MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITIES ASSOC. (MEUA) OF NEW YORK STATE 445 Electronics Pkwy., Ste. 207 Liverpool, NY 13088 6001 Phone 315/453-7851 Fax 315/453-7849 e-mail website MEMO TO: Prospective MEUA Corporate Member FROM: Maria Curry RE: MEMBERSHIP INFO Thank you for your interest in Corporate Membership in the Municipal Electric Utilities Association of New York State. Corporate Membership annual dues are $350.00 a year. You will find enclosed (attached) an application for Corporate Membership. Please complete the application and return it to the MEUA offices along with your check at your earliest convenience. When they are received at the MEUA office, your application will be presented at the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting for approval. All membership dues are billed and payable the first of each year and, therefore, may be pro-rated the first year. With your membership there are reduced registration rates for our two engineering workshops, accounting and finance workshop, semi-annual meeting, annual conference, and our regional meetings. You’ll be listed in our directory that is distributed to all members, receive notification of all our events and receive two free subscriptions of our monthly News and Views newsletter. There will be opportunities for advertising, contact with our municipal members and each corporate member receives at least two MEUA directories. We look forward to your membership and to meeting you. MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITIES ASSOC. (MEUA) OF NEW YORK STATE 445 Electronics Pkwy., Ste. 207 Liverpool, NY 13088 6001 Phone 315/453-7851 Fax 315/453-7849 e-mail website APPLICATION FOR CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP _________________20___ The undersigned organization hereby submits application for membership with the MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC UTILITIES ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK STATE (MEUA), agrees to abide by the terms and provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association, and, upon acceptance, shall be entitled to the services of the Association as therein provided. Corporation Membership---Organization whose interests are companion with, similar to and compatible with the objects of this Association, but limited to the following classes:(1)Manufacturer; (2) Manufacturing Corporations; (3) Distributors; (4) Agents; (5) Consultants; (6) Service Organizations. PLEASE SPECIFY __________________________________________________________ Corporate Name __________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ City State Zip + 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number Fax Number e-mail address _______________________________ Authorized Name ARTICLES IV - DUES THE ANNUAL DUES FOR CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP ARE $350.00. Please forward your application to MEUA, 445 Electronics Parkway, Suite 207, Liverpool, NY 13088 and your dues to MEUA, PO Box 387, Solvay, NY 13209. (May be pro-rated to end of first yr.) Corporate Membership in the MEUA entitles the member organization to a maximum of two free subscriptions of the MEUA Monthly Publication News and Views. Additional copies available at $15.00 per Subscription. Lists Names and Addresses to received free subscriptions: ___________________________ ___________________________ Name & title ___________________________ Company name ___________________________ Address ___________________________ City, State, Zip+4 Name & title ___________________________ Company name ___________________________ Address ___________________________ City, State, Zip+4