The student is able to many speaking cope in the most some communication use simple language situations and texts common language strategies: avoiding complex of the field. The use situations - gathers information, structures. The student is able to understandably and sums up but does not sparseness and cope in common to respond. The always find the main simplicity of the working life student is able to message language make it situations in a participate in the - is able to use some difficult to satisfactory way. The conversation but listening strategies understand. The The student is able to As B2.2. use the vocabulary of the field and working environment purposefully. Rarer words and expressions are used inaccurately. The student is able to substitute the lack of professional vocabulary by using standard language expressions. The student is able to use the basic vocabulary of the field in a satisfactory manner. The student is able to use the most common expressions. There are inaccuracies in The pronunciation is intelligible although a foreign accent is obvious and mistaken pronunciation occurs. A2 student is able to connect expressions and to maintain a simple interaction. The main message is conveyed despite the deficiencies. needs support from the conversationalists. Misunderstandings occur, but not in the main message. The student understands cultural background somewhat but is not able to adapt to it. but is not always able to interact in conversation - can sometimes ask for a clarification but may act based on a guess - is able to ask for help in conversation The student knows his/her language skills are limited but is willing to develop them. influence of native language / other languages can be heard. the word choices but they do not prevent the main message from being understood. The student knows the speaking situations of the field and is able to handle every day speaking situations, although needs help occasionally. The student is sometimes able to maintain a simple interaction. Some parts of the main message may not get conveyed. The student is usually able to act in clear language situations of the working life. Mistakes occur, even in the main message. The student rarely detects messages resulting from a cultural background and cannot take them into consideration. Is usually the passive participant in interactions. Uses the communication strategies of the native language: - gathers important information but sums up things outside the main message - does not know the listening strategies of a foreign language - is sometimes able to ask for a clarification but guesses and misunderstandings occur and the student is not necessarily able to ask for help Is only able to use short sentences. Pauses, wrong beginnings and rephrasing can clearly be heard. Conversationalists need to ask the speakers to repeat themselves from time to time. The vocabulary is extensive enough to handle common, predictable situations but even in those the speaker has to limit the contents of the message and to search for words. Pronunciation is usually clear enough to be understood, despite the foreign accent.